MOTIVE PILOT "Creeping Tom" - Zen 134237

MOTIVE PILOT "Creeping Tom" - Zen 134237

MOTIVE PILOT "Creeping Tom" - Zen 134237


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26.INT. MARTIN HOUSE - MASTER BEDROOM - NIGHT (FLASHBACK)Mrs. Martin enters through the open door. She sees herhusband lying motionless on the bed, covered in blood.INSIDE THE CLOSETThrough the closet door that he holds ajar, Tom peeks out tosee Mrs. Martin stumble to the bed, sink onto the mattress,and let out a guttural WAIL. Tom shuts the closet door.IN THE BEDROOMCLOSE ON Mrs. Martin, who collapses over her husband’s bodyin tears. TILT UP to the face of Snow. The detective standsover the bed looking down. The LIGHTS brighten and the roomMORPHS back into a crime scene. We are now --INT. MARTIN HOUSE - MASTER BEDROOM - NIGHTBack in the room after the crime. Snow stands over the nowempty bed. The body has been removed and the coroner isgone. Vega and Lucas watch Snow act out movements as shespeaks.SNOWOkay, so the killer stood over thebed, grabbed the statue, and whack-- right?Right. Why?LUCASSNOWNo idea. But before the lethalblow, the victim’s wife heard herhusband shouting from the spareroom downstairs.( to Oscar, jabbinghim)Or so she says.(then, continuing)When she heard the shouts, shehurried upstairs to check on herhusband.Lucas gets what she’s going for.(CONTINUED)

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