MOTIVE PILOT "Creeping Tom" - Zen 134237

MOTIVE PILOT "Creeping Tom" - Zen 134237

MOTIVE PILOT "Creeping Tom" - Zen 134237


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CONTINUED:44.She removes abdominal organs, with the help of an ASSISTANT.Lucas looks over and his face goes slack.LUCASI’ve never attended an autopsybefore.SNOWThe first one’s the hardest. If youneed to leave...But Lucas steps forward, fascinated. Dr. Marion removes theSTOMACH and holds it over a container. Using scissors, shecuts open the wall and examines the contents.DR. MARIONStomach’s pretty much emptied out.(sniffs the organ)He was drinking beer. Probably alager. Smell those hops?She thrusts the stomach at Lucas, who eagerly takes a whiff.LUCASBitter aroma... with a spicybouquet.DR. MARIONHow much did he have to drink?SNOWFour beers. Bartender said heserved the last one around ten.DR. MARIONlooking over the (body)Based on his size? Time ofconsumption? Victim died at 1:15a.m. Give or take five minutes.LUCASIs that official?SNOWNot till we’ve had the samplesanalyzed, but Betty’s never beenwrong. So Suarez here has an alibiafter midnight. What about thisguy? Where was he?Snow takes a second photo from the folder. We can’t see it.(CONTINUED)

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