MOTIVE PILOT "Creeping Tom" - Zen 134237

MOTIVE PILOT "Creeping Tom" - Zen 134237

MOTIVE PILOT "Creeping Tom" - Zen 134237


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CONTINUED:23.But Tom, taking off his white gloves, seems disappointed.WILLIE (cont'd)C’mon, let’s get stoned now. I knowa guy who sells the chronic.TOMNot for me. That’s a wrap.Tom puts his hands in his pockets and starts walking away.WILLIEWhat are you doing?TOMMy apartment’s only a few blocksaway.WILLIEYou’re going home? Dude. Forsomeone who likes to live on theedge, you can be a total buzzkill.STAY with Tom walking off as Willie gets in his car anddrives away. Tom turns around to make sure he’s gone, thenabruptly changes direction and heads back toward Mr.Martin’s house.CORONER (O.S.)We got blunt-force trauma to thehead. Contusions around the neck...INT. MARTIN HOUSE - MASTER BEDROOM - NIGHTSMASH CUT TO:The gruesome sight of Mr. Martin’s bloodied and batteredface. Vega watches the coroner examine the body. Mr.Martin’s hands are now bagged to protect trace evidence.CORONERNo apparent defense wounds. Victimmight have been asleep at the timeof attack.Behind them, Snow slowly circles the room, looking foranything out of place.SNOWHe wasn’t sleeping. His wife heardhim shouting.(CONTINUED)

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