This symbol marks such tractor

This symbol marks such tractor

This symbol marks such tractor

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ZETOR<strong>This</strong> operator’s manual will help you to become familiar with the operation and maintenance of your new <strong>tractor</strong>.In spite of fact that many of you have reach experiences with operation of various <strong>tractor</strong>s, please, read carefully allsafety rules and operating instructions in this operator ’s manual before attempting to operate the <strong>tractor</strong>.You will find a lot of new information and receive a perfect overview how to use the <strong>tractor</strong> with highest efficiency atvarious operations.Your new Zetor <strong>tractor</strong> will be your reliable friend if observing the mentioned safety rules, <strong>tractor</strong> maintenance andsafe operationManufacturer of Your <strong>tractor</strong> wishes you thousands of satisfactorily worked hours.ZETORBrno3

Information about technical specifications, design, equipment, material, and external appearance is valid in the time of printingthis operator’s manual. Manufacturer reserves all rights for changes.4

5CONTENTSPageLocation of serial numbers .......................................................................................... 9Safety instructions for user........................................................................................ 12Preventive daily service ............................................................................................ 15Acquintance with <strong>tractor</strong> ............................................................................................ 23Electronic engine governor ....................................................................................... 51Operation .................................................................................................................. 63Tractor running in ......................................................................................................83Transportation ...........................................................................................................91Driving the agricultural machines ............................................................................101Hydraulic system.....................................................................................................107Electro-hydraulic .....................................................................................................121Hitches .................................................................................................................... 133Wheel tread setting .................................................................................................145Balast weights .........................................................................................................155Maintenance instructions ........................................................................................ 163Adjustment ..............................................................................................................189Electrical installation ............................................................................................... 203Planned technical maintenance ..............................................................................219Main technical parameters ...................................................................................... 239The operator’s manual contains description,operation and maintenance ofstandard and optional <strong>tractor</strong> equipment.Service checkbook isn’t a part ofoperator’s manual. <strong>This</strong> is the separatebooklet that is passed to you whenpurchasing new <strong>tractor</strong>.

6Zetor 8621 Forterra turbo - 60 kWZetor 9621 Forterra turbo - 67,5 kWZETOR 8621, 9621 FORTERRA TURBOF 1

7Zetor 8641 Forterra turbo - 60 kWZetor 9641 Forterra turbo - 67,5 kWZetor 10641 Forterra turbo - 76 kWZETOR 8641, 9641, 10641 FORTERRA TURBOF 2

8Zetor 11641 Forterra - 81 kWZETOR 11641 FORTERRAF 3



11LOCATION OF SERIAL NUMBERSWhenever you contact your authorized service dealer or the factory for order of service parts, always know the model and serialnumbers of your <strong>tractor</strong>. For your convenience, write those numbers in the frames below.Tractor modelTractor serial numberEngine serial numberZETOR 8621, 8641, 9621, 9641, 10641ZETOR 11641The “left“, “right“, “front“ and “back“ sideof the <strong>tractor</strong> is determined by travelingdirection.Manufacturer reserves rights forchanges of design and option, thatimprove the <strong>tractor</strong> features.F 6

Keep extreme attention whenreading parts of operator’s manualthat are marked by these <strong>symbol</strong>s.You will find this <strong>symbol</strong> at allimportant warnings identifyingthe safety of <strong>tractor</strong> operation.Keep these safety massagesand however regardless of thehazard, be extremely careful!Inform your cooperators andother users about these messages.<strong>This</strong> <strong>symbol</strong> <strong>marks</strong> all chaptersspeaking about different operation,maintenance, adjustmentand safety rules at <strong>tractor</strong>sZ 11641Forterra.Study carefully chapters markedby this <strong>symbol</strong> before startingwith operating, servicing oradjusting the <strong>tractor</strong>.You will find this <strong>symbol</strong> wheneverimportant informations onoperation, adjustment and repairsof starter motor.Keep these regulations and beextremely careful in thesecases!SAFETY INSTRUCTIONS FOR USERS∗<strong>This</strong> <strong>symbol</strong> <strong>marks</strong> <strong>such</strong> <strong>tractor</strong>equipment that is not assembledas a standard (optionallyassembled equipment only).GENERAL SAFETY REGULATIONS1. Only a trained operator having a validdriving license and being properlyacquainted with operating and safetyrules can operate the <strong>tractor</strong>.2. Except of safety warnings mentionedin this operator’s manual you mustrespect all general safety and trafficregulations of country where the <strong>tractor</strong>works.PROPER CLOTHING3. Don’t wear loose clothing and freeflying long hair at operation.4. Use suitable (prescribed) personalprotection means (working boots, glovesetc.) at work.STARTING ENGINE5. Starting the engine when driving <strong>tractor</strong>downhill is forbidden.6. Starting <strong>tractor</strong> by means of towingwith another <strong>tractor</strong> or vehicle is allowedonly when the pull bar is used.7. Tractor Z 11641 can not bestarted without battery, with dischargedbattery or without externalsource (see electronic governor ofinjection pump).127. Start the <strong>tractor</strong> fromdriver’s seat only withshifting lever in neutralposition. Life hazard whenstarting by starter connectorshort circuit.8. The key of the key switch must be inposition "I".9. When preheating engine by electricalheater, plug the heater first and connectthe cable into electricity after. After preheatingdisconnect the cable fromelectricity first.WARNING! Electrical shock hazardOPERATION11. Hoses of hydrostatic steering, brakesand fuel system must be checked andreplaced in case of any damage indication.The damage indication is forexample: cracks on hose surface,loosening of hose fittings (verify it by pullingof hose from fitting) and mechanicaldamage of hose.12. Brakes and steering must be permanentlyin perfect condition.13. Brake pedals must be latched attransportation with trailers and implementson the road.14. Driving downhill without shifted gearis forbidden!

15. Pay special attention when driving onhilly, muddy, sandy, icy and uneven terrain.16. Don’t exceed the max. specified inclinationangle 12 0 for 4WD <strong>tractor</strong>s (respectively11 0 for 2WD <strong>tractor</strong>s).17. Don’t exceed the max. total weight oftrailers mentioned in the <strong>tractor</strong> serialnumber plate or rear fender label.18. Don’t use the differential lock whendriving into the turning.19. Never get out or into the driving <strong>tractor</strong>.<strong>This</strong> is forbidden.20. Reduce the travel speed to 20 km/hwhen transporting agricultural implementshitched in the front three pointhitch.21. The front axle load must not be lowerthan 18 to 20 % of immediate total <strong>tractor</strong>weight when transporting agriculturalimplements hitched in the rear threepoint hitch.TRANSPORTATION OF PERSONS,OPERATION22. Number of persons transported by<strong>tractor</strong> must not exceed number mentionedin <strong>tractor</strong> technical license.23. Persons, unauthorized to work withattached implement, must not standbetween <strong>tractor</strong> and hitched implement(machine).SAFETY INSTRUCTIONS FOR USERS24. Make sure neither any person norany obstacle allows driving before starting<strong>tractor</strong> move.25. Max. allowed travel speed of <strong>tractor</strong>and trailer equipped with one hose airtrailer brakes is 25 km/h.26. Don’t exceed the max. specifiedinclination angle 11 0 for <strong>tractor</strong>s Z 8621and Z 9621 and 12 0 for <strong>tractor</strong>s Z 8641,Z 9641, Z 10641, Z 11641.RELEASING AND PUSHING TRACTOR27. Use a pull bar or a rope for releasingan immobilized <strong>tractor</strong>. Never usechains. It is life dangerous to stand nearthe rope when releasing the <strong>tractor</strong>28. Front hook assembled on front <strong>tractor</strong>frame serves for pulling the alone <strong>tractor</strong>only, i.e. without trailer or another implement.29. Never use free wooden blocks,planks or bars put between <strong>tractor</strong> andpushed subject when pushing other vehicles(trailers, wagons etc.).LEAVING TRACTOR30. Do not park the <strong>tractor</strong> with attachedimplement in lifted position.31. Don’t forget to brake the <strong>tractor</strong> withparking brake (shift the gear) remove thekey from key switch and lock the cabbefore leaving <strong>tractor</strong>.32. Shift the reverse lever into forwardposition.1333. Brake the <strong>tractor</strong> with parking brakebefore leaving <strong>tractor</strong> with running engine.34. Usually use the left-hand side of <strong>tractor</strong>-left door when leaving <strong>tractor</strong>. Lookround if any vehicle coming, that couldjeopardize your safety when leaving andopen the door.35. Use steps and handles when leavingthe <strong>tractor</strong>. When leaving <strong>tractor</strong> by theright door pay attention being in space ofshifting levers and hand throttle control.AT STOPPED ENGINE ONLY36. All activities like refueling cleaning,lubricating and adjusting <strong>tractor</strong> orattached implement can be done atstopped engine and stopped moving<strong>tractor</strong> parts only, except of brake,hydraulics and charging function inspection.37. It is necessary to stop the enginebefore removing bonnet side shields.The engine can run in closed room andhouse only when the perfect ventilationworks. Exhaust gases are healthdangerous.

14FIRE PREVENTION RULES38. Refuel the <strong>tractor</strong> after finishing thejob and with stopped engine.39. Don’t refuel the fuel tank up to the topin summer season. Wipe the fuelimmediately when spilled.40. Don’t refuel the <strong>tractor</strong> nearby anopen flame. Don’t smoke.41. Don’t smoke and don’t use an openflame when inspecting the batteryelectrolyte level.42. Keep properly the fire prevention regulationsin areas with increased firehazard (hay-lofts, straw-stocks etc.).43. If the <strong>tractor</strong> is equipped with a fireextinguisher keep it ready for use.44. Use the spark arrestor when workingin fire hazard environment.HEALTH AND ENVIRONMENT PRO-TECTION45. Tractors are not equipped with specialventilation filters of inlet air comingto the cab. That’s why <strong>tractor</strong>s are notintended for work with aerosols andother substances harmful to health.Kerosene, diesel fuel, mineral oils andother products from crude oil used foroperation and maintenance of <strong>tractor</strong>may cause an injury in case of directcontact with skin and it can irritatemocous membranes, eyes, digestive orSAFETY INSTRUCTIONS FOR USERSrespiratory organs. Some of them mightcause the total poisoning when used.46. Persons working with crude oil productsmust properly keep safety andhygienic regulations, they must use thesuitable protectors and work in properlyventilated areas.WORKING WITH CRUDE OIL PRO-DUCTS47. Wash properly your hands with milddetergent and treat them with suitableskin ointment or cream after finishingwork or before eating.48. Remove oil drops from quick-couplers(from male and female) by textilematerial after disconnecting or connectinghydraulic circuit.PREVENTIVE DAILY SERVICE49. Do this service every day or at leastevery 10 hours.SAFETY CAB50. If corrosion or accident damages theframe of safety cab it is necessary toexchange the cab.AIRCONDITIONING51. In any case do not disassemble, turnor manipulate with fittings of AC system.<strong>This</strong> might create a sudden escape offluid and local freeze. <strong>This</strong> could createa serious damage of tissue whentouching or when frozen in hands.

15PREVENTIVE DAILY SERVICEDo this service every day or at least every 10 hoursF 7

16PREVENTIVE DAILY SERVICEFUEL SYSTEM LEAKAGEInspect the fuel system for leakage includingthe fuel tank. Repair immediatelyany leaks.F 8 F 9 F 10ENGINE OIL LEVELCheck the engine oil and inspect thelubrication system for leakage. Add theoil to prescribed level.COOLING SYSTEMInspect the engine cooling system forleaks. Check the coolant level in theexpansion tank. Add the coolant to"MAX“ level. The minimum allowed levelis on the lower mark.

17PREVENTIVE DAILY SERVICEFLUID SERVICE BRAKESInspect the brake and clutch circuit forleaks and check the brake fluid level inthe brake fluid expansion reservoir.F 11 F 12 F 13AIR TRAILER BRAKESInspect the air brake system leak and<strong>tractor</strong> break efficiency with trailer (see„inspection of air brake leak“).HYDRAULIC TRAILER BRAKESInspect the hydraulic brake system leak.

18PREVENTIVE DAILY SERVICESTEERINGCheck oil level in the hydrostatic steeringoil tank. Retighten bolts and nuts ofsteering tie-rods and arms.F 14 F 15 F 16TIRES AND WHEELSCheck the inflation air pressure of frontand rear tires. Inflate them up to therecommended pressure according tooperating conditions. Check, eventuallyretighten bolts of front and rear wheels.Never drive <strong>tractor</strong> with loosened bolts ofwheels.AIR CLEANERThe indicator indicates clogging of theair cleaner, this indicator switches thelamp on the dashboard in case of strongclogging.

19PREVENTIVE DAILY SERVICECAB FILTRATIONCheck and eventually clean cab filterslocated under the roof in front part. Filterexchange interval depends upon dustinessof working condition. The partialregeneration of filters can be done byshaking-out or blowing by press air.Filters are accessible after removing ofgrills located in front of cab roof.F 17 F 18 F 19HITCHESCheck the status of hitches and attachmentsincluding the trailer.AFTER OPERATION WITH FRONTIMPLEMENTSRemove the front mask to be able toblow out impurities outside the <strong>tractor</strong>.Clean the front part of radiators (radiatorsof transmission, AC condenser) bythe press air, blow it in direction from theengine. Remove the rest of impuritiesunder the bonnet, otherwise their repeatedsuction into the cooling systemmight appear.Inspect front three-pointhitch hydraulic circuit for leaks.

20PREVENTIVE DAILY SERVICEF 20SHORT FUNCTIONAL TESTCheck the lubrication indicator light is“off“ after starting engine. Check thefunction of charging (charging controllamp must be off). Check the hydrauliccircuit of hydrostatic steering for leaksand its function.

Tractor user must be properlyacquainted with recommendedoperating and safety rules inadvance. It is too late to do itwithin operation!ACQUAINTANCE WITH TRACTORPageSafety cab ................................................................................................................. 23Opening the door from outside.................................................................................. 23Opening the door from inside .................................................................................... 23Rear window..............................................................................................................24Side window ..............................................................................................................24∗Tiltable roof lid .........................................................................................................24Opening for implementation purposes ......................................................................25Windshield washer ....................................................................................................25Washer tank..............................................................................................................25Washer control..........................................................................................................25∗Passengerřs seat.....................................................................................................26Space for driverřs needs and toolbox ........................................................................26Rearview mirrors .......................................................................................................26Seat adjustment for driverřs weight ...........................................................................27Longitudinal seat adjustment .................................................................................... 27Vertical seat adjustment ............................................................................................ 27Driverřs seat ∗ Grammer ........................................................................................... 28Seat adjustment for driverřs weight ...........................................................................28Longitudinal seat adjustment .................................................................................... 28Driverřs seat ∗ Cobo..................................................................................................29Seat adjustment for driverřs weight ...........................................................................29Longitudinal seat adjustment and backrest adjustment ............................................29Tiltable steering wheel .............................................................................................. 30Angle adjustment ......................................................................................................30Telescopic adjustment .............................................................................................. 30Control panel of heating, ∗airconditioning and ∗ radio ..............................................31Four-speed switch of heating blowers .......................................................................31Control panel on right cab pillar ................................................................................31Ventilation outlets and radio speakers ......................................................................32Defrosting the front windshield .................................................................................. 32∗ Ac control ...............................................................................................................33Cooling the cab .........................................................................................................3321

22ACQUAINTANCE WITH TRACTOR∗ Ac operation ........................................................................................................... 33Location of dashboard .............................................................................................. 35Description of instruments ........................................................................................ 35Indicator lights........................................................................................................... 35Location of dashboard .............................................................................................. 37Description of instruments ........................................................................................ 37Indicator lights and push buttons .............................................................................. 37Switches with levers.................................................................................................. 38Light switch (a).......................................................................................................... 39Front wheel drive switch (d) ...................................................................................... 39Hazard light switch (f) ............................................................................................... 39Switch of grill and cab headlight (g) .......................................................................... 40Switch of rear (front) differential lock (j) .................................................................... 40Turn signal, headlight and horn toggle switch (i) ...................................................... 40Key switch................................................................................................................. 41Key in "0" position ..................................................................................................... 41Key in "I" position ...................................................................................................... 41Key in “II“ position ..................................................................................................... 42Throttle control lever ................................................................................................. 43Stopping device ........................................................................................................ 43Electronic hand throttle control ................................................................................. 43Pedals and levers ..................................................................................................... 44Main gear shifting lever and reversor lever ............................................................... 44Shifting lever of road speed and reduced speed ...................................................... 44PTO selection control lever for shifting of pto independent and ground speed ........ 45Parking brake lever and ∗ pick up hitch control lever................................................ 45Hydraulic control ....................................................................................................... 45Hand control of selection control valve ..................................................................... 46Fuel tank ................................................................................................................... 46Draining plug of fuel tank .......................................................................................... 46Average fuel consumption in litters per operating hour ............................................. 47Battery switch............................................................................................................ 47Location of information and safety decals ................................................................ 48

23SAFETY CABSAFETY CABUse steps and handles whengetting out and in.F 21 F 22 F 23OPENING THE DOOR FROM OUTSIDECab doors can be locked from outside.OPENING THE DOOR FROM INSIDE1. Lever for opening from inside.2. Lever for locking from inside.Door is kept in the opened position witha gas strut.Going with opened door is not recommended.Door might be damaged.

24SAFETY CABREAR WINDOWRear window is equipped with handleand is kept in the open position by gasstruts.We recommend latching the windowin closed position when drivingon uneven terrain - danger ofwindow cracking. Before startingthe job with machines implementedin the rear three point hitchbe sure that the interferencebetween hitched implement andopened rear window is avoidedat the maximal lifting of the rearthree point hitch. In case ofinterference we recommend towork with closed window.F 24 F 25 F 26SIDE WINDOWA plastic latch in the opened positionlocks side window.∗TILTABLE ROOF LIDPressing the mechanism opens roof lid.Tiltable lid is kept with gas struts in theopened position.Tractor height is increased whenopened lid. That’s why close thelid when passing through lowprofiles.

25SAFETY CABOPENING FOR IMPLEMENTATIONPURPOSESThe bottom window is rigid and isequipped with opening for connection ofcontrols with attached implements.F 27 F 28 F 29WINDSHIELD WASHERThe washer nozzle is adjustable byneedle of max. diameter 0,8 mm.WASHER TANKWasher tank is accessible after tiltingthe hood or after removing the frontmask.WASHER CONTROLThe windshield washer sprays afterpressing the switch of front doublespeed wiper. <strong>This</strong> switch is located onthe right cab pillar. Maximal time of uninterruptedspraying is 20 s.

26SAFETY CAB∗PASSENGER’S SEATPassengerřs seat is tiltable.A - Unlock the seat strut and tilt theseat.B - Seat is locked in its tilted position onfender.F 30 F 31 F 32SPACE FOR DRIVER’S NEEDS ANDTOOLBOXThe space is located on the left-handside nearby driverřs seat. Toolbox islocated behind the driverřs seat in therear part of cab.REARVIEW MIRRORSAdjust rearview mirrors before driving orstarting the job to be able to see theroad or the field.

27DRIVER’S SEAT MARSSEAT ADJUSTMENT FOR DRIVER’SWEIGHTThe suspension of seat is adjustable fordriverřs weight from 50 up to 120 kg.Turning of square knob does adjustment.Weight indicator is located in theslot of rear seat cover. Spring stroke is120 mm.Do not adjust the seat on the go.Danger of accident.F 33 F 34 F 35LONGITUDINAL SEAT ADJUSTMENTThe seat can be longitudinally adjustedwithin range „ 75 mm (11 positions).VERTICAL SEAT ADJUSTMENTThe right hand side lever does verticalseat adjustment within range „ 30 mm( 3 positions).

28DRIVER’S SEAT - GRAMMERDRIVER’S SEAT ∗ GRAMMERTractor can be equipped with the seatGrammer as an option.F 36 F 37 F 38SEAT ADJUSTMENT FOR DRIVER’SWEIGHTAdjust the seat by a plastic knob locatedon the front part of seat support.LONGITUDINAL SEAT ADJUSTMENTAdjust the longitudinal position of seat bya lever located on the left hand side ofthe seat.

29DRIVER’S SEAT - COBODRIVER’S SEAT ∗ COBOTractor can be equipped with the seatCobo as an option.F 39 F 40 F 41SEAT ADJUSTMENT FOR DRIVER’SWEIGHTAdjust the seat by rotating the lever afterits tilting into working position.LONGITUDINAL SEAT ADJUSTMENTAND BACKREST ADJUSTMENTAdjust the seat by lever on the righthand side of seat.Adjust the backrest by rotating a plasticknob located on the right, rear side ofseat.

30CONTROLSTILTABLE STEERING WHEELTiltable steering column enables variableangle and height adjustment of thesteering wheel. Both functions are operatedby one lever.F 42 F 43 F 44ANGLE ADJUSTMENTAngle adjustment enables 10 positionswith step 4 in range: -16 up u to +24down.TELESCOPIC ADJUSTMENTSteering wheel is adjustable within range0 - 80 mm in any angle position.

31CONTROLSCONTROL PANEL OF HEATING, ∗AIR-CONDITIONING AND ∗ RADIO1. Four-speed switch of heating blowers2. Shut off heater and AC recyclingcontrol3. Heater valve control lever- right - heating “on“- left - heating “off“4. ∗ switch of air-conditioning5. ∗ Radio can be assembled into thespace under the heating panelF 45 F 46 F 47FOUR-SPEED SWITCH OF HEATINGBLOWERSa - vertical position - blower is “off“b - first right position - blower low speedc - second right position - blower middlespeedd - third right position - blower highspeedCONTROL PANEL ON RIGHT CABPILLAR5. Control switch of rear PTO6. ∗ Control switch of front PTO7. Cab illumination8. Two speed switch of front windshieldwiper and front washer.9. Switch of rear window wiper.10. ∗ Control switch of three point hitchlifting (for lifting the implement whenturning in the field)

32CONTROLSVENTILATION OUTLETS AND RADIOSPEAKERS11. Adjustable outlets of ventilation,heating and ∗AC12. Radio speakers (only in case ofpreparation assembly for ∗radio)F 48 F 49DEFROSTING THE FRONT WINDSHIELDFor fast defrosting of front windshield the “A“ middle outlets needs to be directed tothe front windshield with 45 angle from vertical position the "B" side outlets directedtowards front corners of cab.After front wind shield defrosting the side outlets can be directed towards doorglasses for their step by step defrosting. After defrosting the outlets should beadjusted that way not to blow the air directly to the driver but to driver řs legs.

33CONTROLS∗ AC CONTROLThe switch with <strong>symbol</strong> of flake controlsair-conditioning.It is necessary to create overpressure inthe cab for the proper function of AC.Thatřs why we recommend to shut allwindows, doors and cab roof cover.F 50 F 51 F 52COOLING THE CABFor fast cooling the inner space of cabmove the heating shut off lever (2) intothe left position (i.e. fresh air inlet isclosed). Choose the desired blowerspeed by the four speed blower switch(position 1, 2, 3). Set outlets with desiredangle to avoid direct blowing to personsin the <strong>tractor</strong> cab (possible injurybecause of intensive cooling of person řsbody).AC OPERATIONWith switched AC and permanentlyclosed heating shut off lever (2) in leftposition (i.e. fresh air circuit closed) theinner air is breathed out. Persons couldbecome tired. Thatřs why we recommenddo move the lever (2) into the rightposition (fresh air opened) immediatelyafter cooling down and reduction of theinner temperature to desired level. Thefluent regulation of system is carried outby partial opening of the heating valvewith heating control lever (3).At the same time dry air from AC systembecomes moisture by this way.

34DASHBOARD (analogue)F 53

35LOCATION OF DASHBOARDAnalogue dashboard is assembled as astandard equipment at <strong>tractor</strong>s Z 8621, Z8641, Z 9621, Z 9641, Z 10641.DESCRIPTION OF INSTRUMENTSA - indicator lightsB - air pressure gaugeC - tachometer with mechanical hourcounterD - fuel gaugeE - coolant thermometerDASHBOARD (analogue)INDICATOR LIGHTS1. High beam light (blue). It lights if highbeam head lights are “ON .2. Turn signal indicator light (green).3. Turn signal indicator light (green) -first trailer4. Turn signal indicator light (green) -second trailer5. Indicator light of min. air pressure inbraking system (red): it lights if theair pressure of air trailer brakesdrops under a critical margin i.e. 450kPa.6. Parking brake (red). It is “on“ if thehand brake is set.7. Charging indicator light (red). <strong>This</strong> is“on“ after charging failure.8. Lubrication indicator light (red). It is“on“ if the engine oil pressure dropsbelow 120 to 60 kPa.9. Air cleaner clogging indicator light is“on“ after air cleaner clogging(yellow).10. Indicator light of hazard lamp11. Indicator light of critical coolanttemperature (red) is “on“ afterexceeding temperature approx.above 100 C (not connected).12. Indicator light of Hi-Lo (torquemultiplier) (green 1 st stage)13. Indicator light of Hi-Lo (torquemultiplier) (green 2 nd stage)14. Indicator light indicating critical failurein hydrostatic steering (not nocnnected)15. Min. fuel level indicator light (orange).It lights if 1/6 to 1/10 of fuel tankcapacity stays at the fuel tank16. PTO indicator light17. Indicator light indicates wearing ofcardan brake.18. Glowing indicator light (yellow)19. Free20. Free


37LOCATION OF DASHBOARDDigital dashboard is assembled as astandard equipment on <strong>tractor</strong>s Z 11641and as an option on Z 8621 - Z 10641.DESCRIPTION OF INSTRUMENTSA - indicator lightsB - air pressure gaugeC - tachometer with hour-counterD - fuel gaugeE - coolant thermometerF - displayDIGITAL DASHBOARDINDICATOR LIGHTS AND PUSHBUTTONSLocation of indicator lights on digitaldashboard is equal to analogue dashboard.21. Indicator light of immediate travelspeed22. Indicator light of PTO 1000 RPM23. Indicator light of PTO 540 RPM24. Symbol of immediate travel speed -km/h25. Symbol of RPM26. <strong>symbol</strong> of voltage - V27. Symbol of km28. Symbol of battery29. Symbol of traveled distance30. Reset button for resetting the (day)displayed data.31. Button of battery voltage. Voltage isdisplayed (with accuracy 0,1 V) andsimultaneously the indicator lights No26 and 28 are “ON“.32. Button of traveled distance (withinthe day or from the time of lastresetting). No of kilometers isdisplayed and simultaneously theindicator lights No 27 and 29 are“ON“.33. Button of immediate travel speed inv km.h -1 , the speed is displayed andsimultaneously the indicator light No21 and 24 is “ON“.34. Button of PTO 1000 RPM. Speedwith accuracy 10 RPM is displayedand simultaneously the indicatorlights No 22 and 25 are “ON“.35. Button of PTO 540 RPM is displayedand simultaneously the indicatorlights No 23 and 25 are “ON“.

38CONTROLSSWITCHES WITH LEVERSa - Light switchb - Switch of front grill light and rooflight (low beam)c - Fog light switch (ON - OFF). Functionof fog light is indicated by illuminated<strong>symbol</strong>.d - Working light switch (ON - OFF).Function of working light is indicatedby illuminated <strong>symbol</strong>.e - Warning light switchf - Front wheel drive control switch. Engagedfront wheel drive axle is indicatedby switch <strong>symbol</strong> - ON .g - pluggedh - pluggedi - pluggedj - differential lock (locks) buttonk - stopping device - at <strong>tractor</strong>s Z 8621- 10641)l - Toggle switch - turn signal, horn,lights, high and low beam headlightswitch, acoustic horn.F 55

39CONTROLSLIGHT SWITCH (a)a - Lights are “OFF“b - Clearance lights and tail lights ,license plate light and illumination ofinstruments are “ON“c - All electrical appliances are nocnnectedas in “b“ position. Moreoverlow and high beam lamps are ONaccording to the position of toggleswitch.F 56 F 57 F 58FRONT WHEEL DRIVE SWITCH (d)Use the front driving axle forincreasing the pulling force whenrear wheels slippage.a - front driving axle disengagedb - front driving axle engagedFront driving axle is engaged at stopped<strong>tractor</strong> (braked <strong>tractor</strong>, stopped engine).Front driving axle is engaged in thebasic position (indicator lamp “ON ) andthe switch disengages the axle.HAZARD LIGHT SWITCH (f)a - Hazard lights are “off“.b - Hazard lights are “onFlashing of indicator light on thedashboard indicates function of hazardlights.

40CONTROLSSWITCH OF GRILL AND CAB HEAD-LIGHT (g)a - cab roof headlights are “OFFb - cab roof headlights are “ONThe switch controls the headlights in themask grill or in the <strong>tractor</strong> cab roof.Use the cab roof headlights only if thefront grill headlights are covered byattached implement hitched in the frontthree point hitch. Symbol on the switchindicates that cab roof headlights are“ON . High beam can light in the grillmask only.F 59 F 60 F 61SWITCH OF REAR (FRONT) DIFFE-RENTIAL LOCK (j)a - differential lock disengagedb - differential lock engagedDiff lock is engaged by pressing the difflock push button that is returned into theprevious position after loosing.Symbol on the switch indicates that thediff lock is engaged.Differential lock is automaticallydisengaged after pressing brake pedals.At <strong>tractor</strong>s equipped with front drivingaxle with pin lock, this is engagedsimultaneously with the rear diff lock.TURN SIGNAL, HEADLIGHT ANDHORN TOGGLE SWITCH (i)a - Turn signal - right.b - Turn signal - left.c - Acoustic horn press the toggleswitch in axis directiond - High beam light

41KEY SWITCHKEY SWITCHKey switch is located on the front part ofsteering wheel support under thedashboard.F 62 F 63 F 64KEY IN "0" POSITIONAll electrical appliances controlled by thekey switch are disconnected. The keycan be removed.KEY IN "I" POSITIONAll electrical appliances controlled by thekey switch are connected except ofstarter motor. The key is located in thisposition when running the engine.

42KEY SWITCHF 65KEY IN “II“ POSITIONStarter motor is connected in this position.All electrical appliances controlledby the key switch are connected exceptof wipers, washer, blower of cab and AC.The key is turned automatically to “I“position after starting.

43CONTROLSTHROTTLE CONTROL LEVERA - Max. throttleB - StopOnly at <strong>tractor</strong>s Z 8621 - Z 10641.F 67 F 68 F 69STOPPING DEVICEPull the stopping device upwards andkeep it in pulled position, the engine willbe immediately stopped.Only at <strong>tractor</strong>s Z 8621 - Z 10641.ELECTRONIC HAND THROTTLECONTROLThe system electronically controlsspeed of engine and controlsfuel delivery (see chapterElectronic governor). Engine is stoppedby turning the key into “0“ position at thissystem.

44CONTROLSPEDALS AND LEVERS1. Travel clutch pedal2. Foot operated service brake pedalsconnected by latch3. Foot throttle pedalF 70 F 71 F 72MAIN GEAR SHIFTING LEVER ANDREVERSOR LEVER1. Main shifting lever with push buttonsfor three-stage Hi-Lo (torque multiplier)2. Reversor leverSHIFTING LEVER OF ROAD SPEEDAND REDUCED SPEEDThe lever is located on the right handside at driverřs seat.H - road speedsN - neutralL - reduced speeds

45CONTROLSPTO SELECTION CONTROL LEVERFOR SHIFTING OF PTO INDEPEN-DENT AND GROUND SPEEDLever is located on the right hand side atdriverřs seat.PTO - Independent PTO speed isshiftedN - Neutral positionPTOsynchro - PTO ground speed isshifted (RPM depends upon<strong>tractor</strong> travel speed)F 73 F 74 F 75PARKING BRAKE LEVER AND ∗ PICKUP HITCH CONTROL LEVER1. Parking brake levera - disbrakedb - braked2. Pick up hitch control levera - transport positionb - pick up hitch is unlocked (lowered)HYDRAULIC CONTROLa - mechanical hydraulic controlb - Electro-hydraulicDescription of hydraulic control is mentionedin chapter hydraulic equipment.

46ACQUAINTANCE WITH TRACTORHAND CONTROL OF SELECTIONCONTROL VALVEAt <strong>tractor</strong>s equipped with ∗hydrauliccontrol of pick up hitch, lowering the pickup hitch is controlled by SCV controllever (a) (usually the right hand sideSCV lever or by operatorřs choice).F 76 F 77 F 78FUEL TANKPlastic fuel tank with capacity 180 litersis assembled as a standard.Do not step on the fuel tank!DRAINING PLUG OF FUEL TANKThe opening for draining impurities andfuel is located in the bottom part of fueltank.

47ACQUAINTANCE WITH TRACTORAVERAGE FUEL CONSUMPTION INLITTERS PER OPERATING HOURTractor typeEngine load100% 80% 50%Z 8621, 8641 17,99 14,39 10,07Z 9621, 9641 20,07 16,06 11,24Z 10641 21,86 17,49 12,24Z 11641 28,30 22,64 15,84F 79 F 80BATTERY SWITCHBattery switch is located on the left handside underneath the front part of cab.

ACQUAINTANCE WITH TRACTORLOCATION OF INFORMATION ANDSAFETY DECALS2. Warning decal - hand3. Decal 4-speed transmission5. warning of operating space48F 816. coefficient of absorption 0,86

49ACQUAINTANCE WITH TRACTOR7. warning of starter motor8. ECE label9. EPA label


ELECTRONIC ENGINE GOVERNORPageSchema of electronic engine control system ............................................................. 52Push button - MAX ....................................................................................................53Push button - MIN .....................................................................................................53Push button - MEM....................................................................................................53Indicator lamp H/O ....................................................................................................54Function of electronic governor ................................................................................. 54Setting the temporary memory .................................................................................. 54Resetting and deleting the temporary memory ......................................................... 55Setting the permanent memory ................................................................................. 55Permanent memory recall - H/O lamp is off .............................................................. 56Permanent memory recall - H/O lamp is on .............................................................. 57Memory reset - return to pedal control ......................................................................571. Setting the entry and exit speed at tillage and enter to memory ........................... 582. Setting the operating speed and enter to temporary memory ............................... 583. Tillage with operating speed temporarily memorised ............................................584. Reset of temporary memory and recall of entry and exit speed memory ..............595. Reset of permanent memory, setting the operating speed and its temporarymemorising................................................................................................................596. Tillage with operating speed temporarily memorised ............................................591. Setting the PTO speed .......................................................................................... 602. Setting the constant travel speed ..........................................................................603. PTO speed engagement and setting the PTO speed for 540 or 1000 RPM .........604. Temporary memorising the PTO speed ................................................................ 615. Manoeuvring with <strong>tractor</strong> and reset of temporary memory ....................................61All <strong>tractor</strong>s Z 11641 are equippedwith electronic engine governor.51

52ELECTRONIC ENGINE GOVERNORSCHEMA OF ELECTRONIC ENGINECONTROL SYSTEMSystem consists of the following maincomponents and of wiring harness.A - Electronic control unit (E.C.U.)B - Hand throttle control ’ the controlhas three keypads and LED.C - Potentiometer ’ mechanically linkedwith foot throttle pedalD - Engine speed sensorE - Governor ’ control actuatorRPM

53ELECTRONIC ENGINE GOVERNORPUSH BUTTON - MAXPush button (keypad) - max serves forincreasing the engine speed. Enginespeed can be increased by keypad -max. by two ways.1. Pulse pressing the keypad causesgradual change of engine speed.2. Permanent pressing the keypadcauses the immediate increase ofengine speed. Engine speed is increasedup to time when you releasethe keypad.<strong>This</strong> keypad controls the memory ifcombined with keypad MEM.RPM1 RPM2 RPM3PUSH BUTTON - MINPush button (keypad) - MIN serves fordecreasing the engine speed. Control ofkeypad MIN is equal to control of keypadMAX for increasing the engine speed (1,2).<strong>This</strong> keypad controls the memory ifcombined with keypad MEM.PUSH BUTTON - MEMPush button (keypad) - MEM serves forentering, recalling and resetting theengine speed in memory of system. <strong>This</strong>keypad is used either separately (1) or inconnection with keypads MIN or MAX(2, 3).

54ELECTRONIC ENGINE GOVERNORINDICATOR LAMP H/OIndicator lamp H/O indicates switchingon or off the function of keypad MEM.Indicator lamp indicates entering, recallingand resetting the engine speed inmemory of system and moreover it indicateslimiting the range of enginespeed increase or decrease.RPM4 RPM5 RPM6FUNCTION OF ELECTRONIC GOVER-NOR1. Setting the temporary memory2. Resetting and deleting the temporarymemory3. Setting the permanent memory4. Permanent memory recall - H/O lampis off5. Permanent memory recall - H/O lampis on6. Memory reset - return to pedal controlEngine speed, determined for memorizingto memory system, can be seteither by throttle control or by footthrottle control (throttle pedal). Enter,recall and reset of memory is possibleon the keyboard of hand throttle control.SETTING THE TEMPORARY MEMORY1. Indicator lamp H/O must be off.2. Set the desired engine speed byhand (keypad MIN or MAX) or footthrottle control, for example 1600RPM.3. Press the keypad MEM; indicatorlamp H/O turns on.4. Set engine speed 1600 RPM ismemorized.Since this setting, it is not necessary toset the engine speed anymore. You canloose the foot throttle pedal. Enginespeed is maintained in the constant level(for example 1600 RPM) temporarilymemorized, independently upon <strong>tractor</strong>load.

55ELECTRONIC ENGINE GOVERNORWith <strong>such</strong> way set constant value (forexample 1600 RPM) it is possible to setthe engine speed by means of hand orfoot throttle control and the enteredmemory will not be lost.a - You can increase or decrease theengine speed by hand throttle control.Increase or decrease the enginespeed by interrupted pressing ofkeypad MIN or MAX.b - You can only increase the enginespeed by foot throttle control. Afterloosing the foot throttle pedal theengine speed drops again to thevalue entered in temporary memory(for example 1600 RPM).RPM7 RPM8 RPM9RESETTING AND DELETING THETEMPORARY MEMORY1. Indicator lamp H/O is on.2. Press the keypad MEM.3. Indicator lamp H/O turns off. Temporarymemory is off. It is not possibleto recall it again. In this time the setvalue (for example 1600 RPM) is definitivelydeleted. The same will happenafter switching off the key in thekey switch.SETTING THE PERMANENT MEMORY1. Indicator lamp H/O must be off.2. Set the desired engine speed byhand (keypads MIN or MAX) or footthrottle control.3. Press both keypads MEM and MINor MAX depending if you want toenter into memory minimal ormaximal engine speed.4. Indicator lamp H/O is on. Since thissetting the engine speed is enteredinto the permanent memory.

56ELECTRONIC ENGINE GOVERNOR1. In case the minimal engine speed isbeing entered it is not possible toenter the value higher than 1500RPM. If you will try it the system willautomatically enter 1500 RPM.2. In case the maximal engine speed isbeing entered it is not possible toenter the value smaller than 1500RPM. If you will try it the system willautomatically enter 1500 RPM.RPM10 RPM11 RPM12Two values can be entered intopermanent memory i.e. chosen minimaland maximal engine speed. Thesevalues will be memorized in thepermanent memory even after stoppingthe engine and removing the key fromthe key switch.If you will enter the new minimal andmaximal engine speed into thepermanent memory the previouslyentered values will be deleted andreplaced by new ones i.e. new valuesset by you.PERMANENT MEMORY RECALL - H/OLAMP IS OFF1. Indicator lamp H/O is off.2. Press the keypad MIN or MAX(depending if you want to recallmaximal or minimal speed entered inmemory) and keep it pressed (longertime than 0,5 sec.).3. Indicator lamp H/O turns on. Memoryis recalled. Engine will maintain therecalled constant speed.Engine speed can be set after this actionby:

ELECTRONIC ENGINE GOVERNORa - by hand throttle control i.e. byinterrupted pressing the keypadsMIN or MAX. After loosening thekeypads, the engine speed will bechanged to engine speed recalledfrom the permanent memory.b - by foot throttle control (by throttlepedal) and the engine speed can beincreased only. After loosening thekeypads, the engine speed will bechanged to engine speed recalledfrom the permanent memory.RPM13 RPM14 RPM15PERMANENT MEMORY RECALL - H/OLAMP IS ON1. Indicator lamp H/O is on. Indicatorlamp is on in that case if you havealready recalled minimal or maximalspeed from the permanent memory.Or if the set speed is entered in thetemporary memory.2. Press the keypad MIN or MAX dependingon which speed you want toswitch the memory of system andkeep it pressed (longer time than 0,5sec.).Attention! In case the indicator lampH/O indicated the function of temporarymemory (set speed was entered in thetemporary memory) this engine speedwill be definitively deleted after recall ofvalues from permanent memory.57MEMORY RESET - RETURN TO PE-DAL CONTROL1. Indicator lamp H/O is on. Tractorworks with engine speed entered intemporary or permanent memory.2. Press the keypad MEM.3. Indicator lamp H/O turns off. Temporaryor permanent memory isswitched off. Set engine speed intemporary memory is deleted, setengine speeds in permanent memoryare kept.Now engine speed can be set by footthrottle pedal or hand throttle controlwithout any restriction (by interruptedpressing of keypad MIN or MAX).

58ELECTRONIC ENGINE GOVERNOR1. SETTING THE ENTRY AND EXITSPEED AT TILLAGE AND ENTER TOMEMORY1. Indicator lamp H/O is off.2. Set the entry and exit travel speed of<strong>tractor</strong> by the keypad MIN or MAX(for example 1600 RPM)3. Press both keypads MAX and MEM.(the speed is entered into permanentmemory).4. Indicator lamp H/O is on.2. SETTING THE OPERATING SPEEDAND ENTER TO TEMPORARY ME-MORY1. Turn off the indicator lamp H/O bykeypad MEM.2. Set the operating engine speed byfoot throttle control (foot throttlepedal)3. Press the keypad MEM. Indicatorlamp H/O turns on. The speed isentered in permanent memory.RPM163. TILLAGE WITH OPERATING SPEEDTEMPORARILY MEMORISEDSince you entered the operating enginespeed into the temporary memory nocorrection of speed is necessary.System automatically maintains theconstant level of operating engine speedentered in the temporary memoryindependently upon <strong>tractor</strong> load.

59ELECTRONIC ENGINE GOVERNOR4. RESET OF TEMPORARY MEMORYAND RECALL OF ENTRY AND EXITSPEED MEMORY1. Increase engine speed by footthrottle control to avoid sudden droppingof speed.2. Press the keypad MEM. Indicatorlamp H/O turns off. Temporary memoryis switched off and enteredvalue is definitively lost.3. Press and keep (longer than 0,5sec.) the keypad MAX. You will recallthe value entered in permanent memoryby this way. Now the engineworks in regime of entry and exitspeed.5. RESET OF PERMANENT MEMORY,SETTING THE OPERATING SPEEDAND ITS TEMPORARY MEMORISING1. Press the keypad MEM. Indicatorlamp H/O turns off. Permanent memoryis switched off.2. Again set the operating engine speedby foot throttle control (foot throttlepedal).3. Press the keypad MEM. Indicatorlamp H/O turns on. The speed is nowentered into temporary memory.RPM166. TILLAGE WITH OPERATING SPEEDTEMPORARILY MEMORISEDActivities that are mentioned in point 6are equal to point 3.

60ELECTRONIC ENGINE GOVERNOR1. SETTING THE PTO SPEEDChoose the PTO speed 540 or 1000RPM by the end of rear PTO shaft.2. SETTING THE CONSTANT TRAVELSPEED1. Set the engine speed by keypad MINor MAX corresponding to desiredtravel speed.2. Indicator lamp H/O stays off.RPM173. PTO SPEED ENGAGEMENT ANDSETTING THE PTO SPEED FOR 540OR 1000 RPM1. Engage the independent speed ofPTO shaft.2. Set the engine speed by foot throttlecontrol (foot throttle pedal) correspondingto desired speed of PTOshaft in range 540 or 1000 RPM.

61ELECTRONIC ENGINE GOVERNOR4. TEMPORARY MEMORISING THEPTO SPEED1. Press the keypad MAX. Indicatorlamp H/O turns on.Since this the set engine speed correspondingthe PTO speed 540 or 1000RPM is entered in the temporary memory.System will automatically maintainthe constant speed of PTO independentlyupon load of <strong>tractor</strong>.5. MANOEUVRING WITH TRACTORAND RESET OF TEMPORARYMEMORY1. Disengage the PTO shaft whenmanoeuvring the <strong>tractor</strong> with implement.2. Press the keypad MEM. Indicatorlamp H/O turns off.Since this the temporary memory isswitched off and values entered in temporarymemory are definitively lost. Theengine works with speed correspondingto travel speed set by keypads MIN orMAX.RPM17


Be familiar with shiftingpattern and test all positionsof shifting lever atstopped engine before drivingthe new <strong>tractor</strong>.Be sure that the technicalstatus of <strong>tractor</strong> correspondsto the safety trafficcondition before driving.OPERATIONPageBefore starting...........................................................................................................65Starting the engine equipped with glow plugs ........................................................... 65Starting the engine equipped with electronic thermostart .........................................66If engine doesnřt start................................................................................................ 67Forbidden starts ........................................................................................................67∗ Coolant heater........................................................................................................68Starting the engine with coolant heater .....................................................................68Immediately after starting .......................................................................................... 69Preheating the engine ............................................................................................... 69Gear shifting..............................................................................................................70Reversor lever...........................................................................................................70Shifting the road and reduced speeds ......................................................................70Shifting from lower to higher gear speed ..................................................................71Shifting from higher to lower gear .............................................................................71Three stage hi-lo (torque multiplier) ..........................................................................71Indication of hi-lo function ......................................................................................... 72Hi-lo shiftinng ............................................................................................................72Acceleratig the <strong>tractor</strong> ............................................................................................... 73Driving uphill..............................................................................................................74Driving downhill .........................................................................................................74Service brakes ..........................................................................................................74Front drum brakes.....................................................................................................75∗ Front cardan brake .................................................................................................75Air trailer brakes ........................................................................................................75Warning device of air pressure drop .........................................................................76∗Single and double hose air brakes ..........................................................................76Air tanks .................................................................................................................... 76Single hose air trailer brakes..................................................................................... 77Double hose air trailer brakes ................................................................................... 77Hydraulic trailer brakes ............................................................................................. 78Control of front driving axle ....................................................................................... 79Driving with engaged front driving axle .....................................................................7963

64OPERATIONPageFree space round cardan shaft ................................................................................. 79Stopping the <strong>tractor</strong> - parking brake.......................................................................... 80Stopping the engine .................................................................................................. 80Leaving the <strong>tractor</strong> .................................................................................................... 80

OPERATIONBEFORE STARTINGBefore starting the engine besure that1. the <strong>tractor</strong> is braked byparking brake.2. main shifting lever and reversorlever is in neutral position.If the shifting lever is in a differentthen neutral position <strong>tractor</strong>can not be started - safety interlockswitch is not actuated.F 82 F 83 F 84STARTING THE ENGINE EQUIPPEDWITH GLOW PLUGSTractors Z 8621 - 10641 are equippedwith glow plugs as a standard.1. Insert the key into the key switch("0" position).2. Depress the clutch pedal.3. Move the main shifting lever andreversor lever into neutral.4. Set the increased throttle control(approx. 3/4 maximal delivery).5. Turn the key into "I" position. Yellowindication lamp on the dashboard is“ON“. The indication lamp indicatescorrect function of glowing.In case the indication lamp isflashing the glowing systemfailed. In spite of this, the enginecan be started but without function of65glow plugs. Let repair the indicatedfailure in a specialized workshop.6. Wait until the indication lamp is off.7. Turn the key into "II" position (start).8. Release the key immediately afterstarting the engine. Do not start longerthen 15 sec.9. After starting the engine, reducegradually the fuel delivery. Avoidrunning the engine at high speed.Note: According to the personalexperiences of driver it is possible tostart sooner then glow indicating lamp isoff. Proceed similarly when starting thehot engine.

66OPERATIONSTARTING THE ENGINE EQUIPPEDWITH ELECTRONIC THERMOSTARTTractors Z 11641 are equippedwith electronic thermostart as astandard.Thermostart enables starting the engineat lower temperatures. Time of glowingand the process of fuel ignition in suctionmanifold is controlled automatically.Note: Before proper starting we recommendto prime the fuel system by severalstrokes of fuel delivery pump.F 85 F 86 F 871. Insert the key into the key switch("0" position).2. Depress the clutch pedal.3. Move the main shifting lever andreversor lever into neutral.4. Turn the key through "I" position into"II" position and (start) crank theengine only (when “hot starts„ thispoint can be eliminated).5. Turn the key into "I" position. Yellowindication lamp on the dashboard is“ON“. The indicator lamp indicatescorrect function of thermostartglowing (when higher ambient temperaturesthe thermostart function isnot initiated).6. Wait until the indication lamp is off.7. Turn the key into "II" position (start).8. Release the key immediately afterstarting the engine. Do not startlonger time then 10 sec.9. After starting the engine, avoid runningthe engine at high speed.

67OPERATIONIF ENGINE DOESN’T STARTWait 30 seconds. Turn the key into position"0" and repeat starting.Never help to the stoppingengine by starter motor. You willavoid damage of starter motor.Never start longer than 10 sec. at<strong>tractor</strong>s Z 11641. Start needs tobe repeated.F 88 F 89FORBIDDEN STARTSIt is forbidden to start the<strong>tractor</strong> by short circuit ofstarter motor connectors.Start from the driver’s seatonly.Disconnect the ground batterypole, shift all levers into neutralposition, including PTO engagement,when any manipulationwith starter or repairing it. Acover protects starter motor connectors.

68OPERATION∗ COOLANT HEATERCoolant heater is assembled into engineblock as an option. At <strong>tractor</strong>s Z 8621 -Z 10641output of heater is 1000 W withvoltage 220 V of alternating electricalcurrent.At <strong>tractor</strong>s Z 11641 output ofheater is 500 W with voltage 220V of alternating electrical currentF 90 F 91STARTING THE ENGINE WITH COOLANT HEATERHeater enables starting the engine at low ambient temperature by preheating thecoolant. The electrical installation and its protection against electrical shock hazardmust be done according to the proper regulations1. Plug the heater first.2. Plug the cable with heater into 220 V electricity after.With regard to reduction of engine wear when starting at low temperatures, producerrecommends to use heater. The time of preheating depends upon the ambienttemperature (1 to 2 hours are sufficient before supposed starting).After heating, unplug the electricity first and the heater after.ELECTRICAL SHOCK HAZARD!

69OPERATIONIMMEDIATELY AFTER STARTINGAfter starting set the enginespeed to 800 up to 1000 RPMand let the engine idle for 3minutes without load.In this time check for proper lubrication,charging (indicator lights must be “off“)and other functions assuring the correctengine operation. Time of engine idlewithout load must be kept especially inwinter season.F 92 F 93PREHEATING THE ENGINEContinue with farther preheating the engine already while driving. Warmingup the engine by long idle run or fast increase of speed is dangerous for theengine.Do not exceed engine speed above 2 000 RPM until the coolant temperaturereaches 45°C.

70OPERATIONGEAR SHIFTINGTractors are equipped with four speedsynchronized gearbox, three stagepower shift - Hi-Lo (torque multiplier)reversor, and two stage reduction gear.Four-speed gearbox is shifted by themain shifting lever with grip push buttonsintended for Hi-Lo control (1). Forwardand reverse speed is shifted by reversorlever (2).The fourth speed can not beshifted when shifted reversespeed (it is blocked).F 94 F 95 F 96REVERSOR LEVERYou select the <strong>tractor</strong> direction byreversor shifting lever (forward, reverse).F - Forward speed (24 speeds)A - NeutralR - reverse speed (18 speeds)There are 18 reverse gears available atreversible gearbox, the reverse speedsare approximately so fast as forwardspeeds. Thatřs why take this well intoconsideration and choose the suitablereverse speed for the given character ofthe operation.Shift the reversor with depressedclutch pedal and with stopped<strong>tractor</strong>.Shift the reverse lever into positionRSHIFTING THE ROAD AND REDUCEDSPEEDSH - Road speedsN - neutralL - Reduced speedsGear shifting of reduced speeds is thesame as shifting of road speeds.Shifting lever of road - reducedspeeds can be shifted at stopped<strong>tractor</strong> only.

71OPERATIONSHIFTING FROM LOWER TO HIGHERGEAR SPEEDDepress the clutch pedal (clutchdisengaged). In the same time loosenthe throttle pedal and shift the properhigher gear speed. Fluently release theclutch pedal (the clutch starts engaging)and simultaneously increase enginespeed.F 97 F 98 F 99SHIFTING FROM HIGHER TO LOWERGEARDepress the clutch pedal and shift theshifting lever through neutral position tolower gear speed.Note: So-called double clutching can beused for increasing the life ofsynchronizers when shifting from higherto lower gears.THREE STAGE HI-LO (TORQUE MUL-TIPLIER)Three stage Hi-Lo is a standardequipment of all <strong>tractor</strong> types.The particular stage of Hi-Lo is shiftedby means of two push buttons locatedon the shifting lever grip.Shifting is done without depressing thetravel clutch (power shift).The shifting alone is automatic evenunder the load of <strong>tractor</strong>.H gear ratio 1,00 (Hi)M gear ratio 1,16 (middle)L gear ratio 1,34 (Lo)

72OPERATIONINDICATION OF HI-LO FUNCTIONThe particular shifted stages of Hi-Lo(H,M,L) are indicated by indicator lampswith <strong>symbol</strong>s of turtles.H Lamps with <strong>symbol</strong>s are offM One lamp with turtle <strong>symbol</strong> is onL Two lamps with turtle <strong>symbol</strong> areonNote: The stage is automaticallyshifted when starting or stopping the<strong>tractor</strong>.F 100 F 101 F 102HI-LO SHIFTINNGH Travel speed increasedL Travel speed decreased2xH2xLTravel speed increased by twostagesTravel speed decreased by twostagesNote: Description of push buttons right,left“ is taken in forward direction of<strong>tractor</strong> travel.

OPERATIONACCELERATIG THE TRACTOR1. Select road or reduced gear.2. Depress the clutch pedal.3. Shift the main shifting lever andreversor lever into neutral.4. Start the engine.5. Set the engine speed to 750 up to800 RPM.6. Shift the reversor lever into thedesired direction of <strong>tractor</strong> movement(forward or reverse).7. Shift the proper gear speed suitablefor starting the movement8. Slightly increase the engine speed.9. Prepare the parking brake for releasing.10. Release the clutch pedal up to pointwhere the <strong>tractor</strong> starts to move andsimultaneously with engine speed73F 103increasing, continue with smoothreleasing the clutch.11. Fully release the parking brake.12. Accelerate smoothly and slowly.Fast acceleration can cause theoverload of transmission, increased fuelconsumption, excessive tire wear anddamage of the transported load.Use the 1 st gear only for acceleratingwhen driving with heavy trailer uphill andin heavy terrain.

74OPERATIONDRIVING UPHILLShift from higher to lower speedin time when going uphill, toavoid dropping the engine speedbelow 800 RPM and stopping theengine by overloading.F 104 F 105 F 106DRIVING DOWNHILLDriving downhill without the shiftedgear is forbidden. If drivingdown the long hill, shift so lowgear the sharper one the hill is. Ifpossible shift the lower gearbefore driving downhill.Remember: The gear you use reliablyfor driving uphill is safely suitable fordriving downhill.SERVICE BRAKESService brakes are of disc wet type,hydraulically actuated with double pedal,and automatic pressure compensator.Both brake pedals must belatched together when driving onthe road.Use unlatched pedals only forbraking right or left wheelseparately when working interrain and fields.

75OPERATIONFRONT DRUM BRAKESFront drum brakes are assembled on<strong>tractor</strong>s with front non-driven axleZ 8621, Z 9621 as an option.Front brake is not in functionwhen braking with one pedalonly.F 107 F 108 F 109∗ FRONT CARDAN BRAKEFront cardan brake is assembled on<strong>tractor</strong>s with front driving axle as anoption.Front cardan brake is assembled as astandard on 4WD <strong>tractor</strong>s with transmissionfor 40 km/h.Moreover there is a cardan brakeamplifier as standard equipmentat <strong>tractor</strong>s Z 11641.Front cardan brake is not infunction when braking with onepedal only.AIR TRAILER BRAKESThe control of air trailer brake issynchronized with <strong>tractor</strong> brake controlincluding the brake effect.Operating pressure is set by a pressurevalve (regulator) adjusted to 740 20kPa. If the pressure drops under 55040 kPa the priority valve disconnectspneumatic circuits of secondary appliances:differential lock control, frontwheel drive control, three point hitchpneumatic control, Hi-Lo (torque multiplier),PTO control.

76OPERATIONWARNING DEVICE OF AIR PRES-SURE DROPDropping of air pressure under criticalmargin 450 kPa is indicated by redindicator lamp located on the dashboard.Tractor with a braked trailer cannot continue in driving when airpressure drops under the criticalmargin and until the pressure isincreasedF 110 F 111 F 111a∗SINGLE AND DOUBLE HOSE AIRBRAKESI - Coupling of single hose air brakesystem.II - Couplings of double hose air brakesystem.Couplings must be covered by acap if the trailer is not hitched.AIR TANKSTractors are equipped with an air tank ofcapacity 12 l as a standard. The air tankis located on the right side of <strong>tractor</strong> infront of the rear axle.When the <strong>tractor</strong> is equipped with airtrailer brakes an extra air tank of capacity12 l is assembled on the left handside of <strong>tractor</strong> in front of the rear axle asa standard.Both air tanks are assembled on<strong>tractor</strong>s Z 11641 as a standard

77OPERATIONSINGLE HOSE AIR TRAILER BRAKESOperating pressure is set by a pressurevalve (regulator) adjusted to 600 20kPa. Capacity of both air tanks is 24 l.The allowed speed of <strong>tractor</strong>equipped with single hose airtrailer brakes and with hitchedtrailer is max. 25 km/h.F 112 F 113DOUBLE HOSE AIR TRAILERBRAKESOperating pressure is set to 740 20kPa Capacity of air tanks is 24 l. Leftcoupling cover is yellow, right couplingcover is red.The allowed speed of <strong>tractor</strong>equipped with double hose airtrailer brakes and with hitchedtrailer is max. 40 km/h .

OPERATIONHYDRAULIC TRAILER BRAKESHydraulic trailer brake control is synchronized with braking the <strong>tractor</strong> including thebraking effect. Operating pressure is activated by pressure of oil from hydraulicpump (1). The hydraulic valve (2) is introduced in the circuit of hydraulic pump. Thehydraulic pump is of gear type (pump can not be disengaged).The hydraulic trailer brake valve is controlled by the brake fluid pressure activated inmaster brake cylinder depending upon the force on brake pedal. The pressure inbrake coupling (4) must be 12 - 15 MPa at maximal press on the brake pedal. Trailerbrake valve prioritizes the function of brake to control of hydraulic. Do not forget tobleed the trailer brake valve (2) by vent screw (3) when bleeding the service brakes.In case there are hydraulic shocks in hydraulic circuit if applied service brake pedalsit is necessary to bleed the hose (5) coming from brake valve (2) to quick-coupler(4).78F 114

79OPERATIONCONTROL OF FRONT DRIVING AXLEFront driving axle is engaged in basicposition (indicator lamp is “ON„). It isdisengaged by a switch on thedashboard.a - Front axle is disengagedb - Front axle is engagedFront driving axle is engaged at stopped<strong>tractor</strong> (stopped <strong>tractor</strong>, stopped engine).At <strong>tractor</strong>s with pin diff. lock offront driving axle the differentiallock must not be locked whendriving on the road! Danger ofaccident when turning!F 116 F 117 F 117aDRIVING WITH ENGAGED FRONTDRIVING AXLEUse the front driving axle whenslipping the rear wheels and forincreasing the traction force.Driving with engaged front divingaxle on the road and hardsurface causes an excessivewear of front tires.Permanent engagement of front drivingaxle is possible if a front agriculturemachine or implement is attached to the<strong>tractor</strong>. <strong>This</strong> is specified in operatorřsmanual of a particular machine.Maximal allowed speed of <strong>tractor</strong> with<strong>such</strong> attachment is 15 km/h.FREE SPACE ROUND CARDANSHAFTEnsure the free space minimally10 mm round cardan shaft whenassembling aggregates or attachingimplements. <strong>This</strong> spacemust be round the whole lengthof cardan shaft within any itsinclinations.If this rule is not fixed, danger of<strong>tractor</strong> damage or machine accidentis possible!

80OPERATIONSTOPPING THE TRACTOR - PARKINGBRAKEAt normal conditions stop the <strong>tractor</strong>gently and slowly.Shortly before stopping:1. Depress the clutch pedal2. Move the main shifting lever intoneutral3. At each <strong>tractor</strong> stopping set theparking brake and so protect the<strong>tractor</strong> against accidental movement.Indicator lamp located on the dashindicates parking brake setting.F 118 F 119 A 120STOPPING THE ENGINEEngine must be cooled after work withfully loaded <strong>tractor</strong>.1. First reduce the engine speed to 800- 1000 RPM before stopping theengine and let it run without loadapproximately for 5 minutes.2. Move the throttle control lever intoSTOP position.3. Pull up the stopping device and keepit in pulled position up to stopping theengine.At <strong>tractor</strong>s Z 11641 with electronicgovernor the engine is stoppedby turning the key in keyswitch into “0“ position.LEAVING THE TRACTORKey can be turned from "I" position into"0" position at stopped <strong>tractor</strong> onlyindicator lamp of charging must be ON.Tractor must be properly assuredagainst accidental moving when on thehill: braked, with engine “off “, reversegear shifted and with low gear shifted bymain shifting lever Wheels must belocked by blocks.Remove the key from the keyswitch and lock the cab at cab<strong>tractor</strong>s before leaving.



83TRACTOR RUNNING INPageGeneral rules for running in the new <strong>tractor</strong> within first 100 hours ............................ 84First 10 hours ............................................................................................................84After 10 hours............................................................................................................85After 10 hours............................................................................................................85After 50 hours............................................................................................................85After 70 hours............................................................................................................86After 70 hours............................................................................................................86After 70 hours............................................................................................................86After 100 hours..........................................................................................................87After 100 hours..........................................................................................................87

84TRACTOR RUNNING INGENERAL RULES FOR RUNNING INTHE NEW TRACTOR WITHIN FIRST100 HOURSWithin the first 100 operating hours:- load the engine normally- avoid the partial engine load atoperation- avoid the long operation at low idle- frequently inspect the engine oil level(the increased oil consumption isnormal in this time)- check the hardware connectionsespecially connections of highlystressed parts of the <strong>tractor</strong>- immediately remove all foundproblems. You will avoid subsequentdamage eventually even traffic hazard- use a similar process also aftergeneral repair of engine.F 121 F 122FIRST 10 HOURS- run in the <strong>tractor</strong> at transportoperating- tighten front and rear wheel nuts byprescribed torque

85TRACTOR RUNNING INAFTER 10 HOURSWe recommend to drain or suck off thepreheated oil from transmission and tofilter it by means of filtration device withfiltration capability 20 ’ m.Transmission is equipped with 5 drainingopenings (1x clutch housing, 1x gearbox,3x differential housing).F 123 F 124 F 125AFTER 10 HOURSRemove and clean the magneticelement (1) and strainer element oftransmission oil suction cleaner (2).Wash both elements in petrol andreassemble after dripping. If necessaryadd the oil up to the upper mark ofdipstick (3). Now you can use thecomplete hydraulic system of <strong>tractor</strong>without restrictions.AFTER 50 HOURSAt <strong>tractor</strong>s Z 11641 drain the hotrunning in oil from engine andexchange the full-flow engine oilfilter. Fill in the engine with new oil to theprescribed level - upper mark of oildipstick (inspects after engine crankingand oil level stabilizing). It is necessaryto let the engine run few minutes beforerefilling the oil.

86TRACTOR RUNNING INAFTER 70 HOURSAt <strong>tractor</strong>s Z 8621 - 10641drain the hotoil from engine and exchange the fullflowengine oil filter. Fill in the enginewith new oil to the prescribed level(upper mark of oil dipstick - inspect itafter cranking the engine and stabilizingthe oil level). It is necessary to let theengine run few minutes before refillingthe oil.F 126 F 127 F 128AFTER 70 HOURSCheck the torque of cylinder head (at thecold engine, by prescribed torque inprescribed sequence of screws).Do checking, adjustment, head retighteningand adjustment of valveclearance in an authorized service.AFTER 70 HOURSRemove and clean:- magnetic element of transmissionsuction filter (1)- strainer element of transmission oilsuction cleaner (2)Exchange:- paper element of full-flow fine cleaner(3)

87TRACTOR RUNNING INAFTER 100 HOURSAfter running in you can work with the<strong>tractor</strong> without any restrictions.The operating regime at <strong>tractor</strong>s Z 8621- Z 10641:recommendedoperating speed 1400 - 2300 RPMlow idle speed 700 - 650 RPMoperating oil 0,2 - 0,5 MPapressureoil pressure atlow idle speed min. 0,05 MPacoolanttemperature 80 - 95“CF 129 F 130AFTER 100 HOURSAfter running in you can workwith the <strong>tractor</strong> without anyrestrictions. The operating regimeat <strong>tractor</strong>s Z 11641:maximal speed 2350 RPMrecommendedoperating speed 1400 - 2450 RPMlow idle speed 700 „ 10 RPMoperating oil 0,35 MPapressureoil pressure atlow idle speed min. 0,05 MPacoolanttemperature 80 - 100“C




91TRANSPORTATIONStranaFront hook ................................................................................................................. 92Trailer hitch ...............................................................................................................92Mechanical mouth of trailer hitch ..............................................................................92Automatic mouth of trailer hitch................................................................................. 93Swinging drawbar......................................................................................................93Pick up hitch combined with drawbar ........................................................................94Exchange of hook for drawbar .................................................................................. 94Drawbar of combined pick up hitch ...........................................................................94Mechanical unlock of carrier hooks ...........................................................................95Hydraulic unlock of carrier hooks ..............................................................................95Drawbar..................................................................................................................... 96Trailer implementation............................................................................................... 96Before driving be sure that the<strong>tractor</strong> technical status correspondsto the safe trafficrequirements. Verify hitching thetrailer and fixing the transportedload if attached trailer or agriculturalimplement. Never leavethe <strong>tractor</strong> being in move forattaching the trailer yourself.Keep also safety of your assistant

92TRANSPORTATIONFRONT HOOKFront hook is used only for pulling the<strong>tractor</strong> that is without any attached traileror implements.Use the pull bar or rope whenreleasing the <strong>tractor</strong>. Never usechains!Hazard of dead injury when thechain is interrupted!At <strong>tractor</strong>s Z 11641 the fronthook is a part of ballast weightsupport.Note: When assembled front ballastweight, the pin of front canister weightcan be used for emergency releasing the<strong>tractor</strong>.F 132 F 133 F 134TRAILER HITCHTrailer hitch is used for attaching thefour-wheel trailers or light two-wheeltrailers. The trailer hitch is height adjustablein 3 positions by 100 mm. Whenworking with different agricultural machinesit is often necessary to adjust, tilt, oreventually remove the hitch with support.MECHANICAL MOUTH OF TRAILERHITCHHitch pin diameter is 30 mm. Maximalvertical static load is 10 kN.

93TRANSPORTATIONAUTOMATIC MOUTH OF TRAILERHITCHFor attaching the trailer do the following -pull out the latch (1) and simultaneouslyraise the main hitch pin (3) into its upperposition by means of lever (2). Pinautomatically slides into trailer yoke eyeafter coupling the mouth and yoke. Besure the latch is back in position aftercoupling trailer.Maximal allowed vertical static load is 10kN.F 135 F 136SWINGING DRAWBARSwinging drawbar can be set side toside in 5 positions by 80 mm. Drawbar isfixed by the clevis in desired position.The drawbar can be longitudinally set intwo positions - measured from the end ofPTO shaft (350 or 400 mm).Cross bar above the drawbar enables anoperation with implements requiring thefloating position of swinging drawbar(with disassembled clevis)Maximal vertical static load of drawbarclevis is 12 kN.

94TRANSPORTATIONPICK UP HITCH COMBINED WITHDRAWBARPick up hitch is intended for coupling thetwo-wheel trailers with yoke correspondingto ISO 5692 (the internal yokeeye diameter is 50 mm and eye height is30 mm). Pick up hitch hook is hydraulicallyraised and lowered by means oflength adjustable telescopic links.The allowed vertical static load of hitch is24 kN at <strong>tractor</strong>s Z 8621 - 10641.The allowed vertical static load ofhitch is 30 kN at <strong>tractor</strong>sZ 11641.Pick up hitch is capable for pulling themaximal traction force.F 138 F 139 F 140EXCHANGE OF HOOK FOR DRAW-BARThe hitch is also equipped with drawbarthat is in the opposite side of hitch hook.Drawbar can have three workingpositions. Change of hitch hook fordrawbar is carried out by lowering thehitch hook carrier into position suitablefor removing pins (a). Afterwards thehitch hook is removed from the carrierand inserted into <strong>such</strong> position that theswinging drawbar clevis is in front ofcarrier.DRAWBAR OF COMBINED PICK UPHITCHMaximal vertical static load is 12 kN.Drawbar is capable for pulling themaximal traction force of <strong>tractor</strong>.

TRANSPORTATIONMECHANICAL UNLOCK OF CARRIERHOOKSCarrier hooks are unlocked by leverlocated on the left hand side of driver’sseat.a - transport positionb - hook of hitch is unlocked (lowered)1. Lift hydraulic arms into the upperposition (with position control)2. Move the pick up hitch control leverinto position (b) and keep it.3. Lower hydraulic arms into lowposition “ release the lever of pick uphitch control within lowering operation“ it comes back into itsprevious position.4. Attach or disattach the trailer.5. Lift hydraulic arms into upper position.F 141 F 142 F 1436. Hooks snap under pins; afterwardslower hydraulic arms a little.7. Telescopic links must not bestretched! Keep the minimal play(x)!95HYDRAULIC UNLOCK OF CARRIERHOOKSAt <strong>tractor</strong>s equipped with ∗ hydrauliccontrol of pick up hitch the pick up hitchlowering is controlled by selective controlvalve lever (usually right SCV lever oraccording to operator’s choice).1. Lift hydraulic arms into the upperposition (with position control).2. Apply pressure oil into quick-couplerwhere the hydraulic cylinder isconnected. Carrier hooks areunlocked by this way andsubsequently return the lever into itsneutral position.3. Lower rear three point hitch into itslow position.

96TRANSPORTATION4. Apply the back-pressure into hydrauliccylinder within lowering operation.Carrier hooks come back intotheir operating position by this way.Than return the lever into neutralposition.5. Attach or disattach the trailer.6. Lift hydraulic arms into upper position.7. Hooks snap under pins;8. Lower hydraulic arms a little.9. Telescopic links must not bestretched! Keep the minimal play(x)!F 143a F 144 F 145DRAWBARDrawbar is height adjustable by thehydraulic lifting system within its holelifting range. Only agricultural implementsloading permanently the drawbardownwards can be attached to thedrawbar. Maximal vertical static load is 8kN.Disassemble the trailer hitch withsupport when working with thedrawbar.TRAILER IMPLEMENTATIONTractor must be implemented only withsuitable <strong>tractor</strong> trailer because <strong>tractor</strong>service brakes and air brakes of trailermust match together.Static rear axle load must not exceed themax. allowed axle load of <strong>tractor</strong> whenimplemented with two wheel trailer.

97TRANSPORTATIONTypeAllowed verticalstatic loadTypeAllowed verticalstatic load10 kN 12 kN12 kN 5 kN24 kN30 kNMaximal weight of implemented braked trailer must notexceed value mentioned in warning <strong>tractor</strong> label andvalue mentioned in a technical license of vehicle.Maximal speed of implemented <strong>tractor</strong> is given bymax. allowed speed of slower vehicle.

98TRANSPORTATIONAllowed load of pick up hitch at <strong>tractor</strong>s Z 8621, Z 8641, Z 9621, Z 9641, Z 10641, Z 11641. Values are valid for <strong>tractor</strong> with frontballast weight according to the table, without ballast weight of rear wheels, at max. allowed load of rear axleSpeed(km/h)82030Tire16,9-3418,4-3416,9-3816,9-3418,4-3416,9-3818,4-38F(kN)1827Tractor TypeZ 8621Z 9621Z 8641Z 9641Z 1064118,4-38 28 Z 1164118,4-38 30 Z 1164116,9-3418,4-3416,9-3816,9-3418,4-3416,9-3818,4-381018Z 8621Z 9621Z 8641Z 9641Z 1064118,4-38 24 Z 11641Tractor equipmentBallast weights (pcs) = total weight of ballast weights - kgWeight in front of frame (1+2) = 90 kgUnder-frame weight (1+3) = 120 kgwithout ballast weight of rear wheelsUnder-frame weight (1+3) = 120 kgWeight in front of frame (1+7) = 240 kgwithout ballast weight of rear wheelsUnder-frame weight (2) = 96 kgFront weight (weight support + 14) = 619 kgwithout ballast weight of rear wheelsFront three point hitch + weight (16) = 456 kgFront PTOwithout ballast weight of rear wheelsWeight in front of frame (1+2) = 90 kgUnder-frame weight (1+3) = 120 kgwithout ballast weight of rear wheelsUnder-frame weight (1+3) = 120 kgWeight in front of frame (1+7) = 240 kgwithout ballast weight of rear wheelsUnder-frame weight (2) = 96 kgFront weight (weight support + 14) = 619 kgwithout ballast weight of rear wheels

99Speed(km/h)203040F (kN)TireF(kN)Tractor Type18,4-38 25 Z 1164116,9-3418,4-3416,9-3816,9-3418,4-3416,9-3818,4-38-18Z 8621Z 9621Z 8641Z 9641Z 1064118,4-38 24 Z 1164118,4-38 25 Z 11641- Allowed load of pick up hitchTRANSPORTATIONTractor equipmentBallast weights (pcs) = total weight of Ballast weights - kgFront three point hitch + weight (16) = 456 kgFront PTOwithout ballast weight of rear wheelsWeight in front of frame (1+2) = 90 kgUnder-frame weight (1+3) = 120 kgwithout ballast weight of rear wheelsUnder-frame weight (1+3) = 120 kgWeight in front of frame (1+7) = 240 kgwithout ballast weight of rear wheelsUnder-frame weight (2) = 96 kgFront weight (weight support + 14) = 619 kgwithout ballast weight of rear wheelsFront three point hitch + weight (16) = 456 kgFront PTOwithout ballast weight of rear wheels


DRIVING THE AGRICULTURAL MACHINESPageOperating with PTO.................................................................................................102Control of front and rear PTO.................................................................................. 102Rear PTO - shifting the independent and ground speed .........................................102Shifting the independent speed of rear PTO ........................................................... 103PTO shaft ends .......................................................................................................103Front PTO - sense of speed .................................................................................... 103PTO shafts - covers ................................................................................................ 104Check the speed compatibility ofboth, <strong>tractor</strong> PTO and drivenshaft of machine before attachingthe machine driven by PTO (540or 1000 RPM). Different PTOspeeds may cause serious damageand accidents.101

102DRIVING THE AGRICULTURAL MACHINESOPERATING WITH PTOTake care for proper assembly of allcovers and guards when working withPTO. Always reassemble the PTO shaftguard after finishing the work.Connect and disconnect thecardan shaft of attached machineonly after shifting the lever ofindependent and ground speedinto neutral position - N!Repair or clean the PTO drivenmachine parts only with stoppedengine, disengaged clutch andafter shifting the lever ofindependent and ground speedinto neutral position ’ N!F 146 F 147 F 148CONTROL OF FRONT AND REAR PTOFront and rear PTO clutches are controlledelectro-hydraulically.They are controlled by switches on theright cab pillar.P - Switch controls the electromagneticvalve of front PTOZ - Switch controls the electromagneticvalve of rear PTOBoth PTO shafts (front and rear) arecontrolled after pressing both switches.Function of PTO shafts is indicated bylightening of <strong>symbol</strong>s on switches.REAR PTO - SHIFTING THE INDEPEN-DENT AND GROUND SPEEDPTO - PTO independent speed isshiftedN - Neutral positionPTOsynchro - PTO ground speed isshifted (PTO speeddepends upon the <strong>tractor</strong>speed)

103DRIVING THE AGRICULTURAL MACHINESSHIFTING THE INDEPENDENT SPEEDOF REAR PTOIndependent speed of rear PTO isshifted by turning of PTO shaft end ∅ 35mm.1. Remove the PTO shaft end cover.2. Release the shim.3. Remove and return the shaft end.4. Slide back the shaft end in theopposite direction.F 149 F 150 F 151PTO SHAFT ENDSSpeed (RPM)540 and 1000standard (A)540 and 1000standard (B)∗750 and 1000option (A)∗1000optionShaft end540 - 6 splines1000 - 21 splinesstandard540 - 6 splines1000 - 6 splinesoption750 - 6 splines1000 - 21 splinesChange of speedis not possible ’shaft end is notexchangeableFRONT PTO - SENSE OF SPEEDSpeed (RPM) Shaft end1000 1000 - 21 splinesAt <strong>tractor</strong>s Z 8621 ’ 10641 the sense ofPTO speed is equal to engine speedsense (a).At <strong>tractor</strong>s Z 11641 two versionsof PTO speed sense arepossible:a - clock wise (equal to enginespeed)b - ∗ anti clock wise

104DRIVING THE AGRICULTURAL MACHINESF 151aPTO SHAFTS - COVERS1. PTO shaft cover - steel2. PTO shaft cover3. Front PTO shaft cover - ISO4. PTO shaft cover5. PTO shaft cover for trailer hitchAfter finishing the work protect PTOshaft by a cover.



107HYDRAULIC SYSTEMStranaHydraulic system.....................................................................................................108Hydraulic pump .......................................................................................................108Hydraulic inner circuit.............................................................................................. 108Inner circuit control lever ......................................................................................... 109Control mode selection lever................................................................................... 109Response rate control lever .................................................................................... 110Electro-pneumatic control of hydraulic ....................................................................110Cab control switch ...................................................................................................111Control switch on fender ......................................................................................... 111Use of switches .......................................................................................................111Hydraulic outer circuit.............................................................................................. 112Max. oil capacity supplied from hydraulic outer outlets ...........................................112Rear outlets of hydraulic outer circuit ......................................................................113Outer circuit control lever ........................................................................................ 114Control of single-acting hydraulic cylinder ............................................................... 114Control of double-acting hydraulic cylinder ............................................................. 115Control of double-acting hydraulic cylinder ............................................................. 115Outlets of front outer circuit ..................................................................................... 115Connection of machines and implements to hydraulic outer circuit ........................ 116Selective control valve ............................................................................................ 117Four-position section............................................................................................... 118

108HYDRAULIC SYSTEMHYDRAULIC SYSTEMHydraulic system consists of inner andouter circuit. The hydraulic pump of geartype delivers the pressure oil intosystem.The oil for hydraulic system is used fromcommon oil filling of gearbox anddifferential case.F 152 F 153 F 154HYDRAULIC PUMPThe hydraulic pump can not bedisengaged. If the engine runs thehydraulic pump works.Hydraulic pump is available in two sizes:Pump Type Pump Capacity1. UC 20 60 l/min2. UC 25 70 l/minHYDRAULIC INNER CIRCUITAt <strong>tractor</strong>s Z 8621 - 10641 the hydraulicinner circuit is controlled by the innercircuit control lever (1), control modeselection lever (2) and response ratecontrol lever (3). Adjustable stop (4)maintains the inner circuit control lever inthe selected position (this is not valid for<strong>tractor</strong>s equipped with electro-hydraulic)

109HYDRAULIC SYSTEMINNER CIRCUIT CONTROL LEVERInner circuit control lever controls:a - lifting the implement into transportposition (max. lifting)b - height adjustment of three pointhitch with implements when selectedposition control and height adjustmentof tillage depth when selecteddraft or mixed controlc - setting so called floating positionwhen working with implement equippedwith its own supporting wheel.F 155 F 156CONTROL MODE SELECTION LEVERLever has three positions marked by P, M, and D:P - Position control - Implement attached in the three point hitch is automaticallymaintained in the constant height (position) with regard to the <strong>tractor</strong>.M - Mix control - is a combination of position and draft control. <strong>This</strong> is suitableespecially for tilling in soils with various resistance.D - Draft control - Implement attached in the three point hitch is automaticallyreadjusted depending upon the change of soil resistance.

110HYDRAULIC SYSTEMRESPONSE RATE CONTROL LEVERLever controls the distributor in hydraulicvalve and this divides the flow of oil toinner or outer circuit. The oil flow in innercircuit is the smallest if the lever ismoved into forward horizontal position.Hydraulic response rate is reduced byrestriction of the oil flow when selecteddraft or mix control, for example whentilling in various soil conditions.F 157 F 158ELECTRO-PNEUMATIC CONTROL OF HYDRAULIC<strong>This</strong> is an additional control of hydraulic that enables lifting the three-point hitch intoits highest position without changing the position of inner circuit control lever. <strong>This</strong>device is controlled either by electrical switch on right cab pillar (1) from driver ’s seator by outer electrical switches on both ends of rear fenders (2) from outside.

111HYDRAULIC SYSTEMCAB CONTROL SWITCHCab control switch is used for lifting theimplement when turning the <strong>tractor</strong> in theend of field. Pressing the switch liftsimplement. Implement is lowered intoprevious position destined by innercircuit lever after turning the switch intooff.F 159 F 160 F 161CONTROL SWITCH ON FENDERControl switch on fender makesattaching the implement easy. Driver canhandle movement of three point hitchlower links from outside. The hitch islifted when the switch is pressed. Theimplement is lowered into previousposition destined by inner circuit leverafter releasing the switch.When the <strong>tractor</strong> is equippedwitch pick up hitch do not lift therear three point hitch by switcheson fenders up to the highestposition! Danger of damaging thehitch!USE OF SWITCHESOperator must stand outside theoperating range of attached implementwhen manipulating withthree-point hitch by means ofelectrical switches to avoidcatching by implement or injury.For lifting the implement into transportposition you must use the control leverof inner circuit. Move the lever into upperposition. The implement must belowered to ground when stopping the<strong>tractor</strong> with attached implement (theimplement must not be left in liftedposition).

112HYDRAULIC SYSTEMHYDRAULIC OUTER CIRCUITHydraulic outer circuit delivers the pressureoil into hydraulic implements connectedto hydraulic outer outlets equippedwith quick-couplers. Quick-couplersockets “ rear (A) and front (B) haveinner diameter 12,5 mm and they correspondto the international standardISO 5675.F 162 F 163MAX. OIL CAPACITY SUPPLIED FROM HYDRAULIC OUTER OUTLETSMax. 12 litters of oil can be temporarily supplied from outer outlets for fillingthe hydraulic cylinders of attached implements. <strong>This</strong> is considered withstandard oil level in transmission i.e. up to upper mark of oil dipstick and ifthe <strong>tractor</strong> does not work in hilly conditions. For increasing the supplied oilcapacity it is possible to add up to 15 l of oil into transmission.When bigger supply of oil the transmission oil level can drop so low that thepump of hydraulic and transmission might draw in the air. In this case notonly the pump and also the Hi-Lo or PTO clutch could be damagedIt is necessary to pay attention when disconnecting and connecting the hydraulicquick-couplers because of residual pressure being in female or eventually male ofquick-couplers. Taking ecology into consideration remove the spilt oil by a textilecloth after any disattaching the quick-couplers.

113HYDRAULIC SYSTEMREAR OUTLETS OF HYDRAULICOUTER CIRCUITIn basic version the outlets of hydraulicouter circuit are equipped with threequick-couplers. Quick-couplers No "1"and No "2" are pressurized. Pressure isin particular quick-coupler dependingupon position of outer circuit controllever. The third quick-coupler No "0" isconnected directly with differential casespace and is intended for turning the oilfrom hydraulic implements (for examplefrom rotary hydro-motors etc.).Location of quick-couplers correspondsto <strong>tractor</strong> hydraulic equipment withoutSCV.F 163a F 163b F 163cLocation of quick-couplers correspondsto <strong>tractor</strong> hydraulic equipment with twosection SCV.Location of quick-couplers correspondsto <strong>tractor</strong> hydraulic equipment withelectro-hydraulic and with three sectionSCV.

114HYDRAULIC SYSTEMOUTER CIRCUIT CONTROL LEVERControl lever has three positions marked on label.a - Pressure is in quick-coupler No "1", quick-coupler No "2" is connected withreturn line. Lever is moved into its rear margin position. The lever must bekept in this position otherwise it is automatically turned into neutral position"b".b - Neutral position (locked). Outlets of quick-couplers No "1" and "2" are closedand the oil is blocked in attached hydraulic implement. The lever isautomatically kept by spring in this position.c - Floating (free) position. Both outlets of quick-couplers No "1" and "2" areconnected with return line and the oil can freely flow in both directions. Leveris locked by valve ball lock in this position.d - Pressure in quick-coupler No "2", quick-coupler No "1" is connected withreturn line. Lever is moved into its forward margin position. lever must be keptin this position otherwise it is automatically turned into floating position "c".F 164 F 165CONTROL OF SINGLE-ACTINGHYDRAULIC CYLINDERSingle-acting hydraulic cylinder is everconnected with quick-coupler No "1":liftinglever is in position "a"(pressure in quickcouplerNo "1„)lifting finished lever is moved toposition "b" - neutrallowering lever is moved toLoweringfinishedposition "c" - floatinglever is moved toposition "b" “ neutralNote: Picture F 165 shows location ofquick-couplers in basic configuration andconfiguration with two section SCV.

HYDRAULIC SYSTEMCONTROL OF DOUBLE-ACTINGHYDRAULIC CYLINDERDouble-acting hydraulic cylinder is nocnectedwith quick-coupler No "1" and No"2 :Movement in (lever in position "a" “one direction pressure in quickcoupler"1")Movement (lever in position "b" “finishedMovementoppositedirectionMovementfinishedinneutral)(lever in position "d" -pressure in quickcoupler"2")(lever in position "b" -neutral)Note: Picture F 166 shows location ofquick-couplers in basic configuration andconfiguration with two section SCV.F 166 F 167 F 168CONTROL OF DOUBLE-ACTINGHYDRAULIC CYLINDEROuter circuit control lever mustbe moved as quickly as possibleover position ’c" (floating position)when working with doubleactinghydraulic cylinder).Because both sides of cylinderare connected with the return lineand so the uncontrolled movementof piston rod can start.115OUTLETS OF FRONT OUTER CIRCUITFront outlets are assembled on panel inthe front right part of <strong>tractor</strong>. Frontoutlets are assembled together withSCV. They are intended for work withfront attached implements. Marking ofoutlets and their use is the same as atrear ones.A - Tractor is equipped with hydraulicequipment with SCV.B - Tractor is equipped with electrohydraulicand three section SCV.Tractor Z 11641 is equipped withelectro-hydraulic and threesection SCV as a standard.

116HYDRAULIC SYSTEMCONNECTION OF MACHINES AND IMPLEMENTS TO HYDRAULIC OUTERCIRCUITConnection of machines and implements combined with more partsAgricultural machines that are combined from more parts (combinators, skids, andharrows), are often equipped with outer frames which are hinged to the middleframe. <strong>This</strong> configuration needs to control folding of outer frames. These outerframes are folded by independent hydraulic cylinders. For folding, cylinders areconnected with outer circuit of <strong>tractor</strong> hydraulic. When working with <strong>such</strong> implementit is necessary to control folding of outer frames by raising the control lever of outercircuit upward. Moving the control lever upward ensures that the pressure oil inquick-coupler "1" lifts frames to vertical (transport) position. Quick-coupler "2" isconnected with drain.Connection of rotary hydromotorIf the rotary hydromotor is connected with hydraulic outer circuit, the oil return linemust be ever connected with quick-coupler "0".Connection of reversible hydromotorIf the reversible hydromotor is used the oil lines must be connected with quickcouplers"1" and "2". In this case both lines must be equipped with relief valveswhich will limit the pressure peaks when stopping the machine. The oil return linefrom these valves is connected with quick-coupler "0".

117HYDRAULIC SYSTEMSELECTIVE CONTROL VALVEThe SCV is intended for attached agriculturalmachines that need the separatecontrol of two hydraulic equipment. TheSCV is located on the left-hand side of<strong>tractor</strong> underneath the cab and is equippedwith four-section valve having afloating position.Selective control valve is either twosectionor three-section type.F 170 F 171 F 172Control levers of SCV sections (A) arelocated on the right rear fender. Frontoutlets of outer circuit (B) or rear outletsof outer circuit are assembled togetherwith selective control valve (C).Selective control valve with two sectionsis assembled on <strong>tractor</strong>s with mechanicalcontrol of hydraulic, each of them iswith four-position version.

118HYDRAULIC SYSTEMSelective control valves with threesections are assembled on <strong>tractor</strong>sequipped with electro-hydraulic, each ofsection is with four-position version.F 173 F 173a F 173bFOUR-POSITION SECTION1 Rear margin positionPressure oil flows to quick-coupler"4" or "6"2 Middle positionneutral (blocked)3 Front margin positionPressure oil flows to quick-coupler"3" or "5"Lever returns automatically tomiddle position.4 Control lever can be moved forwardthrough position III to position IV byincreased force.Floating position (free). Both quickcouplers"3" and "4" or "5" and "6"are connected with return line.At two-section SCV the floating positionis in a margin position of control leveropposite to outer circuit of regulationhydraulic.The first (right) section of SCV isequipped with hydraulic lock in pressurepositions.A - At two-section SCV this is a sectioncontrolling quick-couplers 3 and4 .B - At three-section SCV this is asection controlling quick-couplers 1and 2 .



121ELECTRO-HYDRAULICPageSchema of electro-hydraulic, EHR 4 - Bosch.......................................................... 122Location of electro-hydraulic control panel .............................................................. 123Function of control elements ................................................................................... 123Pump capacity.........................................................................................................123Device is switched off.............................................................................................. 124Cancellation of blocking .......................................................................................... 124Fast lowering...........................................................................................................125Transportation of implements.................................................................................. 125Stop position ...........................................................................................................125Limiting the upper position of three point hitch ....................................................... 126Field operation ........................................................................................................126Floating position ......................................................................................................127Use of rear outer control ......................................................................................... 127Buttons of hydraulic rear outer control ....................................................................127

122SCHEMA OF ELECTRO-HYDRAULIC,EHR 4 - BOSCHHydraulic pump (1) delivers oil into theselective control valve (2) from this intothe regulation distributor (3). Distributorcontrols cylinders of hydraulic arms(4,5). Hydraulic arms are linked withlower lifting links of three point hitch.Agricultural implement attached in thethree point hitch is lifted, lowered or keptin the desired position with regard to the<strong>tractor</strong>. Electronic control unit (6)receives signals from tensometer pins(7) and (8) by electrical way. Thesesignals are compared with the requiredvalue that is set in the control panel (9).Comparing the required and real valuebrings the regulation deviation that istransferred into regulation distributor (3).<strong>This</strong> distributor is controlled by means oftwo proportional electro-magnets. Liftingand lowering is independent on the load.ELECTRO-HYDRAULICF 174

ELECTRO-HYDRAULICLOCATION OF ELECTRO-HYDRAULICCONTROL PANELElectro-hydraulic control panel (1) islocated on the upper part of right fender.It replaces the control levers ofmechanical hydraulic regulation (innercircuit). Function of hydraulic outercircuit is secured by three-section SCVcontrolled by three levers located onupper part of fender (2).F 176 F 177FUNCTION OF CONTROL ELEMENTS1. Lifting control lever has 4 positions:a - transport, liftingb - stop positionc - regulation, loweringd - free place, fast lowering (springsreturns the lever back to positionc).2. Blocking in transport position.3. Speed of lowering 0...max.4. Setting the desired value of liftingdevice.5. Limiting the upper position.6. Regulation sensitivity7. Mixing of regulations. Fluent settingfrom draft to position control.8. Optical indication of lifting.9. Optical indication of lowering.123PUMP CAPACITYTractor with EHR BOSCH is equippedwith pump UC 20 with maximal delivery60 l/min or UC 25 with maximal delivery70 l/min. Maximal pressure in hydraulicsystem with EHR BOSCH, maintainedby relief valve is 21 MPa.

124ELECTRO-HYDRAULICDEVICE IS SWITCHED OFFThe key of key switch switches off theelectrical system. Electronics is switchedoff and lifting device is blocked.F 178 F 179 F 180CANCELLATION OF BLOCKINGAfter switching on of the electricalsystem by key switch, the lifting device isstill blocked. The lifting device neitherlifts nor lowers. Cancel blocking bymoving the lifting lever (1) into position"a" (short movement is sufficient) whenthe electrical system is switched on andengine is running.After returning the lever (1) into position"c’ the three point hitch is moved intoposition corresponding to setting theelements.

125ELECTRO-HYDRAULICFAST LOWERINGLever (1) is in position "d" - free position.You must keep the lever in this position.After releasing, the lever returns intoposition "c" “ regulation where thesystem is in floating position.F 181 F 182 F 183TRANSPORTATION OF IMPLEMENTSMove the lifting lever (1) into position "a"and lock it by lock lever (2).STOP POSITIONAfter moving the lever (1) into position"b" - stop position, the movement ofthree point hitch is immediately stopped.

ELECTRO-HYDRAULICLIMITING THE UPPER POSITION OFTHREE POINT HITCHThe upper position of three point hitch islimited by lever (5). Limiting of upperposition can be realized in the upper halfof three point hitch lift.F 184 F 185 F 186FIELD OPERATIONDo actions according to the article’Cancellation of blocking„ and set thedesired position of elements dependingupon character of operation. The controlelement (4) serves for setting the depthof implement. Use the control element(6) for setting the sensitivity of system.Symbol of maximal sensitivitySymbol of minimal sensitivityUse control element (7) for setting theregulation control mode and for controlmode mixing.126Symbol of draft controlSymbol of position controlAction of regulation (lifting and lowering)can be indicated by means of indicatordiodes (8) and (9). When turning the<strong>tractor</strong> in the end of field, move the lever(1) into position "a". After turning the<strong>tractor</strong> set again the position ’c„. Regulationsystem returns into the previousoperating position (memory of tillage).Control element (3) serves for setting thedesired speed of lowering. In position "0"the three point hitch does not lower!

ELECTRO-HYDRAULICFLOATING POSITIONPosition of control element (4) undermark "F" and position of control element(7) at <strong>symbol</strong> serves for the permanentwork with floating position of hydraulic,for example when working with ploughand supporting wheel.USE OF REAR OUTER CONTROLRear outer control serves only for attachingand disattaching the agriculturalimplements. Symbols for marking of buttonscorrespond to the sense of movingthe three-point hitch after pushing buttons.Movement of three-point hitchtakes only the time when the button ispressed. There is not a limitation of upperposition saved by regulation systemwhen the rear control is used. Lifting isF 187 F 188 F 189limited by a mechanical stop (by stop onlift cylinder).Rear control must not be used inthe upper part of three point hitchmovement.Each use of rear control causes therepeated blocking of regulation systemand it is necessary to repeat ’Cancellationof blocking„ “ see chapter ’Cancellationof blocking„.127BUTTONS OF HYDRAULIC REAROUTER CONTROL1. lifting2. loweringMovement of three-point hitch takes onlythe time when the control button ispressed. Operator must stand outsidemovement range of attached implementwhen manipulating with three point hitchby buttons to avoid grabing by implement.






133HITCHESPage(A) rear three point hitch ......................................................................................... 134(b) rear three point hitch with hook ends - cbm ....................................................... 134Safety regulations for working with three point hitch ...............................................135Attaching machines to three point hitch ..................................................................135Attaching machines to three point hitch with cbm hooks .......................................136Locking the side swing of lower links ......................................................................136Telescopic lower draft links ..................................................................................... 137Top link.................................................................................................................... 138Top link.................................................................................................................... 138Selection of top link position ................................................................................... 138Front three point hitch ............................................................................................. 139Control of front three point hitch ..............................................................................139Adjusting the back throttle valve .............................................................................139Attaching the carried implements, eventually weights of front three point hitch ......140Mechanical lock of front three point hitch ................................................................ 140Driving with agricultural machines attached in front three point hitch ..................... 140Front three point hitch for z 11641 forterra ............................................................. 141Control of front three point hitch ..............................................................................141Regulating and hydraulic lock of front three point hitch ..........................................141Setting the throttle valve.......................................................................................... 142Attaching the carried implement..............................................................................142Driving with agricultural machines attached in front three point hitch ..................... 142

134(A) REAR THREE POINT HITCHRear three point hitch is intended forattaching the carried or semi-carriedagricultural machines and implementswith hitch points of category II accordingto ISO regulation. The center distance oflower link joint balls is 870 mm. Theinner opening of lower link ball is 28,5mm. The inner opening of top link ball is25,5 mm.1. Top link2. Left lift link3. Right lift link4. Lower draft links(B) REAR THREE POINT HITCH WITHHOOK ENDS - CBMReinforced three point hitch CBMwith hook shaped ends isassembled as a standard on<strong>tractor</strong>s Z 11641. Hitch is intended forattaching the carried or semi-carriedagricultural machines and implementswith hitch points of category II accordingto ISO regulation. Diameter of lower pinsis 28,5 mm. Diameter of top link pin is25,5 mm.5. Top link6. Left lift link7. Right lift link8. Lower draft links9. Movable collar with handlesHITCHESF 191

135HITCHESSAFETY REGULATIONS FORWORKING WITH THREE POINT HITCHNon authorized persons who arenot charged to handle withimplements attached to <strong>tractor</strong>must not be left between <strong>tractor</strong>and attached implement - (A). Donot park the <strong>tractor</strong> with implementin lifted position - (B).F 192 F 193ATTACHING MACHINES TO THREE POINT HITCHThe left lift link (1) is intended for course vertical adjustment of lower link positionand is adjustable after disconnecting its upper end from lift arm pin. Fine adjustmentis carried out by turning the tube of right lift link (2) with handle. Lower link ends canbe mutually vertically adjusted within range 200 mm. Floating (free) position ofimplement and swinging round the axis is enabled after moving the pin (3) into thelower opening (4). In this case the lower draft link ends can be freely verticallymoved by 100 mm one to each other. Lower link stabilizers (5) serve for limiting theside to side swing of lower links. The side swing of lower links can be max. 100 mmto each side from middle position when connected the implement of category II (125mm at reinforced three point hitch). The side swing can be limited by locking ofstabilizers.

136HITCHESATTACHING MACHINES TO THREE POINT HITCH WITH CBM HOOKSLower and upper links of hitch are equipped with semi-automatic ends -CBM.They serve for easy, two-phase attaching and disattaching the implement tothe three point hitch without necessary direct action of the driver. They areoperated by means of cables from the driver’s place. Lower links are attached to theimplement within the first phase at reverse move and by subsequent lifting the threepoint hitch. Top link of three point hitch is attached by the driver from the cab withinthe second phase. The top link is assembled in one from four openings of thesupport. First the implement must be equipped with attaching balls-CBM and thelength of hitch axis must be adjusted with adjustable spacer (at reinforced three pointhitch only).At <strong>tractor</strong>s equipped with reinforced three point hitch “ CBM, the fine adjustment iscarried out by moveable collar with handles.The collar of lift link must be ever set with handles in direction of driving afteradjusting the length.F 194 F 195LOCKING THE SIDE SWING OFLOWER LINKSInsert the pin (1) into opening II(implement of category II) or intoopening I (implement of category I).Hitch is set in the middle position. Fineadjustment of hitch can be done bymeans of bolt (2). Blocking the sideswing of links is done when transportingthe implement or when working withmachines which need precise towingbehind the <strong>tractor</strong>.At reinforced three point hitch thestabilizers can be adjusted within theirwhole range by rotating the collar.

137HITCHESBoth stabilizers must always be assembled on the <strong>tractor</strong>. Both must be setby the same way with the same position of pins either both blocked or bothunblocked. Do not adjust the rear wheel tread less than 1500 mm whenworking with implement of category II that needs the side swing (for exampleplough), avoid collision of lower links with tires. Lower draft links have to beconnected by springs and the top link hooked in the spring holder whentransporting without implement.„F 196 F 197TELESCOPIC LOWER DRAFT LINKSTelescopic lower links make attachingthe implement easy. Telescopic draft linkends (2) are loosened after pushing thelatches (1) down. Slipped out draft linkends are fitted onto both pins ofimplement and are locked by quick lockpins (3). Pins are located in holder ontelescopic link - (A). Draft link ends areslid into draft links after reversemovement and are automatically lockedin working position - (B).

138HITCHESTOP LINKTop link (1) is length adjustable withinrange 270 mm. <strong>This</strong> is attached to the<strong>tractor</strong> into one from four openings ofsupport (2), that transfers impulses(senses) from attached implement to thetorsion shaft located in hydraulic rockshaft.Tractor equipped with electro-hydraulichas the rigid bracket (A) with twoopenings only.F 198 F 199 F 199aTOP LINKPay attention to keep the samelength of joints screwed out fromthe link tube when prolonging thetop link.SELECTION OF TOP LINK POSITIONAttachment of top link into one fromopenings 1 - 4 influences the following:- sensitivity of hydraulic response(control mode selection lever inposition "D" or " M"). The biggest responsesensitivity is with top link inthe opening "1".- tilting the agricultural Implement whenbeing in lifted position with regard tothe height of implement frame (460mm - 610 mm). The smallest tilting iswith top link in the opening "1".

139HITCHESFRONT THREE POINT HITCHFront three point hitch is intended forattaching the front carried agriculturalmachines and implements of category IIaccording to ISO standard. It is assembledon <strong>tractor</strong>s with front drivingaxle.Maximal lifting force of front three pointhitch is 12 kNWithin the implement transportationthe front three pointhitch must always be locked mechanicallyin lifted position.Note: <strong>This</strong> mechanical lock is recommendedeven in case that no implementis attached in the three point hitchF 200 F 201 F 202CONTROL OF FRONT THREE POINTHITCHFront three point hitch is equipped withtwo single-acting cylinders that are controlledby oil from hydraulic outer circuit(quick-coupler "1"). Lifting and loweringis controlled by lever of outer circuit (1)“ lever position "a, b, c".Do not use the lever position "d"when working with front threepoint!Lowering speed of hitch with implementcan be controlled by back throttle valve(2).ADJUSTING THE BACK THROTTLEVALVEAdjusting the throttle valve is recommendedbefore starting the operationwith attached implement in front threepoint hitch that way the time needed forimplement lowering from the upperposition is 1 to 1,5 second. Turning thevalve body into left (in arrow direction)increases lowering speed.

140HITCHESATTACHING THE CARRIED IMPLE-MENTS, EVENTUALLY WEIGHTS OFFRONT THREE POINT HITCHThe implement is attached into the frontthree point hitch forks and is locked bypins.A - pins in upper position “ swing ofimplement is assured ± 8B - pins in lower position “ whentransporting in hilly terrain or on theroad, eventually with attachedballast weights. Vertical position ofpins locks the pins. Pins can beremoved after turning by 90 o tohorizontal position.F 203 F 204 F 205MECHANICAL LOCK OF FRONTTHREE POINT HITCHMechanical lock of front three point hitchis carried out by means of lock pins (1)and double opening support welded onlower links (2). Front three point hitch islocked in max. upper position. Transversaltube of front three point hitchsupport serves for fixing the upper endof implement springs. Springs unload thefront attached agricultural implement.DRIVING WITH AGRICULTURAL MA-CHINES ATTACHED IN FRONT THREEPOINT HITCHReduce the travel speed of <strong>tractor</strong> whengoing with agricultural machinesattached in the front three point hitch to20 km/h. We recommend to drive withengaged front driving axle at 4WD<strong>tractor</strong>s which are not equipped withcardan brake.

HITCHESFRONT THREE POINT HITCHFOR Z 11641 FORTERRAFront three point hitch is intended forattaching the front carried agriculturalmachines and implements of category IIaccording to ISO standard.Maximal lifting force of front three pointhitch is 24 kN. Only rounded ballastweights can be attached in this type ofthree point hitch.Within the implement transportationthe front three point hitchmust always be locked hydraulicallyin lifted position; by ball valve.<strong>This</strong> valve is located on the left-handside of <strong>tractor</strong>, above the front axle.<strong>This</strong> hydraulic lock is recommendedeven in case that no implement is attachedin the three point hitch.F 206 F 207 F 208CONTROL OF FRONT THREEPOINT HITCHFront three point hitch is equipped withtwo double-acting cylinders that arecontrolled by oil from SCV. Lifting andlowering is controlled by lever of SCV(1):- moving into position 4 makes lifting- moving into position 3 makeslowering- position F serves for floating position- position N serves for locking the hitch141REGULATING AND HYDRAU-LIC LOCK OF FRONT THREEPOINT HITCHThe throttle valve can regulate loweringspeed of the hitch with implement.Hydraulic lock of front three point hitch iscarried out by ball valve in any positionof hitch. Ball valve is turned from positionA by 90 (perpendicularly to valveaxis) to position B.

142HITCHESSETTING THE THROTTLE VAL-VEBefore starting the work with implementattached in front three point hitch it isrecommended to set the throttle valve(3) that way the time needed forimplement lowering from the upper tothe lowest position is 1 to 1,5 sec..Turning the valve body into left (in arrowdirection) increases the speed oflowering.F 209 F 210 F 211ATTACHING THE CARRIEDIMPLEMENTThe implement is attached into the frontthree point hitch forks and is locked bypins. Fixed and floating position isprovided by pins:- fixed position of attached implementis provided by assembly of pins intoposition 1- floating position of attached implementis provided by assembly of pinsinto position 2DRIVING WITH AGRICULTU-RAL MACHINES ATTACHED INFRONT THREE POINT HITCHReduce the travel speed of <strong>tractor</strong> whengoing with agricultural machines attachedin the front three point hitch tomax. 15 km/h.We recommend removing the lowerlifting arms (1) from supports at <strong>tractor</strong>equipped with front three point hitch ifnot used for attaching the implement.Front lower links are disassembled afterremoving the safety pins and hitch pins(2).



145WHEEL TREAD SETTINGPageBlocking and unblocking the front axle knees (extensions) ....................................146Setting the front wheel tread at non-driven axle ...................................................... 147Setting the front axle knees (extensions) ................................................................ 147Possible wheel treads at front driving axle of <strong>tractor</strong>s Z 8641, Z 9641, Z 10641 andZ 11641 ................................................................................................................... 148Front wheel toe-in at non-driven axle ......................................................................149Front wheel toe-in at driven axle .............................................................................149Front wheel toe-in at front axles (non-driven, driving) .............................................150Setting the wheel stops at front driving axle ............................................................ 151Change of rear wheel tread..................................................................................... 152Rear wheel tread setting ......................................................................................... 152

146CHANGE OF WHEEL TREAD ’ SPRUNG AXLE KNEES (EXTENSIONS)BLOCKING AND UNBLOCKING THE FRONT AXLE KNEES (EXTENSIONS)Blocking:- Unscrew the plug (1). Safe it for assembling at later unblocking.- Screw down the stop tube (3) with lock washer (4) into the thread hole of springbushing (2) instead of plug.Insert the screw M 10x1,25 (5) into the stop tube and screw it down into the nut (6).<strong>This</strong> nut is inside of rubber spring (7). The spring (8) is out of function by this wayand the knee is blocked. Unblocking the front axle knee is done by the opposite way.After blocking and unblocking the front axle knees check the front wheel toe-in.F 263 F 264Block and unblock the sprungaxle knee in loaded status only(by the own weight of <strong>tractor</strong>).Kingpin of wheel is shot up bythe force of spring after unblockingthe unloaded axle knee.Disassemble the bushing ofspring only if the sprung kneeneeds to be completely disassembled.Because the specialtool must be used for disassemblinglet to do this job in aspecialized workshop.

147CHANGE OF WHEEL TREADSETTING THE FRONT WHEEL TREADAT NON-DRIVEN AXLEThe front wheel tread can be set to thefollowing values at <strong>tractor</strong>s Z 8621,Z 9621:1425 mm1500 mm1800 mmFront wheel tread setting is provided bysliding out and in the front axle kneeswhen front axle is lifted. Front treads areincreased by 18 mm when front brakesare assembled.F 212 F 213SETTING THE FRONT AXLE KNEES (EXTENSIONS)First of all fix the <strong>tractor</strong> against possible movement, lift the axle by lifting jack andsupport it.- Thread out axle knee nuts and remove the screws (1).- Loosen the lock nuts (2) at screws of steering rod bushings and remove screws(3).- Slide out or in the knees to the required tread, reassemble screws. Tighten axleknee nuts by torque 130 - 140 Nm.- Secure steering rods by screws and lock nuts in corresponding positions.- First tighten screw (3) by torque 58 - 63 Nm with totally loosened nut up to screwhead and subsequently tighten the lock nut (2) by torque 25 - 28 Nm.- Check for the toe-in of front wheels.

CHANGE OF WHEEL TREADPOSSIBLE WHEEL TREADS AT FRONT DRIVING AXLE OF TRACTORS Z 8641,Z 9641, Z 10641 AND Z 11641Tires12,4-24 13,6-24 12,4-28 14,9-24Front wheel treads (mm) Rim position1565∗ 1630∗ - -1620 - - -1715 1700 1715∗ 1710∗1770 1780 1760 17701865 1850 1865 1860Changing of rim and disc position setsthe wheel tread.First of all fix the <strong>tractor</strong> againstpossible movement, lift the axleby lifting jack and support it.- Unscrew nuts of bolts connecting thedisc with rim and remove screws withwashers.- Change the wheel tread by setting therim into the required position.- Reassemble screws with washersand lock them by nuts. Tighten nutsby torque 270 - 300 Nm.- Retighten screws to the prescribedlevel after each loosening of rimconnection.- Retighten connections again to theprescribed torque after driving thedistance 100 m with unloaded <strong>tractor</strong>.- Retighten connections after 3 hourswith loaded <strong>tractor</strong>.1920 1930 1915 19152015 2000 2015 2010∗ - standard treadRecommended treads are highlighted in boltsTighten nuts of front wheels by torque 270 - 300 Nm.148

149SETTING THE FRONT WHEEL TOE-INFRONT WHEEL TOE-IN AT NON-DRIVEN AXLECorrect toe-in of front wheels is 3 to 9mm at <strong>tractor</strong> with non-driven axle.Check and eventually adjust the play offront wheel bearings before toe-inchecking. Inflate tires to the prescribedpressure. Front wheel toe-in ismeasured on sides of tires. The toe-in"S" is calculated as a difference ofmeasured values: S = B ’ A (or S = b -a).FRONT WHEEL TOE-IN AT DRIVENAXLECorrect toe-in of front wheels is 0 up to 2mm at <strong>tractor</strong> with driving axle. Frontwheel toe-in is measured on front wheelhubs (if assembled wheels the wheeltoe-in can be measured on rims).F 214

150SETTING THE FRONT WHEEL TOE-INFRONT WHEEL TOE-IN AT FRONT AXLES (NON-DRIVEN, DRIVING)- Turn the steering wheel between both margin positions so to have a lever ofhydrostatic steering aligned with the longitudinal axis of <strong>tractor</strong>.- Loosen lock nuts of steering rod joints- Measure the distance between outer or inner sides of tires in front in thehorizontal plain of wheel axis. Mark the measuring points.- Drive the <strong>tractor</strong> so that the marked points will be in rear horizontal position(turned by 180“) and again measure the distance between marked points- Set the steering rods so to receive after setting the following differencesmeasured in front and rear:- at non-driven axle 3 to 9 mm (A)- at driving axle 0 to 2 mm (B)- Maximal difference of turns at both steering rods can be 1 turn taking the startingposition into consideration after setting the toe-in.- Screws for setting the tread must be in downward after setting the toe-in.- Surfaces of joins with grease nipples must be parallel at setting.- Tighten the lock nuts of ball joints by torque 122 - 136 Nm .F 215

151SETTING THE WHEEL STOPSWithout front three point hitchWithout fenders With fendersTires Wheel tread(mm)Right stopA (mm)Left stopA (mm)Right stopA (mm)Left stopA (mm)12,4- R24 156517151865382817312110373223373121380/70R2413,6-R2416301700185017151865171018603934232918332235281727183018404031403141313540294031413212,4-28,10PR14,9-24420/70R24With front three point hitchWithout fenders With fendersTires Wheel tread(mm)Right stopA (mm)Left stopA (mm)Right stopA (mm)Left stopA (mm)12,4-R24 156517151865503319473320503319473525380/70R2413,6-R2417001850432839274328453412,4- 1715 41 38 38 4528,10PR14,9-24420/70R24186517101860264429284131284429364636F 216SETTING THE WHEEL STOPS ATFRONT DRIVING AXLESet stops at each change of front wheeltread according to the mentioned tablesafter loosening the nut (2) and treadingout or in the screw (1).

152CHANGE OF WHEEL TREADCHANGE OF REAR WHEEL TREADOn the base of rear tire dimension, therear wheel tread can be set within thefollowing range:Rear tiredimension18,4-38480/70R38520/70R3816,9-3416,9-3818,4-34Wheel tread(mm)1575-18001500-1800The rear wheel tread can be set by 75mm and is done by changing theposition of rim and disc.F 217 F 218REAR WHEEL TREAD SETTINGThe rear wheel treads are adjustable by step 75 mm and are set by changing the rimand disc position. Tread setting is done with lifted <strong>tractor</strong> rear part to enable freeturning of rear wheel.Don’t forget to block front wheels against movement before lifting.Tighten all screws connecting the disc and rim by torque 210 - 230 Nm and nuts ofstuds connecting the disc and shaft by torque 400 - 470 Nm after tread setting.- Retighten screws to the prescribed level after each loosening the rim connection.- Retighten connections again to the prescribed torque after driving the distance100 m with unloaded <strong>tractor</strong>.- Retighten connections after 3 hours with loaded <strong>tractor</strong>- After 10 hours again check tightening of disc nuts and rim connections.- Up to operating the first 100 hours check tightening of disc nuts and rim connectionsat front and rear wheels frequently (minimally 6-times within first 100 hours).- Farther after each 100 hours recheck tightening of disc nuts and rim connectionsat front and rear wheels.



BALLAST WEIGHTSPageFront ballast weights ............................................................................................... 156Ballast weights of front three point hitch .................................................................156Rear wheel ballast weights ..................................................................................... 157Bottom ballast weights of <strong>tractor</strong>s z 11641 ............................................................. 157Front ballast weights of <strong>tractor</strong>s z 11641 ................................................................ 157Valve for filling tires with liquid ................................................................................158Filling the liquid into tires ......................................................................................... 158Draining the liquid from tires ................................................................................... 159Blocking front wheels .............................................................................................. 159Max. liquid weight depending upon tire size ............................................................ 160Ballast weights are necessary forincrease of axle load, for ensuring the<strong>tractor</strong> steering-ability or stability (keepmanufacturerřs instructions whenworking with front loader).155

156BALLAST WEIGHTSFRONT BALLAST WEIGHTSUnder frame ballast weights (1)Combination ofweights (PCs)Weight(kg)1+3 1x30 + 3x30 120Ballast weights in front of frame (2)Combination ofweights (PCs)Weight(kg)1+2 1x30 + 2x30 901+5 1x30 + 5x30 1801+7 1x30 + 7x30 240F 219 F 220 F 221BALLAST WEIGHTS OF FRONTTHREE POINT HITCHWeights (1)Combination of Weightweights (PCs) (kg)Support+12 Support8+12x21Rounded weight (2)Combination of Weightweights (PCs) (kg)Support +16 Support8+16x28260456Ballast weights with support areattached in the front three point hitchlower links These weights are intendedfor assuring of longitudinal stability whenthe heavy implement is attached in therear three point hitch.Only rounded ballast weights canbe assembled in front three pointhitch of <strong>tractor</strong>s Z 11641.

157BALLAST WEIGHTSREAR WHEEL BALLAST WEIGHTSCombinationof weights(PCs)Weight(kg)2+4 2x25 + 4x30 1702+6 2x25 + 6x30 2302+10 2x25 + 10x30 350F 222 F 223 F 224BOTTOM BALLAST WEIGHTSOF TRACTORS Z 11641Bottom ballast weightsCombination ofweights (PCs)Weight(kg)2 2x34 68Bottom ballast weights are assembledinto the cavity in front frame castingpiece. They are accessible after disassemblingthe battery holder.FRONT BALLAST WEIGHTS OFTRACTORS Z 11641Front ballast weightsCombination of Weightweights (PCs) (kg)Support + 14 Support45+14x41619Front ballast weights of canister type arehanged to support. They are lockedagainst side movement by pin putbetween middle canisters.The other ballast weights are fixed bytwo holders to the middle ones.Note: Front ballast weights with supportcan be used as a front hook foremergency towing of <strong>tractor</strong> afterinserting the pin.

158FILLING LIQUID INTO TIRESVALVE FOR FILLING TIRES WITHLIQUIDAll rear wheel tubes are equipped withvalve that enables filling tires with liquidwhen the adapter is used.Filling of front tires and rear tiresdouble assembly with liquid is notallowed.F 225 F 226FILLING THE LIQUID INTO TIRES- Unload the tire by lifting the <strong>tractor</strong> and turn it with the valve upward (A).- Deflate the tube and remove the valve insert.- Thread the adapter for filling the tires with water and slide the water hose overadapter. Fill the tube with prescribed quantity of liquid. The tank (B) or pressurewater(C) can be used for filling the tire.- Remove the water hose and adapter.- Thread the valve insert and inflate tire into prescribed inflation pressure (D).- Thread the valve dust cap after inflation.- Fill the second tire by the same way.

159FILLING LIQUID INTO TIRESDRAINING THE LIQUID FROM TIRES- Unload tire by lifting the <strong>tractor</strong> and turn it with valve upward (A).- Deflate the tube and remove the valve insert. Turn the wheel with valvedownward.Depressure can be created in tire when draining the liquid. That °s why turnsometimes the wheel with the valve upward (B).- Remove the rest of liquid from tire by means of pressure air after assembly ofadapter for filling the tires with water (C). Blow out the liquid so long until liquidruns from adapter extension tube.- Remove the adapter for filing the tires with water. Thread the valve insert backand inflate the tire into prescribed inflation pressure (D).- Thread the valve dust cap after inflation.- Remove liquid from the second tire by the same way.F 227 F 228BLOCKING FRONT WHEELSDo not forget to block frontwheels against movement beforelifting the rear wheels.

160MAX. LIQUID WEIGHT DEPENDING UPON TIRE SIZEFILLING LIQUID INTO TIRESTire size Filling 75%Clear water(l), (kg)Solution of calcium chlorideCaCl 2 (kg) water (l) Additionalload (kg)16,9-34 250 108 166 27416,9-38 290 126 192 31818,4-34 330 144 218 36218,4R-38 385 168 254 422480/70R38 335 146 222 36818,4-38 385 168 254 422520/70R38 390 170 258 428Values mentioned in table are for temperature of freeze - 30°C.Preparation of liquid:1. Dry calcium chloride CaCl 2 is added into water, never the other way!2. Liquid is not dangerous, but it must be handled carefully. Wash the spilt liquid drops with clean water.3. Let the liquid cool down before filling. Keep the prescribed quantity of hydrated lime.4. Liquid must not get into contact with metal parts and with electrical installation. Tube valve is liquid resistant.5. Antifreeze liquid prepared in this consistency must not be used in cooling system.6. Remove the antifreeze as a special waste after drainingNote: Volume of mixture in the tube corresponds to filling up to valve level.Antifreeze can be prepared either by means of calcium chloride CaCl 2 or magnesium chloride MgCl 2.Quantity 0,40 kg CaCl 2 per 1 l of water safes tire up to temperature - 30°C (0,3 kg /l safes tire up to temperature - 20°C, 0,2 kg /lsafes tire up to temperature - 15°C).Quantity 0,55 kg MgCl 2 per 1 l of water safes tire up to temperature - 30°C.



Driver alone can do almost any work onplanned technical maintenance. If youdonřt have sufficient technical equipmentlet to do more complicated work in theauthorized serviceAny work in connection withcleaning, lubrication and adjustmentof <strong>tractor</strong> or implementedmachine must be done only afterstopping the engine and theother moving parts, except inspectionof brake and charging.MAINTENANCE INSTRUCTIONSPageDisassembling the side shield ................................................................................. 165Tilting the hood........................................................................................................165Disassembling the front grill .................................................................................... 165Lubrication schema of turbocharged engine ........................................................... 166Lubrication schema of six cylinder engine .............................................................. 167Inspecting the engine oil level ................................................................................. 168Draining the engine oil ............................................................................................ 168Changing the full-flow cleaner of engine oil ............................................................ 168Filling the engine oil ................................................................................................ 169Changing the fuel cleaner cartridge ........................................................................169Changing the fuel course cleaner ...........................................................................169Bleeding the fuel system ......................................................................................... 170Maintenance of air cleaner ...................................................................................... 170Regeneration of main air filter element ...................................................................171Changing the safety element .................................................................................. 171Reassembling the elements .................................................................................... 171Position of dust valve .............................................................................................. 172Tightness of cleaner................................................................................................ 172Changing the cleaner element of hydrostatic steering ............................................173Bleeding the hydrostatic steering system ................................................................ 174Changing the hoses of hydrostatic steering ............................................................ 175Changing the coolant .............................................................................................. 176Changing and inspecting the transmission oil ......................................................... 177Draining openings and plugs................................................................................... 177After draining the oil ................................................................................................ 177Lubricating and filling points of front driving axle .................................................... 178Gearbox of front PTO .............................................................................................. 178Filling up the brake fluid .......................................................................................... 179Sprung knees of front axle ...................................................................................... 179Cleaning the heating filters...................................................................................... 180Maintenance of airconditioning ...............................................................................180Draining the condensed water from air tanks .......................................................... 181Checking the leakage of air system ........................................................................181163

164MAINTENANCE INSTRUCTIONSPageOperating pressure of air brakes ............................................................................ 181Tire maintenance .................................................................................................... 182Inflating the tires ..................................................................................................... 182Recommended tire inflation pressure for front wheels ............................................ 1832wd <strong>tractor</strong>s ............................................................................................................ 183Recommended tire inflation pressure for front wheels ............................................ 1844wd <strong>tractor</strong>s ............................................................................................................ 184Recommended tire inflation pressure for rear tires ................................................. 185Tires for non driven wheels ..................................................................................... 186Tires for driving wheels ........................................................................................... 186Tires for driving wheels ........................................................................................... 186Tractor storage........................................................................................................ 186

165MAINTENANCE INSTRUCTIONSDISASSEMBLING THE SIDE SHIELDRight and left side shield can be removedfrom the <strong>tractor</strong> after unlocking oftwo lock pins (1).F 229 F 230 F 231TILTING THE HOOD1. Remove the left side shield (1)2. Loosen the latch (2) locking thehood.3. Secure the hood in tilted position bya strut (3).DISASSEMBLING THE FRONT GRILL1. Tilt the hood.2. Unlock two spring pins from pins offront grill inserted in front crossmember.3. Loosen the front grill from the bonnet(by pulling forward).4. After disconnecting the electricalwiring harness the front grill can befully removed from the <strong>tractor</strong>.

166MAINTENANCE INSTRUCTIONSLUBRICATION SCHEMA OF TURBO-CHARGED ENGINELubrication schema is valid for enginesof <strong>tractor</strong>s Z 8621 - Z 10641 Forterraturbo.1. Suction strainer2. Oil pump -GEROTOR3. Reduction valve4. Full-flow oil filter5. Main oil channel6. Pressure switch7. Filler8. Oil dipstick9. Oil draining plug10. Lubrication of compressor11. Lubrication of turbochargerF 232

167MAINTENANCE INSTRUCTIONSLUBRICATION SCHEMA OF SIXCYLINDER ENGINELubrication schema is valid forsix cylinder engine of <strong>tractor</strong>Z 11641 Forterra.1. Oil pump with reduction valve2. Oil filter3. Main oil channel4. Spraying nozzle for cooling thepiston5. Lubrication outlet6. Oil channel for lubrication of rockerarmsF 233

168MAINTENANCE INSTRUCTIONSINSPECTING THE ENGINE OIL LEVELDaily inspect the oil level before startingthe work. Inspect the oil level with <strong>tractor</strong>in horizontal position. Remove the oildipstick (1) wipe it with cloth and threadit. The oil must not be under lowerdipstick mark after repeated removingthe dipstick.Add the oil into filler (2) if needed.F 234 F 235 F 236DRAINING THE ENGINE OILDrain the oil by removing the drainingplug. Drain it immediately after stoppingthe <strong>tractor</strong> or after preheating the engineto working temperature. Clean thedraining plug before reassembling.Check for the good status of sealingring.CHANGING THE FULL-FLOWCLEANER OF ENGINE OILThe engine oil cleaner is exchangedever when changing the engine oil.Before assembling a new cleaner cleanthe sealing area of cleaner support (2)and cleaner body (1). Coat the rubbersealing by the same oil you will fill intothe engine. Assemble the new cleanerand tighten it by hand. Tighten again theoil cleaner by 3/4 to 1 1/4 turns aftertouching sealing to block. Check thecleaner for leakage after starting theengine.

169MAINTENANCE INSTRUCTIONSFILLING THE ENGINE OILFill the prescribed quantity of oil into thefiller (1). Start the engine and let it run 2to 3 minutes at 750 to 800 RPM.Inspect the oil level by dipstick (2) afterstopping the engine and stabilizing theengine oil level. Inspect for oil leakage ofoil cleaner, draining plug and otherfittings.F 237 F 238 F 239CHANGING THE FUEL CLEANERCARTRIDGEExchange the fuel cleaner cartridge afterreleasing the nut (1) and removing thebowel (2). Check for the proper bowelsealing position at reassembling thecleaned bowel with the new fuel cleanercartridge. Bleed the fuel system.Put the suitable vessel under the enginebefore exchanging the fuel cleanercartridge to ketch dropping fuel from thecleaner.CHANGING THE FUEL COURSECLEANERRemove the ring nut (1) and the fuelcleaner bowel (2) with sealing andstrainer. Clean the bowl and strainer indiesel fuel. Check the right position ofsealing when reassembling the fuelcleaner bowl, before tightening the ringnut. Bleed the fuel system.

170MAINTENANCE INSTRUCTIONSBLEEDING THE FUEL SYSTEMPut the suitable vessel under the engine before bleeding to ketch dropping fuel fromthe cleaner and injection pump.Proceed by the following way:- Prime the fuel system by several strokes of hand priming pump (1).- Loosen the screw of fuel cleaner input fitting (2) and let the foam escape.- Retighten the screw (2) and repeat the process until the clean foam-free fuelfluently leaks after loosening the screw.- Bleed the injection pump by the same way by means of screw located on injectionpump case (3)F 240 F 241MAINTENANCE OF AIR CLEANERMaintenance of air cleaner must be doneafter indication of clogging by cloggingindicator (the red indicator lamp ondashboard is ON) or minimally once peryear.Maintain the air cleaner after tilting thehood of bonnet.1. Remove the dust reservoir (1) withdust valve (2) and clean bothproperly2. Disassemble the main cartridgeelement (3).

171MAINTENANCE INSTRUCTIONSREGENERATION OF MAIN AIRFILTER ELEMENTIf the main air filter element is notdamaged (dust on the inner side of airfilter element must not be appeared) doregeneration by pressure air of max.pressure 700 kPa blown from the innerside of element. The main air filterelement can be regenerated maximallythree times by this way. The main airfilter element needs to be replaced onceper year.F 242 F 243 F 244CHANGING THE SAFETY ELEMENTInner safety air filter element cannot be regenerated.It must be exchanged in the followingcases:- if the main air filter element is damaged- after 5th maintenance of air cleaner- minimally once per two yearsREASSEMBLING THE ELEMENTSBe careful when reassembling the airfilter element to:- keep the contact surfaces clean- air filter elements must not be deformedafter assembly- neither elements nor paddle wheelpartition must vibrate after assembling- rubber sealing must be fitted properlyround the complete circumference ofdust reservoir.

172MAINTENANCE INSTRUCTIONSPOSITION OF DUST VALVEAfter assembling the elements close thecleaner by dust reservoir that must beassembled that way the dust valve isdownward.F 245 F 246TIGHTNESS OF CLEANERAfter assembling the rubber sealingtighten the nut that way to press thesealing on the curtain by dust reservoirand so safe the tightness of completecleaner.

173MAINTENANCE INSTRUCTIONSCHANGING THE CLEANER ELEMENTOF HYDROSTATIC STEERING1. Remove the <strong>tractor</strong> front grill.2. Remove the battery.3. Put the suitable vessel under thehydrostatic steering tank.4. Loosen the draining plug5. Drain the oil from tank.F 247 F 248 F 2496. Remove the oil tank cap7. Remove the cleaner element.8. Install the new cleaner element9. Remove both hoses (1, 2)fromsteering cylinder and put themtogether with return line hose intovessels for the old oil.10. Start the engine and turn the steeringwheel twice or three times into bothdirections at low engine idle run(max. 10 seconds) to remove the oilfrom the steering unit.11. Fix the <strong>tractor</strong> against movement andlift the front axle.12. Put a vessel for the old oil under thesteering cylinder and remove the oilfrom cylinder by turning of wheels (byhand).13. Reassemble all disconnected fittings.14. Fill the tank by oil and bleed thehydrostatic steering circuit.

174MAINTENANCE INSTRUCTIONSBLEEDING THE HYDROSTATIC STEERING SYSTEM- Start the engine and let it run for 1 minute at low idle.- Turn the steering wheel several times to both directions (A) at engine low idle run.- At engine max. speed turn the steering wheel three times alternatively slowly andquickly to both directions up to wheel stops (A).- Stop the engine and lower the front wheels to the ground.- At 2WD <strong>tractor</strong>s loosen the bleeding plug located in the upper cover of steeringcylinder (this is necessary for filling the circuit of hydrostatic steering by fresh oil)and after draining oil tighten the plug. The plug is accessible after sliding out thebattery and battery support (B).F 250 F 251At all actions within bleeding lookat the oil level in tank to avoidaerating of steering system.After bleeding check and eventually addthe oil into tank up to the mark of oildipstick (C). Check for leakage of allconnections and lines.

175MAINTENANCE INSTRUCTIONSCHANGING THE HOSES OF HYDROSTATIC STEERINGHydrostatic steering hoses must be exchanged after four years from time ofmanufacturing (time is marked on hose surface) or after 3 600 hours of <strong>tractor</strong>operation, eventually immediately after founding any symptoms of damage i.e. hosesweating, local bulging, leakage of oil at fittings and on hose surface, mechanicaldamage of hose surface up to steel wire cord or damage of yarn braid at lowpressure hoses).Steering-ability is kept even in case of hydrostatic steering pump failure or ifthe engine stops but the steering force on the steering wheel is biggerTractor can be driven into the nearest place for repair at reducedtransportation speed.Don’t keep the steering wheel in the stop steering angle positions (max. timeis 20 seconds), otherwise the oil is excessively heated in the hydrostaticsteering circuit.F 252

MAINTENANCE INSTRUCTIONSCHANGING THE COOLANTKeep the following instruction:- Open the valve of heating system (A)and release the overpressure cap ofexpansion tank (B).- Drain the coolant from radiator.Draining valve is accessible afterremoving the left side shield.- Drain the coolant from engine block.Draining valve is accessible afterremoving the right side shield.- Close both draining valves afterdraining the coolant (let the heatingvalve opened).- Fill the cooling system with antifreezemixture up to neck of expansion tankand close it by overpressure cap.- Start the engine and let it runapproximately 1 minute.F 253 F 254 F 255- Add the coolant in expansion tank upto mark "MAX".The minimal possible coolant level isapproximately 40 mm under the sealingedge of filler. Close the expansion tankby overpressure cap.At <strong>tractor</strong> Z 10641 disassemble thescrew on the additional radiator andcheck the quality of bleeding. Clearliquid must drain from the radiator afterloosening the screw.176Never fill the cooling circuit bywater only! Use of anothercoolant can damage the engine.At <strong>tractor</strong>s Z 11641 fill thecooling circuit only byAkros Fluid!<strong>This</strong> liquid can not be mixedwith water or another antifreeze!

177MAINTENANCE INSTRUCTIONSCHANGING AND INSPECTING THETRANSMISSION OILThe oil level is inspected by oil dipsticklocated on the right side of differentialcase.Filling opening for transmission oil islocated on the hydraulic rockshaft. <strong>This</strong>is accessible from the rear of <strong>tractor</strong>.F 256 F 257 F 258DRAINING OPENINGS AND PLUGS1 - Oil from clutch housing2 - Oil from gearbox3 - Oil from differential caseAFTER DRAINING THE OIL- Clean magnetic element (1) andstrainer (2).- Exchange the paper cartridge (3).Tighten the screw of cleaner bowl byhand. Do not use tools.- Assemble all draining plugs after theircleaning.- Fill the oil (approximately 40 litters)start the engine and let it runapproximately for 2 minutes.- Check the level and add the oil up tothe maximum level after stopping theengine and stabilizing the oil level intransmission.

178MAINTENANCE INSTRUCTIONSLUBRICATING AND FILLING POINTS OF FRONT DRIVING AXLE1. Lubricating nipple of kingpin2. Sliding bearing (2x) of front driving axle3. Filling and checking opening of differential housing4. Draining opening of differential housing5. Filling, checking and draining opening of front wheel final driveF 259 F 260GEARBOX OF FRONT PTO1. filling opening2. draining opening

179MAINTENANCE INSTRUCTIONSFILLING UP THE BRAKE FLUIDBrake fluid tank is located after tilting thebonnet hood.Maintain the brake fluid level within 3/4(max. level) up to 1/2 (min. level) of tankcapacity.Keep the strict cleanness when manipulatingwith brake fluid. Daily inspectthe brake fluid level before driving.F 261 F 262SPRUNG KNEES OF FRONT AXLEThe sprung knees can be blocked foroperation requiring higher load of frontaxle than allowed for sprung executionor if the constant height of front <strong>tractor</strong>part is required.

180MAINTENANCE INSTRUCTIONSCLEANING THE HEATING FILTERSFilters are located under grills above thefront windshield from outside of the cab.Regenerate filters by kicking out, or bypressure air blowing through, accordingto the stage of clogging. Daily check forclogging. Exchange the strong cloggedfilters.Tractors are not equipped withspecial filters of cab intake air.That’s why <strong>tractor</strong>s are not intendedfor operation with aerosolsand other health dangerousmediums.F 265 F 266 F 267MAINTENANCE OF AIRCONDI-TIONINGThe most important part ofmaintaining the AC system iscleaning the AC condenser (thisis located in front of engineradiator).The clogged AC condenser reducesnot only the affectivity ofAC system but also the affectivityof engine cooling.Loosen the wing nuts keeping nocdenserto the upper partition of bonnet.Tilt the condenser and blow it out bypressure air or wash it by pressurewater.Within the right function of AC the airhumidity is condensed in the roof spaceof cab. Condensed water is drained byhoses in cab pillars and water drains inthe bottom part of pillar. Thatřs why it isnecessary to keep hoses clean forproper draining the condensed water.Tractors Z 11641 equipped withAC are able to work on full loadup to ambient temperature 36“Cwithout any restriction.

181MAINTENANCE INSTRUCTIONSDRAINING THE CONDENSED WATERFROM AIR TANKSDrain the condensed water by incliningor pressing the protruded part of valve.Air tanks are located in front of rear axle.At <strong>tractor</strong>s Z 8621 - Z 10641 one air tankis assembled as a standard or ∗ two airtanks located on left and right hand sideof <strong>tractor</strong> (in case air brakes areassembled).At <strong>tractor</strong> Z 11641 both air tanksare assembled as a standard.F 268 F 269 F 270CHECKING THE LEAKAGE OF AIRSYSTEM- Fill the air tank to the max. pressure- The pressure must not drop down bymore than 10 kPa after 10 minutes atstopped engine.Daily inspect the system for leaksbefore operation with trailer. Theindicator lamp on the dashboardis on when the air brake systemfails or after dropping the pressureunder 420 kPa.OPERATING PRESSURE OF AIRBRAKESAt single and double hose brakes thepressure in double hose coupling (redcover) is 735 „ 20 kPa and the pressurein single hose coupling is max. 600 kPa(in time when the air pressure regulatorreleases the compressor air blowsout).

182MAINTENANCE INSTRUCTIONSTIRE MAINTENANCERegularly check the outer surface oftires and verify that tires are withoutdefects in the side part and that the cordis not damaged.Discard tires with defects.F 271 F 272INFLATING THE TIRESBasic values of recommended inflation pressure are mentioned in the followingtables. Regularly check for the inflation pressure before operation. Check theinflation pressure at cold tires. The <strong>tractor</strong> air pressure regulator can be used for tireinflation. <strong>This</strong> regulator serves for maintaining the air pressure, filling tires andserves as a safety valve. Remove the wing nut of regulator (or regulator rubber plug)when inflating the tire and assemble a hose for tire inflating instead of it. Screw downthe hose fitting up to the end of thread for pushing the back pressure valve. In casethe maximal pressure 0,6 MPa (or 0,7 MPa at double hose brakes) is in air braketanks the tire can not be inflated. In this case it is necessary to reduce the pressureby valve for draining the condensed water located in the bottom part of air tank. Thewing nut (or rubber plug) must be reassembled on the air pressure regulator after tireinflating.

183MAINTENANCE INSTRUCTIONSRECOMMENDED TIRE INFLATION PRESSURE FOR FRONT WHEELSSum of load capacity for both tires used at front axle must not exceed allowed axle load capacity. Values of allowed axle loadcapacity is mentioned in main technical parameters of the particular type of <strong>tractor</strong>. Tires of different design must not beassembled on the same axle of <strong>tractor</strong>.2WD TRACTORSTire size and designMain operating7,50-16 7,50-20 9,00-16 10,00-16 12,4-28conditions6 PR 6 PR 6 PR 6 PR 10 PRField operation Inflating pressure 230-280 230-280 160-190 170-200 120-170(kPa)load capacity (kg) 645-745 755-875 720-810 860-965 1035-1275Road transportation Inflating pressure 230-280 230-300 190-230 180-230 220-280(kPa)load capacity (kg) 645-745 755-875 810-900 860-965 1510-1790Operation with front Inflating pressureloader (8km/h) (kPa) 350 350 max.290 250 max.320load capacity (kg) max.1490 max.1750 max.1350 max.1930 max.2300

184MAINTENANCE INSTRUCTIONSRECOMMENDED TIRE INFLATION PRESSURE FOR FRONT WHEELSSum of load capacity for both tires used at front axle must not exceed allowed axle load capacity. Values of allowed axle loadcapacity is mentioned in main technical parameters of the particular type of <strong>tractor</strong>. Tires of different design must not beassembled on the same axle of <strong>tractor</strong>4WD TRACTORSTire size and designMain operating conditions12,4-24 12,4R24 13,6R248 PRField operation Inflating pressure (kPa) 100-170 130-160 130-160load capacity (kg) 895-1200 1190-1360 1270-1450Road transportation Inflating pressure (kPa) 200-250 130-160 130-160load capacity (kg) 1330-1415 1190-1360 1270-1450Operation with frontloader (8 km/h)Inflating pressure (kPa)290 max. 200 max.200load capacity (kg) max. 2830 max. 2040 max.1910Tire size and designMain operating conditions14,9R24 380/70R24 420/70R24Field operation Inflating pressure (kPa) 130-160 130-160 130-160load capacity (kg) 1490-1700 1445-1650 1665-1900Road transportation Inflating pressure (kPa) 130-160 190 190load capacity (kg) 1490-1700 (1445)-1650 (1665)-1900Operation with frontloader (8 km/h)Inflating pressure (kPa)max.200 max.200 max.200load capacity (kg) max.2550 max.2300 max.2300Note:Tires 380/70R24 can be replaced by tires 13,6R24.Tires 420/70R24 can be replaced by tires 14,9R24.

185MAINTENANCE INSTRUCTIONSRECOMMENDED TIRE INFLATION PRESSURE FOR REAR TIRESSum of load capacity for both tires used at rear axle must not exceed allowed axle load capacity. Values of allowed axle loadcapacity is mentioned in main technical parameters of the particular type of <strong>tractor</strong>. Tires of different design must not beassembled on the same axle of <strong>tractor</strong>.Main operatingconditionsField workRoadtransportationMain operatingconditionsField workRoadtransportationTire size and design16,9-34 16,9R34 18,4-34 18,4R348 PR8 PRInflating pressure 110-150 140-160 110-140 130-160(kPa)load capacity (kg) 1830-2200 2130-2430 2250-2565 2450-2800Inflating pressure 170-200 130-160 170-200 130-160(kPa)load capacity (kg) max. 2380 2130-2430 max. 2565 2450-2800Tire size and design16,9-38 16,9R38 480/70R38 18,4R38 520/70R388 PRInflating pressure 110-140 130-160 120-160 130-160 110-160(kPa)load capacity (kg) 1940-2230 2255-2575 2500-2900 2625-3000 2635-3350Inflating pressure 170-200 130-160 140-160 130-160 110-160(kPa)load capacity (kg) max. 2520 2255-2575 2700-2900 2625-3000 2635-3350Note: Tires 480/70R38 can be replaced by tires 16,9R38.Tires 570/70R38 can be replaced by tires 18,4R38.Inflate front and rear tires to lower mentioned value when working on fields with light soils (dry, sandy soils). Higher mentionedpressure is intended for working in heavy and compact soils. When tilling any deformation of tire side walls must not beappeared at minimal inflating. Load capacities mentioned in tables are valid under supposition that the speed of <strong>tractor</strong> doesn řtexceed 30 km/h. Mentioned values are considered for one tire. For <strong>tractor</strong> maximal load of axle mustn řt exceed max loads oftires.

186MAINTENANCE INSTRUCTIONSWhen loading the <strong>tractor</strong>, the allowed axle load capacity of axles must not exceed the allowed load capacity mentioned in maintechnical parameters of the particular type of <strong>tractor</strong>. Change of tire load from the basic value is mentioned in the followingtables.Note: values for inflating tires 100% are mentioned in tables of recommended inflating in article Main operating activities forfield operation .TIRES FOR NON DRIVEN WHEELSFront wheelsSpeedkm/hLoadcapacity %Inflating%102025303540150(200*)1351151009080125100100100100100* value for front loader onlyTIRES FOR DRIVING WHEELSWheels - diagonal tireSpeedkm/hLoadcapacity %Inflating%102025303540140**1201071009080125100100100100100** minimal value for 6 PRIt is not allowed to increase the tire loadcapacity by farther increase of inflatingpressure over values mentioned in tableand with reducing the <strong>tractor</strong> travelspeed except of mentioned cases.TIRES FOR DRIVING WHEELSWheels - radial tireSpeedkm/hLoadcapacity %Inflating%102025303540150123111107103100125100100100100100TRACTOR STORAGEIf the <strong>tractor</strong> is stored out of operation forshort period, inflate tires to value usedfor road transportation. When storage of<strong>tractor</strong> for a long period, support the<strong>tractor</strong> and reduce the tire pressure tominimum (wheels must not touch theground).



ADJUSTMENTPageInspecting the tension of engine belt ......................................................................190Tension of engine belt............................................................................................. 190Tightening the cylinder heads ................................................................................. 190Adjustment of valve clearance ................................................................................191Adjustment of valve clearance ................................................................................191Adjustment of injectors............................................................................................ 191Adjustment of injectors............................................................................................ 192Adjustment of brake pedal free travel .....................................................................192Bleeding the service brake system ........................................................................193Adjustment of clutch pedal free travel ....................................................................194Bleeding the clutch hydraulic circuit .......................................................................194Bleeding the front cardan brake ..............................................................................195Bleeding the front drum brake ................................................................................. 195Inspection of service brake ..................................................................................... 196Adjustment of service brake .................................................................................... 196Adjustment of parking brake ................................................................................... 197Changing the brake segments of front cardan brake ..............................................198Adjusting the free play of front wheel tapered roller bearings at <strong>tractor</strong>s Z 8621,Z 9621..................................................................................................................... 198Adjusting the lifting links of pick up hitch ................................................................ 199Adjusting the push-pull cable .................................................................................. 199Almost all these following operationsrequire certain experience, service anddiagnostic equipment. Thatřs why werecommend doing this work at specializedor authorized workshop189

190ADJUSTMENTINSPECTING THE TENSION OF ENGI-NE BELTThe correct tension of each belt is assuredwhen the belt is deflected 7,5 mmafter pushing on the belt by force 25 N.Adjust the tension of belt to prescribedvalue after loosening the fixing screws(1, 2).F 273 F 274 F 275TENSION OF ENGINE BELTAt <strong>tractor</strong>s Z 11641 the correct tension iswhen the belt is deflected 25 mm afterpushing on the belt by force 50 N.TIGHTENING THE CYLINDER HEADSCylinder heads are tightened at coldengine in the prescribed sequence.Tractor TypeTorqueValveclearanceTractor TypeTorqueValveclearanceZ 8621 - Z 10641 - (A)160 - 180 Nm0,25“ 0,05 mmZ 11641 - (B)1. first 19Nm2. than 50 Nm3. subsequentlytighten by 90„ “ 5ř)0,30“ 0,05 mm

ADJUSTMENTADJUSTMENT OF VALVE CLEA-RANCEEngine valve clearance is adjusted atcold engine. The correct valve clearanceat suction and exhaust valve is 0,25 ±0,05 mm.Change of rocker arm movement:Change ofrocker arm atcylinder:Adjusted valve atcylinder:1 42 33 24 1F 276 F 277 F 278ADJUSTMENT OF VALVECLEARANCEAt <strong>tractor</strong>s Z 11641 the engine valveclearance is adjusted at cold engine withpiston in top dead positions at the end ofcompression stroke. The correct valveclearance at suction and exhaust valveis 0,30 mmChange of rocker arm movement:Change of Adjusted valve atrocker arm at cylinder:cylinder1 65 23 46 12 54 3191ADJUSTMENT OF INJECTORSThe opening pressure of injectors is 22,0- 0,8 MPa. Adjust the pressure to theupper limit of tolerance (22,0 MPa) byshims (1) of various thickness, which areassembled under the spring (2). Theright position of injection nozzle (3) isdone by positioning pins on sealingsurface. Torque of fixing nut (4) is 50 -60 Nm. Before tightening the nut pressthe nozzle against spring by pushing thenozzle against wooden surface.

192ADJUSTMENTADJUSTMENT OF INJECTORSAt <strong>tractor</strong>s Z 11641 the openingpressure of injectors is 18 MPa. If themeasured value differs from the mentionedone adjust the spring of injectorby adding or removing the special shimswhich determine preloading the spring.Checking the injectors on testing bench.F 279 F 280ADJUSTMENT OF BRAKE PEDALFREE TRAVELThe correct play between piston rod ofbrake pedal and piston of main brakevalve is 0,5-1,0 mm. Adjust the play withunlatched pedals and after releasing thepiston rod adjusting nut (1), in which thepiston rod is screwed down.

193ADJUSTMENTBLEEDING THE SERVICE BRAKE SYSTEMBleed the system with unlatched pedals separately for each wheel.- Check the brake fluid level in the brake fluid tank. Add the missing volume withthe new brake fluid up to max. level .- Slide the hose on the vent screw after removing the rubber plug and put the otherend of hose into the transparent reservoir partially filled with brake fluid (3).- Press the brake pedal, loosen the vent screw maximally by 1/4 turn. Press thebrake pedal fully down and tighten the vent screw- Release the brake pedal and repeat procedure so long until the clear brake fluidwithout bubbles flows out from the hose. Check the brake fluid level in the brakefluid tank when bleeding to avoid aerating the brake system (1). Keep the hoseend permanently under brake fluid level. Reservoir (2) needs to be kept in thehighest possible position. The brake fluid must be completely exchanged in thewhole brake circuit minimally after two years.F 281 F 282Check the brake fluid level in the brakefluid tank when bleeding to avoidaerating the brake system (1).Keep the hose end permanentlyunder brake fluid level. Reservoir(2) needs to be kept in thehighest possible position. Thebrake fluid must be completelyexchanged in the whole brakecircuit minimally after two years.

194ADJUSTMENTADJUSTMENT OF CLUTCH PEDALFREE TRAVELThe play between pedal piston rod andclutch valve piston does not need to beadjusted - this is adjusted by producer.The mutual position between piston rodand piston rod eye (1) is adjusted thatway the piston rod is maximally pulledfrom cylinder and the pedal is stoppedon the upper stop screw (2) in the sametime. Afterwards the piston rod is fixedby nut (3) to piston rod eye. Checkeventual deformation of dust cap afteradjustment. In case of deformation correctit by handF 283 F 284BLEEDING THE CLUTCH HYDRAULICCIRCUITBleed the clutch hydraulic circuit by thesame way as bleeding the rear brakesystem. Vent screw of clutch hydrauliccircuit is located on the clutch controlcylinder (1).The brake fluid must be completelyexchanged in the wholebrake circuit including the clutchcircuit minimally after two years.

195ADJUSTMENTBLEEDING THE FRONT CARDAN BRAKEBleeding the brake system must be done at 4WD <strong>tractor</strong>s equipped with cardanbrake. It is necessary to start step by step at both pairs of cardan brake cylinders.One pair of cardan brake cylinders has two went screws (1), the second pair hasthree went screws (2). Bleed the system with unlatched pedals so that you will gentlypress one from pedals and you will bleed one pair of cardan brake cylinderconnected with circuit -I by the second pedal. Change pressing to pedals and bleedthe second pair of cardan brake cylinder connected with circuit -II. After bleeding thecardan brake bleed the rear service brake.F 285 F 286BLEEDING THE FRONT DRUM BRAKEBleeding the front drum brake can bedone only with right pressure in the airbrake system. Bleed the front drumbrake by vent screws of wheel brakecylinders. Press both pedals connectedby latch at bleeding. In the end bleed thefont brakes.

196ADJUSTMENTINSPECTION OF SERVICE BRAKEPress unlatched pedals of service brakeby maximal force approximately 500 N.In case that pedal touches the stop, it isnecessary to adjust service brakes. Thestop is created by the riser on bottompart of brake pedal bracket.F 287 F 288ADJUSTMENT OF SERVICE BRAKEBefore adjustment of service brake the parking brake lever must be in disbrakedposition and there must be a play between nut (1) and pin (2) in lever of disc brake(3). In case you will find this system without a play, loosen gently the nut (1). Lift bothrear <strong>tractor</strong> wheels and let turn one wheel by means of your helper by hand.Simultaneously tighten the adjusting nut (4) so long the wheel can not be turned byhand. Do not tighten more. After blocking the wheel loosen the adjusting nut by 5/6of turn (5 flats of nut) and check for turning the wheel. After this basic adjustmentcheck for efficiency of service brakes and for the brake effect of both wheels. If theasymmetry of brake effect appears between left and right brake the adjusting nut (4)of brake with bigger brake effect needs to be loosened by required value.

197ADJUSTMENTADJUSTMENT OF PARKING BRAKEAdjustment of parking brake follows after service brake adjustment. Parking brakelever must be in disbraked position. Adjust the parking brake so the lock nut (1) ofparking brake link (2) touches the pin in disc brake lever (3). After this basicadjustment check for efficiency of parking brakes and for the brake effect of bothwheels. If the asymmetry of brake effect appears between left and right brake theadjusting nut (1) of brake with bigger brake effect needs to be loosened by requiredvalue.F 290

198ADJUSTMENTCHANGING THE BRAKE SEGMENTSOF FRONT CARDAN BRAKEBrake segments must be exchanged ifthe thickness of lining is smaller than2mm. Brake segments are accessibleafter removing of two cotter pins securingthe cover sheet metal.The wear of cardan brake segments isindicated by indicator lamp on the dashboard.Note: There are contacts in brakesegment lining and these connect signalelectric circuit after wearing.F 291 F 292ADJUSTING THE FREE PLAY OF FRONT WHEEL TAPERED ROLLERBEARINGS AT TRACTORS Z 8621, Z 9621- Fix <strong>tractor</strong> against movement, lift up and support the front axle.- Remove the bearing cover (1) and remove the cotter pin (2) from the castle nut(3).- Tighten the castle nut (3) by 15 Nm.- Loosen the nut by 180„ and release the bearing by knocking of wooden mallet tothe wheel hub.- Retighten the castle nut (3) with torque wrench by 3-5 Nm. If the slots of castlenut are not aligned with opening in pin loosen the nut to the nearest slot. Wheelmust be freely turned without evident play but without evident resistance.Bearings mustnřt be noisy. (Hub sealing creates a friction against turning and thisneeds to be taken into consideration).- Lock the castle nut with a new cotter pin.- Add the grease in cover (1) fill maximally 1/3 of space in the hub.

199ADJUSTMENTADJUSTING THE LIFTING LINKS OFPICK UP HITCHChose the position control - "P" by hydraulicselection control lever. Raise thehydraulic lifting arms into the upper position.Adjust the telescopic links thatway you thread the lock nuts to guidingtube without play. Than unscrew the nutsby 4 threads.F 293 F 294ADJUSTING THE PUSH-PULL CABLEAdjust when the carrier with towing hookis in full contact with carrier hooks. Thepush pull cable must be undertensioning that way to be the lever in cabwithout play. Lock the push pull cable bylock nut against loosening.




203ELECTRICAL INSTALLATIONPageElectrical equipment................................................................................................ 204Basic service information ........................................................................................ 204Battery..................................................................................................................... 205Battery maintenance ............................................................................................... 205Charging and maintaining the batery ......................................................................206Alternator................................................................................................................. 208Alternator maintenance ........................................................................................... 208Fuse box ................................................................................................................. 209Checking the adjustment of front mask headlights ................................................. 210Adjustment of front grill headlights ..........................................................................210Checking the adjustment of cab roof headlights ..................................................... 211Wiring harness diagram of <strong>tractor</strong> ...........................................................................212

204ELECTRICAL INSTALLATIONELECTRICAL EQUIPMENTNominal voltage (minuspole (-) grounded) 12 VBattery (1)Z 8621 - Z 10641AKUMA 12V/135Ah12 V∗ AKUMA 12V/165AhZ 11641AKUMA 12V/165 Ah HDAKUMA 12V/180 Ah12 VAlternator with voltage regulator (2)Z 8621 - Z 10641 14V/70 AZ 11641 6V/85 AStarter motor (3) 12V/3,5kWF 295 F 296BASIC SERVICE INFORMATIONBattery "minus" pole must be ever connected with the ground and "plus" pole connectedwith alternator. Vice versa connected battery destroys the complete electronicsof alternator. If starting the <strong>tractor</strong> by means of another battery or auxiliarysource don’t forget to connect "plus" to "plus" and "minus" to "minus". Disconnectbattery by removing the connector from <strong>tractor</strong> ground (-) if changing any part ofcharging circuit. Avoid possible short circuit on connectors.

205ELECTRICAL INSTALLATIONBATTERYBattery (1) is accessible after removingthe front grill of bonnet.∗ Battery switch (3) is located on theleft-hand side under the cab. <strong>This</strong> isaccessible from outside.BATTERY MAINTENANCEMaintain the battery clean, good fixed tothe vehicle. The fixing device mustn’t deformthe battery case. Electrolyte levelmustn’t be under the minimum mark thatis on the case.F 297 F 298Add distilled water only!1. First study the operator’s manual for working with batterry.2. Safe your eyes by glasses or by safety shield!3. Electrolyte is a caustic agent that’s why keep attention when working withelectrolyte! Neutralize the skin and wear stained by electrolyte with soapwater. Wash them by clean water.4. Hydrogen is released from electrolyte at charging the battery and thiscreates the explosive mixture being mixed with the air. That ’s whymanipulation with open flame and smoking at battery is forbidden!5. The explosion might be caused by a spark created at manipulation withbattery terminals when the closed charging circuit!6. Keep children out of battery and electrolyte!7. Discarded battery is ecologically dangerous reject. Let it scrap byspecialists (service network). They will do it free of charge when buyingthe new battery.

CHARGING AND MAINTAINING THEBATERYA) Charging on the vehicle and outsidethe vehicle1. Systematic overcharging and dischargingof battery damages andshortens its life. Correctly adjustedcharging system maintains batterynear to the fully charged status. Atset level of voltage (13,8 - 14,4 V) incharging system and average <strong>tractor</strong>operation it is sufficient to check andmaintain the level of electrolyte bydistilled water once per six month.2. At heavier operation and anotherlevel of regulated voltage it is necessarymore frequent checking thelevel of electrolyte. Overcharging thebattery on vehicle (more than 14,4 V)causes bigger loose of electrolyte.3. It is necessary to charge the batteryremoved from the vehicle or in thevehicle which is not in operation (seestorage of charged batteries withelectrolyte). It is also suitable tocharge battery in vehicle beforewintertime and after wintertime. Inwinter season and strong frost theelectrolyte might be frozen at almostdischarged battery (density ofelectrolyte 1,12 - 1,15 g/cm 3 ) in thiscase the life will be substantiallyreduced (disintegration of activeELECTRICAL INSTALLATIONagent and destroy of battery case).Heavily discharged battery (densityof electrolyte lower than 1,07 g/cm 3 )might be frozen already at severaldegrees below zero.4. Charge the battery by current that is0,1 of total battery capacity (or lower)up to fully charged status.5. Charging device with constantvoltage 14,4 V can be also used.Charging time can be max. 30 hoursaccording to status of discharging.6. Fully discharged battery must becharged as soon as possible, otherwiseits full capacity can not be restored.B) Charged battery1. Battery is considered as fullycharged if all battery cells generatesthe gas with same intensity. If theelectrolyte density is 1,28 g/cm 3 in allcells and if the total voltage of batteryis within 15,3 - 16,5 V, measuredwith the prescribed charging current.2. Status of full charging is confirmedwhen the received density of electrolyteand level of voltage is notchanged within farther two measurementsfollowing after two hours.3. For example the charging status foryour orientation: status of chargingcorresponds to density of electrolyte.Charging status is characterized by206density of electrolyte and ismeasured by densimeter. Every cellneeds to be measured.Status of charging = density ofelectrolytecharging status Electrolyte density100 % 1,28 g/cm 370 % 1,23 g/cm 350 % 1,20 g/cm 320 % 1,15 g/cm 30 % 1,12 g/cm 3C) Storage of charged battery withelectrolyte1. Before storage the battery must becharged up to final symptoms ofcharging. It must be disconnectedfrom charging system, cleaned andwith plugs.2. Battery that is built into a plastic casefrom polypropylene must be chargedafter three month of storage becauseof smaller self-discharging.

207ELECTRICAL INSTALLATION3. Intervals for checking the status ofelectrolyte are: when charging thebattery or minimally once per 6month, battery is maintained byadding the distilled water! If someelectrical components are permanentlyconnected even at disconnectedkey switch (for exampleWarning) it is necessary to check thestatus of charging “ i.e. voltage w/oload and electrolyte density min. 1xafter 1 month.

208ELECTRICAL INSTALLATIONALTERNATORAlternator is accessible after removingthe right side shield. Charging status isindicated by the red indicator lamp onthe instrument panel.Damaged indicator lamp bulb12 V 1,2 W must be immediately exchanged.All wires connected with thealternator must be disconnectedwhen repairing <strong>tractor</strong> by electricarc welding. Protect the wire"+B" against short circuit.F 299 F 300ALTERNATOR MAINTENANCE- Protect the alternator against penetration of water or diesel fuel when washingand cleaning the <strong>tractor</strong>.- Battery must be never disconnected from alternator within the operation!- The alternator must never run without load i.e. with disconnected terminal "+B"and connected terminal "+D". When increased engine speed, this status wouldcreate excessively high voltage of alternator and the voltage would damage thealternator electronics.- Never create the short circuit of any alternator connector within the operation!- Alternator must not be additionally excited. Alternator electronics is damaged inthis case.- Keep the perfect electrical connection of alternator terminals and perfect alternatorground.

209F 301FUSE BOXFuse box is accessible after removingthe steering support left cover. The mainfuse box has eight polls. Farther four pollfuse box located nearby the main box isassembled at cab <strong>tractor</strong>s.Fuses are of knife type and the prescribedvalue of amperage must be keptwhen exchanging fuse. In case of repeatedfuse exchange look for theauthorized service.ELECTRICAL INSTALLATIONPosition of fuse in fuse box Pos. Fusesize1 15A2 15A345678910111215A15A15A15A15A15A15A15A15A15AProtected circuitHazard light interrupter, brake lightsacoustic horn, outlet 30 of starterinterlock relayfront driving axle, diff. lock, front PTOw/ indicator lamps, diff. lock relay„3„, dashboard supply, plug socketfor assembly lamphigh beam head lights with indicatorlampleft position light, license plate lightright position light, working headlightwith indicator lampright low beam head light, fog lightwith indicator lampleft low beam head light, indicatorlamp for grill/roof head lightfront and rear wiper, washer, relay„4„,heating blower, relay „5„ and „6„reserveair condition (AC compressor clutch)

210ELECTRICAL INSTALLATIONCHECKING THE ADJUSTMENT OF FRONT MASK HEADLIGHTSTractor must stand on horizontal ground and tires must be inflated to the specificpressure when checking on a testing wall. Basic vertical setting of grill headlightswith low beam is adjusted with - 3,5 % tolerance from basic setting (measured atstopped <strong>tractor</strong> with shipping weight). Light beams must be parallel with <strong>tractor</strong> axisin horizontal direction.I - Distance between testing wall and <strong>tractor</strong> headlight (5 m).h - Height of headlight center above ground∆h - Inclination of headlight (-3,5 %) to distance of testing wall = 17,5 cmα - Raising the picture of asymmetric headlight (15%)F 302 F 303ADJUSTMENT OF FRONT GRILLHEADLIGHTSAdjust the light by means of both screws(1) for vertical and horizontal directionsimultaneously - horizontally 2 ; vertically+1 to -6 .Each light is adjusted separately. Bulb isexchanged from the rear part of parabola.Slide out or remove the batterybecause of limited space.

211ELECTRICAL INSTALLATIONCHECKING THE ADJUSTMENT OF CAB ROOF HEADLIGHTSAny point of illuminated surface on the left side of road must not be more far than 30m.Light beams must be parallel with <strong>tractor</strong> axis in horizontal direction.Adjust the headlights at <strong>tractor</strong> with its shipping weight. Front roof headlights can beused on the road only in case that front implement is attached or if the attachedmachine covers grill headlights.F 304

212WIRING HARNESS DIAGRAM OF TRACTORPoz. Location of bulb Voltage Power Socket Notice1 front asymmetric headlights 12 V 45/40 W2 cab roof asymmetric headlights 12 V 45/40 W (low beam connected)3 front combined headlightsturning lights 12 V 21 Wposition lights 12 V 10 W4 working lights 12 V 55 W H 35 rear combined lightstail lights 12 V 10 Wbrake lights 12 V 21 Wturning lights 12 V 21 W6 license number plate illumination 2x12 V 5 W7 dashboard “ integrated instrumentpanel 12 V 1,2 W8 cab illumination 12 V 5 W9 switch of hydraulic electromagneticcontrol12 V 1,2 WF 307


1. Hazard light interrupter2. Hazard lights3. Headlight switch “ (main, position,off)4. Combined toggle switch5. Low beam headlight switch (roof-grill)6. Front grill headlights7. Front cab headlights8. Working lights9. Fog light10. Left front headlight11. Left rear light12. License number plate illumination13. Seven pole socket14. Front parking lights15. Right rear light16. Right front headlight17. Switch of Hi-Lo18. Hi-Lo - 119. PTO control (front, rear)20. Indicator lamp of air cleaner clogging21. Hi-Lo indicator lamp22. Valve 2. of Hi- Lo23. Valve 1. of Hi- Lo24. Sensor of air cleaner clogging25. Differential lock26. Differential lock valve27. Dashboard illumination28. Glow plugs29. Front wheel drive30. Front wheel drive valve31. Fuel level indicator lamp32. Fuel level indicator33. Fuel gaugeWIRING HARNESS DIAGRAM OF TRACTOR34. Thermometer35. Failure indicator lamp36. Blower37. Air pressure indicator lamp38. Blower39. Air condition40. Pressure gauge41. Front wiper42. Washer43. Rear wiper44. Wiper switch45. Lubrication indicator lamp46. Starter motor47. Alternator48. Tachometer49. Tachometer50. Indicator lamp of charging51. Battery52. Key switch214

2151. Right roof headlight2. Front wiper3. Ground connector of front wiper4. Ground connector of front headlight5. Control panel of heating blower6. Left roof headlight7. Heating blower motor8. Washer motor9. Ground connector of washer10. Connector of washer motor11. Right front combined light12. Left front combined light13. Working light14. Light of inner illumination15. Front wiper switch16. Rear wiper17. Rear wiper switch18. Connector of hydraulic outer control19. Blower connectors20. License number plate illumination21. Right rear combined light22. Left rear combined lightWIRING HARNESS DIAGRAM OF TRACTORF 306




219PLANNED TECHNICAL MAINTENANCEPagePlanned technical maintenance .............................................................................220Used operation liquids and fluids ............................................................................228Lubrication chart of <strong>tractor</strong> ...................................................................................... 232

220PLANNED TECHNICAL MAINTENANCEINSPECTION TRACTOR MAINTENANCE 1After engine hoursInspection and maintenance operationsENGINEEngine oil exchange X X Every 200 hoursEngine oil cleaner exhcange X X Every 200 hoursRetightening the cylinder head nutsXValve clearance inspection and adjustment X X X X X XInspection of engine lubrication pressure - after starting X Every 10 hoursInspection for level and lubrication syst’ m leaks X Every 10 hoursCleaning the turbocharger compressor housing and intake manifold X XInspection of turbocharger for leakage and bearing play X XInspection for water pump bearing play X XENGINE ACCESSORYInspection for leaks and function of hydraulic system clutch control X Every 10 hoursCheck of coolant level and cooling system leakage X Every 10 hoursCheck of fuel system leakage X Every 10 hours1 Air cleaner maintenance X X Every 200 hours2 Cleaning the radiator fins by pressure air X X Every 200 hoursCleaning the AC condenser fins by pressure airEvery 50 hours3 Coolant exchange X X X X XInspection and adjustment of injection pump X XInspection for turbocharger lub. System leaks X X X XInspection for exhaust manifold tightness X X X X X X X X X X X XInspection for injector opening pressure and nozzle function X X X X X X XFuel cleaner cartridge exchange X X X X X X X X X XDrive belt tension inspection and adjustment X X Every 200 hoursFuel course cleaner inspection and cleaning X X Every 200 hours

221PLANNED TECHNICAL MAINTENANCEINSPECTION TRACTOR MAINTENANCE 2After engine hoursInspection and maintenance operationsTRANSMISSIONTransmission oil cleaner cartridge exchange X X Every 200 hoursCleaning the magnetic element and trans. oil trainer ∗ X X Every 200 hoursInspection for oil level in transmission ∗ X X Every 200 hours3 Exchange of oil in transmission X X X X XFront PTO oil level inspection X Every 200 hours3 Front PTO oil level exchange ∗ X X X X XGreasing of front PTO cardan shaft joint by vaseline X X Every 200 hoursAXLES AND STEERING3 Exchnge of oil in front axle housing and final drive housings ∗ X X X X XInspection for oil level in front axle housing and final drive housing X Every 200 hoursExchange of oil and hydrostatic steering cleaner cartridge ∗ X X X X X4 Hydrostatic steering hoses exchange X XGreasing of front axle pivot pin X Every 200 hoursGreasing of front axle knees (extension) X Every 200 hours3 Greasing of front wheel hub (add grease max. 1/3 of space) X X XGreasing of steering ball joints X X X X X X X X X X3 Greasing of axle bearing at right final drive X X X3 Greasing of drive shaft joints and grooves of shaft X X XInspection for wheel bearing play X X X X X X X X X X XInspection for front wheel toe in X X X X X X X X X X XInspection for torque of bolts, nuts, at steer. con. rod, steering arms andwheels X Every 200 hours

222PLANNED TECHNICAL MAINTENANCEINSPECTION TRACTOR MAINTENANCE 3After engine hoursInspection and maintenance operationsHYDRAULICGreasing of top sensing torsion bar X X X X X X X X X XGreasing of top sensing lever X Every 200 hoursGreasing of lift assist cylinder pins X Every 200 hoursGreasing of telescopic control link X Every 200 hoursGreasing of right lifting link X X X X X X X X X XGreasing of front three point hitch pins X X X X X X X X X XInspection for front three point hitch hydraulic circuit leaks X X X X X X X X X XInspection for leaks and functions of particular hydraulic systems X X Every 200 hoursBRAKE SYSTEMInspection for brake liquid level and brake system leaks X Every 10 hoursInspection for brake system leaks and trailer brake afficiency X Every 10 hoursInspection for function and adjustment of service and parking brake X X X X X X X X X XAir brake adjustment X X X X X XGreasing of hydraulic brake system control X XChecking the tightness of air pressure regulator nutsXDraining the condensed water from air tank X X X X X X X X X XGreasing of all sliding surfaces of air instruments X X5 Exchange of rubber parts at brake system X X6 Air tank revision X XExchange of diaphragm, cleaning and adjustment the air pres. regulator X X

223PLANNED TECHNICAL MAINTENANCEINSPECTION TRACTOR MAINTENANCE 4After engine hoursInspection and maintenance operationsELECTRICAL INSTALATIONInspection for charging function X Every 10 hours7 Inspect for status and function of electrical equipment and accessory X X Every 200 hoursInspection for charging voltage X X8 Inspection for battery electrolyte level X X Every 200 hours8 Cleaning the battery terminals and their conservation by vaseline X Every 200 hoursInspection of starter, bearings, carbon brushes and their holders X XInspection of alternator, bearings, electronics, collectors X X3 Greasing of front and rear wiper mechanism X X X X XCAB AND TRACTOR ACCESSORIESCleaning and lubricating the lock of steering column X X X X X X X X X XInspection for driver„s seat function, greasing of moving parts X Every 200 hours9 Inspection for seat shock absorber leaks X XGreasing of door and rear window hinges, door pin and locks X X X X X X X X X XGreasing of trailer hitch automatic mouth X Every 200 hoursGreasing of pick up hitch X X X X X X X X X XInspection and eventual cleaning of cab filters X Every 10 hoursInspection of hitches, attachments including trailer X Every 10 hours

224PLANNED TECHNICAL MAINTENANCEINSPECTION TRACTOR MAINTENANCE 5After engine hoursInspection and maintenance operationsENGINE OF TRACTORS Z 11641 FORTERRAExchange of running-in oilonly after first 50 hoursEngine oil exchangeEvery 150 hoursInspection for engine for engine oil levelEvery 10 hoursFirst exchange of engine oil cleaner cartridgeonly after first 50 hoursExchange of engine oil cleanerEvery 300 hoursExchange of fuel cleanerEvery 300 hoursInspection of injectorsEvery 600 hoursInspection of injection pumpEvery 1200 hoursMaintenance of air cleaneraccording to clogging indicator, minimaly onceper yearAdjustment of valve tappetsEvery 600 hoursCheck of belt tighteningEvery 50 hoursCheck of manifold, alternator and starter motorEvery 1200 hours

225Note :PLANNED TECHNICAL MAINTENANCE∗ After first implementation of new <strong>tractor</strong> or at after general repair.1- According to dustiness and uncleanness of intake air (straw etc.) every 50 to 200 hours2- Clean daily when working with front attached machines if necessary in shorter periods3- Max. period - 2 years.4- Change hoses at least after four years from time of their production.New hoses must not be older than two years from time of their production mentioned on hose surface5- Max. period - five years from time of <strong>tractor</strong> manufacturing.6- Max. period - five years from time of air-tank manufacturing or after accident.7- <strong>This</strong> covers the adjustment of front asymmetric headlight and adjustment of brake indicator light switches (max. play betweenswitch and foot brake pedal stop must be 0,5 to 1,0 mm).8- In summer season - every 100 hours.9- In case of leakage remove the failed piston rod sealing, flush out the shock absorber by petrol and fill it up with 70 cm 3 ofshock absorber oil.

226<strong>This</strong> is carried out after 2400 hours.PLANNED TECHNICAL MAINTENANCE ’ MIDDLE REPAIRAT TRACTORS Z 8621 - Z 106411. Disassemble the compressor case of turbocharger withinlet manifold.2. Disassemble spiral of compressor.3. Remove impurities sedimented in compressor case and onthe rotor by brush with solvent.Cleaning by sharp subject or by wire brush isforbidden!Do not repair eventually deformed blades!INSPECTING THE TIGHTNESS OF TURBOCHARGER ANDTHE BEARING PLAYIn case the oil penetrates from bearing case round the shaftand in case the allowed radial and axial bearing play isexceeded, let the turbocharger repair in specialised workshop.Exchange the hose at inlet manifold and at outlet of lubricationoil from turbocharger when reassembling the turbocharger tothe engine. Fix the proper tightness of both connections. Fill0,2 litres of engine oil into inlet oil opening when reassemblingthe turbocharger to the engine.The inner conservation of turbocharger must be done ifthe <strong>tractor</strong> is a long time out of operation.<strong>This</strong> is done even after short starting the engine. That „s whywe recommend to start the turbocharged engine minimallyonce per three month at <strong>tractor</strong> out of operation and let theengine run for few minutes. The inner conservation is done bythis way.LUBRICATING THE ELEMENTS OF HYDRAULIC BRAKESAt moving parts i.e. brake cylinders, clutch cylinders and brakeequaliser, coat the sliding surfaces from sealing rings indirection to the outer dust rings by special vaseline forhydraulic brakes (for example Pentosin special). In the sametime inspect rubber parts of brakes. Exchange damagedrubber parts. Exchange all rubber parts at least up to fiveyears from date of <strong>tractor</strong> manufacturing.

227PLANNED TECHNICAL MAINTENANCE ’ GENERAL REPAIRGeneral repair of <strong>tractor</strong> must be done in case that its fartheroperation is not economical anymore. If many parts needrepair and the complete technical status of <strong>tractor</strong> jeopardizesthe safe operation.The middle life of engine and transmission is 6000 hours if allregulations for maintenance are kept according to thetechnical documentation of producer when working in normalclimatic conditions and in even terrain.<strong>This</strong> number of hours is valid if the following <strong>tractor</strong> workingconditions are taken into consideration:tillage and sowing preparation 15 - 25 %sowing 10 - 15 %harvesting 10 - 20 %agricultural transportation 40 - 65 %If the <strong>tractor</strong> works in hilly conditions the life of engine andtransmission is reduced by 15-20 %.If the <strong>tractor</strong> works in worse climatic conditions the life ofengine and transmission is reduced by 15-20 %.Note:Front driving axle is also considered as a transmission.TECHNICAL MAINTENANCE OF TRACTOR AFTERGENERAL REPAIRRun-in the <strong>tractor</strong> after general repair according to rules forrunning in the new <strong>tractor</strong>. Do the maintenance as on the new<strong>tractor</strong>.

228PLANNED TECHNICAL MAINTENANCE ’ USED OPERATION LIQUIDSOils for turbocharged engines Z 8621 - 10641 Forterra turbo (tab. 1)Producer Oil trade mark Viscosity class API classParamo PardubiceParamo PardubiceParamo PardubiceSHELLARALARALKORAMO KolínMVM7ADS III-TRYSKM7ADS III-TRYSK SUPERM7ADS IV-TRYSK SUPER TURBORIMULA TXMULTI TURBORALAUSTROTRACMOGUL DIESEL DTT PlusMV truck M PlusMV truck FE PlusMV truck FEMV AUSTROTRACMV truck LDMV RME Plus20W/4015W/4015W/4010W/3015W/4010W/3010W/4015W/4010W/4010W/4010W/3015W/4015W/40SF/CD+SG/CESG/CF-4SG/CF-4CF-4/SHCE/SFCF-4CF-4/SGCF-4CE/SGCECECE/SGOil for naturally aspirated engine - Z 11641 ForterraAkros Akros Motor Oil 30 only running in oil! - -Akros Akros Super 15W/40 -

229PLANNED TECHNICAL MAINTENANCE ’ USED OPERATION LIQUIDSOils for transmissions, front driving axle, front PTO gearbox (tab. 2)Z 8621 - 10641 Forterra turbo and Z 11641 ForterraProducer Oil trade mark Viscosity classSAE J 306 MAR 85API classAPI, SAE J308 NOV 82Paramo Pardubice Gyrol - UTTO 80W GL-4Paramo Pardubice Gyrol - PP80 80W GL-4Esso Torque Fluid 62 80W GL-4Koramo Kolín Mogul Trans 80 80W GL-4Oils for front driving axle (tab. 3)Z 8621 - 10641 Forterra turbo and Z 11641 ForterraProducer Oil trade mark Viscosity class API classAgipAgip Rotra Multi THTHYDROSTATIC STEERING (tab. 4)Hydraulic oil OH - HM 46 is used for 2WD <strong>tractor</strong>s (this oilcorresponds by its features to high pressure oils according toclassification ISO 6743, ISO - L - HM 46).Mogul HM 46, Mogul H - LPD 46Hydraulic oil OH - HM 32 is used for 4WD <strong>tractor</strong>s (this oilcorresponds by its features to high pressure oils according toclassification ISO 6743, ISO - L - HM 32).Mogul H - LPD 32, Mogul HM 32PLASTIC VASELINEPlastic vaseline LITOL 24 according to GOST 21150.75(classification of plastic lubricant) or PM - LA 2 (classificationof plastic lubricant ISO 6743/9, ISO - L - XBCEA 2).FUELSummer diesel fuel NM - 4 according to SN 656505 forseason from 1.4. to 31.10.Winter diesel fuel NM - 22 according to SN 656506 forseason 1.11. to 31.3.Note: Similarly the suitable kinds of fuel must be used abroad.

230PLANNED TECHNICAL MAINTENANCE ’ USED OPERATION LIQUIDSFLUIDS FOR HYDRAULIC BRAKES AND ENGINE CLUTCHBrake fluid SYNTHOL 205 yellow according to PND 31-656-80(classification of fluid according to prescription ISO 4925 orSAE J 1703).The fluid is not suitable for arctic conditions.1. Brake fluid must be exchanged minimally once pertwo years without consideration of operated hours.2. Brake fluid of the same classification can bemutually mixed..LIQUID FOR ENGINE COOLING CIRCUIT AND FOR CABHEATING - TRACTORS Z 8621 - Z 10641Antifreeze mixture FRIDEX - STABIL, FRIDOL 91 anddimineralised water in mixing ratio 1:1,5 (add the mixture in thesame mixing ratio). Antifreeze for exchanging abroad mustcontain anticorrosion additives saving all materials (includingrubbers and cylinder head gasket) of engine cooling systemand <strong>tractor</strong> heating system.1. At <strong>tractor</strong>s Z 10641 the water without antifreeze cannot be used!2. Exchange the antifreeze after two years ofoperation.3. Fluids FRIDEX - STABIL, FRIDOL 91 can bemutually mixed. Mixing with another liquids is notverified.Use only prescribed antifreezeAKROS FLUID!into cooling system of engine at <strong>tractor</strong>Z 11641 Forterra!It is not allowed to add water or anotherfluid into this antifreeze!Exchange after 1200 hours or at least after two years ofoperation.



233PLANNED TECHNICAL MAINTENANCEPoz. Lubrication point - inspection Fill sort123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930Cooling system - antifreeze exchangeEngine - oil exchangeSteering oil tankBrake fluid tankTransmissionDriver„s seat (handle and seat rollers)Driver„s seat shock absorberFront axle pivot pin (2 lub. nipples)Rigid knees of front axle (2 lub. nipples)Front wheel bearingsSteering lever ball jointsTop link sensing lever (1 lub. nipple)Lift assisting cylinder pins (2 or 4 lub. nipples)Control of vertical lift link (1 lub. nipple)Right vertical lift link of three point hitch (1 lub. nipple)Torsion shaft of sensing control (1 lub. nipple)Push-pull cable of pick up hitch, hand parking brakeCab blower bearingsBearing and lever system of front and rear wiperLeft lifting arm pinLower pin of three point hitch supportCab door hingesTightening nuts of lower draft linkFront PTO jointsFront PTO gearboxFront three point hitch pinsTrailer hitch automatic mouth (4 lubrication. nipples)BatteryClutch control cylinder (after disassembly)Brake control cylinders (after disassembly)Coolantsee (tab. 1)see (tab. 4)Synthol 205see (tab. 2)PM - LA 2Shock absorb oilPM - LA 2PM - LA 2PM - LA 2PM - LA 2PM - LA 2PM - LA 2PM - LA 2PM - LA 2PM - LA 2PM - LA 2PM - LA 2PM - LA 2PM - LA 2PM - LA 2PM - LA 2PM - LA 2PM - LA 2see (tab. 2)PM - LA 2PM - LA 2*Distilled waterWACKER Silicon paste P4 WeichWACKER Silicon paste P4 Weich


235PLANNED TECHNICAL MAINTENANCEPoz. Lubrication points - check Fill kind31PM - LA 232Pick up hitch pinBrake amplifierpneumatic parthydraulic part* - add the water up to level marked on the battery casePM - LA 2WACKER Silicon paste P4 Weich

236PLANNED TECHNICAL MAINTENANCE ’ USED OPERATION LIQUIDSUsed in Fill sort Z 8621-Z 10641(in litters)Z 11641(in litters)Coolant Z 8621 - Z 10641Fridex Stabil (Fridol 91) + dimineralised 17,5 - 19,0• -water20,5 - 23,0••Coolant Z 11641 Akros Fluid - 18,5 lFuel Diesel fuel 4, diesel fuel 22 180 180Engine oil see (tab.1) 10 l 15 lOil for transmission and diff case see (tab.2) 52 l 52 lOil for front driving axle Torque Fluid 62 (Rotra Multi THT) 6,5 6,5Oil for final drive of front driving axle2x0,6 2x0,6Torque Fluid 62 (Rotra Multi THT)Oil for gearbox of front PTO1,2 1,2see (tab.2)Brake fluid HD 205 0,5 l 0,5 lOil for hydrostatic steering see (tab.4) 2,7 - 2,9 lOil for shock absorber of seat (Mars) shock absorber oil 0,07 -• - Z 8621 - Z 9641•• - Z 10641At 4WD <strong>tractor</strong>s the oil quantity is by 2 litters bigger. It is necessary to add farther 7 litters of oil when working with <strong>tractor</strong> in hillyconditions. When driving implements requiring bigger quantity of oil in outer circuit it is possible to add 15 litters intotransmission.



239MAIN TECHNICAL PARAMETERSPageTechnical data of engines at <strong>tractor</strong>s Z 8621, Z 8641, Z 9621, Z 9641,Z 10641 ................................................................................................................... 240Technical data of engines at <strong>tractor</strong> Z 11641.......................................................... 242Zetor 8621 Forterra turbo........................................................................................ 245Zetor 9621 Forterra turbo........................................................................................ 245Zetor 8641 Forterra turbo........................................................................................ 255Zetor 9641 Forterra turbo........................................................................................ 255Zetor 10641 Forterra turbo...................................................................................... 277Zetor 11641 Forterra ............................................................................................... 293Dimensions of front tires ......................................................................................... 306Dimensions of rear tires ......................................................................................... 306Force, power, and fuel consumption .......................................................................306Speed of <strong>tractor</strong>s Z 8621 - Z 10641 Forterra turbo (30km/h) ..................................307Speed of <strong>tractor</strong>s Z 8621 - Z 10641 Forterra turbo (40km/h) ..................................309Speed of <strong>tractor</strong>s Z 11641 Forterra (30km/h).......................................................... 309Speed of <strong>tractor</strong>s Z 11641 Forterra (40km/h).......................................................... 310Rear independent PTO .......................................................................................... 311Front independent PTO .......................................................................................... 311

240MAIN TECHNICAL PARAMETERSTECHNICAL DATA OF ENGINES AT TRACTORS Z 8621, Z 8641, Z 9621, Z 9641, Z 10641Tractor type Z 8621, 8641 Z 9621, Z 9641 Z 10641Engine type 1203 1003 1303Engine executiondiesel, four stroke with direct fuel injection, turbochargedEngine executionin line, water-cooledNumber of cylinders 4 4 4Displacement cm 3 4156 4156 4156Bore x stroke mm 105x120 105x120 105x120Rated speed RPM 2200 2200 2200Ignition sequence 1-3-4-2 1-3-4-2 1-3-4-2Compression ratio 17 17 17Max. overspeed RPM 2460 2460 2460Low idle speed RPM 700-50 700-50 700-50Engine power at nominalspeed according to ISO 2288 kW 60 67,5 76Specific fuel consumption atrated speed g.kW -1 .h -1 17,99 20,07 21,86Engine lubricationPress type with pump -GerotorMax. engine oil consumptionafter 100 hour running in g.kW -1 .h -1 0,7 0,7 0,7Engine oil pressure at ratedspeed and oil temperature80’ C MPa 0,2 - 0,5 0,2 - 0,5 0,2 - 0,5Min. oil pressure at 700 RPMand oil temperature 80’ C MPa 0,05 0,05 0,05Coolant temperature ’ C 80 - 95 80 - 95 80Timing OHV OHV OHVOil cleanerFull flowFuel cleanerOne stage with cartridge

241MAIN TECHNICAL PARAMETERSTECHNICAL DATA OF ENGINES AT TRACTORS Z 8621, Z 8641, Z 9621, Z 9641, Z 10641Injection pump Type PP4M10K1f3460 PP4M10K1f3459 PP4M10K1f3461Nozzle DOP 150 S 428 - 4104 DOP 150 S 428 - 4104 DOP 150 S 428 - 4104Injector opening pressure 22-0,8 22-0,8 22-0,8Timing angle ’ 23+1 23+1 23+1Valve clearance measured atcold engine- suction- exhaustmmmm0,25“ 0,050,25“ 0,050,25“ 0,050,25“ 0,050,25“ 0,050,25“ 0,05

242MAIN TECHNICAL PARAMETERSTECHNICAL DATA OF ENGINES AT TRACTORS Z 11641Tractor type Z 11641Engine type 1000.6.WEngine execution diesel, four stroke with direct fuel injectionEngine execution in line, water-cooledNumber of cylinders 6Displacement cm 3 6000,66Bore x stroke mm 105x115,5Rated speed RPM 2350Ignition sequence 1-5-3-6-2-4Compression ratio 17Max. overspeed RPM 2520Low idle speed RPM 750“ 10Engine power at nominalspeed. according to ISO 2288 kWNot available in the time when printed thispublication.Specific fuel consumption at28,3rated speed g.kW -1 .h -1Engine lubrication Pressure oil ( gear type pump)Max. engine oil consumptionafter 100 hour running in g.kW -1 .h -1 Not available in the time when printed thispublication.Engine oil pressure at ratedspeed and oil temperature80’ C MPaNot available in the time when printed thispublication.Min. oil pressure at 700 RPMand oil temperature 80’ C MPaNot available in the time when printed thispublication.Coolant temperature ’ C 100Timing OHVOil cleaner Full flowFuel cleaner One stage with cartridge

243MAIN TECHNICAL PARAMETERSTECHNICK’ DATA MOTOR TRAKTOR Z 11641Injection pump Type BOSCH PFR 1K 90A 555Type of governor electronicType of Injectors BOSCH - DLLA 155 S 1323Injector opening pressure MPa 180+8 (bar)Timing angle ’ 16Valve clearance measured atcold engine- suction- exhaustmmmm0,300,30


245MAIN DIMENSIONS(mm)WEIGHT(kg)MAIN TECHNICAL PARAMETERSTractor type Zetor 8621 Forterra turbo, Zetor 9621 Forterra turboFront tire7,50 - 20Rear tire 16,9R34 16,9R38 18,4R34 18,4-38 18,4R38 480/70R38 520/70R38MAIN DIMENSIONS (mm)(tolerance 2%)Overall length with hitch 4384Width over rear fenders- (narrow) 1974Width over rear fenders- (wide) 2136Width over tires with tread 1500 mm1929 1929 1967 1967 1967 1929 2020Height up to muffler top(muffler with flap w/o spark arrester)2758Height up to cab top 2648275026772756266227942684279426842750267727942684Ground clearance under front axle housing 536Ground clearance under swinging drawbar inlowest position 237 309 280 272 272 309 272Height of pick up hitch(middle of clevis by 100 mm) 614-814 684-884 656-856 648-848 648-848 684-884 648-848Height of swinging drawbar (to lower innersurface of clevis) 277 349 240 312 312 349 312Height of pick up hitch(to surface of hook) 368 428 402 404 404 428 404Height of PTO 610 670 647 645 645 670 645Front wheel tread- standard- for agricultural operation - adjustableRear wheel tread- standard- for agricultural operation - adjustable15001425 - 180015001500 - 1800Wheel base 2395

246MAIN DIMENSIONS(mm)WEIGHT(kg)MAIN TECHNICAL PARAMETERSTractor type Zetor 8621 Forterra turbo, Zetor 9621 Forterra turboFront tire7,50 - 20Rear tire 16,9R34 16,9R38 18,4R34 18,4-38 18,4R38 480/70R38 520/70R38Main dimensions (mm)(tolerance 2%)Height up to steering wheel top 1979 2005 1992 2014 2014 2005 2014Contour turning diameter with one wheelbraked Not available in the time when printed this publication.Tread turning diameter with one wheelbraked Not available in the time when printed this publication.Weight (kg(tolerance 2%)Shipping weight of <strong>tractor</strong> with cab- front axle- rear axle333012952035340612952111Ballast weights-frontbottom ballast weightfront ballast weight1+31+2120 (1x30 + 3x30)90 (1x30 + 2x30)Ballast weights-rear2+42+6170 (2x25 + 4x30 - Z 8621, Z 9621)230 (2x25 + 6x30 - Z 9621)Water in rear tires 2x250 2x260 2x340 2x385 2x385 2x335 2x390339112952096352512952230355512952260345112952156348012952185

247MAIN TECHNICAL PARAMETERSMAIN DIMENSIONS Tractor type(mm)Zetor 8621 Forterra turbo, Zetor 9621 Forterra turboWEIGHTFront tire(kg)7,50 - 20Rear tire 16,9R34 16,9R38 18,4R34 18,4-38 18,4R38 480/70R38 520/70R38Max. allowed load on axles (kg)Inflating (kPa) at max. speedFront axle - not braked30 km/h20 km/h8 km/hRear axle30 km/h20 km/h8 km/h5200-1605500-1405500-1105500-1605500-1305500-1005500-1405500-1205500-901750-2802362-3502600-3505430-1405500-1405500-1005500-1305500-1105500-805500-1405500-1105500-905500-1105500-905500-80

248MAIN DIMENSIONS(mm)WEIGHT(kg)MAIN TECHNICAL PARAMETERSTractor type Zetor 8621 Forterra turbo, Zetor 9621 Forterra turboFront tire9,00 - 16Rear tire 16,9R34 16,9R38 18,4R34 18,4-38 18,4R38 480/70R38 520/70R38Main dimensions (mm)(tolerance 2%)Overall length with hitch 4384Width over rear fenders - (narrow) 1974Width over rear fenders- (wide) 2136Width over tires with tread 1500 mm 1929 1929 1967 1967 1967 1980 2020Height up to muffler top(muffler with flap w/o spark arrester) 2746 2758 2752 2788 2788 2758 2788Height up to cab top 2642 2674 2659 2683 2683 2674 2683Ground clearance under front axle housing 512Ground clearance under swinging drawbar inlowest position 240 315 283 274 274 315 274Height of pick up hitch(middle of clevis by 100 mm) 619-818 690-890 660-860 650-850 650-850 690890 650-850Height of swinging drawbar (to lower innersurface of clevis) 280 356 324 314 314 356 314Height of pick up hitch(to surface of hook) 370 435 409 406 406 435 406Height of PTO 612 675 648 647 647 675 647Front wheel tread- standard- for agricultural operation - adjustableRear wheel tread- standard- for agricultural operation - adjustable15001425 - 180015001500 - 1800Wheel base 2395

249MAIN DIMENSIONS(mm)WEIGHT(kg)MAIN TECHNICAL PARAMETERSTractor type Zetor 8621 Forterra turbo, Zetor 9621 Forterra turboFront tire9,00 - 16Rear tire 16,9R34 16,9R38 18,4R34 18,4-38 18,4R38 480/70R38 520/70R38Main dimensions (mm)(tolerance 2%)Height up to steering wheel top 1973 2001 2005 2011 2011 2001 2011Contour turning diameter with one wheelbraked - Not available in the time when printed this publication.Tread turning diameter with one wheelbraked - Not available in the time when printed this publication.Weight (kg(tolerance 2%)Shipping weight of <strong>tractor</strong> with cab- front axle- rear axle332312882035339912882111Ballast weights-frontbottom ballast weightfront ballast weight1+31+2120 (1x30 + 3x30 - Z 8621)90 (1x30 + 2x30 Z 8621, Z 9621)Ballast weights-rear2+42+6170 (2x25 + 4x30)230 (2x25 + 6x30)Water in rear tires 2x250 2x260 2x340 2x385 2x385 2x335 2x390338412882096351812882230354812882260344412882156347312882185

250MAIN TECHNICAL PARAMETERSMAIN DIMENSIONS Tractor type(mm)Zetor 8621 Forterra turbo, Zetor 9621 Forterra turboWEIGHTFront tire(kg)9,00 - 16Rear tire 16,9R34 16,9R38 18,4R34 18,4-38 18,4R38 480/70R38 520/70R38Max. allowed load on axles (kg)Inflating (kPa) at max. speedFront axle - not braked30 km/h20 km/h8 km/hRear axle30 km/h20 km/h8 km/h5200-1605500-1405500-1105500-1605500-1305500-1005500-1405500-1205500-901770-2202390-2752650-2755430-1405500-1405500-1005500-1305500-1105500-805500-1405500-1105500-905500-1105500-905500-80

251MAIN DIMENSIONS(mm)WEIGHT(kg)MAIN TECHNICAL PARAMETERSTractor type Zetor 8621 Forterra turbo, Zetor 9621 Forterra turboFront tire10,00 - 16Rear tire 16,9R34 16,9R38 18,4R34 18,4-38 18,4R38 480/70R38 520/70R38Main dimensions (mm)(tolerance 2%)Overall length with hitch 4384Width over rear fenders- (narrow) 1974Width over rear fenders- (wide) 2136Width over tires with tread 1500 mm1929 1929 1967 1967 1967 1980 2020Height up to muffler top(muffler with flap w/o spark arrester) 2748 2761 2755 2790 2790 2761 2790Height up to cab top 2643 2676 2661 2684 2684 2676 2684Ground clearance under front axle housing 522Ground clearance under swinging drawbar inlowest position 242 311 281 272 272 311 272Height of pick up hitch(middle of clevis by 100 mm) 619-819 686-886 657-857 648-848 648-848 686-886 648-848Height of swinging drawbar (to lower innersurface of clevis) 282 351 321 312 312 351 312Height of pick up hitch(to surface of hook) 370 430 404 404 404 430 404Height of PTO 612 672 646 645 645 672 645Front wheel tread- standard- for agricultural operation - adjustableRear wheel tread- standard- for agricultural operation - adjustable15001425 - 180015001500 - 1800Wheel base 2395

252MAIN DIMENSIONS(mm)WEIGHT(kg)MAIN TECHNICAL PARAMETERSTractor type Zetor 8621 Forterra turbo, Zetor 9621 Forterra turboFront tire10,00 - 16Rear tire 16,9R34 16,9R38 18,4R34 18,4-38 18,4R38 480/70R38 520/70R38Main dimensions (mm)(tolerance 2%)Height up to steering wheel top 1974 2003 1990 2013 2013 2003 2013Contour turning diameter with one wheelbraked - Not available in the time when printed this publication.Tread turning diameter with one wheelbraked - Not available in the time when printed this publication.Weight (kg(tolerance 2%)Shipping weight of <strong>tractor</strong> with cab- front axle- rear axle333012952035340612952111Ballast weights-frontbottom ballast weightfront ballast weight1+31+2120 (1x30 + 3x30)90 (1x30 + 2x30)Ballast weights-rear2+4 170 (2x25 + 4x30 - Z 8621)2+6 230 (2x25 + 6x30 - Z 8621, Z 9621)2+10 350 (2X25 + 10X30 - Z 9621)Water in rear tires 2x250 2x260 2x340 2x385 2x385 2x385 2x390339112952096352512952230355512952260345112952156348012952185

253MAIN TECHNICAL PARAMETERSMAIN DIMENSIONS Tractor type(mm)Zetor 8621 Forterra turbo, Zetor 9621 Forterra turboWEIGHTFront tire(kg)10,00 - 16Rear tire 16,9R34 16,9R38 18,4R34 18,4-38 18,4R38 480/70R38 520/70R38Max. allowed load on axles (kg)Inflating (kPa) at max. speedFront axle - not braked30 km/h20 km/h8 km/hRear axle30 km/h20 km/h8 km/h5200-1605500-1405500-1105500-1605500-1305500-1005500-1405500-1205500-901850-2003200-3503500-3505430-1405500-1405500-1005500-1305500-1105500-805500-1405500-1105500-905500-1105500-905500-80


255MAIN DIMENSIONS(mm)WEIGHT(kg)MAIN TECHNICAL PARAMETERSTractor type Zetor 8641 Forterra turboZetor 9621 Forterra turboFront tire12,4R24Rear tire 16,9R34 16,9R38 18,4R34 480/R78Main dimensions (mm)(tolerance 2%)Overall length with hitch 4850Width over rear fenders- (narrow) 1974Width over rear fenders- (wide) 2136Width over tires with tread 1500 mm1929 1920 1967 1980Height up to muffler top(muffler with flap w/o spark arrester)2775 2772 2768 2772Height up to cab top 2659 2681 2688 2681Ground clearance under front axle housing 430Ground clearance under swinging drawbar inlowest position 236 307 280 307Height of pick up hitch(middle of clevis by 100 mm) 614-814 682-882 657-857 682-882Height of swinging drawbar (to lower innersurface of clevis) 276 347 320 347Height of pick up hitch(to surface of hook) 369 429 406 429Height of PTO 611 671 648 671Front wheel tread- standard- for agricultural operation - adjustableRear wheel tread- standard- for agricultural operation - adjustable15001500-180015751575-180015651565 - 186515001500-180015001500-1800

256MAIN DIMENSIONS(mm)WEIGHT(kg)MAIN TECHNICAL PARAMETERSTractor type Zetor 8641 Forterra turboZetor 9621 Forterra turboFront tire12,4R24Rear tire 16,9R34 16,9R38 18,4R34 480/R78Main dimensions (mm)(tolerance 2%)Wheel base 2390Height up to steering wheel top 1991 2010 1999 2010Contour turning diameter with one wheelbraked - Not available in the time when printed this publication.Tread turning diameter with one wheelbraked - Not available in the time when printed this publication.Weight (kg)(tolerance 2%)Shipping weight of <strong>tractor</strong> with cab- front axle- rear axle371715822135380215822220376515822183383715822255Ballast weights-frontbottom ballast weight 1+3 120 (1x30 + 3x30)front ballast weight 1+2 90 (1x30 + 2x30 - Z 8641)1+5 180 (1x30 + 5x30)1+7 240 (1x30 + 7x30 - Z 9641)Ballast weights-rear2+4 170 (2x25 + 4x30 Z 8641)2+6 230 (2x25 + 6x30)2+10 350 (2x25 + 10x30 Z 9641)Ballast weight of front three point hitch12 PCs (canister) 260 (support 8 + 12x21)Water in rear tires 2x250 2x260 2x340 2x335

257MAIN DIMENSIONS(mm)WEIGHT(kg)MAIN TECHNICAL PARAMETERSTractor type Zetor 8641 Forterra turboZetor 9621 Forterra turboFront tire12,4R24Rear tire 16,9R34 16,9R38 18,4R34 480/R78Max. allowed load on axles (kg)Inflating (kPa) at max. speedFront driving axle40 km/h30 km/h20 km/h8 km/hRear axle40 km/h30 km/h20 km/h8 km/h4860-1605200-1605500-1405800-1205150-1605500-1605500-1305800-1102350-1602500-1303600-1604100-1605150-1405500-1405500-1205800-905150-1405500-1405500-1105800-90

258MAIN DIMENSIONS(mm)WEIGHT(kg)MAIN TECHNICAL PARAMETERSTractor type Zetor 8641 Forterra turboZetor 9621 Forterra turboFront tire12,4 - 28, 10PRRear tire 16,9R38 18,4R38 18,4 - 38 480/70R38 520/70R38Main dimensions (mm)(tolerance 2%)Overall length with hitch 4850Width over rear fenders- (narrow) 1974Width over rear fenders- (wide) 2136Width over tires with tread 1500 mm1920 1967 1967 1980 2020Height up to muffler top(muffler with flap w/o spark arrester)2818 2797 2797 2818 2797Height up to cab top 2705 2685 2685 2705 2685Ground clearance under front axle housing 491Ground clearance under swinging drawbar inlowest position 288 270 270 288 270Height of pick up hitch(middle of clevis by 100 mm) 665-865 647-847 647-847 665-865 647-847Height of swinging drawbar (to lower innersurface of clevis) 328 310 310 328 310Height of pick up hitch(to surface of hook) 420 402 402 420 402Height of PTO 662 644 644 662 644Front wheel tread- standard- for agricultural operation - adjustableRear wheel tread- standard- for agricultural operation - adjustable17151715-186515751575-180017101710-186017251575-180017101710-186017251575-180017151715-186515751575-180017101710-186017251575-1800

259MAIN DIMENSIONS(mm)WEIGHT(kg)MAIN TECHNICAL PARAMETERSTractor type Zetor 8641 Forterra turboZetor 9621 Forterra turboFront tire12,4 - 28, 10PRRear tire 16,9R38 18,4R38 18,4 - 38 480/70R38 520/70R38Main dimensions (mm)(tolerance 2%)Wheel base 2390Height up to steering wheel top 2037 2016 2016 2037 2016Contour turning diameter with one wheelbraked - Not available in the time when printed this publication.Tread turning diameter with one wheelbraked - Not available in the time when printed this publication.Weight (kg(tolerance 2%)Shipping weight of <strong>tractor</strong> with cab- front axle- rear axle393717172220407217172355404217172325397217172255399717172280Ballast weights-frontbottom ballast weight 1+3 120 (1x30 + 3x30)front ballast weight 1+2 90 (1x30 + 2x30 - only Z 8641)1+5 180 (1x30 + 5x30)1+7 240 (1x30 + 7x30 - only Z 9641)Ballast weights-rear2+4 170 (2x25 + 4x30)2+6 230 (2x25 + 6x30)2+10 350 (2x25 + 10x30 - only Z 9641)Ballast weight of front three point hitch12 PCs (canister) 260 (support 8 + 12x21)Water in rear tires 2x260 2x385 2x385 2x335 2x390

260MAIN DIMENSIONS(mm)WEIGHT(kg)MAIN TECHNICAL PARAMETERSTractor type Zetor 8641 Forterra turboZetor 9621 Forterra turboFront tire12,4 - 28, 10PRRear tire 16,9R38 18,4R38 18,4 - 38 480/70R38 520/70R38Max. allowed load on axles (kg)Inflating (kPa) at max. speedFront driving axle40 km/h30 km/h20 km/h8 km/hRear axle40 km/h30 km/h20 km/h8 km/h5150-1605500-1605500-1305800-1105150-1305500-1305500-1105800-802350-2202500-1703600-2404600-290-5500-1405500-1405800-1105150-1405500-1405500-1105800-90-5500-1105500-905800-80

261MAIN DIMENSIONS(mm)WEIGHT(kg)MAIN TECHNICAL PARAMETERSTractor type Zetor 8641 Forterra turbo, Zetor 9621 Forterra turboFront tire13,6R24Rear tire 16,9R34 16,9R38 18,4R34 18,4R38 18,4-38 480/70R38 520/70R38Main dimensions (mm)(tolerance 2%)Overall length with hitch 4850Width over rear fenders- (narrow) 1974Width over rear fenders- (wide) 2136Width over tires with tread 1500 mm1929 1920 1967 1967 1967 1980 2020Height up to muffler top(muffler with flap w/o spark arrester) 2790 2788 2779 2790 2790 2788 2790Height up to cab top 2672 2690 2676 2789 2789 2690 2789Ground clearance under front axle housing 450Ground clearance under swinging drawbar inlowest position 240 303 279 272 272 303 272Height of pick up hitch(middle of clevis by 100 mm) 612-812 680-880 656-856 649-849 649-849 680-880 649-849Height of swinging drawbar (to lower innersurface of clevis) 280 343 319 312 312 343 312Height of pick up hitch(to surface of hook) 370 428 406 403 403 428 403Height of PTO 612 670 648 650 650 670 650Front wheel tread- standard- for agricultural operation - adjustableRear wheel tread- standard- for agricultural operation - adjustable15651565-186516301630-185016301630-185017101710-186015001500-180015751575-180015001500-180017251575-1800Wheel base 239017101710-186017251575-180016301630-185015751575-180017101710-186017251575-1800

262MAIN DIMENSIONS(mm)WEIGHT(kg)MAIN TECHNICAL PARAMETERSTractor type Zetor 8641 Forterra turbo, Zetor 9621 Forterra turboFront tire13,6R24Rear tire 16,9R34 16,9R38 18,4R34 18,4R38 18,4-38 480/70R38 520/70R38Main dimensions (mm)(tolerance 2%)Height up to steering wheel top 1998 2020 2007 2015 2015 2020 2015Contour turning diameter with one wheelbraked - Not available in the time when printed this publication.Tread turning diameter with one wheelbraked - Not available in the time when printed this publication.Weight (kg(tolerance 2%)Shipping weight of <strong>tractor</strong> with cab- front axle- rear axle385717222135394217222220Ballast weights-frontbottom ballast weight 1+3 120 (1x30 + 3x30)front ballast weight 1+2 90 (1x30 + 2x30 - only Z 8641)1+5 180 (1x30 + 5x30)1+7 240 (1x30 + 7x30 - only Z 9641)Ballast weights-rear2+4 170 (2x25 + 4x30)2+6 230 (2x25 + 6x30)2+10 350 (2x25 + 10x30 only - Z 9641)Ballast weight of front three point hitch12 PCs (canister) 260 (support 8 + 12x21)Water in rear tires 2x250 2x260 2x340 2x385 2x385 2x335 2x390390517222183407717222355404717222325397717222255400217222280

263MAIN TECHNICAL PARAMETERSMAIN DIMENSIONS Tractor type(mm)Zetor 8641 Forterra turbo, Zetor 9621 Forterra turboWEIGHTFront tire(kg)13,6R24Rear tire 16,9R34 16,9R38 18,4R34 18,4R38 18,4-38 480/70R38 520/70R38Max. allowed load on axles (kg)Inflating (kPa) at max. speedFront driving axle40 km/h30 km/h20 km/h8 km/hRear axle40 km/h30 km/h20 km/h8 km/h4860-1605200-1605500-1405800-1205150-1605500-1605500-1305800-1105150-1405500-1405500-1205800-902350-1602500-1203600-1404350-1605150-1305500-1305500-1105800-80-5500-1405500-1405800-1105150-1405500-1405500-1105800-905150-1305500-1105500-905800-80

264MAIN DIMENSIONS(mm)WEIGHT(kg)MAIN TECHNICAL PARAMETERSTractor type Zetor 8641 Forterra turboZetor 9621 Forterra turboFront tire14,9 - 24Rear tire 16,9R38 18,4R38 18,4 - 38 480/70R38 520/70R38Main dimensions (mm)(tolerance 2%)Overall length with hitch 4850Width over rear fenders- (narrow) 1974Width over rear fenders- (wide) 2136Width over tires with tread 1500 mm 1929 1967 1967 1980 2020Height up to muffler top(muffler with flap w/o spark arrester) 2802 2797 2797 2802 2797Height up to cab top 2697 2685 2685 2697 2685Ground clearance under front axle housing 469Ground clearance under swinging drawbar inlowest position 296 270 270 296 270Height of pick up hitch(middle of clevis by 100 mm) 673-873 647-847 647-847 673-873 647-847Height of swinging drawbar (to lower innersurface of clevis) 336 310 310 336 310Height of pick up hitch(to surface of hook) 424 402 402 424 402Height of PTO 666 644 644 666 644Front wheel tread- standard- for agricultural operation - adjustableRear wheel tread- standard- for agricultural operation - adjustable17101710-186015751575-180017101710-186017251575-180017101710-186017251575-180017101710-186015751575-180017101710-186017251575-1800

265MAIN DIMENSIONS(mm)WEIGHT(kg)MAIN TECHNICAL PARAMETERSTractor type Zetor 8641 Forterra turboZetor 9621 Forterra turboFront tire14,9 - 24Rear tire 16,9R38 18,4R38 18,4 - 38 480/70R38 520/70R38Main dimensions (mm)(tolerance 2%)Wheel base 2390Height up to steering wheel top 2028 2016 2016 2028 2016Contour turning diameter with one wheelbraked - Not available in the time when printed this publication.Tread turning diameter with one wheelbraked - Not available in the time when printed this publication.Weight (kg(tolerance 2%)Shipping weight of <strong>tractor</strong> with cab- front axle- rear axle396317432220409817432355406817432325399817432255403117432288Ballast weights-frontbottom ballast weight 1+3 120 (1x30 + 3x30)front ballast weight 1+2 90 (1x30 + 2x30 - only Z 8641)1+5 180 (1x30 + 5x30)1+7 240 (1x30 + 7x30 - only Z 9641)Ballast weights-rear2+4 170 (2x25 + 4x30)2+6 230 (2x25 + 6x30)2+10 350 (2x25 + 10x30 - only Z 9641)Ballast weight of front three point hitch12 PCs (canister) 260 (support 8 + 12x21)Water in rear tires 2x260 2x385 2x385 2x335 2x390

266MAIN DIMENSIONS(mm)WEIGHT(kg)MAIN TECHNICAL PARAMETERSTractor type Zetor 8641 Forterra turboZetor 9621 Forterra turboFront tire14,9 - 24Rear tire 16,9R38 18,4R38 18,4 - 38 480/70R38 520/70R38Max. allowed load on axles (kg)Inflating (kPa) at max. speedFront driving axle40 km/h30 km/h20 km/h8 km/hRear axle40 km/h30 km/h20 km/h8 km/h5150-1605500-1605500-1305800-1105150-1305500-1305500-1105800-802350-1402500-1003600-1504600-190-5500-1405500-1405800-1105150-1405500-1405500-1105800-905150-1305500-1105500-905800-80

267MAIN DIMENSIONS(mm)WEIGHT(kg)MAIN TECHNICAL PARAMETERSTractor type Zetor 8641 Forterra turbo, Zetor 9621 Forterra turboFront tire380/70R24Rear tire 16,9R34 16,9R38 18,4R34 18,4R38 18,4-38 480/70R38 520/70R38Main dimensions (mm)(tolerance 2%)Overall length with hitch 4850Width over rear fenders- (narrow) 1974Width over rear fenders- (wide) 2136Width over tires with tread 1500 mm 1929 1929 1967 1967 1967 1980 2020Height up to muffler top(muffler with flap w/o spark arrester) 2775 2772 2768 2775 2775 2772 2775Height up to cab top 2659 2681 2688 2673 2673 2681 2673Ground clearance under front axle housing 430Ground clearance under swinging drawbar inlowest position 236 307 280 280 280 307 280Height of pick up hitch(middle of clevis by 100 mm) 614-814 682-882 657-857 665-865 665-865 682-882 665-865Height of swinging drawbar (to lower innersurface of clevis) 276 347 320 320 320 347 320Height of pick up hitch(to surface of hook) 369 429 406 402 402 429 402Height of PTO 611 671 648 654 654 671 654Front wheel tread- standard- for agricultural operation - adjustableRear wheel tread- standard- for agricultural operation - adjustable15651565-186515651565-186515651565-186517101710-186015001500-180015001500-180015001500-180017251575-1800Wheel base 239017101710-186017251575-180015651565-186515001500-180017101710-186017251575-1800

268MAIN DIMENSIONS(mm)WEIGHT(kg)MAIN TECHNICAL PARAMETERSTractor type Zetor 8641 Forterra turbo, Zetor 9621 Forterra turboFront tire380/70R24Rear tire 16,9R34 16,9R38 18,4R34 18,4R38 18,4-38 480/70R38 520/70R38Main dimensions (mm)(tolerance 2%)Height up to steering wheel top 1991 2020 2007 2008 2008 2007 2008Contour turning diameter with one wheelbraked - Not available in the time when printed this publication.Tread turning diameter with one wheelbraked - Not available in the time when printed this publication.Weight (kg(tolerance 2%)Shipping weight of <strong>tractor</strong> with cab- front axle- rear axle385717222135394217222220Ballast weights-frontbottom ballast weight 1+3 120 (1x30 + 3x30)front ballast weight 1+2 90 (1x30 + 2x30 - only Z 8641)1+5 180 (1x30 + 5x30)1+7 240 (1x30 + 7x30 - only Z 9641)Ballast weights-rear2+4 170 (2x25 + 4x30)2+6 230 (2x25 + 6x30)2+10 350 (2x25 + 10x30 only - Z 9641)Ballast weight of front three point hitch12 PCs (canister) 260 (support 8 + 12x21)Water in rear tires 2x250 2x260 2x340 2x385 2x385 2x385 2x390390517222183407717222355404717222325397717222255400217222280

269MAIN TECHNICAL PARAMETERSMAIN DIMENSIONS Tractor type(mm)Zetor 8641 Forterra turbo, Zetor 9621 Forterra turboWEIGHTFront tire(kg)380/70R24Rear tire 16,9R34 16,9R38 18,4R34 18,4R38 18,4-38 480/70R38 520/70R38Max. allowed load on axles (kg)Inflating (kPa) at max. speedFront driving axle40 km/h30 km/h20 km/h8 km/hRear axle40 km/h30 km/h20 km/h8 km/h4860-1605200-1605500-1405800-1205150-1605500-1605500-1305800-1105150-1405500-1405500-1205800-902350-1502500-1003600-1204600-1505150-1305500-1305500-1105800-80-5500-1405500-1405800-1105150-1405500-1405500-1105800-905150-1305500-1105500-905800-80

270MAIN DIMENSIONS(mm)WEIGHT(kg)MAIN TECHNICAL PARAMETERSTractor type Zetor 8641 Forterra turboZetor 9621 Forterra turboFront tire420/70R24Rear tire 16,9R38 18,4R38 18,4 - 38 480/70R38 520/70R38Main dimensions (mm)(tolerance 2%)Overall length with hitch 4850Width over rear fenders- (narrow) 1974Width over rear fenders- (wide) 2136Width over tires with tread 1500 mm 1929 1967 1967 1980 2020Height up to muffler top(muffler with flap w/o spark arrester) 2802 2797 2797 2802 2797Height up to cab top 2697 2685 2685 2697 2685Ground clearance under front axle housing 469Ground clearance under swinging drawbar inlowest position 296 270 270 296 270Height of pick up hitch(middle of clevis by 100 mm) 673-873 647-847 647-847 673-873 647-847Height of swinging drawbar (to lower innersurface of clevis) 336 310 310 336 310Height of pick up hitch(to surface of hook) 424 402 402 424 402Height of PTO 666 644 644 666 644Front wheel tread- standard- for agricultural operation - adjustableRear wheel tread- standard- for agricultural operation - adjustable17101710-186015751575-180017101710-186017251575-180017101710-186017251575-180017101710-186015751575-180017101710-186017251575-1800

271MAIN DIMENSIONS(mm)WEIGHT(kg)MAIN TECHNICAL PARAMETERSTractor type Zetor 8641 Forterra turboZetor 9621 Forterra turboFront tire420/70R24Rear tire 16,9R38 18,4R38 18,4 - 38 480/70R38 520/70R38Main dimensions (mm)(tolerance 2%)Wheel base 2390Height up to steering wheel top 2028 2016 2016 2028 2016Contour turning diameter with one wheelbraked - Not available in the time when printed this publication.Tread turning diameter with one wheelbraked - Not available in the time when printed this publication.Weight (kg)(tolerance 2%)Shipping weight of <strong>tractor</strong> with cab- front axle- rear axle396017402220409517402355406517402325399517402255402817402288Ballast weights-frontbottom ballast weight 1+3 120 (1x30 + 3x30)front ballast weight 1+2 90 (1x30 + 2x30 - only Z 8641)1+5 180 (1x30 + 5x30)1+7 240 (1x30 + 7x30 - only Z 9641)Ballast weights-rear2+4 170 (2x25 + 4x30)2+6 230 (2x25 + 6x30)2+10 350 (2x25 + 10x30 - only Z 9641)Ballast weight of front three point hitch12 PCs (canister) 260 (support 8 + 12x21)Water in rear tires 2x260 2x385 2x385 2x335 2x390

272MAIN DIMENSIONS(mm)WEIGHT(kg)MAIN TECHNICAL PARAMETERSTractor type Zetor 8641 Forterra turboZetor 9621 Forterra turboFront tire420/70R24Rear tire 16,9R38 18,4R38 18,4 - 38 480/70R38 520/70R38Max. allowed load on axles (kg)Inflating (kPa) at max. speedFront driving axle40 km/h30 km/h20 km/h8 km/hRear axle40 km/h30 km/h20 km/h8 km/h5150-1605500-1605500-1305800-1105150-1305500-1305500-1105800-802350-1102500-803600-1004600-120-5500-1405500-1405800-1105150-1405500-1405500-1105800-905150-1305500-1105500-905800-80

273MAIN DIMENSIONS(mm)WEIGHT(kg)MAIN TECHNICAL PARAMETERSTractor type Zetor 8641 Forterra turboZetor 9621 Forterra turboFront tire12,4 - 24Rear tire 16,9R34 16,9R38 18,4R34 480/70R38Main dimensions (mm)(tolerance 2%)Overall length with hitch 4850Width over rear fenders- (narrow) 1974Width over rear fenders- (wide) 2136Width over tires with tread 1500 mm1929 1929 1967 1980Height up to muffler top(muffler with flap w/o spark arrester)2772 2775 2768 2775Height up to cab top 2659 2681 2688 2681Ground clearance under front axle housing 430 430 430 430Ground clearance under swinging drawbar inlowest position 236 307 280 307Height of pick up hitch(middle of clevis by 100 mm) 614-814 682-882 657-857 682-882Height of swinging drawbar (to lower innersurface of clevis) 276 347 320 347Height of pick up hitch(to surface of hook) 369 429 406 429Height of PTO 611 671 648 671Front wheel tread- standard- for agricultural operation - adjustableRear wheel tread- standard- for agricultural operation - adjustable15651565-186515001500-180016301630-185015751575-180016301630-185015001500-180016301630-185015751575-1800

274MAIN DIMENSIONS(mm)WEIGHT(kg)MAIN TECHNICAL PARAMETERSTractor type Zetor 8641 Forterra turboZetor 9621 Forterra turboFront tire12,4 - 24Rear tire 16,9R34 16,9R38 18,4R34 480/70R38Main dimensions (mm)(tolerance 2%)Wheel base 2390Height up to steering wheel top 1991 2010 1999 2010Contour turning diameter with one wheelbraked - Not available in the time when printed this publication.Tread turning diameter with one wheelbraked - Not available in the time when printed this publication.Weight (kg(tolerance 2%)Shipping weight of <strong>tractor</strong> with cab- front axle- rear axle385217172135393717172220407217172355397217172255Ballast weights-frontbottom ballast weight 1+3 120 (1x30 + 3x30)front ballast weight 1+2 90 (1x30 + 2x30 - only Z 8641)1+5 180 (1x30 + 5x30)1+7 240 (1x30 + 7x30 - only Z 9641)Ballast weights-rear2+4 170 (2x25 + 4x30)2+6 230 (2x25 + 6x30)2+10 350 (2x25 + 10x30 only Z 9641)Ballast weight of front three point hitch12 PCs (canister) 260 (support 8 + 12x21)Water in rear tires 2x250 2x260 2x340 2x335

275MAIN DIMENSIONS(mm)WEIGHT(kg)MAIN TECHNICAL PARAMETERSTractor type Zetor 8641 Forterra turboZetor 9621 Forterra turboFront tire12,4 - 24Rear tire 16,9R34 16,9R38 18,4R34 480/70R38Max. allowed load on axles (kg)Inflating (kPa) at max. speedFront driving axle30 km/h20 km/h8 km/hRear axle30 km/h20 km/h8 km/h5200-1605500-1405800-1205500-1605500-1305800-1102500-1903500-2754300-2755500-1405500-1205800-905500-1405500-1105800-90


277MAIN DIMENSIONS(mm)WEIGHT(kg)Tractor type Zetor 10641 Forterra turboFront tire12,4 - 28, 10PRRear tire 16,9R38 18,4-38 18,4R38 480/70R38 520/70R38Main dimensions (mm)(tolerance 2%)Overall length with hitch 4850Width over rear fenders- (narrow) 1974Width over rear fenders- (wide) 2136Width over tires with tread 1500 mm 1929 1967 1967 1980 2020Height up to muffler top(muffler with flap w/o spark arrester) 2818 2797 2797 2818 2797Height up to cab top 2705 2685 2685 2705 2685Ground clearance under front axle housing 491 469 491 491 491Ground clearance under swinging drawbar inlowest position 288 270 270 288 270Height of pick up hitch(middle of clevis by 100 mm) 665-865 647-847 647-847 665-865 647-847Height of swinging drawbar (to lower innersurface of clevis) 328 310 310 328 310Height of pick up hitch(to surface of hook) 420 402 402 420 402Height of PTO 662 644 644 662 644Front wheel tread- standard- for agricultural operation - adjustableRear wheel tread- standard- for agricultural operation - adjustable17151715-186515751575-180017101710-186017251575-180017101710-186017251575-180017151715-186515751575-180017101710-186017251575-1800

278MAIN DIMENSIONS(mm)WEIGHT(kg)MAIN TECHNICAL PARAMETERSTractor type Zetor 10641 Forterra turboFront tire12,4 - 28, 10PRRear tire 16,9R38 18,4-38 18,4R38 480/70R38 520/70R38Main dimensions (mm)(tolerance 2%)Wheel base 2390Height up to steering wheel top 2037 2016 2016 2037 2016Contour turning diameter with one wheelbraked - Not available in the time when printed this publication.Tread turning diameter with one wheelbraked - Not available in the time when printed this publication.Weight (kg(tolerance 2%)Shipping weight of <strong>tractor</strong> with cab- front axle- rear axle403717172320409717172380416917172452406717172350410217172385Ballast weights-frontbottom ballast weight 1+3 120 (1x30 + 3x30)front ballast weight 1+2 90 (1x30 + 2x30 - only Z 8641)1+5 180 (1x30 + 5x30)1+7 240 (1x30 + 7x30 - only Z 9641)Ballast weights-rear2+4 170 (2x25 + 4x30)2+6 230 (2x25 + 6x30)2+10 350 (2x25 + 10x30 - only Z 9641)Ballast weight of front three point hitch12 PCs (canister) 260 (support 8 + 12x21)16 PCs (rounded) 456 (support 8 + 16x28)Water in rear tires 2x260 2x385 2x385 2x335 2x390

279MAIN TECHNICAL PARAMETERSMAIN DIMENSIONS Tractor type(mm)Zetor 10641 Forterra turboWEIGHTFront tire(kg)12,4 - 28, 10PRRear tire 16,9R38 18,4-38 18,4R38 480/70R38 520/70R38Max. allowed load on axles (kg)Inflating (kPa) at max. speedFront driving axle40 km/h30 km/h20 km/h8 km/hRear axle40 km/h30 km/h20 km/h8 km/h5150-1605500-1605500-1305800-1104340-1405500-1405500-1405800-1102350-2202500-2703600-2404600-2905150-1305500-1305500-1105800-805150-1405500-1405500-1105800-905150-1305500-1305500-905800-80

280MAIN DIMENSIONS(mm)WEIGHT(kg)MAIN TECHNICAL PARAMETERSTractor type Zetor 10641 Forterra turboFront tire13,6R24Rear tire 16,9R38 18,4R34 18,4-38 18,4R38 480/70R38 520/70R38Main dimensions (mm)(tolerance 2%)Overall length with hitch 4850Width over rear fenders- (narrow) 1974Width over rear fenders- (wide) 2136Width over tires with tread 1500 mm 1929 1967 1967 1967 1980 2020Height up to muffler top(muffler with flap w/o spark arrester) 2788 2779 2790 2790 2788 2790Height up to cab top 2690 2676 2787 2789 2690 2787Ground clearance under front axle housing 450Ground clearance under swinging drawbar inlowest position 303 279 272 272 303 272Height of pick up hitch(middle of clevis by 100 mm) 680-880 656-856 649-849 649-849 680-880 649-849Height of swinging drawbar (to lower innersurface of clevis) 343 319 312 312 343 312Height of pick up hitch(to surface of hook) 428 406 403 403 428 403Height of PTO 670 648 650 650 670 650Front wheel tread- standard- for agricultural operation - adjustableRear wheel tread- standard- for agricultural operation - adjustable16301630-185016301630-185017101710-186017101710-186015751575-180015001500-180017251575-180017251575-1800Wheel base 239016301630-185015751575-180017101710-186017251575-1800

281MAIN DIMENSIONS(mm)WEIGHT(kg)MAIN TECHNICAL PARAMETERSTractor type Zetor 10641 Forterra turboFront tire13,6R24Rear tire 16,9R38 18,4R34 18,4-38 18,4R38 480/70R38 520/70R38Main dimensions (mm)(tolerance 2%)Height up to steering wheel top 2020 2007 2015 2015 2020 2015Contour turning diameter with one wheelbraked - Not available in the time when printed this publication.Tread turning diameter with one wheelbraked - Not available in the time when printed this publication.Weight (kg(tolerance 2%)Shipping weight of <strong>tractor</strong> with cab- front axle- rear axle404217222320Ballast weights-frontbottom ballast weight 1+3 120 (1x30 + 3x30)front ballast weight 1+2 90 (1x30 + 2x30)1+5 180 (1x30 + 5x30)1+7 240 (1x30 + 7x30)Ballast weights-rear2+4 170 (2x25 + 4x30)2+6 230 (2x25 + 6x30)2+10 350 (2x25 + 10x30)Ballast weight of front three point hitch12 PCs (canister) 260 (support 8 + 12x21)16 PCs (rounded) 456 (support 8 + 16x28)Water in rear tires 2x260 2x340 2x385 2x385 2x335 2x390415517222433414717222425417417222452407217222350410717222385

282MAIN TECHNICAL PARAMETERSMAIN DIMENSIONS Tractor type(mm)Zetor 10641 Forterra turboWEIGHTFront tire(kg)13,6R24Rear tire 16,9R38 18,4R34 18,4-38 18,4R38 480/70R38 520/70R38Max. allowed load on axles (kg)Inflating (kPa) at max. speedFront driving axle40 km/h30 km/h20 km/h8 km/hRear axle40 km/h30 km/h20 km/h8 km/h5150-1605500-1605500-1305800-1105150-1405500-1405500-1205800-904340-1405500-1405500-1205800-1102350-1602500-1203600-1404350-1605150-1305500-1305500-1105800-805150-1405500-1405500-1105800-905150-1305500-1305500-905800-80

283MAIN DIMENSIONS(mm)WEIGHT(kg)MAIN TECHNICAL PARAMETERSTractor type Zetor 10641 Forterra turboFront tire14,9 - 24Rear tire 16,9R38 18,4-38 18,4R38 480/70R38 520/70R38Main dimensions (mm)(tolerance 2%)Overall length with hitch 4850Width over rear fenders- (narrow) 1974Width over rear fenders- (wide) 2136Width over tires with tread 1500 mm 1929 1967 1967 1980 2020Height up to muffler top(muffler with flap w/o spark arrester) 2802 2797 2797 2802 2797Height up to cab top 2697 2685 2685 2697 2685Ground clearance under front axle housing 469Ground clearance under swinging drawbar inlowest position 296 270 270 296 270Height of pick up hitch(middle of clevis by 100 mm) 673-873 647-847 647-847 673-873 647-847Height of swinging drawbar (to lower innersurface of clevis) 336 310 310 336 310Height of pick up hitch(to surface of hook) 424 402 402 424 402Height of PTO 666 644 644 666 644Front wheel tread- standard- for agricultural operation - adjustableRear wheel tread- standard- for agricultural operation - adjustable15751575-180017251575-180017101710-186017251575-180015751575-180017251575-1800

284MAIN DIMENSIONS(mm)WEIGHT(kg)MAIN TECHNICAL PARAMETERSTractor type Zetor 10641 Forterra turboFront tire14,9 - 24Rear tire 16,9R38 18,4-38 18,4R38 480/70R38 520/70R38Main dimensions (mm)(tolerance 2%)Wheel base 2390Height up to steering wheel top 2028 2016 2016 2028 2016Contour turning diameter with one wheelbraked - Not available in the time when printed this publication.Tread turning diameter with one wheelbraked - Not available in the time when printed this publication.Weight (kg(tolerance 2%)Shipping weight of <strong>tractor</strong> with cab- front axle- rear axle406317432320416817432425419517432452409317432350412817432385Ballast weights-frontbottom ballast weight 1+3 120 (1x30 + 3x30)front ballast weight 1+2 90 (1x30 + 2x30)1+5 180 (1x30 + 5x30)1+7 240 (1x30 + 7x30)Ballast weights-rear2+4 170 (2x25 + 4x30)2+6 230 (2x25 + 6x30)2+10 350 (2x25 + 10x30)Ballast weight of front three point hitch12 PCs (canister) 260 (support 8 + 12x21)16 PCs (rounded) 456 (support 8 + 16x28)Water in rear tires 2x260 2x385 2x385 2x335 2x390

285MAIN TECHNICAL PARAMETERSMAIN DIMENSIONS Tractor type(mm)Zetor 10641 Forterra turboWEIGHTFront tire(kg)14,9 - 24Rear tire 16,9R38 18,4-38 18,4R38 480/70R38 520/70R38Max. allowed load on axles (kg)Inflating (kPa) at max. speedFront driving axle40 km/h30 km/h20 km/h8 km/hRear axle40 km/h30 km/h20 km/h8 km/h5150-1605500-1605500-1305800-1104340-1405500-1405500-1405800-1102350-1402500-1003600-1504600-1905150-1305500-1305500-1105800-805150-1405500-1405500-1105800-905150-1305500-1305500-905800-80

286MAIN DIMENSIONS(mm)WEIGHT(kg)MAIN TECHNICAL PARAMETERSTractor type Zetor 10641 Forterra turboFront tire380/70R24Rear tire 16,9R38 18,4R34 18,4-38 18,4R38 480/70R38 520/70R38Main dimensions (mm)(tolerance 2%)Overall length with hitch 4850Width over rear fenders- (narrow) 1974Width over rear fenders- (wide) 2136Width over tires with tread 1500 mm 1929 1967 1967 1967 1980 2020Height up to muffler top(muffler with flap w/o spark arrester) 2788 2779 2775 2775 2788 2775Height up to cab top 2690 2676 2673 2673 2690 2673Ground clearance under front axle housing 430 430 430 430 430 430Ground clearance under swinging drawbar inlowest position 303 279 280 280 303 280Height of pick up hitch(middle of clevis by 100 mm) 680-880 656-856 665-865 665-865 680-880 665-865Height of swinging drawbar (to lower innersurface of clevis) 343 319 320 320 343 320Height of pick up hitch(to surface of hook) 428 406 402 402 428 402Height of PTO 670 648 654 654 670 654Front wheel tread- standard- for agricultural operation - adjustableRear wheel tread- standard- for agricultural operation - adjustable16301630-185016301630-185017101710-186017101710-186015751575-180015001500-180017251575-180017251575-1800Wheel base 239016301630-185015751575-180017101710-186017251575-1800

287MAIN DIMENSIONS(mm)WEIGHT(kg)MAIN TECHNICAL PARAMETERSTractor type Zetor 10641 Forterra turboFront tire380/70R24Rear tire 16,9R38 18,4R34 18,4-38 18,4R38 480/70R38 520/70R38Main dimensions (mm)(tolerance 2%)Height up to steering wheel top 2020 2007 2008 2008 2020 2008Contour turning diameter with one wheelbraked - Not available in the time when printed this publication.Tread turning diameter with one wheelbraked - Not available in the time when printed this publication.Weight (kg(tolerance 2%)Shipping weight of <strong>tractor</strong> with cab- front axle- rear axle404217222320Ballast weights-frontbottom ballast weight 1+3 120 (1x30 + 3x30)front ballast weight 1+2 90 (1x30 + 2x30)1+5 180 (1x30 + 5x30)1+7 240 (1x30 + 7x30)Ballast weights-rear2+4 170 (2x25 + 4x30)2+6 230 (2x25 + 6x30)2+10 350 (2x25 + 10x30)Ballast weight of front three point hitch12 PCs (canister) 260 (support 8 + 12x21)16 PCs (rounded) 456 (support 8 + 16x28)Water in rear tires 2x260 2x340 2x385 2x385 2x335 2x390415517222433414717222425417417222452407217222350410717222385

288MAIN TECHNICAL PARAMETERSMAIN DIMENSIONS Tractor type(mm)Zetor 10641 Forterra turboWEIGHTFront tire(kg)380/70R24Rear tire 16,9R38 18,4R34 18,4-38 18,4R38 480/70R38 520/70R38Max. allowed load on axles (kg)Inflating (kPa) at max. speedFront driving axle40 km/h30 km/h20 km/h8 km/hRear axle40 km/h30 km/h20 km/h8 km/h5150-1605500-1605500-1305800-1105150-1405500-1405500-1205800-904340-1405500-1405500-1405800-1102350-1502500-1003600-1204600-1505150-1305500-1305500-1105800-805150-1405500-1405500-1105800-905150-1305500-1305500-905800-80

289MAIN DIMENSIONS(mm)WEIGHT(kg)MAIN TECHNICAL PARAMETERSTractor type Zetor 10641 Forterra turboFront tire420/70R24Rear tire 16,9R38 18,4-38 18,4R38 480/70R38 520/70R38Main dimensions (mm)(tolerance 2%)Overall length with hitch 4850Width over rear fenders- (narrow) 1974Width over rear fenders- (wide) 2136Width over tires with tread 1500 mm1929 1967 1967 1980 2020Height up to muffler top(muffler with flap w/o spark arrester)2802 2797 2797 2802 2797Height up to cab top 2697 2685 2685 2697 2685Ground clearance under front axle housing 469Ground clearance under swinging drawbar inlowest position 296 270 270 296 270Height of pick up hitch(middle of clevis by 100 mm) 673-873 647-847 647-847 673-873 647-847Height of swinging drawbar (to lower innersurface of clevis) 336 310 310 336 310Height of pick up hitch(to surface of hook) 424 402 402 424 402Height of PTO 666 644 644 666 644Front wheel tread- standard- for agricultural operation - adjustableRear wheel tread- standard- for agricultural operation - adjustable15751575-180017251575-180017101710-186017251575-180015751575-180017251575-1800

290MAIN DIMENSIONS(mm)WEIGHT(kg)MAIN TECHNICAL PARAMETERSTractor type Zetor 10641 Forterra turboFront tire420/70R24Rear tire 16,9R38 18,4-38 18,4R38 480/70R38 520/70R38Main dimensions (mm)(tolerance 2%)Wheel base 2390Height up to steering wheel top 2028 2016 2016 2028 2016Contour turning diameter with one wheelbraked - Not available in the time when printed this publication.Tread turning diameter with one wheelbraked - Not available in the time when printed this publication.Weight (kg(tolerance 2%)Shipping weight of <strong>tractor</strong> with cab- front axle- rear axle406017402320416517402425419217402452409017402350412517402385Ballast weights-frontbottom ballast weight 1+3 120 (1x30 + 3x30)front ballast weight 1+2 90 (1x30 + 2x30)1+5 180 (1x30 + 5x30)1+7 240 (1x30 + 7x30)Ballast weights-rear2+4 170 (2x25 + 4x30)2+6 230 (2x25 + 6x30)2+10 350 (2x25 + 10x30)Ballast weight of front three point hitch12 PCs (canister) 260 (support 8 + 12x21)16 PCs (rounded) 456 (support 8 + 16x28)Water in rear tires 2x260 2x385 2x385 2x335 2x390

291MAIN TECHNICAL PARAMETERSMAIN DIMENSIONS Tractor type(mm)Zetor 10641 Forterra turboWEIGHTFront tire(kg)420/70R24Rear tire 16,9R38 18,4-38 18,4R38 480/70R38 520/70R38Max. allowed load on axles (kg)Inflating (kPa) at max. speedFront driving axle40 km/h30 km/h20 km/h8 km/hRear axle40 km/h30 km/h20 km/h8 km/h5150-1605500-1605500-1305800-1104340-1405500-1405500-1405800-1102350-1102500-1003600-1004600-1205150-1305500-1305500-1105800-805150-1405500-1405500-1105800-905150-1305500-1305500-905800-80


293MAIN DIMENSIONS(mm)WEIGHT(kg)MAIN TECHNICAL PARAMETERSTractor type 7Front tire13,6R24Rear tire 16,9R38 18,4R38 480/70R38 520/70R38Main dimensions (mm)(tolerance 2%)Overall length with hitch 5218Width over rear fenders- (narrow) 1974Width over rear fenders- (wide) 2136Width over tires with tread 1500 mm 1929 1967 1980 2020Height up to muffler top(muffler with flap w/o spark arrester) 2814 2820 2814 2820Height up to cab top 2691 2711 2691 2711Ground clearance under front axle housing 450Ground clearance under swinging drawbar inlowest position 309 348 309 348Height of pick up hitch(middle of clevis by 100 mm) 685-885 723-923 685-885 723-923Height of swinging drawbar (to lower innersurface of clevis) 349 388 349 388Height of pick up hitch(to surface of hook) 433 467 433 467Height of PTO 675 709 675 709Front wheel tread- standard- for agricultural operation - adjustableRear wheel tread- standard- for agricultural operation - adjustable17251575-180017251725-180017001630-185017251575-180017251725-1800

294MAIN DIMENSIONS(mm)WEIGHT(kg)MAIN TECHNICAL PARAMETERSTractor type Zetor 11641 ForterraFront tire13,6R24Rear tire 16,9R38 18,4R38 480/70R38 520/70R38Main dimensions (mm)(tolerance 2%)Wheel base 2648Height up to steering wheel top 2020 2038 2020 2038Contour turning diameter with one wheelbraked - Not available in the time when printed this publication.Tread turning diameter with one wheelbraked - Not available in the time when printed this publication.Weight (kg(tolerance 2%)Shipping weight of <strong>tractor</strong> with cab- front axle- rear axle431017502560442717502677433817502588437417502624Ballast weights-frontbottom ballast weightfront ballast weight2 PCssupport + 14 PCs96 (2x48)619 (support 45 + 14x40)Ballast weights-rear2+4 170 (2x25 + 4x30)2+6 230 (2x25 + 6x30)2+10 350 (2x25 + 10x30)Ballast weight of front three point hitch16 PCs (rounded) 456 (support 8 + 16x28)Water in rear tires 2x260 2x385 2x335 2x390

295MAIN TECHNICAL PARAMETERSMAIN DIMENSIONS Tractor type(mm)Zetor 11641 ForterraWEIGHTFront tire(kg)13,6R24Rear tire 16,9R38 18,4R38 480/70R38 520/70R38Max. allowed load on axles (kg)Inflating (kPa) at max. speedFront driving axle40 km/h30 km/h20 km/h8 km/hRear axle40 km/h30 km/h20 km/h8 km/h5150-1605500-1605500-1306000-1105500-1505500-1505500-1106000-903000-1603000-1603600-1404350-1605500-1605500-1605500-1106000-905500-1205500-1205500-905800-80

296MAIN DIMENSIONS(mm)WEIGHT(kg)MAIN TECHNICAL PARAMETERSTractor type Zetor 11641 ForterraFront tire14,9R24Rear tire 16,9R38 18,4R38 480/70R38 520/70R38Main dimensions (mm)(tolerance 2%)Overall length with hitch 5218Width over rear fenders- (narrow) 1974Width over rear fenders- (wide) 2136Width over tires with tread 1500 mm 1929 1967 1980 2020Height up to muffler top(muffler with flap w/o spark arrester) 2830 2836 2830 2836Height up to cab top 2697 2717 2697 2717Ground clearance under front axle housing 470Ground clearance under swinging drawbar inlowest position 302 341 302 341Height of pick up hitch(middle of clevis by 100 mm) 679-879 717-917 679-879 717-917Height of swinging drawbar (to lower innersurface of clevis) 342 381 342 381Height of pick up hitch(to surface of hook) 429 463 429 463Height of PTO 671 705 671 705Front wheel tread- standard- for agricultural operation - adjustableRear wheel tread- standard- for agricultural operation - adjustable17251575-180017251725-180017101710-186017251575-180017251725-1800

297MAIN DIMENSIONS(mm)WEIGHT(kg)MAIN TECHNICAL PARAMETERSTractor type Zetor 11641 ForterraFront tire14,9R24Rear tire 16,9R38 18,4R38 480/70R38 520/70R38Main dimensions (mm)(tolerance 2%)Wheel base 2648Height up to steering wheel top 2028 2046 2028 2046Contour turning diameter with one wheelbraked - Not available in the time when printed this publication.Tread turning diameter with one wheelbraked - Not available in the time when printed this publication.Weight (kg(tolerance 2%)Shipping weight of <strong>tractor</strong> with cab- front axle- rear axle433117712560444817712677435917712588439517712624Ballast weights-frontbottom ballast weightfront ballast weight2 PCssupport + 14 PCs96 (2x48)619 (support 45 + 14x40)Ballast weights-rear2+4 170 (2x25 + 4x30)2+6 230 (2x25 + 6x30)2+10 350 (2x25 + 10x30)Ballast weight of front three point hitch16 PCs (rounded) 456 (support 8 + 16x28)Water in rear tires 2x260 2x385 2x335 2x390

298MAIN TECHNICAL PARAMETERSMAIN DIMENSIONS Tractor type(mm)Zetor 11641 ForterraWEIGHTFront tire(kg)14,9R24Rear tire 16,9R38 18,4R38 480/70R38 520/70R38Max. allowed load on axles (kg)Inflating (kPa) at max. speedFront driving axle40 km/h30 km/h20 km/h8 km/hRear axle40 km/h30 km/h20 km/h8 km/h5150-1605500-1605500-1306000-1105500-1505500-1505500-1106000-903000-1403400-1603600-1505100-1605500-1605500-1605500-1106000-905500-1205500-1205500-906000-80

299MAIN DIMENSIONS(mm)WEIGHT(kg)MAIN TECHNICAL PARAMETERSTractor type Zetor 11641 ForterraFront tire380/70R24Rear tire 16,9R38 18,4R34 18,4R38 480/70R38 520/70R38Main dimensions (mm)(tolerance 2%)Overall length with hitch 4850Width over rear fenders- (narrow) 1974Width over rear fenders- (wide) 2136Width over tires with tread 1500 mm 1929 1967 1967 1980 2020Height up to muffler top(muffler with flap w/o spark arrester) 2814 2810 2820 2814 2820Height up to cab top 2691 2678 2711 2691 2711Ground clearance under front axle housing 450Ground clearance under swinging drawbar inlowest position 309 283 348 309 348Height of pick up hitch(middle of clevis by 100 mm) 685-885 660-860 723-923 685-885 723-923Height of swinging drawbar (to lower innersurface of clevis) 349 323 388 349 388Height of pick up hitch(to surface of hook) 433 410 467 433 467Height of PTO 675 652 709 675 709Front wheel tread- standard- for agricultural operation - adjustableRear wheel tread- standard- for agricultural operation - adjustable17251575-180017251500-180017001630-185017251725-180015751575-180017251725-1800

300MAIN DIMENSIONS(mm)WEIGHT(kg)MAIN TECHNICAL PARAMETERSTractor type Zetor 11641 ForterraFront tire380/70R24Rear tire 16,9R38 18,4R34 18,4R38 480/70R38 520/70R38Main dimensions (mm)(tolerance 2%)Wheel base 2648Height up to steering wheel top 2020 2008 2038 2020 2038Contour turning diameter with one wheelbraked - Not available in the time when printed this publication.Tread turning diameter with one wheelbraked - Not available in the time when printed this publication.Weight (kg(tolerance 2%)Shipping weight of <strong>tractor</strong> with cab- front axle- rear axle431017502560440217502652442717502677433817502588437417502624Ballast weights-frontbottom ballast weightfront ballast weight2 PCssupport + 14 PCs96 (2x48)619 (support 45 + 14x40)Ballast weights-rear2+4 170 (2x25 + 4x30)2+6 230 (2x25 + 6x30)2+10 350 (2x25 + 10x30)Ballast weight of front three point hitch16 PCs (rounded) 456 (support 8 + 16x28)Water in rear tires 2x260 2x340 2x412 2x335 2x390

301MAIN TECHNICAL PARAMETERSMAIN DIMENSIONS Tractor type(mm)Zetor 11641 ForterraWEIGHTFront tire(kg)380/70R24Rear tire 16,9R38 18,4R34 18,4R38 480/70R38 520/70R38Max. allowed load on axles (kg)Inflating (kPa) at max. speedFront driving axle40 km/h30 km/h20 km/h8 km/hRear axle40 km/h30 km/h20 km/h8 km/h5150-1605500-1605500-1306000-1105500-1605500-1605500-1206000-1003000-1303400-1603600-1205000-1605500-1505500-1505500-1106000-905500-1605500-1605500-1106000-905500-1205500-1205500-906000-80

302MAIN DIMENSIONS(mm)WEIGHT(kg)MAIN TECHNICAL PARAMETERSTractor type Zetor 11641 ForterraFront tire420/70R24Rear tire 16,9R38 18,4R38 480/70R38 520/70R38Main dimensions (mm)(tolerance 2%)Overall length with hitch 5218Width over rear fenders- (narrow) 1974Width over rear fenders- (wide) 2136Width over tires with tread 1500 mm 1929 1967 1980 2020Height up to muffler top(muffler with flap w/o spark arrester) 2830 2836 2830 2836Height up to cab top 2697 2717 2697 2717Ground clearance under front axle housing 470Ground clearance under swinging drawbar inlowest position 302 341 302 341Height of pick up hitch(middle of clevis by 100 mm) 679-879 717-917 679-879 717-917Height of swinging drawbar (to lower innersurface of clevis) 342 381 342 381Height of pick up hitch(to surface of hook) 429 463 429 463Height of PTO 671 705 671 705Front wheel tread- standard- for agricultural operation - adjustableRear wheel tread- standard- for agricultural operation - adjustable17251575-180017251725-180017101710-186017251575-180017251725-1800

303MAIN DIMENSIONS(mm)WEIGHT(kg)MAIN TECHNICAL PARAMETERSTractor type Zetor 11641 ForterraFront tire420/70R24Rear tire 16,9R38 18,4R38 480/70R38 520/70R38Main dimensions (mm)(tolerance 2%)Wheel base 2648Height up to steering wheel top 2028 2046 2028 2046Contour turning diameter with one wheelbraked - Not available in the time when printed this publication.Tread turning diameter with one wheelbraked - Not available in the time when printed this publication.Weight (kg(tolerance 2%)Shipping weight of <strong>tractor</strong> with cab- front axle- rear axle432717672560444417672677435517672588439117672624Ballast weights-frontbottom ballast weightfront ballast weight2 PCssupport + 14 PCs96 (2x48)619 (support 45 + 14x40)Ballast weights-rear2+4 170 (2x25 + 4x30)2+6 230 (2x25 + 6x30)2+10 350 (2x25 + 10x30)Ballast weight of front three point hitch16 PCs (rounded) 456 (support 8 + 16x28)Water in rear tires 2x260 2x412 2x335 2x390

304MAIN TECHNICAL PARAMETERSMAIN DIMENSIONS Tractor type(mm)Zetor 11641 ForterraWEIGHTFront tire(kg)420/70R24Rear tire 16,9R38 18,4R38 480/70R38 520/70R38Max. allowed load on axles (kg)Inflating (kPa) at max. speedFront driving axle40 km/h30 km/h20 km/h8 km/hRear axle40 km/h30 km/h20 km/h8 km/h5150-1605500-1605500-1306000-1105500-1505500-1505500-1106000-903000-1203400-1303600-1005200-1405500-1605500-1605500-1106000-905500-1205500-1205500-906000-80

305MAIN TECHNICAL PARAMETERSFront tire size Tractor typeZ 8621 Z 8641 Z 9621 Z 9641 Z 10641 Z 116412WD <strong>tractor</strong>7,50-20 X ◊ - X ◊ - - -9,00-16 X - X ◊ - - -10,00-16 X* - X* - - -4WD <strong>tractor</strong>12,4R24 - X* - X* - -12,4-24 - X • - X • - -12,4-28, 10PR - X - X X* -13,6R24 - X - X X X ◊14,9-24 - X - X X -380/70R24 - X - X X X420/70R24 - X - X X X14,9R24 - - - - - XRear tire size Tractor typeZ 8621 Z 8641 Z 9621 Z 9641 Z 10641 Z 1164116,9R34 X ◊ X ◊ X ◊ X ◊ - -16,9R38 X* X* X* X* X* X ◊◊18,4R34 X X X X X X18,4-38 X X X X X* ◊◊ -18,4-R38 X X X X X X*480/70R38 X X X X X X520/70R38 X X X X X X* - standard tires◊ - limited load◊◊ - limited load for 40 km/h• - assembly is not possible if <strong>tractor</strong> equipped with transmission for 40 km/hMAIN TECHNICAL PARAMETERS

306FORCE, POWER, FUEL CONSUMPTION Tractor typeFORCE (kN) Z 8621 Z 8641 Z 9621 Z 9641 Z 10641 Z 11641Max. pulling force in swinging drawbar- measured on concrete, <strong>tractor</strong> shipping weight with max. ballastweight, slippage 15%, with driver 20,73 31,96 21,67 34,30 37,26 46,80Max. pulling force in pick up hitch- measured in middle position of hitch, on concrete, <strong>tractor</strong> shippingweight with max. ballast weight, with water in tires, with driver 27,49 35,64 30,16 37,85 42,31 51Lifting force in lower draft link ends of three point hitch- within whole lifting range at pressure 16,2 MPa with lift assistcylinder- within whole lifting range at max. pressure with lift assist cylinder- maximal at max. pressure with lift assist cylinderLifting force in lower draft link ends of font three point hitch- within whole lifting range at max. pressure- maximal at max. pressurePOWER AND FUEL CONSUMPTIONPTO power- at engine rated speed and shifted 1000 min -1 PTO (kW) 53 53 59 59 67 70Specific fuel consumption- at above mentioned power (g.kW -1 .h -1 “ 2%) 280 280 277 277 274 2841114,540,548,458,52426,5

307MAIN TECHNICAL PARAMETERSTRACTOR SPEED Z 8621 - Z 10641 FORTERRA TURBO (30km/h)Tractor equipped with four speed transmission with speed 30km/h, reduction gear, three stage Hi-Lo (torque multiplier),reversor a front driving axle (24 forward speed 18 reverse speed)FORWARD SPEEDREVERSE SPEEDRear tiresISO radiusTotal gearratio16,9-3818,4-38Rear tiresISO radiusTotal gearratio16,9-3818,4-38(795 mm) (820 mm)(795 mm)H 21,969 30,0 30,9 H 27,200 24,2 25,04 Hi M 25,401 26,0 26,8 3 Hi M 31,449 21,0 21,6L 29,405 22,4 23,1 L 36,406 18,1 18,7H 31,450 21,0 21,6 H 44,189 14,9 15,43 Hi M 36,363 18,1 18,7 2Hi M 51,092 12,9 13,3L 42,095 15,7 16,2 L 59,146 11,1 11,5H 51,094 12,9 13,3 H 63,606 10,4 10,72 Hi M 59,076 11,2 11,5 1Hi M 73,542 9,0 9,2L 68,387 9,6 9,9 L 85,134 7,7 8,0H 73,545 9,0 9,2 H 112,457 5,9 6,01 Hi M 85,033 7,8 8,0 3 Lo M 130,025 5,1 5,2L 98,437 6,7 6,9 L 150,520 4,4 4,5H 90,831 7,3 7,5 H 182,699 3,6 3,74 Lo M 105,020 6,3 6,5 2 Lo M 211,239 3,1 3,2L 121,573 5,4 5,6 L 244,536 2,7 2,8H 130,029 5,1 5,2 H 262,977 2,5 2,63 Lo M 150,341 4,4 4,5 1 Lo M 304,057 2,2 2,2L 174,038 3,8 3,9 L 351,984 1,9 1,9H 211,246 3,1 3,22 Lo M 244,245 2,7 2,8 Forth speed can not be shifted with reversor!L 282,744 2,3 2,4H 304,067 2,2 2,21Lo M 351,566 1,9 1,9L 406,981 1,6 1,7(820 mm)

MAIN TECHNICAL PARAMETERSTRACTOR SPEED Z 8621 - Z 10641 FORTERRA TURBO (30km/h)Tractor equipped with four speed transmission with speed 40km/h, reduction gear, three stage Hi-Lo (torque multiplier),reversor a front driving axle (24 forward speed 18 reverse speed)FORWARD SPEEDREVERSE SPEEDRear tiresISO radiusTotal gearratio16,9-3818,4-38308Rear tiresISO radiusTotal gearratio16,9-3818,4-38(795 mm) (820 mm)(795 mm)H 19,787 33,3 34,4 H 24,498 26,9 27,84 Hi M 22,878 28,8 29,7 3 Hi M 28,325 23,3 24,0L 26,484 24,9 25,7 L 32,789 20,1 20,7H 28,326 23,3 24,0 H 39,799 16,6 17,13 Hi M 32,750 20,1 20,8 2 Hi M 46,017 14,3 14,8L 37,913 17,4 17,9 L 53,270 12,4 12,8H 46,018 14,3 14,8 H 57,287 11,5 11,92 Hi M 53,207 12,4 12,8 1 Hi M 66,236 10,0 10,3L 61,593 10,7 11,0 L 76,677 8,60 8,87H 66,238 10,0 10,3 H 101,285 6,51 6,711 Hi M 76,586 8,61 8,88 3 Lo M 117,107 5,63 5,81L 88,657 7,44 7,67 L 135,566 4,86 5,02H 81,807 8,06 8,31 H 164,549 4,01 4,134 Lo M 94,586 6,97 7,19 2 Lo M 190,253 3,46 3,57L 109,496 6,02 6,21 L 220,242 2,99 3,09H 117,111 5,63 5,81 H 236,851 2,78 2,873 Lo M 135,405 4,87 5,02 1 Lo M 273,850 2,41 2,48L 156,748 4,21 4,34 L 317,016 2,08 2,14H 190,259 3,46 3,572 Lo M 219,981 3,00 3,09 Forth speed can not be shifted with reversorL 254,655 2,59 2,67H 273,859 2,41 2,481 Lo M 316,639 2,08 2,15L 366,550 1,80 1,85(820 mm)

309MAIN TECHNICAL PARAMETERSTRACTOR SPEED Z 11641 FORTERRA (30km/h)Tractor equipped with four speed transmission with speed 30km/h, reduction gear, three stage Hi-Lo (torque multiplier),reversor a front driving axle (24 forward speed 18 reverse speed)FORWARD SPEEDREVERSE SPEEDRear tiresISO radiusTotal gearratio16,9-3818,4-38Rear tiresISO radiusTotal gearratio16,9-3818,4-38(795 mm) (820 mm)(795 mm)H 24,733 28,5 29,4 H 30,622 23,0 23,74 Hi M 28,597 24,6 25,4 3 Hi M 35,406 19,9 20,5L 33,105 21,3 21,9 L 40,987 17,2 17,7H 35,407 19,9 20,5 H 49,749 14,2 14,63 Hi M 40,938 17,2 17,7 2Hi M 57,521 12,2 12,6L 47,391 14,9 15,3 L 66,587 10,6 10,9H 57,523 12,2 12,6 H 71,609 9,83 10,12 Hi M 66,508 10,6 10,9 1Hi M 82,795 8,50 8,77L 76,992 9,15 9,43 L 95,846 7,35 7,58H 82,798 8,50 8,77 H 126,606 5,56 5,741 Hi M 95,732 7,36 7,59 3 Lo M 146,384 4,81 4,96L 110,822 6,35 6,55 L 169,458 4,16 4,29H 102,259 6,89 7,10 H 205,686 3,42 3,534 Lo M 118,233 5,96 6,14 2 Lo M 237,817 2,96 3,05L 136,869 5,14 5,31 L 275,302 2,56 2,64H 146,388 4,81 4,96 H 296,063 2,38 2,453 Lo M 169,256 4,16 4,29 1 Lo M 342,312 2,06 2,12L 195,935 3,59 3,71 L 396,270 1,78 1,83H 237,824 2,96 3,052 Lo M 274,975 2,56 2,64 Forth speed can not be shifted with reversorL 318,318 2,21 2,28H 342,323 2,06 2,121Lo M 395,799 1,78 1,83L 458,187 1,54 1,59(820 mm)

MAIN TECHNICAL PARAMETERSTRACTOR SPEED Z 11641 FORTERRA (40km/h)Tractor equipped with four speed transmission with speed 40km/h, reduction gear, three stage Hi-Lo (torque multiplier),reversor a front driving axle (24 forward speed 18 reverse speed)FORWARD SPEEDREVERSE SPEEDRear tiresISO radiusTotal gearratio16,9-3818,4-38310Rear tiresISO radiusTotal gearratio16,9-3818,4-38(795 mm) (820 mm)(795 mm)H 19,787 35,6 36,7 H 24,498 28,7 29,64 Hi M 22,878 30,8 31,7 3 Hi M 28,325 24,9 25,6L 26,484 26,6 27,4 L 32,789 21,5 22,2H 28,326 24,9 25,6 H 39,799 17,7 18,23 Hi M 32,750 21,5 22,2 2 Hi M 46,017 15,3 15,8L 37,913 18,6 19,2 L 53,270 13,2 13,6H 46,018 15,3 15,8 H 57,287 12,3 12,72 Hi M 53,207 13,2 13,7 1 Hi M 66,236 10,6 11,0L 61,593 11,4 11,8 L 76,677 9,18 9,47H 66,238 10,6 11,0 H 101,285 6,95 7,171 Hi M 76,586 9,19 9,48 3 Lo M 117,107 6,01 6,20L 88,657 7,94 8,19 L 135,566 5,19 5,36H 81,807 8,61 8,88 H 164,549 4,28 4,414 Lo M 94,586 7,44 7,68 2 Lo M 190,253 3,70 3,82L 109,496 6,43 6,63 L 220,242 3,20 3,30H 117,111 6,01 6,20 H 236,851 2,97 3,073 Lo M 135,405 5,20 5,36 1Lo M 273,850 2,57 2,65L 156,748 4,49 4,63 L 317,016 2,22 2,29H 190,259 3,70 3,822 Lo M 219,981 3,20 3,30 Forth speed can not be shifted with reversorL 254,655 2,77 2,85H 273,859 2,57 2,651Lo M 316,639 2,22 2,29L 366,550 1,92 1,98(820 mm)

311MAIN TECHNICAL PARAMETERSREAR INDEPENDENT PTOGear ratio PTO shaft speed/engine speed PTO shaft speed/engine speedZ 8621-10641 Z 116413,54 540/1913 621/2200 663/23501,95 1000/1950 1128/2200 1203/2350FRONT INDEPENDENT PTOGear ratio PTO shaft speed/engine speed PTO shaft speed/engine speedZ 8621-10641 Z 116411,95 1000/1955 1126/2200 1202/2350




315Operator’s manualZ 8621, 8641 Forterra turboZ 9621, 9641 Forterra turboZ 10641 Forterra turboZ 11641 ForterraEdition: I-1000-1998Number of publication: a.s.Documentation and propagation dept.Trnkova 111632 00

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