MOTIVE PILOT "Creeping Tom" - Zen 134237

MOTIVE PILOT "Creeping Tom" - Zen 134237

MOTIVE PILOT "Creeping Tom" - Zen 134237


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CONTINUED:24.VEGAOr so she says.(to the coroner)What about the time of death?The coroner removes a meat thermometer inserted deeply intothe area below Mr. Martin’s rib cage and checks the reading.Snow stands over a dresser.CORONER95.6 degrees. Based on liver temp,the victim’s been dead two to threehours.VEGA(checks his watch)So somewhere around midnight.SNOWHey, didn’t Lucas say nothing ofvalue was missing?VEGAThat’s right.SNOWTake a look at this.Vega joins Snow to find a dusty dresser top full of bowlingtrophies. Snow points to one round area that’s dust-free,suggesting a missing trophy.VEGAWouldn’t exactly classify a bowlingtrophy as an object of value.SNOWIt is if it’s our murder weapon.Vega reacts to that possibility. The room grows DARK as wePAN from Vega to the dusty dresser, where the missing trophynow sits. We are --INT. MARTIN HOUSE - MASTER BEDROOM - NIGHT (FLASHBACK)Back in the room before the crime. From the bowling trophy,we PAN to find Mr. Martin snoring peacefully in bed. Fromthere, we MOVE to the window and look out to see Tom walkingnervously up to the house.

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