MOTIVE PILOT "Creeping Tom" - Zen 134237

MOTIVE PILOT "Creeping Tom" - Zen 134237

MOTIVE PILOT "Creeping Tom" - Zen 134237


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2.EXT. HIGH SCHOOL FOOTBALL FIELD - NIGHTFADE FROM WHITE to a bank of STADIUM LIGHTS. In another ONE-SHOT scene, we SWOOP DOWN, SkyCam-style, over the action ofa high school football game. The ball is snapped. Shoulderpads crunch. A hole opens. A RUNNING BACK bursts through theline, racing for a touchdown for the Waverly Tigers.As the crowd roars, we VEER off the running back, GLIDE overa squad of impossibly buoyant cheerleaders, and into thestands past cheering students, parents and faculty, until wereach --THE MARCHING BANDplaying a VICTORY SONG. We MOVE DOWN a row of the colorfullydressed band to the very end, to find a bored bass drummernamed TOM, 17, wearing a headpiece with an ostrich feather.TILT UP to two STONERS standing behind a rail.STONERYou guys play any Foo Fighters?BACK to Tom, used to this sort of abuse. He keeps playing,face expressionless, eyes front. One stoner leans over therail and snaps Tom’s feather in half, so it flops down.STONER (cont'd)Oops, I think you need a newfeather.They crack up, but Tom doesn’t react. The other stoner leansover and dumps beer onto Tom’s headpiece. The stoners laughhysterically. Tom never even flinches. FREEZE and WHOOSH tothe wet face of the unflappable drummer. The words appear:The KillerFADE TO BLACK.EXT. MARTIN HOUSE - NIGHTFADE FROM BLACK to a nighttime sky full of stars. TILT DOWNto a 1985 Camaro with mismatched body panels pulling up to amodest two-story house in the San Fernando Valley. Twopatrol cars sit outside, light bars spinning a kaleidoscopeof colors. NEIGHBORS mill on the sidewalk to see what’s up.The Camaro stops and a sexy woman, mid-30s, exits in stonewashjeans. Her lipstick is a touch too red, her roots are(CONTINUED)

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