MOTIVE PILOT "Creeping Tom" - Zen 134237

MOTIVE PILOT "Creeping Tom" - Zen 134237

MOTIVE PILOT "Creeping Tom" - Zen 134237


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19.ACT TWOFADE IN:INT. ATTIC CRAWLSPACE – NIGHTTom sits up now, still afraid, but pulling himself together.From below, he hears the MUFFLED VOICES of police officers.Tom looks around his prison searching for an escape. Hiseyes stop on the gable vent pouring in filtered moonlight.CLOSE ON THE GABLE VENTTom ENTERS FRAME and tries to pull the vent free. No luck.Screws hold it in place. Tom’s fear is fast fading in favorof self preservation. He pulls a handful of coins from hispocket, finds a penny, and inserts it into the head of thescrew. With some effort, the screw rotates a quarter turn.As Tom sets to the arduous task of slowly unscrewing thevent, CAMERA LOWERS straight down, THROUGH the ceilingplaster, to pick up --INT. MARTIN HOUSE - STAIRS/KITCHEN - NIGHTSnow and Vega walk down the stairs together, passing variouscrime scene PERSONNEL on their way to the kitchen.VEGAThe wife reported the body. Theywere all alone. And she’s thespouse. You know the statistics.SNOWMrs. Martin may be hidingsomething, but she didn’t kill herhusband.VEGALet me guess. You can feel herpain?SNOWNo. Okay, yes.VEGAI think I’ll keep her on thesuspect list just the same, if youdon’t mind.(CONTINUED)

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