MOTIVE PILOT "Creeping Tom" - Zen 134237

MOTIVE PILOT "Creeping Tom" - Zen 134237

MOTIVE PILOT "Creeping Tom" - Zen 134237


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CONTINUED:3.showing, and her tight-fitting NASCAR T-shirt makes nosecret of her flat chest. But she’s proud of her look. It’sthe closest thing she has to heritage.This is LAPD Detective ANGIE SNOW. She puts on a “LAPDHomicide” cap and pulls a business jacket over hershoulders.IN FRONT OF THE HOUSESnow steps through the milling neighbors, some of whom arestanding on the lawn. She pulls a DIGITAL CAMERA from hercoat pocket and turns back to face the onlookers.SNOWSmile for the camera, please.She snaps FLASH photos of the surprised crowd, then gets theattention of two UNIFORM OFFICERS, who are quietly talking.SNOW (cont'd)Hey guys. Keep ‘em off the grass,okay?UNIFORM OFFICERSorry, detective. Didn’t know thiswas part of the crime scene.SNOWIt’s not. It’s just nice grass.As Snow heads up the walk, the officers move back the crowd.INT. MARTIN HOUSE - STAIRWAY/HALLWAY - NIGHTSnow walks upstairs with LAPD Detective OSCAR VEGA, 40s,Latino, a seasoned veteran who moonlights as an ordainedminister. They pull on rubber gloves as they talk.VEGAWorking on a great sermon forSunday. You should come by, Angie.It’ll be real interesting.SNOWNo such thing as an interestingsermon.VEGAYou’ve never heard me preach.There’s no greater sin than making(MORE)(CONTINUED)

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