MOTIVE PILOT "Creeping Tom" - Zen 134237

MOTIVE PILOT "Creeping Tom" - Zen 134237

MOTIVE PILOT "Creeping Tom" - Zen 134237


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CONTINUED:37.MRS. MARTINYou gotta understand something, Iloved my husband. He just... wasn’tdoing it for me. No ambition, nofantasies.VEGAWhat about a life insurance policy?MRS. MARTINYeah. It came with his credit card.Guess what? I get a whoppingthousand dollars. Now I gotta finda full-time job and probably sellthe house, too. Some motive formurder, huh?Snow and Vega exchange a look. So much for the wife.INT. POLICE STATION - DAYDetective BOYD BLOOM, 50s, looks over the Murder Book,filled with photos and reports. He sits behind a cluttereddesk in a station that looks like an accountant’s office --metal desks, overflowing file cabinets, unflattering light.Boyd, a paper pusher with an ass to match, supervises lowergradedetectives. His desk is his domain, plus the snackroom, the only places he goes. He looks up at Snow and Vega.BOYDWhere are my leads?VEGAWe’re working on that, Boyd.BOYDWhat about the Russian boyfriend?SNOWWe’re still checking into him, butit’s looking like a dead end.BOYDLucas! You get the analyzedevidence from SID?Detective Trainee Lucas joins them with a forensics report.LUCASYesiree. No luck with a DNA profilefrom the urine. Did you know(MORE)(CONTINUED)

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