MOTIVE PILOT "Creeping Tom" - Zen 134237

MOTIVE PILOT "Creeping Tom" - Zen 134237

MOTIVE PILOT "Creeping Tom" - Zen 134237


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CONTINUED:47.Tom drops his head. Tries to hide his anxiety. Snow takesnote of his behavior, while Lucas looks down at his notes.LUCASIs there a James Anthony here?KRISTIYeah. Right there.She points to the beefy tuba player. Tom nearly faints inrelief. Snow keeps her eye on him.You okay?SNOWTOMHuh? Yeah. I’m just, uh... I’mupset about Mr. Martin’s death.SNOWWere you in his class?TOMNo. I know him from the park. Weran our dogs together sometimes.SNOWYou know anyone who’d want to hurthim?TOMNo. Everybody loved Mr. Martin.Snow senses something up with this kid.SNOWWell, we’re conducting interviewson campus tomorrow. If you hearanything, stop by.Tom nods his head. He will. Snow and Lucas walk way. Kristislips her arm around Tom and nuzzles him, as Tom watches thedetectives start questioning the tuba player.EXT. HIGH SCHOOL FOOTBALL FIELD - DAYThe marching band practices on the field, with theirDIRECTOR on a high ladder. Tom marches with thepercussionists. The band is the picture of synchronicity.

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