MOTIVE PILOT "Creeping Tom" - Zen 134237

MOTIVE PILOT "Creeping Tom" - Zen 134237

MOTIVE PILOT "Creeping Tom" - Zen 134237


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CONTINUED:LUCAS (cont'd)healthy individuals don’t emitepithelials in their urine? Now, ifthere were semen traces --BOYDMove on, Lucas.LUCASRight. That’s the bad news. Thegood news is --BOYDNo good news and bad news inhomicide, Lucas. Just news.LUCASOkay. The “news” is that thepartials we found on the beerbottle at the crime scene matchprints from a recent series of hotprowls in the larger valley area.The intruder looks for unlockeddoors, windows. And... he leaves asignature.38.Lucas proudly hands a folder to Boyd. He opens it to seePHOTOS of “The Creeper” written on walls in black ink.VEGAYou talk to the guys in robbery?LUCASThey don’t have any leads. Theybelieve this “Creeper” is breakinginto houses for the thrill.Stealing tchotchkes.SNOW(suddenly)We’re looking for a teenager.Clarify.BOYDSNOWTeenagers are bored. Messy. Theytest authority. And the victim wasa high school teacher.Vega takes the folder and looks over the photos.(CONTINUED)

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