Valtek Flow Boosters.pdf - PRO-QUIP

Valtek Flow Boosters.pdf - PRO-QUIP

Valtek Flow Boosters.pdf - PRO-QUIP

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Bypass Valve O-ring(Item No. 14)Bypass Valve(Item No. 9)Bypass Valve Nut(Item No. 13)Upper Spring Cap(Item No. 18)Input Signal PortHousing Bolt(Item No. 12)Housing Cover(Item No. 2)Upper Spring(Item No. 17)Upper Diaphragm(Item No. 8)Vent Ring(Item No. 3)Poppet(Item No. 4)End Plug O-ring(Item No. 15)SupplyOutputHousing(Item No. 1)Lower DiaphragmAssembly(Item No. 7)End Plug(Item No. 10)E0114Lower Spring Cap(Item No. 21)Lower Spring(Item No. 11)Figure 1: <strong>Flow</strong> BoosterNOTE: Item numbers correspond directly to the booster's bill of materials; refer to it for specific numbers.to prevent leaks. All piping and connection adaptersshould be rated at least as high as the maximum ratedbooster pressure, 150 psi (10.3 Bar). The flow boosteris designed to function properly in any position. Figures2 and 3 show possible installation configurations for twotypes of actuators.The supply air to the flow booster does not requireregulation if the maximum rated pressure of the actuatoror the flow booster, 150 psig (10.3 Bar), is notexceeded. All air flowing into the flow booster should bedry and filtered to ensure a clean and non-corrosivemedium.WARNING: The exhaust ports on the flow boosterexhaust air at extremely high velocities. Harm toindividuals or equipment can result if positionedtoo closely to the exhaust ports.After the flow booster has been installed, it may need tobe adjusted for optimal performance. Refer to “Adjusting<strong>Flow</strong> Booster Operation” section to make theseadjustments correctly.Adjusting <strong>Flow</strong> Booster OperationOnce the flow booster is mounted properly, the bypassvalve may need to be adjusted for proper operation.This should be done prior to making any positionercalibrations. To make this adjustment, refer to Figure 1,and proceed as follows:1. Turn the bypass valve counter-clockwise three orfour turns from its closed position.2. Calibrate the positioner according to positionerinstructions.3. Turn the bypass valve clockwise until the flowbooster actuates with large positioner inputchanges but does not actuate with small positionerinput changes. This is done by stroking the controlvalve and adjusting the bypass valve slightly untilthe desired dynamics is acheived. Turning thebypass valve clockwise increases booster actionand overshoot.34-2

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