MOTIVE PILOT "Creeping Tom" - Zen 134237

MOTIVE PILOT "Creeping Tom" - Zen 134237

MOTIVE PILOT "Creeping Tom" - Zen 134237


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CONTINUED:51.SNOWI’ll let you know what it matterswhen you tell me what you weredoing.WILLIEHey, whoa, ease off the pedal. I’mhere to be helpful.Snow coolly downshifts and backs off.SNOWYou sound a little parched there,Willie. Need some water?There are plastic cups and a pitcher of water on the desk.She pours him a cup. Willie picks up the cup to drink.WILLIESo, do I get any money for this?VEGADepends on how good yourinformation is. You ever heard ofThe Creeper?Willie freezes up. Unmistakable. Puts down the cup.WILLIELook, that’s all I got. I need togo now, before I miss my ride home.VEGAKeep in touch Willie.Willie exits. When he’s gone, Snow turns to Vega.SNOWLittle liar. He was a lot closerthan the park.VEGAI’ll bag this for prints and run‘em against the partials we foundat the crime scene. Nice move.As Vega picks up Willie’s plastic cup with a paper napkin --EXT. ALLEY - DAYTom stands in the now full dumpster, digging for the murderweapon. His terrier eats a food scrap he tosses out. After a

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