MOTIVE PILOT "Creeping Tom" - Zen 134237

MOTIVE PILOT "Creeping Tom" - Zen 134237

MOTIVE PILOT "Creeping Tom" - Zen 134237


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CONTINUED:27.LUCASHow’d the killer get away? Not downthe stairs. He would’ve run intothe wife.SNOWSo where’d he go?VEGAI checked the windows in here. Theywere all locked. Painted shut, infact.The detectives look around. Snow spots the open closet door.She walks over and looks inside. Empty. She sees a foreignsubstance on the ground. Bends down. We GET LOW to see WHITEPARTICLES in the carpet. Snow brushes some into her hand.What is it?VEGA (cont'd)SNOWI don’t know. Plaster maybe?She looks up to see a 3x3-foot square cut into the ceilingplaster, outlining a removable attic door. Off Snow --EXT. MARTIN HOUSE - ROOFTOP - NIGHTA gable vent on the backside of the house pops out. Tom’shead peers through. Seeing it’s clear, he climbs out withhis backpack and then sets the vent back into place.Tom scuttles up the roof and peeks over to see the flashinglights of police and emergency vehicles. We FADE TO BLACK --INT. ATTIC CRAWLSPACE – NIGHTDARKNESS. The 3x3 plaster panel slides back and LIGHT floodsthe crawlspace from below. After a beat, a head pokes upwith a flashlight. It’s Snow. She makes a horrible face.SNOWOh God, it stinks something fierceup here.INTERCUT:

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