MOTIVE PILOT "Creeping Tom" - Zen 134237

MOTIVE PILOT "Creeping Tom" - Zen 134237

MOTIVE PILOT "Creeping Tom" - Zen 134237


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CONTINUED:15.MRS. MARTINCan you come over? Glenn passedout. If we go in the guest roomhe’ll never hear us.RUSSIAN VOICEWhat about dog? I think dog hatesme.MRS. MARTINHe won’t bark. I’ll take care ofit.EXT. MARTIN HOUSE - BACKYARD - NIGHT (FLASHBACK)Mrs. Martin, who has now changed into her sexy nightgown,drags the unwilling Presa Canario into the backyard.EXT. MARTIN HOUSE - STREET - NIGHT (FLASHBACK)An old Chevy panel van, black and beat up, pulls to a stopin front of the Martin house. The van door opens, revealingred fur on the inside panel, and a 19-year-old Russian bucknamed ARMAN POZNER steps out.He closes the van door with an eager smile. As he walks INTOCAMERA, his wildly oversized belt buckle gets bigger andbigger, until it finally fills the screen, and we SMASH TO--INT. MARTIN HOUSE - SPARE BEDROOM - NIGHT (FLASHBACK)Mrs. Martin yanks Arman into the spare bedroom, kissing him,mauling him, sliding her hands under his jeans to grab hisfirm young ass. Arman can’t wipe the smile off his face.ARMANThis is crazy. Why I came toAmerica.Mrs. Martin starts to unbuckle the Russian’s belt. CLOSE onher face, impetuous, naughty. Abruptly, we CUT TO --INT. MARTIN HOUSE - LIVING ROOM - NIGHTCLOSE on Mrs. Martin’s face, shaken. She sits across fromSnow and Vega. She’s dressed now in conservative clothes.(CONTINUED)

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