MOTIVE PILOT "Creeping Tom" - Zen 134237

MOTIVE PILOT "Creeping Tom" - Zen 134237

MOTIVE PILOT "Creeping Tom" - Zen 134237


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CONTINUED:30.VEGANot in the house, in the attic.Don’t be so hard on yourself. Hewas probably trapped in the bedroomand climbed up there before wecame.SNOWWhy’d he wait so long to escape? Hewaited so long he couldn’t hold hisbladder.LUCASHe just took a human life. Maybe hewas too scared to move.Snow turns to scan the faces of the milling crowd, which hasgrown substantially.CAMERA ROAMS to find brooding men, a group of stoned teens,Latino youth -- all possible suspects. She reaches into herjacket and takes out her digital camera.ON THE SIDEWALKFIND Tom in the middle of the onlookers, backpack over hisshoulder, watching the police. As Snow raises her camera,Tom turns away in SLOW MOTION and fades into the night, as--ON THE PORCHSnow snaps a photo or two. She turns to Vega.SNOWWhen they’re done in the attic, goahead and release the crime scene.I have to stop by the house andcheck on my kid.INT. TOM’S BEDROOM - NIGHTThe window slides open and Tom climbs back inside. He unzipshis backpack and pulls out the bowling trophy caked withdied blood, along with his bloody white gloves. Tom hears aCREAK and looks up to see --His sister LULU, 8, standing at the bedroom door in her PJs.She looks at the trophy in his hands.(CONTINUED)

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