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schools - Newcastle City Council

schools - Newcastle City Council

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Admission to <strong>Newcastle</strong>primary <strong>schools</strong> 2010A guide for parents and carers of childrenapplying for reception places at<strong>Newcastle</strong> first and primary <strong>schools</strong>2009-2010Preventing and tackling child poverty

If you need advice or support with the admissions process, or if this informationis needed in another format or language, please:Write to usFamilies Information Service<strong>Newcastle</strong> <strong>City</strong> <strong>Council</strong>Civic Centre<strong>Newcastle</strong>NE1 8PUPhone 0191 277 4133EmailWebsitefis@newcastle.gov.ukwww.newcastle.gov.uk/admissionsVisit us in the Customer Service Centre, Civic Centre, Sandyford Road on Mon,Tues, Wed or Fri 8.30am – 4.30pm or Thur 11.30am – 4.30pmPlease include your child’s full name and date of birth in any correspondence.1Apply online at www.newcastle.gov.uk/admissions by 23 October 2009 (midnight)

ContentsLetter from the Acting Executive Director of Children’s Services Page 3Introduction and admissions timetable Page 4When should my child start school? Page 5How do I apply? Page 6How do I decide which <strong>schools</strong> to apply to? Page 8What are the Admissions rules for community primary <strong>schools</strong>? Page 11How do you process my application? Page 14How and when will I find out which school my child is offered? Page 15What happens after 1 March 2010? Page 15Applying outside the normal transfer times Page 17Our commitment to you Page 18Use of information and data security Page 19Other information to consider: Page 20• Information, advice and assistance• Home to school transport• Free school meals• School uniform• Insurance• School attendance• Immunisations• Private fosteringNursery school admission Page 24Explanation of terms Page 27Admissions 2009 – allocations and appeals Page 29Directory of <strong>Newcastle</strong> first and primary <strong>schools</strong> Page 32Application form for Reception admission 2010 Page 52Apply online at www.newcastle.gov.uk/admissions by 23 October 2009 (midnight) 2

Dear Parent or CarerStarting school is a very important milestone in every child’s life. <strong>Newcastle</strong><strong>schools</strong> are vibrant creative places with dedicated staff who are committedto helping your child to achieve their best.As a parent or carer, you have an important role to play in helping yourchild take the first steps on their journey through education. We want towork with you – not only to make sure that starting school is a positiveexperience for your child but also to help your child achieve their fullpotential in a safe and caring environment.You will have probably already begun thinking about the school you wouldlike your child to attend. Your child may have an awareness of school fromlinks between school and their pre-school provider, or from older brothersand sisters, or you may have talked to your child about what starting school means.I would recommend that you take the opportunity to visit our <strong>schools</strong>, where I know you will bewelcomed. I am sure that you will be able to find a primary school in <strong>Newcastle</strong> which will meetyour needs and those of your child.You can apply for a school place online at www.newcastle.gov.uk/admissions and there arefurther details within this booklet. We will be pleased to help you with any questions you may haveregarding your application. Please ensure you apply before the closing date of midnight on23 October 2009.I wish you and your child well as you both enter into this new important phase of your child’s life.John CollingsExecutive Director of Children Services (Acting)3Apply online at www.newcastle.gov.uk/admissions by 23 October 2009 (midnight)

IntroductionPlease read the information in this bookletcarefully before completing the online or paperapplication form. The booklet is aimed at parentsand carers whose children are due to transfer tothe next stage of their education in September 2010.It also includes details of how you apply fora place in-year, for example if you are movingto <strong>Newcastle</strong> (page 17). There are someimportant points that we would ask you toremember.• Apply for a reception place in the autumnterm a year before your child is due to start.• The closing date and time for receptionadmission in 2010 is midnight on 23 October2009. Applying after the closing date mayseriously affect your chances of being offereda place at your preferred school.• Applications for reception admission to <strong>schools</strong>hould be made online by visitingwww.newcastle.gov.uk/admissions.This is a secure and well tested system and thecouncil’s preferred method of application because:• The system helps you by checking forerrors.• There is no risk that the application willget lost.• It is quick and easy to do.• You will get an immediate emailconfirmation that your application hasbeen received.• Applications for secondary transfer can alsobe made using the application form enclosedin this booklet.• Applications for in-year admissions cannotcurrently be made online.• Most parents are offered a place in oneof their preferred <strong>schools</strong>. If we are unableto offer any of your preferences, you will beoffered an alternative school place. You willbe offered the right of appeal if a place isrefused.Some important dates for your diary for reception admissions:1 September 2009 The admissions process for 2010 begins23 October 2009(midnight)1 March 2010You need to apply online or complete the paper application form andreturn it to the local authority by this deadline. You also need to send usany evidence to support your application by this date.If you applied online, we will email you by late afternoon to tell you theoutcome of your application; we will post a letter to all parents today bysecond class mail12 March 2010 You need to respond to accept the offer of a school place by today17 April 2010Appeals should be returned in order to be heard in the first roundof appeals in May 2010. Later appeals can be submitted but will not beheard until after May.6 September 2010 Start of new school termApply online at www.newcastle.gov.uk/admissions by 23 October 2009 (midnight) 4

When should my child start school?By law, your child must be in school from thestart of term following their fifth birthday. Youapply for a place in the autumn a year beforeyour child is due to start.Children born between 1 September 2005 and31 August 2006 may start school in September2010.Will my child attend full-time atschool straight away?In some <strong>schools</strong> children attend on a part-timebasis for the first few weeks of the first term. Youshould check with individual <strong>schools</strong> about theirarrangements.In <strong>Newcastle</strong> we offer all children the opportunityof a whole year in reception regardless of theirbirthday. However, if you wish, it is possible todelay your child’s actual start date within thesame academic year until they reach statutoryschool age. If your child does not turn five untillater in the year and you are consideringdelaying their admission until this time, pleaseconsider the following:• You still need to apply for the reception placeby the deadline of 23 October 2009. After aplace is offered you must inform the HeadTeacher that you wish to defer. Your child’splace at the school will be kept open for themto join at the later date. Your start date mustbe within the same school year.• Your child will be placed in a class of childrenwho have already had the opportunity toadapt to school life.If your child’s date of birth falls between 1 April2006 and 31 August 2006 and you wish to delaystarting school until September 2011, you willneed to apply for a school place next year inOctober 2010. In this case your application willbe considered for entry into the Year 1 class andnot the reception year. The chance of your childgetting a place in your preferred school will bereduced as it will depend on spaces beingavailable in Year 1.In exceptional cases, such as particular specialneeds where it would be beneficial to a child, itmay be possible for them to continue in nurseryprovision or be placed in a year group other thantheir usual one. This must be supported byprofessional evidence and agreed by the schooland local authority (LA).If you wish to discuss educating your child athome, please contact us.Does every parent and carer whowants a reception place for theirchild have to apply?Yes. All parents and carers need to make anapplication – even if your child attends thenursery linked to the school you want them to goto next. And if you already have an older child atthe school, you will not be considered for a placeunless you apply.If you do not apply, we will offer a place at thenearest available school for which your child iseligible, after considering all applications. Thismay be some distance from your home.• You may not be able to keep your child innursery after their fifth birthday. This couldmean there is a period of time between theirbirthday and the start of the next term whereyour child is not attending any educationalsetting.5Apply online at www.newcastle.gov.uk/admissions by 23 October 2009 (midnight)

What if my child has specialeducational needs?The majority of children with special educationalneeds are able to have their needs met at anymainstream school.If your child has a Statement of SpecialEducational Needs (SEN) naming a particularschool, you do not need to apply for a place.In all other cases, including where your child hasa Statement of SEN that doesn’t name a school,an application form should be submitted bymidnight on 23 October 2009.Please contact the special needs co-ordinator(SENCo) at the school to discuss any specificconcerns. If your child has physical disabilitiesyou may wish to take ease of access intoaccount when considering <strong>schools</strong>. The best wayto find out about this is to visit them.How do I apply?<strong>Newcastle</strong> <strong>City</strong> <strong>Council</strong> is required by law toco-ordinate the admission process for receptionadmission to all first and primary <strong>schools</strong>, includingvoluntary aided (church) <strong>schools</strong>, in the city.Apply for reception places online atwww.newcastle.gov.uk/admissionsThe closing date for applications is midnighton 23 October 2009.• Applying online is quick and easy to do.• You will get email confirmation that yourapplication has been received.• The system helps you by checking errors.• There is no risk that your application will getlost in the post.• The system has a series of securityprocedures which will prevent anyone seeinginformation they are not entitled to.• You can check or change the detailson your application up until the closing date.• Every time you change your onlineapplication, you will receive an emailconfirming the status.• The system is available 24 hours a day 7days a week up until the closing date.Do I need to provide any proof tosupport my application?If you are required to provide evidence tosupport your application, it will say so in theadmissions criteria. Please read the admissionspolicy for every school carefully.Voluntary aided (church) <strong>schools</strong> may havedifferent admissions criteria to <strong>Newcastle</strong>community <strong>schools</strong>.Apply online. Then send us the additionalinformation and include your child’s full nameand date of birth in the letter or email. Moredetails of what to do are given online.What if I want to apply for a schooloutside <strong>Newcastle</strong>?If you want to apply for a reception place at aschool in another local authority, for exampleNorthumberland, you will need to apply to thatlocal authority.You should only list <strong>Newcastle</strong> <strong>schools</strong> on ourform.Please note that other local authorities mayhave different closing dates for the receipt ofapplications and different timescales for dealingwith them.• If you apply online, we will email to let youknow which school your child has beenoffered the day before you receive your letter.Apply online at www.newcastle.gov.uk/admissions by 23 October 2009 (midnight) 6

If you want to apply for a place at anindependent school you will need to submitan application directly to the school.Please let us know for our records if you livein <strong>Newcastle</strong> and are not applying to a stateschool.Which address should I use for mychild's application?Use the permanent address where your childwill be living on 23 October 2009. If your childregularly lives at more than one address Mondayto Friday, the address provided should be theaddress where your child spends the majorityof his or her time.Use this address even if you think you mightmove house in the future. If you move houseafter 23 October 2009, you must inform us asit may affect the offer of a place.What do I need to apply online?You need access to a computer and an emailaccount. The council offers free computeraccess at all libraries. Local library staff may beable to help you to set up a free email account.What if I need help filling in myapplication?• There are user guides and help text onlineat www.newcastle.gov.uk/admissions• Ask at school or your local children’s centrewhere staff may be able to help.If I apply online should I submita paper form as well?No. Only submit one application form to us.There is no need to submit a paper applicationas well as an online application. Submissionof duplicate information can slow the processdown.How will I know if you have receivedmy application?Applications made online will be acknowledgedby return email. This is the most secure processas there is no risk that it will get lost in the postor input incorrectly.If you submit a paper application using theapplication form enclosed in this booklet, we areunable to provide a receipt.Can I change my preference?If you apply online you can change yourpreference any time online until the closing dateof midnight on 23 October 2009. You will get aconfirmation email each time.If you submit a paper application, write to tell usabout any changes. Please include your child’sfull name and date of birth in anycorrespondence. The information must bereceived before the closing date of midnight on23 October 2009. Any changes we receive after23 October 2009 will be treated as a lateapplication and will not be considered in the firstround of allocations.• Ring us on 0191 277 4133.• Visit the Families Information Service at theCustomer Service Centre, Civic Centre,Sandyford Road on Monday, Tuesday,Wednesday or Friday 8.30am – 4.30pm orThursday 11.30am – 4.30pm.You can make an appointment outside ournormal opening hours. If you are unable to travelto the Civic Centre due to a disability or familycircumstances, we will be happy to makealternative arrangements.7Apply online at www.newcastle.gov.uk/admissions by 23 October 2009 (midnight)

Will it make a difference if myapplication is submitted late?Yes. If your application is received after 23October 2009, we will process your applicationafter we have processed forms received on time.This means you are less likely to get a place atone of the <strong>schools</strong> listed on your form. We alsocannot guarantee we will make an offer on 1March 2010.Exceptional circumstancesIf your application is late because, for example:• you are a lone parent and have been ill forsome time• you have just moved into the area• you have just returned from abroadYou must write and tell us why your applicationis late and provide proof.We will consider each case individually and may– as an exception – process your form as thoughit was received on time.If you apply after 8 January 2010 we will not beable to consider your late application as anexception because we will have begun theallocations process. We will process yours afterthe others have been dealt with.Please be honest when applyingfor a school place.You must make sure that everything you tell us istrue and accurate. If there is proof that you havegiven us false or misleading information the offerof a school place may be withdrawn. You maybe asked to provide evidence to support yourapplication. We may ask <strong>schools</strong>, other councildepartments, other admission authorities and thehealth authority for information.How do I decide which <strong>schools</strong> to apply to?You can apply to any first or primary <strong>schools</strong>located in <strong>Newcastle</strong> on our application form,except for independent <strong>schools</strong>.How many <strong>schools</strong> can I list?You can list up to four <strong>schools</strong>. Each schoollisted counts as a separate application so youare increasing your chances of getting a schoolyou would like by listing four.Do I have to list more than oneschool?If you only name one school on your application,and we are unable to offer your child a placethere, you will be offered another school withspaces. This might not be near your home.When we allocate places, priority is given toapplicants who list a school as a preference.Listing more than one school won’t affect yourchances of being offered your first preference.In which order should I list the<strong>schools</strong>?It is important that you list your <strong>schools</strong> in order,with the school you most want first. This isbecause if you meet the rules of more than oneof the <strong>schools</strong> on your application we will offeryou the school you listed highest.It is important to understand that:• Listing just one school on your form doesnot improve your chances of getting a placethere.• There is no advantage in listing the sameschool more than once because we can onlyprocess one application per child per school.• Listing four <strong>schools</strong> of the same type (e.g.voluntary-aided church) does not mean thatyour application for any of these <strong>schools</strong> willbe looked at more favourably• Schools will not be told where you listed themon your form.Apply online at www.newcastle.gov.uk/admissions by 23 October 2009 (midnight) 8

• The applications are entered into a databasewhich processes the rules and allocationsautomatically – staff do not influence results.Elsewhere in this booklet, first <strong>schools</strong> arereferred to as primary <strong>schools</strong> for ease of reading.Demand for places at particular <strong>schools</strong> variesfrom year to year. It is not possible to give firmindications of your chances of being offereda place.The fact that your neighbour’s children weregiven a place last year does not mean you willdefinitely get a place this year or vice versa.How do I get more informationon different <strong>schools</strong>?<strong>Newcastle</strong> has both a two-tier and three-tierschool system as explained below.System Reception Y1 Y2 Y3 Y4 Y5 Y6 Y7 Y8 Y9 Y10 Y11 Y12 Y13Two tier Primary school Secondary schoolThree tier First school Middle school High schoolFirst <strong>schools</strong>In the Gosforth and Dinnington areas of<strong>Newcastle</strong> children are educated in first <strong>schools</strong>from age 4 to 9 and then transfer to middleschool at the end of Year 4, from age 9 to 13.From middle school children transfer to highschool at the end of Year 8 (age 13).We have 9 first <strong>schools</strong>:- 8 community <strong>schools</strong>- 1 Church of England schoolPrimary <strong>schools</strong>In <strong>Newcastle</strong> children can be educated in aprimary school from age 4 to 11 before transferringto secondary school at end of Year 6.We have 63 primary <strong>schools</strong>:- 42 community <strong>schools</strong>- 18 Roman Catholic <strong>schools</strong>- 3 Church of England <strong>schools</strong>• Find <strong>schools</strong> in your area by looking in thedirectory section of this booklet or onlineat www.newcastle.gov.uk/admissions.• Find out which is your nearest <strong>Newcastle</strong>school by ringing us on 0191 277 4133 orusing our online school finder atwww.newcastle.gov.uk/admissions• Visit the <strong>schools</strong> you are interested in.• Read the school prospectus and look at theschool’s website.• Read the school's admission criteria; different<strong>schools</strong> may have different criteria. If theschool you're interested in is popular, theadmissions criteria will give you a realisticidea of your child's chances of getting aplace there.• Consider the information on offers made toparents and carers in previous years as thiswill help you see how likely it is that your childwill be offered a place at the school.9Apply online at www.newcastle.gov.uk/admissions by 23 October 2009 (midnight)

• Read academic results and Ofsted inspectionreports. These are included on the schoolpages online atwww.newcastle.gov.uk/admissions• Consider transport arrangements to theschool (see page 20).• Contact us to find out about childcare,including which after school providers pickup at the school.• Contact us if you want to find out whatactivities are available after school.• Talk to your child and to friends andneighbours with school aged children.You may also wish to check feeder schoolarrangements - the <strong>schools</strong> that childrennormally transfer to from the first and primary<strong>schools</strong> you are interested in. We list thesein the school directory.If your child attends a feeder school they arenot guaranteed a place in the receiving schoolif there are more applications than placesavailable. But attendance at a feeder schoolis one of the rules we apply in <strong>Newcastle</strong> whenallocating places at transfer age.Can I apply for a church school?Yes. Church <strong>schools</strong> are either voluntarycontrolled (VC) or voluntary aided (VA). The localauthority is the admission authority for voluntarycontrolled <strong>schools</strong> and places at oversubscribed<strong>schools</strong> will be allocated in accordance with theadmissions criteria given on page 11.There are no primary VC <strong>schools</strong> in <strong>Newcastle</strong>but there is a secondary VC school – All SaintsCollege.Apply for places at <strong>Newcastle</strong> church <strong>schools</strong>online at www.newcastle.gov.uk/admissions.Then send us the additional information theschool asks for in its admissions policy. Includeyour child’s full name and date of birth in theletter or email. Details of where to send this aregiven online and on the application form.Can I apply for an independentschool?Independent <strong>schools</strong> set their own curriculumand admission policies. They are funded throughfees paid by parents. The School Admissionsand Appeals Codes do not apply to them. If youwant to apply to an independent school, contactthe school directly.Please be aware that if you do not apply fora state school before the closing date, and yourchild is not offered a place at an independentschool, you reduce your chances of obtaininga place at your preferred state school.If you apply for a state school and anindependent school and are offered a placeat both, please tell us by letter or email whichschool place you are accepting.Does attendance in the nurseryclass give my child the right toa place in reception at the sameschool?Nursery class attendance is not taken intoaccount when places are allocated for reception.This is illegal.Admissions to voluntary aided <strong>schools</strong> are theresponsibility of the school governors.All have a faith basis and serve their localcommunity; therefore anyone can apply for aplace. The governors of voluntary aided <strong>schools</strong>decide the policy for allocation of places at theirown school. Details of these admissionarrangements are given in the school directory.Apply online at www.newcastle.gov.uk/admissions by 23 October 2009 (midnight) 10

Admission rules for community primary<strong>schools</strong>Each school has a specific number of placeswhich can be offered in reception for newchildren joining the school. The law says infantclasses must not contain more than 30 childrento one teacher.First we offer places to children with a Statementof Special Educational Needs naming the school.If there are more places at aschool than there are applications,every child who wants a place atthe school will be offered a place.What happens if more people applyto a school than there are placesavailable?We need a fair way to decide which children getplaces at oversubscribed <strong>schools</strong>. We useoversubscription criteria, or rules, that we applyin order. We apply these equally to allapplications for a school. Our aim is to meet thehighest preference possible for every applicant.Voluntary aided (church) <strong>schools</strong> make their ownadmission decisions. They may have differentoversubscription criteria or use differentdefinitions, for example for ‘siblings’. These aredescribed in their admission policies.What are the oversubscriptioncriteria for community <strong>schools</strong>?The following criteria are applied for <strong>Newcastle</strong>community primary <strong>schools</strong> when there are moreapplications than places available:Rule 1 – Children in Public Care(looked after children)This means a child who is looked after by a localauthority in accordance with section 22 of theChildren Act 1989 at the time the application foradmission to a school is made, and whom thelocal authority has confirmed will still be lookedafter at the date of admission.Rule 2 – Children with an oldersibling who will be attending theschool at the time of admissionSibling refers to brother or sister, half brotheror sister, adopted brother or sister, step brotheror sister, or the child of the parent or carer’spartner where the children live at the sameaddress.Rule 3 – Children with a specificmedical or social reason to go tothe schoolThis refers for example to families where oneor both parents or the child has a disability thatmay make travel to a school further away moredifficult.A medical certificate must be provided todemonstrate why the preferred school is themost suitable. It should explain the difficultiesthat would arise if the child had to attend analternative school.This evidence must be submitted with yourapplication. Apply online, and then send us theproof. Include your child’s full name and date ofbirth in any correspondence. If you don’t provideevidence, we will not give your child higherpriority.Rule 4 – Children living nearestto the schoolWe decide which your child’s nearest school isby using an electronic map measurement system(GIS). We measure a direct line from a singlefixed point in the centre of your child’s homeaddress to a point in the centre of the school.11Apply online at www.newcastle.gov.uk/admissions by 23 October 2009 (midnight)

This is an objective measurement which doesnot take into account factors such as the safetyof routes or the needs for some families to takeother children to a different school or <strong>schools</strong>.How do I find out my nearestschool?You can find out your nearest school using ouronline school finder atwww.newcastle.gov.uk/admissions or by callingus on 0191 277 4133.How does my home address affect my chancesof being offered my preferred school?Distance between home and school only mattersif there are more applications than there areplaces available. Where we do have to apply theoversubscription criteria, distance is usually themost relevant factor in determining whether ornot your child qualifies for a place in acommunity school. Church <strong>schools</strong>’ admissionscriteria may not give a similar weighting to homeaddress.What do I do if I move house?You should contact us as soon as possible. Ifyou move after you have made an applicationbut before the places are allocated it may affectthe offer of a place. We will require documentaryevidence of your new address.where it means that you qualify under anadmission rule. We cannot use any otherinformation to increase your priority for a schoolplace.Do I have to apply for a school inmy area? I live in <strong>Newcastle</strong> but Iwant a school outside <strong>Newcastle</strong> –can I do this?You can apply for any school in any localauthority you wish but read each school'sadmission criteria carefully as different <strong>schools</strong>and local authorities may have different datesand arrangements.If the school you are interested in is popular, theadmissions criteria will give you a realistic ideaof your child's chances of getting a place there.This also applies when you do not live in<strong>Newcastle</strong> but want your child to go to a<strong>Newcastle</strong> school.For reception places, you need to apply to thelocal authority where the school is located.What happens in a tie-breaksituation if there are two equalrights but only one available place?In the event that two children have an equal rightto one available place (such as twins) the placewill be offered to the older child. The remainingchild will be offered an alternative school. Theywill be considered under the sibling criterion atthe original school if further places becomeavailable.Can I tell you my reason for wantinga particular school?Yes you can but we can only considerinformation directly related to your applicationApply online at www.newcastle.gov.uk/admissions by 23 October 2009 (midnight) 12

How likely is it that my child will be offered a place at a particular school?Before you go through the flowchart covering the admission rules for community <strong>schools</strong>, please:(a) consider how well your child meets the rules for each school by reading the rules,(b) consider whether there are likely to be more children applying to a school than there are placesavailable by looking at the statistical information for each school.StartDoes your childhave a Statementof Special EducationalNeeds naming theschool?NoIs your child in publiccare? (Rule 1)NoDoes your child havean older sibling whowill be at the schoolin September 2010?(Rule 2)NoDoes your child havea specific medical orsocial need to go tothe school? (Rule 3)YesYesYesYesPlease note that voluntary aided (VA) church <strong>schools</strong> havetheir own admission rules and will follow a similar processwhen considering your application. If you want to apply to aVA school in <strong>Newcastle</strong> you should apply using our applicationform.Your child will be offered a place at the schoolPlease tick the relevant box on the online or paper form.Once it is confirmed that your child is in public care, your childwill be considered for a place at the school under Rule 1.Please tick the relevant box on the online or paper formand enter the sibling details. Once it is confirmed that asibling attends the school, your child will be consideredunder Rule 2.Please tick the relevant box on the online or paper form. Youmust send us a medical certificate which explains why this isthe most suitable school and the difficulties that would becaused if the child attended elsewhere.NoYour child will beconsidered underRule 4 – distancebetween home andschool.Not agreedIt is not agreed thatyour case issufficiently compellingto be offered a placeunder this rule.AgreedIf it is agreed that yourcase is sufficientlycompelling, your childwill be consideredunder Rule 3.13Apply online at www.newcastle.gov.uk/admissions by 23 October 2009 (midnight)

How do you process my application?Each school you list on your form is consideredas a separate application.• Our computer system is set up to apply therules for community and voluntary controlled<strong>schools</strong>. Voluntary aided <strong>schools</strong> allocatetheir own places based on their publishedrules.• We co-ordinate this information for eachschool you have listed on your form to ensurethat each child is only offered one place.• If just one school you have applied for canoffer you a place, then that is where we willoffer your child a place.• If your child is eligible for more than oneschool place we will offer you a place at theschool you listed highest.• We repeat these steps until every child hasbeen offered a place at the school listedhighest on their application.Is a first come, first served systemused to allocate places?No. All applications received by the closing dateof midnight on 23 October 2009 will beconsidered in the first round of allocations.What are infant class size limits?Since September 2001 no infant class with asingle teacher should contain more than 30children. This may mean that children arerefused places because their admission wouldmean more than 30 children in a class.The class size limit does not mean that <strong>schools</strong>have to admit up to 30 children into each class.At some <strong>schools</strong> the size of classrooms andinternal layout may mean that classes have tobe smaller than 30.What happens if you cannot offerany school that I list?If we cannot offer your child a place at anyschool that you list, you will be offered a placeat your nearest school with an available place.How many places are availableat each school?The admission number for each school is shownin the school directory. This number indicatesthe maximum number of children the school cantake in any one year, from September to July. Ittakes into account the size of the school and thelimits on infant class sizes.How are places allocated?If there are enough places then they will beoffered to all applicants. If the school is oversubscribedall places are allocated in line withthe oversubscription criteria.Places will be offered up to the admissionnumber. Once these places have been filledusing the published criteria further admissionsmay be refused on the grounds that:• To admit another child would prejudice theprovision of efficient education or the efficientuse of resources because the class would betoo big. The school must meet infant classsize limits.Apply online at www.newcastle.gov.uk/admissions by 23 October 2009 (midnight) 14

How and when will I hear?If you apply online, we will email on 1 March2010 to tell you the school that we have offeredyour child.All parents and carers will be sent a letter tellingyou the name of the school we have offered yourchild. This will be posted by second class poston 1 March 2010.Emails will be sent to the email address yougave on your online application form. You mayre-enter the system until the closing date andchange this if necessary. Letters will be sent tothe address you gave on your application unlessyou advised us that your contact details havechanged.What happens after 1 March 2010?You must reply by 12 March 2010to accept the place offered.Please let us know if you do not require theplace in order for us to offer it elsewhere.What can I do if my child is notoffered a place at my preferredschool?If you are not offered your first preference, wewill offer you a place at another school. Ifpossible, this will be your second, third or fourthpreference or will be the nearest school with aplace available. You can:• Accept the alternative place.• Ask about availability of places at other<strong>schools</strong>.• Have your child’s name held on a waiting listfor places at your preferred school.• Appeal to an independent appeal panelagainst the decision to refuse a place.More information about appeals can be foundon page 16 and online atwww.newcastle.gov.uk/admissionsYou should accept the place offered even if it isnot at the school you wanted and you want tolodge an appeal. If you do not respond by 12March we will assume the offer is no longerrequired and may reallocate the place.Are any places allocated after theinitial round of offers?Yes. Some parents offered places decide theyno longer wish their child to attend the particularschool. Waiting lists for all <strong>schools</strong> will be set upthe week following the letters being sent toparents.We will maintain the waiting lists for all community<strong>schools</strong> until at least the end of the autumn term2010. Your child will be automatically placed onthe waiting list for any primary school that isranked higher on your application than the onethey have been offered. You may also requestthat your child is placed on a waiting list for aschool that was not an original preference.We will use the oversubscription criteria todecide where your child is on the waiting list fora particular school. As places become available,the child highest on the waiting list will be offeredthe place. This is not dependent on submittingan appeal. Waiting lists will change as lateapplications are received. Your child can go upor down the list. Late applicants will be slottedinto the list according to where they meet theoversubscription criteria.Voluntary aided <strong>schools</strong> maintain their ownwaiting lists in accordance with the school’sadmissions policy.15Apply online at www.newcastle.gov.uk/admissions by 23 October 2009 (midnight)

Can the offer of a place bewithdrawn?We reserve the right to withdraw an offerof a place in certain limited circumstances.You should be aware that by submitting yourapplication you are stating that the informationgiven is true and accurate.Examples of when a place could be withdrawninclude:• Where you have given fraudulent orintentionally misleading information such asa false address.• Where you have not responded to an offerwithin a reasonable time.• Where the offer was made in error by thelocal authority for a voluntary aided school.• Where the authority is able to meet a higherpreference.If an offer is withdrawn as a result of misleadinginformation, your application will be reprocessed.You have a right of appeal if a place is refused.AppealsIf you are not offered a place for your child at theschool you wanted then you have the right toappeal against the decision to an IndependentAppeal Panel. If you want to appeal about morethan one school you will need to appealseparately about each decision.We will be able to advise you about waiting listsand the appeals process. In reception, Year 1and Year 2, class sizes are a reason to refuseadmission. There are separate grounds todecide at appeal when legislation concerningclass sizes can be over-ruled. These groundsare extremely limited and parents are advisedto consider their case carefully and seekadvice from us if necessary.You will not be able to appeal until you havebeen formally refused admission.Apply online at www.newcastle.gov.uk/admissions by 23 October 2009 (midnight) 16

Applying outside the normal transfertimesChanging your child's school can affect him orher in many ways and the decision should not betaken without careful thought. We know that anumber of families will need to transfer theirchild to another school during the academic year,rather than at the usual transfer times. This maybe because they are moving into <strong>Newcastle</strong> ormoving within the city. These school moves arecalled ‘in-year’ or ‘casual’ admissions.If you wish to apply for a school place in-yearat a first or primary school please contact us formore information. Applications will be consideredaccording to the School Admissions Codeand <strong>Newcastle</strong>’s Fair Access Protocol.The Fair Access Protocol ensures that potentiallyvulnerable children are effectively provided forin admission arrangements.Priority will be given to applications for in-yearadmission to a <strong>Newcastle</strong> school if:• The child is moving into <strong>Newcastle</strong> fromanother area and is without a school place.• The child is without a school place for otherreasons, is not on the verge of exclusionand has not been excluded from school.• The child is moving to a new location within<strong>Newcastle</strong> which will make a significantdifference to travel arrangements.• There are exceptional reasons for an urgentmove relating to the child’s safety, healthand welfare.If you have not moved house, please considerthe following before deciding to change yourchild’s school:• Each school teaches the National Curriculumin different ways and at different times of theacademic year. How will your child cope withlearning new rules and doing things indifferent ways? They may have done the workbefore, missed important earlier work, or findthe work new or strange.• Children need to feel happy at school andrelationships with the right friends, and withteachers, are an important part of this. Willyour child be able to settle in and get to knownew people quickly, so that their learningdoes not suffer?• If you have other children attending the sameschool, will it be a problem for you to haveyour children attending different <strong>schools</strong>?There is no automatic right for your otherchildren to transfer to the new school eithernow or in the future. Will you be able totransport your children to different <strong>schools</strong>at the appropriate times?• You might need to buy a completely newuniform, including PE kit, if your childchanges school.• How would your child get to a new school?What will be the cost involved? A change willusually be regarded as parental choice. Inmost circumstances you are unlikely to beeligible for travel assistance to the preferredschool.Many things that worry parents, carers andchildren can be sorted out without the needto move <strong>schools</strong>. Often moving <strong>schools</strong> will notresolve some of your concerns and can evenhave a bad effect on your child's education.If you are not happy about the way in whichthe school is working with your child you shouldspeak to the Head teacher first. If you needfurther help, please contact us.17Apply online at www.newcastle.gov.uk/admissions by 23 October 2009 (midnight)

Our commitment to youWho can I talk to about theinformation in this booklet?<strong>Newcastle</strong> Families Information Service (FIS)is available to provide support and guidancethroughout your application process. Our contactdetails are given on the inside cover of thisbooklet.How quickly will my query be dealtwith?Phone callsMost queries can be dealt with straight away.However, at peak times such as the weeksbefore and after the deadline for applications tobe received (23 October 2009) and on allocationday (1 March 2010) the volume of calls andcorrespondence is high.We aim to deal with your telephone enquiries asquickly as possible, usually within three workingdays. However, to ensure that each case isthoroughly investigated, response times may belonger at these particular times of the year.Letters and emailsYou will normally receive an answer within fifteenworking days. If this is not possible, the officerdealing with your query will let you know thereasons for the delay and when you will receivea response.Mr Robin HarveyHead of AccessChildren’s Services DirectorateCivic CentreBarras Bridge<strong>Newcastle</strong>NE1 8PUWhat happens if people providefraudulent or misleadinginformation?We take allegations that parents or carers haveprovided false information on their applicationform very seriously. We work closely with <strong>schools</strong>to ensure that fraudulent applications aredetected. We also carry out spot checks.• If we write to you, please provide copies ofthe evidence we ask for within the timeframegiven.• If you do not provide the evidence we ask forand your application is found to be fraudulent,it will be reprocessed based on the correctinformation.• If an offer of a school place has already beenmade, it may be withdrawn and we will offeryour child a place at the nearest communityor voluntary-controlled school to your homeaddress with an available place (if you live in<strong>Newcastle</strong>). This may be some distance away.What do I do if I want to make acomplaint?Please discuss your concerns with theOperational Manager, Admissions and Transport.Phone: 0191 277 7428.We find that most concerns can be resolvedin this way.If you still want to make a formal complaint, youshould write to:Apply online at www.newcastle.gov.uk/admissions by 23 October 2009 (midnight) 18

Use of information and data securityData protectionIn addition to processing your application fora school place, under the data protectionlegislation we may use your applicationinformation for the following purposes:• To co-operate with our partners in healthand youth justice to improve the well beingof children in the <strong>Newcastle</strong> area as requiredby the Children Act 2004. Information sharingbetween partner organisations is done whenit is necessary to help the services providedby those partner organisations.• To provide statistical data to otherorganisations for the purpose of statisticalanalysis, statistical surveys or researchpurposes only. Each request will beindividually assessed by <strong>Newcastle</strong> <strong>City</strong><strong>Council</strong>. It will not be possible for anyindividual to be identified from this data.• We are required to publish statistical dataabout the number of applications for placesat each school, the number which weresuccessful and the criteria under which theywere accepted.Data securityAll admissions application data is stored,maintained and transferred by secure methodsin accordance with the Data Protection Act.The <strong>Newcastle</strong> online school admission systemis regularly independently tested to guardagainst unauthorised entry.Applicants who choose to use the paper formwill have their details entered by local authorityofficers into our admissions database.We will not share personal data for admissionsapplications with anyone except other admittingauthorities that require the data in order toprocess applications for <strong>schools</strong> within their ownauthority.19Apply online at www.newcastle.gov.uk/admissions by 23 October 2009 (midnight)

Other information to considerInformation, advice and assistanceThe Families Information Service (FIS) whosecontact details appear throughout this bookletcan provide a range of information as well asimpartial advice and assistance relevant to yourapplication decision, including:• Ofsted inspection reports• school performance data• term dates• provision for special educational needs• pre- and after school activities at the schoolor in the local area• childminders and other registered childcare,including which <strong>schools</strong> they collect from• local authority and school policy information,for example, uniform, charging policyThey can also help you to apply.FIS works closely with the Choice Adviser whocan provide more in-depth advice and supportfor the admissions and appeals processesshould you require it.Contact Families Information Service on0191 277 4133 or email fis@newcastle.gov.ukHome to school transportGetting a child to school on time and safely canbe a challenge. In some cases children areeligible for free school transport, which couldhelp.If your child is not entitled to free home to schooltransport it is your responsibility to ensure yourchild can get to school. When choosing yourpreferences for a school place, please considerhow your child will travel to and from school.There are healthy and green alternatives todriving your child to school, including:• public transport• cycling• walkingIf you must drive, please try and car-share withanother parent and remember to drive and parksafely.Active travel including cycling and walking hasbeen shown to help children keep fit and improvetheir independence and life skills; they haveopportunities to meet and make friends. Therewill also be benefits for the local communitythrough improved road safety, reduced trafficcongestion and associated noise and airpollution.The <strong>Council</strong> has written a Sustainable SchoolTravel Strategy that sets out how children will behelped to travel safely, independently andsustainably. This is available on our website atwww.newcastle.gov.uk. Every school has its ownTravel Plan aimed at improving road safety andreducing car use.Which children qualify for free hometo school transport?1 DistanceYour child will be automatically entitled to freetransport if they:• are between 5 and 16 years old, and• attend the nearest suitable school, and• the school is further away than the ‘statutorywalking distance’ of:- two miles for pupils aged under eight- three miles for those aged eight and over.The nearest suitable school is identified byconsidering whether your child would havequalified for a place at the school.Apply online at www.newcastle.gov.uk/admissions by 23 October 2009 (midnight) 20

The measurement of the 'statutory walkingdistance' is not necessarily the shortest distanceby road.It is measured by the shortest route along whicha child, accompanied as necessary, can walkwith reasonable safety.As such, the route measured may includefootpaths, bridleways and other pathways, aswell as recognised roads.2 SafetyIf it is considered unsafe for your child,accompanied as necessary, to walk to theirnearest suitable school which is within thestatutory walking distance your child will beentitled to free travel.3 IncomeYour child will be automatically entitled to freetransport if your family has low income and yourchild is:• Aged 8 to 11 years, goes to their nearestsuitable school, and lives more than two milesaway• Aged 11 to 16 years and goes to any one oftheir three nearest suitable <strong>schools</strong>, and the<strong>schools</strong> are between two and six miles awayfrom their home address• Aged 11 to 16 years and goes to the nearestschool preferred by their parents on thegrounds of religion or belief, and the schoolis between two and 15 miles away from theirhome addressChildren from low income families are definedas those who are entitled to free school meals,or those whose parents are in receipt of theirmaximum level of Working Tax Credit. Your levelof entitlement to Working Tax Credit is shownon the notice issued to you by HM Revenuesand Customs (TC602). Your eligibility for lowincome transport will be assessed annually.4 Special Educational NeedsWhere the child’s statement of specialeducational needs specifies the need for freetransport.Do I have to apply for schooltransport for my child?Yes. In March we will tell you which school yourchild has been allocated a place at. If your childis entitled to free school transport, we will sendyou a transport application form in late May orJune. It is important that you return theapplication form with a passport photograph assoon as possible. If you have not been contactedand think your child should get free transport,please call us for advice.What happens if I have a complaintor disagreement concerning mychild’s eligibility for free hometo school transport?You will need to follow the complaints procedureoutlined on page 18.If I am not eligible for free home toschool transport will my child payfull fare on public transport?Accompanied children under the age of fivetravel free in Tyne and Wear.Children aged 5 to 16 can get reduced fareswith an Under-16 card on weekdays until 7pmon local bus services, Metro, Shields ferryand Northern Rail services from Sunderland toBlaydon. Without the Under-16 card, childrenmay be expected to pay the full adult fare. Thecard is valid until your child finishes Year 11.Application forms are available from any NexusTravel Shop or online at www.how2get2.co.ukFree school meals (FSM)A healthy nutritious mid-day meal is availableat every school in the city. Your child may beentitled to a free school meal if you are in receiptof:• Income Support• Income Based Jobseekers Allowance• Income-related employment and supportallowance21Apply online at www.newcastle.gov.uk/admissions by 23 October 2009 (midnight)

• Support from the National Asylum SupportService• Child Tax Credit and not in receipt of WorkingTax Credit• the Guarantee element of State PensionCredit.For an application form and further detailscontact the Families Information Service.Pupils who are on roll and attending a nurseryschool or nursery class, get 1/3rd pint of wholemilk free daily.School uniformSchool uniform policies are decided by theGoverning Body of each school. Details shouldbe available in the school prospectus. <strong>Newcastle</strong><strong>City</strong> <strong>Council</strong> does not provide financialassistance towards the purchase of clothing forschool.Insurance<strong>Newcastle</strong> <strong>City</strong> <strong>Council</strong> is insured against itslegal liability for any injury, loss or damagecaused to pupils as a result of negligence on itspart or that of its employees.Your child is not insured for personal accidentbenefits while on education premises or on workexperience schemes. However, insurance coveris provided for pupils taking part in organisedschool trips and visits and the Headteacher willbe able to provide details.School attendanceWe understand that life for some parents can bedemanding and getting your child to school everyday and on time can become an uphill struggle.Simple steps can help your child to be organisedso that mornings are not stressful.Here are some tips:• Going to school unprepared can be a majorworry for children. Parents can help bypacking schoolbags the night before andkeeping an eye on homework progress.• Tired children aren't punctual and find it hardto learn so ensure children have a sensiblebedtime.• Children can become unsettled if they have togo into school late and without their friends.Getting children to school in time to meetfriends in the yard prevents this.• Help your children get into a regular routineand set the alarm at the same time everymorning.• Make time for breakfast so there is nostopping at shops where children can getside-tracked on the way to school.• Have a notice board or calendar at home forspecial trips or activities. This will help youand your children to be prepared.To help your child get the best out of school:• Be aware of the impact of regular absences– missing school is missing out.• Don’t let your child stay off for reasons likegoing shopping, birthdays, minding the houseor looking after brothers and sisters.• Try to avoid taking family holidays in termtime.• Try to make non-urgent medical and dentalappointments out of school time.• Be involved with your child’s education andschool – ask questions.• Build up good habits of punctuality andattendance.If your child is going to be absent, please:• Contact the school on the first morning andkeep the school up to date if it turns out to bea longer absence.• Send a signed and dated note with thereason for the absence when your childreturns to school.Apply online at www.newcastle.gov.uk/admissions by 23 October 2009 (midnight) 22

• If your child recovers from illness before theend of the week, send them back to schooleven if it’s only for one day – every daycounts.• If there is a problem, speak to the schooland/or the Education Welfare Service on0191 277 4500 - support will be available butstaff need to be told about any difficulties assoon as possible.ImmunisationsLow levels of immunisation uptake over the lastdecade have led to a significant increase in thenumber of children and young people notprotected against measles. The more people thatare not protected, the more rapidly measles willspread.Measles is caused by a very infectious virus,giving a rash and high fever. A child with measleswill have to spend about five days in bed andmay be off school for ten days. Adults are likelyto be ill for longer. About one in every 15 childrenwith measles will develop more seriouscomplications.The safest and most effective way to preventmeasles is to ensure your child is fullyvaccinated with MMR vaccine. Your child shouldreceive MMR vaccinations at around 13 monthsof age, and again at three years and fourmonths or soon after – best before startingschool.Check your child’s personal health record. Thiswill tell you which vaccinations your child hashad. If you are unsure, contact your GP surgery.It is never too late to have your child vaccinated.Contact your local GP surgery or visit:www.immunisation.nhs.ukshould do this at least six weeks before yourchild goes to live with private foster parents,or before any child comes to live with you.There are many situations where children areprivately fostered. These could involve:• Children sent to this country for educationor health care by birth parents from overseas.• Children living with a friend's family as aresult of a parental separation, divorce orarguments at home.• A teenager living with the family of aboyfriend or girlfriend.• Children living with host families for anynumber of reasons.• People who come to this country to studyor work, but antisocial hours make it difficultfor them to use ordinary day care.If the child is likely to stay in the person's homefor 28 days or more, the law classes this as aprivate fostering arrangement.The person who looks after the child is calleda private foster carer.Every council in the country has a legal dutyto safeguard the well being of privately fosteredchildren.Please contact us at:Children's Social Care, Cruddas Park Office,Cruddas Park Neighbourhood Unit,<strong>Newcastle</strong> upon Tyne, NE4 7RWPhone: 0191 277 2500Fax: 0191 277 2477Private fosteringPrivate fostering is where parents or closerelatives of a child arrange for someone outsidetheir family to look after them in their home asif they were their own.By law, you must inform us if someone otherthan yourself is looking after your child. You23Apply online at www.newcastle.gov.uk/admissions by 23 October 2009 (midnight)

Nursery school admissionChildren will generally be admitted to a nurseryschool or nursery class the September after theirthird birthday.Admissions to a nursery school or class in<strong>Newcastle</strong> are not managed by the localauthority. You will need to contact the schooldirectly. They will provide you with an applicationform and information regarding the availabilityand allocation of places.Applications should be made directly to theschool by 1 April 2010 and offers of a place willbe made by the school no later than 30 April2010.If there are fewer applications than places,everyone who applies will be offered a place.If there are more applications than placesavailable, over-subscription criteria are appliedand places offered to children who are rankedhighest.• Children with statements of specialeducational needs naming the nursery willbe offered a place.• Children in public care are given priority overother children.The following criteria are then applied at thediscretion of the Governing Body and are notin priority order:• Children with a sibling in the nursery, or in thefirst or primary school associated with thenursery, in September 2010.• Distance from home address to the nurserymeasured in a straight line• Special reasons such as:- family breakdowndisadvantage because their use of Englishis minimal or non-existent- failure to thrive socially, medically orpsychologically- physical, sensory or learning difficulties.If you are not offered a place, nurseries will keepa waiting list. If a place becomes available, theplace will be offered to the applicant who rankshighest on the waiting list according to thepublished admission criteria.There is no appeal procedure for parents refuseda place in a nursery class or school.Nursery class attendance is not taken intoaccount when places are allocated forreception class. This would be illegal.Children will normally start primary school in theSeptember following their fourth birthday. If youwish to delay your child’s entry to a receptionclass, the nursery place will not continue unlessthe child has very exceptional needs. This mustbe supported by professional evidence andagreed by the school and local authority.Overleaf is a list of all state-run nursery classesand <strong>schools</strong> in the city.Further information on first and primary <strong>schools</strong>can be found in the directory at the end of thisbooklet and on our website atwww.newcastle.gov.uk/admissionsYou can find the state nursery closest to yourhome by entering your postcode in the onlineschool finder on our website.Contact the Families Information Service (FIS)for information on all pre-school provision in<strong>Newcastle</strong>.- three or more children under 5 years in thehousehold- home accommodation is unsuitable foryoung children- children who may be at an educationalApply online at www.newcastle.gov.uk/admissions by 23 October 2009 (midnight) 24

State nursery provision in <strong>Newcastle</strong>Ashfield Nursery SchoolElswick Road<strong>Newcastle</strong> upon Tyne NE4 6JR 0191 273 5587@ admin@ashfield.newcastle.sch.ukwww.ashfield.newcastle.sch.ukAtkinson Road Nursery SchoolAtkinson Road<strong>Newcastle</strong> upon Tyne NE4 8XT 0191 273 3368@ admin@atkinsonroad-nur.newcastle.sch.ukwww.atkinsonroad-nur.newcastle.sch.ukCruddas Park Early Years CentreBrunel Terrace, West <strong>City</strong><strong>Newcastle</strong> upon Tyne NE4 7NL 0191 273 6682@ admin@cruddaspark.newcastle.sch.ukDunstanburgh Road Community NurseryBywell Street, Walker<strong>Newcastle</strong> upon Tyne NE6 2QN 0191 265 4546@ pauline.batey@newcastle.gov.ukMonkchester Road Nursery SchoolMonkchester Road, Walker<strong>Newcastle</strong> upon Tyne NE6 2LJ 0191 265 4579@ admin@monkchesterroad.newcastle.sch.ukwww.monkchesterroad.newcastle.sch.ukMontagu Community NurseryHoughton Avenue, Cowgate<strong>Newcastle</strong> upon Tyne NE5 3UT 0191 277 1783@ wendy.pratt@newcastle.gov.ukNewburn Manor Nursery SchoolTownfield Gardens, Newburn,<strong>Newcastle</strong> upon Tyne NE15 8PY 0191 277 4180@ admin@newburnmanor-nur.newcastle.sch.ukwww.newburnmanor-nur.newcastle.sch.ukRye Hill Community Nursery1 Colby Court, Elswick<strong>Newcastle</strong> upon Tyne NE4 6HL 0191 273 1618@ jackie.bell@newcastle.gov.ukShieldfield Community Nursery8 Clarence Walk, Shieldfield<strong>Newcastle</strong> upon Tyne NE2 1AD 0191 232 0841@ carole.welsh@newcastle.gov.ukWalkergate Early Years CentreShields Road, Walkergate<strong>Newcastle</strong> upon Tyne NE6 4XW 0191 263 2411@ admin@walkergate-nur.newcastle.sch.ukwww.walkergate-nur.newcastle.sch.ukWillow Avenue Community NurseryGreenway, Fenham<strong>Newcastle</strong> upon Tyne NE4 9TU 0191 274 4563@ gillian.e.smith@newcastle.gov.ukThe following first and primary <strong>schools</strong> also havenursery classes:Archbishop Runcie First SchoolArchibald First SchoolBeech Hill Primary SchoolBenton Park Primary SchoolBridgewaterBroadwood Primary SchoolByker Primary SchoolCanning Street Primary SchoolCheviot Primary SchoolChillingham Road Primary SchoolChrist Church C of E Primary SchoolDinnington First SchoolEnglish Martyrs RC Primary SchoolFarne Primary SchoolGosforth Park First SchoolGrange First SchoolHilton Primary SchoolHotspur Primary SchoolKenton Bar Primary School25Apply online at www.newcastle.gov.uk/admissions by 23 October 2009 (midnight)

Kingston Park Primary SchoolLemington Riverside Primary SchoolMoorside Community Primary SchoolMountfield Primary SchoolNorth Fawdon Primary SchoolOur Lady & St Anne's Roman CatholicPrimary SchoolRavenswood Primary SchoolRegent Farm First SchoolSt Alban's RC Primary SchoolSt Anthony's C of E Primary SchoolSt Catherine's RC Primary SchoolSt Cuthbert's Catholic Primary KentonSt John Vianney RC Primary SchoolSt. John's Primary SchoolSt Joseph's RC Primary SchoolSt Lawrence's RC Primary SchoolSt Michael's RC Primary SchoolSt Paul's C of E Primary SchoolSimonside Community Primary SchoolStocksfield Avenue Primary SchoolThomas Walling Primary SchoolThrockley Primary SchoolTyneview Primary SchoolWalbottle Village Primary SchoolWaverley Primary SchoolWelbeck Primary SchoolWest Denton Primary SchoolWest Walker Primary SchoolWesterhope Primary SchoolWestgate Hill Primary SchoolWharrier Street Primary SchoolWingrove Primary SchoolWyndham Primary SchoolIn addition, Hadrian special school has a nurseryunit:Hadrian schoolBertram Crescent, Pendower<strong>Newcastle</strong> Upon Tyne NE15 6PY 0191 273 4440@ admin@hadrian.newcastle.sch.ukFree nursery entitlement for 3and 4 year oldsFrom the term after your child’s third birthday,they are entitled to some free early education.You can take your free entitlement to earlyeducation in a nursery unit in school or anursery school. (See Nursery SchoolAdmissions). You can also go to a childcareprovider. The Families Information Service (FIS)can provide you with a list.In <strong>Newcastle</strong> these providers include communitynurseries, day nurseries and playgroups whooffer early years education to 3 and 4 year olds.Currently all children are entitled to 12.5 hoursof free nursery entitlement over 38 weeks peryear.* You can discuss how you want to takeyour entitlement with your childcare provider.You may wish to take your entitlement over amaximum of 2 settings; however your child willonly receive the equivalent of 12.5 hours offunded early education for a maximum of 38weeks in total. You may prefer to take it overmore weeks by not taking the full 12.5 hoursevery week. The provider you have chosen willapply for the funding on your child’s behalf.If you require childcare in addition to the freeentitlement to early education there will be acost. The FIS can provide you with a list ofregistered childcare providers who can look afteryour child. You may be eligible for support withcosts of additional childcare through schemeslike the childcare element of Working Tax Credit,Care To Learn, or Free Childcare for Trainingand Learning for Work.*This is increasing to 15 hours from September2010.Apply online at www.newcastle.gov.uk/admissions by 23 October 2009 (midnight) 26

Explanation of termsThe terms and abbreviations used in this bookletcan be unfamiliar to those not previously involvedin the education system. These explanationsshould help but if you require further clarificationplease phone 0191 277 4133.Admission authorityThe body responsible for setting and applyinga school’s admission arrangements. Forcommunity or voluntary controlled <strong>schools</strong>, thisis <strong>Newcastle</strong> <strong>City</strong> <strong>Council</strong>; for voluntary aided<strong>schools</strong>, this is the school governing body.Admission arrangementsThe overall procedure, practices andoversubscription criteria used in deciding theallocation of school places, including any meansused to determine whether a school place isto be offered.Admission (oversubscription)criteriaThese are the rules that decide which childrenwill be given priority where there are moreapplications than places.Admission numberThe number of school places offered in normalyear of entry (reception).Child’s home addressThis is the child’s permanent address wherehe or she resides with a person with parentalresponsibility or with a parent (as definedin Section 576 of the Education Act 1996).Common application formThe form parents complete and submit to localauthorities listing their preferred choices of<strong>schools</strong> when applying for a school place.Community <strong>schools</strong>These <strong>schools</strong> are maintained fully by the localauthority (LA). The LA is the admission authorityand it is responsible for determining the admissionarrangements and for allocating school places.First <strong>schools</strong>These <strong>schools</strong> cover the reception to Year 4 agegroups (4 to 9 years). Many will also takeyounger children into designated nursery classes.Governing bodiesThese are bodies responsible for conducting<strong>schools</strong> with a view to promoting high standardsof educational achievement.Home Local Authority (LA)A child’s home local authority is the localauthority in which they live.Infant class size limitRegulations limit the size of an infant class(i.e. a class in which the majority of children willreach the age of 5, 6 and 7 during the schoolyear) to 30 pupils per school teacher.OversubscriptionThis means that there have been moreapplications than there are available places.Parent/carerThis includes all those people who have parentalresponsibility for a child who fall under thedefinition of “parent” as set out in Section 576of the Education Act 1996.Parental responsibilityThe mother of a child always has parentalresponsibility. The father also has parentalresponsibility if named on the birth certificateor by agreement with the mother, or by courtorder. Parents do not lose parental responsibilityif they divorce. In relation to school admissions,this applies to the role of choosing and providingfor the child's education.27Apply online at www.newcastle.gov.uk/admissions by 23 October 2009 (midnight)

PreferenceThe school you would most like your child toattend.Primary <strong>schools</strong>These <strong>schools</strong> cover the reception to Year 6 agegroups (4 to 11 year olds). Many will also takeyounger children into designated nurseryclasses. The term primary is also used to includefirst <strong>schools</strong>.State <strong>schools</strong>All children in England between the ages of fiveand 16 are entitled to a free place at a stateschool. State <strong>schools</strong> all receive funding fromlocal authorities. They all follow the NationalCurriculum and are regularly inspected byOfsted. There are four main types of state<strong>schools</strong> – community, foundation, voluntary aidedand voluntary controlled. Academies are alsostate <strong>schools</strong> but have different fundingarrangements.admission arrangements. These will be differentfrom those used by the LA.The governors are also responsible for allocatingschool places but the home LA offers places atthe school on behalf of the governors. Voluntaryaided <strong>schools</strong> participate in the co-ordinatedadmission arrangements within the area of theirhome LA.Voluntary controlled (VC) <strong>schools</strong>The only VC school in <strong>Newcastle</strong> is All SaintsCollege. Management is shared between the LAand the Church of England. As with community<strong>schools</strong> the LA is the admission authority and itis responsible for determining the admissionarrangements and for allocating school places.Statement of Special EducationalNeeds (SEN)A legal document issued by the local authorityspecifying the particular needs, resources andprovision required to support the child, and caninclude a named school that is suitable forproviding education for that child.Under-subscriptionThis means that there have been fewerapplications than there are available placeswithin the admission number.Voluntary aided <strong>schools</strong>In <strong>Newcastle</strong> these <strong>schools</strong> are either Churchof England or Catholic and responsibility formanagement is shared between the LA and thechurch but with the church playing a greater role.The governing body is the admission authorityand it is responsible for determining theApply online at www.newcastle.gov.uk/admissions by 23 October 2009 (midnight) 28

First and primary school admissions 2009 – allocations and appealsSchool nameNo ofplaces2009No ofapplicationsand choice1st1st to4thNo ofallocations1 March 09Number allocated according to each rule Appeals (as on 15 July 2009)NamedschoolCare(Rule 1)Sibling(Rule 2)Medical(Rule 3)Distance(Rule 4)Number Heard UpheldArchbishop Runcie First School * 30 100 30 2 2 0Archibald First School 60 42 153 60 1 12 47 1 1 1Atkinson Road Primary School 60 45 114 46 20 26 1 1 0Beech Hill Primary 42 31 66 32 1 13 18Benton Park Primary School 45 35 82 38 14 24Bridgewater Primary 30 23 47 24 1 10 13Broadway East First School 45 64 210 45 15 30 4 4 2Broadwood Primary School 60 22 67 29 8 21Brunton First School 30 16 66 29 29Byker Primary School 51 26 40 26 13 13Canning Street Primary School 60 40 103 44 16 28 1 1 0Cheviot Primary School 30 22 40 24 8 16Chillingham Road Primary School 30 38 135 30 1 17 12 3 3 0Christ Church CE Primary * 20 12 9Cragside Primary School 60 72 170 60 24 36 4 3 0Dinnington First School 30 33 68 30 10 1 19 2 2 1English Martyrs RC Primary School * 60 174 60 8 7 0Farne Primary 30 35 91 30 12 18 6 5 0Gosforth Park First School 45 37 209 45 18 27 4 3 2Grange First School 30 32 114 30 14 16Hawthorn Primary School 30 11 49 14 9 5Hilton Primary School 60 37 75 38 15 23Hotspur Primary School 60 37 83 38 13 25Kenton Bar Primary School 45 20 57 27 7 20Kingston Park Primary School 60 68 132 60 1 28 31 11 9 2Knoplaw Primary School 60 92 178 60 2 29 29 5 5 0*Voluntary aided (VA) church <strong>schools</strong> have their own admission rules29Apply online at www.newcastle.gov.uk/admissions by 23 October 2009 (midnight)

First and primary school admissions 2009 – allocations and appealsSchool nameNo ofplaces2009No ofapplicationsand choice1st1st to4thNo ofallocations1 March 09Number allocated according to each ruleNamedschoolCare(Rule 1)Sibling(Rule 2)Medical(Rule 3)Distance(Rule 4)Appeals(as on 15 July 2009)Number Heard UpheldLemington Riverside Primary School 45 9 29 10 5 5Milecastle Primary School 54 11 124 38 8 30Moorside Community Primary School 60 50 113 57 29 28 3 1 0Mountfield Primary School 30 21 41 23 12 11Newburn Manor Primary School 30 25 78 26 8 18North Fawdon Primary School 30 12 24 13 7 6Our Lady & St Anne's RC Primary School * 30 81 30 10 7 0Ravenswood Primary School 82 66 158 77 1 27 49Regent Farm First School 60 29 95 35 7 1 27Sacred Heart RC Primary School * 30 189 30 24 19 0St Alban's RC Primary School * 30 48 27St Anthony's CE Primary School * 30 23 10St Bede's RC Primary School * 30 71 30 2 2 1St Catherine's Catholic Primary School * 30 70 29 1 1 1St Charles' RC Primary School * 30 88 30 2 2 1St Cuthbert's Catholic Primary School(Kenton) *St Cuthbert's RC Primary School(Walbottle) *30 66 3018 39 18 7 7 1St George's RC Primary School * 20 18 10St John Vianney RC Primary School * 30 86 30 4 4 0St John's Primary School 30 23 52 26 10 16 1 0 0St Joseph's RC Primary School * 30 66 30St Lawrence's RC Primary School * 30 55 29St Mark's RC Primary School * 30 47 20St Michael's RC Primary School * 30 68 30 5 4 0St Oswald's Catholic Primary School * 30 92 30 2 1 1Apply online at www.newcastle.gov.uk/admissions by 23 October 2009 (midnight) 30

First and primary school admissions 2009 – allocations and appealsSchool nameNo ofplaces2009No ofapplicationsand choice1st1st to4thNo ofallocations1 March 09Number allocated according to each ruleNamedschoolCare(Rule 1)Sibling(Rule 2)Medical(Rule 3)Distance(Rule 4)Appeals(as on 15 July 2009)Number Heard UpheldSt Paul's C of E Primary School * 35 93 35 2 2 0St Teresa's Catholic Primary School * 30 76 30St Vincent's RC Primary School * 30 73 30Simonside Community Primary School 45 10 41 10 6 4South Gosforth First School 45 63 190 45 14 1 30 4 4 0Stocksfield Avenue Primary School 60 72 165 60 32 1 27 17 17 7Thomas Walling Primary School 45 40 70 44 1 12 31Throckley Primary School 45 25 43 25 9 16Tyneview Primary School 30 17 51 17 1 7 9Walbottle Village Primary School 20 14 45 14 6 8Walkergate Primary School 90 64 144 67 22 45Waverley Primary School 45 26 50 27 14 13Welbeck Primary School 75 39 108 43 20 23West Denton Primary School 45 38 79 38 16 22West Jesmond Primary School 90 92 214 90 33 1 56 8 5 0West Walker Primary School 40 22 56 22 13 9Westerhope Primary School 60 50 148 58 20 38 1 1 0Westgate Hill Primary School 60 30 102 36 16 20Wharrier Street Primary School 60 31 80 31 11 20Wingrove Primary School 60 64 142 60 29 31 12 12 3Wyndham Primary School 30 34 66 30 11 19 3 3 031Apply online at www.newcastle.gov.uk/admissions by 23 October 2009 (midnight)

<strong>Newcastle</strong> community first and primary <strong>schools</strong>Archibald First SchoolHeadteacher: Mrs Julia Bayes@Archibald Street, Gosforth, <strong>Newcastle</strong>upon Tyne, NE3 1EB0191 285 1957admin@archibald.newcastle.sch.ukwww.archibald.newcastle.sch.ukType: Community mixed firstAge range: 3-9Published admission number: 60Nursery at School: YesNumber on roll (May 09) excl nursery: 285Pupils normally transfer to: Gosforth JuniorHigh SchoolSchool code: 2001Benton Park Primary SchoolHeadteacher: Ms Alice Witherow@Corchester Walk, <strong>Newcastle</strong> upon Tyne,NE7 7SS0191 266 5122admin@bentonpark.newcastle.sch.ukwww.bentonparkprimary.orgType: Community mixed primaryAge range: 3-11Published admission number: 45Nursery at School: YesNumber on roll (May 09) excl nursery: 229Pupils normally transfer to: Heaton ManorSchoolSchool code: 2050Atkinson Road Primary SchoolHeadteacher: Andrea O'Neill@Atkinson Road, <strong>Newcastle</strong> upon Tyne,NE4 8XT0191 273 0452admin@atkinsonrd.newcastle.sch.ukwww.atkinsonrd.newcastle.sch.ukType: Community mixed primaryAge range: 4-11Published admission number: 60Nursery at School: NoNumber on roll (May 09): 314Pupils normally transfer to: ExcelsiorAcademySchool code: 2010Beech Hill Primary SchoolHeadteacher: Nicola Nelson Taylor@Linhope Road, West Denton, <strong>Newcastle</strong>upon Tyne, NE5 2LW0191 267 8113admin@beechhill.newcastle.sch.ukwww.beechhill.newcastle.sch.ukType: Community mixed primaryAge range: 3-11Published admission number: 42Nursery at School: YesNumber on roll (May 09) excl nursery: 261Pupils normally transfer to: All Saints CollegeSchool code: 2004BridgewaterHeadteacher: Mrs Samantha Robson Delaval Road, <strong>Newcastle</strong> upon Tyne,NE15 6NL 0191 274 5290@ admin@bridgewater.newcastle.sch.ukType: Community mixed primaryAge range: 0-11Published admission number: 30Nursery at School: YesNumber on roll (May 09) excl nursery: 146Pupils normally transfer to: ExcelsiorAcademySchool code: 2210Broadway East First SchoolHeadteacher: Ms Helen McKenna@Broadway East, Gosforth, <strong>Newcastle</strong>upon Tyne, NE3 5JQ0191 285 5141admin@broadway.newcastle.sch.ukwww.broadway.newcastle.sch.ukType: Community mixed firstAge range: 4-9Published admission number: 45Nursery at School: NoNumber on roll (May 09): 228Pupils normally transfer to: Gosforth EastMiddle SchoolSchool code: 2006Apply online at www.newcastle.gov.uk/admissions by 23 October 2009 (midnight) 32

Broadwood Primary SchoolHeadteacher: Mr Marcus Tinsley@Broadwood Road, Denton Burn,<strong>Newcastle</strong> upon Tyne, NE15 7TB0191 274 1684admin@broadwood.newcastle.sch.ukType: Community mixed primaryAge range: 3-11Published admission number: 60Nursery at School: YesNumber on roll (May 09) excl nursery: 188Pupils normally transfer to: ExcelsiorAcademySchool code: 2225Canning Street Primary SchoolHeadteacher: Heather Campbell@Wellfield Road, <strong>Newcastle</strong> upon Tyne,NE4 8PA0191 273 5465admin@canning.newcastle.sch.ukType: Community mixed primaryAge range: 3-11Published admission number: 60Nursery at School: YesNumber on roll (May 09) excl nursery: 403Pupils normally transfer to: ExcelsiorAcademySchool code: 2090Brunton First SchoolHeadteacher: Gill McKayRoseden Way, <strong>Newcastle</strong> Great Park<strong>Newcastle</strong> upon Tyne NE13 9BD@ admin@bruntonfirst.newcastle.sch.ukwww.bruntonfirst.newcastle.sch.ukType: Community mixed firstAge range: 4-9Published admission number: 30Nursery at School: NoNumber on roll (May 09): 0 (new school)Pupils normally transfer to: Gosforth JuniorHighSchool code: 3875Byker Primary SchoolHeadteacher: Mrs Linda Bradley@Commercial Road, Byker,<strong>Newcastle</strong> upon Tyne, NE6 2AT0191 265 6906admin@byker.newcastle.sch.ukwww.byker.newcastle.sch.ukType: Community mixed primaryAge range: 3-11Published admission number: 51Nursery at School: YesNumber on roll (May 09) excl nursery: 184Pupils normally transfer to: Benfield SchoolSchool code: 2032Cheviot Primary SchoolHeadteacher: Mrs Eileen Youngs@Yetholm Place, Newbiggin Hall,<strong>Newcastle</strong> upon Tyne, NE5 4EB0191 286 9324admin@cheviot.newcastle.sch.ukwww.cheviot.newcastle.sch.ukType: Community mixed primaryAge range: 3-11Published admission number: 30Nursery at School: YesNumber on roll (May 09) excl nursery: 189Pupils normally transfer to: All Saints CollegeSchool code: 2018Chillingham Road Primary SchoolHeadteacher: Mrs Karen Elliott@Ninth Avenue, Heaton, <strong>Newcastle</strong> uponTyne, NE6 5XX0191 265 5940admin@chillingham.newcastle.sch.ukwww.chillingham.newcastle.sch.ukType: Community mixed primaryAge range: 3-11Published admission number: 30Nursery at School: YesNumber on roll (May 09) excl nursery: 188Pupils normally transfer to: Heaton ManorSchool code: 210033Apply online at www.newcastle.gov.uk/admissions by 23 October 2009 (midnight)

Cragside Primary SchoolHeadteacher: Mr Michael Howard@Cragside, <strong>Newcastle</strong> upon Tyne,NE7 7EL0191 266 8389admin@cragside.newcastle.sch.ukwww.cragsideprimary.orgType: Community mixed primaryAge range: 4-11Published admission number: 60Nursery at School: NoNumber on roll (May 09): 413Pupils normally transfer to: Heaton ManorSchoolSchool code: 2170Dinnington First SchoolHeadteacher: Mrs Allyson Farrar@Sycamore Avenue, Dinnington,<strong>Newcastle</strong> upon Tyne, NE13 7JY01661 822457admin@dinnington.newcastle.sch.ukwww.dinnington.newcastle.sch.ukType: Community mixed firstAge range: 3-9Published admission number: 30Nursery at School: YesNumber on roll (May 09) excl nursery: 143Pupils normally transfer to: Gosforth EastMiddle SchoolSchool code: 2000Farne Primary SchoolHeadteacher: Ms Liz Simpson@Marsden Lane, <strong>Newcastle</strong> upon Tyne,NE5 4AP0191 286 0268admin@farne.newcastle.sch.ukwww.farne.newcastle.sch.ukType: Community mixed primaryAge range: 3-11Published admission number: 51Nursery at School: YesNumber on roll (May 09) excl nursery: 184Pupils normally transfer to: Benfield SchoolSchool code: 2032Gosforth Park First SchoolHeadteacher: Mrs Jini Sara@Broadway East, Gosforth, <strong>Newcastle</strong>upon Tyne, NE3 5JQ0191 285 2559admin@gosforthpark.newcastle.sch.ukwww.gp.firstschool.org.ukType: Community mixed firstAge range: 3-9Published admission number: 45Nursery at School: YesNumber on roll (May 09) excl nursery: 225Pupils normally transfer to: Gosforth EastMiddle SchoolSchool code: 2005Grange First SchoolHeadteacher: Mr Stephen Easton@Norham Road, Gosforth,<strong>Newcastle</strong> upon Tyne, NE3 2NP0191 285 2954admin@grange.newcastle.sch.ukwww.grange.newcastle.sch.ukType: Community mixed firstAge range: 3-9Published admission number: 30Nursery at School: YesNumber on roll (May 09) excl nursery: 143Pupils normally transfer to: Gosforth CentralMiddle SchoolSchool code: 2009Hawthorn Primary SchoolHeadteacher: Mrs Judy Cowgill@Park Close, Westgate, <strong>Newcastle</strong> uponTyne, NE4 6SB0191 273 4237admin@hawthorn.newcastle.sch.ukType: Community mixed primaryAge range: 4-11Published admission number: 30Nursery at School: NoNumber on roll (May 09): 178Pupils normally transfer to: ExcelsiorAcademySchool code: 2080Apply online at www.newcastle.gov.uk/admissions by 23 October 2009 (midnight) 34

Hilton Primary SchoolHeadteacher: Mrs Shirley Davison@Hilton Avenue, Blakelaw,<strong>Newcastle</strong> Upon Tyne, NE5 3RN0191 286 9297admin@hilton.newcastle.sch.ukwww.hilton.newcastle.sch.ukType: Community mixed primaryAge range: 3-11Published admission number: 60Nursery at School: YesNumber on roll (May 09) excl nursery: 343Pupils normally transfer to: KentonTechnology CollegeSchool code: 2350Hotspur Primary SchoolHeadteacher: Mr Miles Clarke@Mowbray Street, <strong>Newcastle</strong> Upon Tyne,NE6 5PA0191 276 2762admin@hotspur.newcastle.sch.ukwww.hotspurprimary.comType: Community mixed primaryAge range: 3-11Published admission number: 60Nursery at School: YesNumber on roll (May 09) excl nursery: 309Pupils normally transfer to: Heaton ManorSchoolSchool code: 2998Kenton Bar Primary SchoolHeadteacher: Mr Tony Leonard@Ryal Walk, Kenton Bar,<strong>Newcastle</strong> upon Tyne, NE3 3YF0191 286 0536admin@kentonbar.newcastle.sch.ukwww.kentonbar.newcastle.sch.ukType: Community mixed primaryAge range: 3-11Published admission number: 45Nursery at School: YesNumber on roll (May 09) excl nursery: 215Pupils normally transfer to: KentonTechnology CollegeSchool code: 2995Kingston Park Primary SchoolHeadteacher: Mrs Judy Evans@Cranleigh Avenue, Kingston Park,<strong>Newcastle</strong> upon Tyne, NE3 2EL0191 214 0363admin@kingstonpk.newcastle.sch.ukwww.kingstonpk.newcastle.sch.ukType: Community mixed primaryAge range: 3-11Published admission number: 60Nursery at School: YesNumber on roll (May 09) excl nursery: 398Pupils normally transfer to: KentonTechnology CollegeSchool code: 2996Knoplaw Primary SchoolHeadteacher: Mrs Pauline Dutton@Hillhead Parkway, Westerhope,<strong>Newcastle</strong> upon Tyne, NE5 1LH0191 267 4453admin@knoplaw.newcastle.sch.ukwww.knoplaw.newcastle.sch.ukType: Community mixed primaryAge range: 4-11Published admission number: 60Nursery at School: NoNumber on roll (May 09): 399Pupils normally transfer to: WalbottleCampusSchool code: 2016Lemington Riverside Primary SchoolHeadteacher: Mrs Susan Hall@Rokeby Street, Lemington,<strong>Newcastle</strong> upon Tyne, NE15 8RR0191 267 4315admin@lemingtonriverside.newcastle.sch.ukwww.lemingtonriverside.newcastle.sch.ukType: Community mixed primaryAge range: 3-11Published admission number: 45Nursery at School: YesNumber on roll (May 09) excl nursery: 135Pupils normally transfer to: All SaintsCollege/Walbottle CampusSchool code: 203035Apply online at www.newcastle.gov.uk/admissions by 23 October 2009 (midnight)

Milecastle Primary SchoolHeadteacher: Ms Lynn Rae@Hillhead Parkway, Westerhope,<strong>Newcastle</strong> upon Tyne, NE5 1LH0191 2674510admin@milecastle.newcastle.sch.ukwww.milecastle.newcastle.sch.uk/index1.htmType: Community mixed primaryAge range: 4-11Published admission number: 54Nursery at School: NoNumber on roll (May 09): 215Pupils normally transfer to: WalbottleCampusSchool code: 2017Moorside Community PrimaryHeadteacher: Ms June Foster@Beaconsfield Street, <strong>Newcastle</strong> uponTyne, Tyne and Wear, NE4 5AW0191 272 0239admin@moorside.newcastle.sch.ukwww.moorside.newcastle.sch.ukType: Community mixed primaryAge range: 3-11Published admission number: 60Nursery at School: YesNumber on roll (May 09) excl nursery: 368Pupils normally transfer to: ExcelsiorAcademySchool code: 2999Mountfield Primary SchoolHeadteacher: David Atkinson@Kirkwood Drive, North Kenton,<strong>Newcastle</strong> upon Tyne, NE3 3AT0191 285 3793admin@mountfield.newcastle.sch.ukwww.mountfield.newcastle.sch.ukType: Community mixed primaryAge range: 3-11Published admission number: 30Nursery at School: YesNumber on roll (May 09) excl nursery: 168Pupils normally transfer to: KentonTechnology CollegeSchool code: 2462Newburn Manor Primary SchoolHeadteacher: Mrs Jane McFadyen41 Townfield Gardens, Newburn,<strong>Newcastle</strong> upon Tyne, NE15 8PY0191 267 4533@ admin@newburnmanorprimary.newcastle.sch.ukwww.newburnmanorprimary.newcastle.sch.ukType: Community mixed primaryAge range: 4-11Published admission number: 30Nursery at School: NoNumber on roll (May 09): 192Pupils normally transfer to: WalbottleCampusSchool code: 2013North Fawdon Primary SchoolHeadteacher: Mrs Lorraine Alexander@Brotherlee Road, Fawdon, <strong>Newcastle</strong>upon Tyne, NE3 2SL0191 285 1350admin@northfawdon.newcastle.sch.ukwww.northfawdon.newcastle.sch.ukType: Community mixed primaryAge range: 3-11Published admission number: 30Nursery at School: YesNumber on roll (May 09) excl nursery: 130Pupils normally transfer to: KentonTechnology CollegeSchool code: 2300Ravenswood Primary SchoolHeadteacher: Mrs Pauline Summerhill@Ravenswood Road, Heaton, <strong>Newcastle</strong>upon Tyne, NE6 5TU0191 265 9599admin@ravenswood.newcastle.sch.ukwww.ravenswood.newcastle.sch.ukType: Community mixed primaryAge range: 3-11Published admission number: 82Nursery at School: YesNumber on roll (May 09) excl nursery: 478Pupils normally transfer to: Heaton ManorSchoolSchool code: 2670Apply online at www.newcastle.gov.uk/admissions by 23 October 2009 (midnight) 36

Regent Farm First SchoolHeadteacher: Ms Deborah Ashcroft@Wansbeck Road South, Gosforth,<strong>Newcastle</strong> upon Tyne, NE3 3PE0191 285 2294admin@regentfarm.newcastle.sch.ukwww.regentfarm.newcastle.sch.ukType: Community mixed firstAge range: 3-9Published admission number: 60Nursery at School: YesNumber on roll (May 09) excl nursery: 200Pupils normally transfer to: Gosforth JuniorHigh SchoolSchool code: 2003St John's Primary SchoolHeadteacher: Tracey Caffrey@Teindland Close, Benwell, <strong>Newcastle</strong>upon Tyne, NE4 8HE0191 273 5293admin@stjohns.newcastle.sch.ukwww.stjohns.newcastle.sch.ukType: Community mixed primaryAge range: 3-11Published admission number: 30Nursery at School: YesNumber on roll (May 09) excl nursery: 152Pupils normally transfer to: ExcelsiorAcademySchool code: 2720Simonside Community PrimaryHeadteacher: Miss Jane Sutton@Bedeburn Road, <strong>Newcastle</strong> upon Tyne,NE5 4LG0191 286 0776admin@simonside.newcastle.sch.ukType: Community mixed primaryAge range: 3-11Published admission number: 45Nursery at School: YesNumber on roll (May 09) excl nursery: 174Pupils normally transfer to: All Saints CollegeSchool code: 2021South Gosforth First SchoolHeadteacher: Mr Peter Coles@Alnmouth Drive, South Gosforth,<strong>Newcastle</strong> upon Tyne, NE3 1YF0191 285 3453admin@southgosforth.newcastle.sch.ukwww.southgosforth.firstschool.org.ukType: Community mixed firstAge range: 4-9Published admission number: 45Nursery at School: NoNumber on roll (May 09): 221Pupils normally transfer to: Gosforth CentralMiddle SchoolSchool code: 2002Stocksfield Avenue Primary SchoolHeadteacher: Mrs Gill Pritchard@St Cuthberts Road, Fenham, <strong>Newcastle</strong>upon Tyne, NE5 2DQ0191 274 8434admin@stocksfield.newcastle.sch.ukwww.stocksfield.newcastle.sch.ukType: Community mixed primaryAge range: 3-11Published admission number: 60Nursery at School: YesNumber on roll (May 09) excl nursery: 422Pupils normally transfer to: KentonTechnology CollegeSchool code: 2735Thomas Walling Primary SchoolHeadteacher: Mrs Julie Scott@Lindfield Avenue, Blakelaw, <strong>Newcastle</strong>upon Tyne, NE5 3PL0191 286 0333admin@walling.newcastle.sch.ukType: Community mixed primaryAge range: 3-11Published admission number: 45Nursery at School: YesNumber on roll (May 09) excl nursery: 296Pupils normally transfer to: KentonTechnology CollegeSchool code: 289037Apply online at www.newcastle.gov.uk/admissions by 23 October 2009 (midnight)

Throckley Primary SchoolHeadteacher: Colin Lofthouse@Hexham Road, Throckley,<strong>Newcastle</strong> upon Tyne, NE15 9DY0191 267 5311admin@throckleyprim.newcastle.sch.ukwww.throckleyprim.newcastle.sch.ukType: Community mixed primaryAge range: 3-11Published admission number: 45Nursery at School: YesNumber on roll (May 09) excl nursery: 182Pupils normally transfer to: WalbottleCampusSchool code: 2012Tyneview Primary SchoolHeadteacher: Mr Stephen Gittins@Winslow Place, Off Titan Road,<strong>Newcastle</strong> upon Tyne, NE6 3QP0191 262 6227admin@tyneview.newcastle.sch.ukwww.tyneview.newcastle.sch.ukType: Community mixed primaryAge range: 3-11Published admission number: 30Nursery at School: YesNumber on roll (May 09) excl nursery: 169Pupils normally transfer to: WalkerTechnology CollegeSchool code: 2250Walbottle Village Primary SchoolHeadteacher: Mrs Maria Tarn@The Green, Walbottle,<strong>Newcastle</strong> upon Tyne, NE15 8JL0191 267 5320admin@walbottle.prim.newcastle.sch.ukwww.walbottlevillage.newcastle.sch.ukType: Community mixed primaryAge range: 3-11Published admission number: 20Nursery at School: YesNumber on roll (May 09) excl nursery: 107Pupils normally transfer to: WalbottleCampusSchool code: 2014Walkergate Primary SchoolHeadteacher: Mr Don Smith@Sutton Street, Walkergate,<strong>Newcastle</strong> upon Tyne, NE6 4SD0191 265 5737admin@walkergateprim.newcastle.sch.ukwww.walkergateprim.newcastle.sch.ukType: Community mixed primaryAge range: 4-11Published admission number: 90Nursery at School: NoNumber on roll (May 09): 464Pupils normally transfer to: Benfield SchoolSchool code: 2880Waverley Primary SchoolHeadteacher: Mrs Glynis Hyde@Maple Close, Lemington,<strong>Newcastle</strong> upon Tyne, NE15 7QZ0191 267 4549admin@waverley.newcastle.sch.ukwww.waverley.newcastle.sch.ukType: Community mixed primaryAge range: 3-11Published admission number: 45Nursery at School: YesNumber on roll (May 09) excl nursery: 288Pupils normally transfer to: All Saints Collegeor Walbottle CampusSchool code: 2020Welbeck Primary SchoolHeadteacher: Mr Barrie Russell@Flodden Street, Walker,<strong>Newcastle</strong> upon Tyne, NE6 2QL0191 265 5362admin@welbeck.newcastle.sch.ukwww.welbeck.newcastle.sch.ukType: Community mixed primaryAge range: 3-11Published admission number: 75Nursery at School: YesNumber on roll (May 09) excl nursery: 448Pupils normally transfer to: WalkerTechnology CollegeSchool code: 2900Apply online at www.newcastle.gov.uk/admissions by 23 October 2009 (midnight) 38

West Denton Primary SchoolHeadteacher: Sarah Knowles@Hillhead Road, West Denton,<strong>Newcastle</strong> upon Tyne, NE5 1DN0191 267 4211admin@westdenton.newcastle.sch.ukwww.westdenton.newcastle.sch.ukType: Community mixed primaryAge range: 3-11Published admission number: 45Nursery at School: YesNumber on roll (May 09) excl nursery: 263Pupils normally transfer to: All Saints Collegeor Walbottle CampusSchool code: 2015West Jesmond Primary SchoolHeadteacher: Mrs Val Lyons@Tankerville Terrace, <strong>Newcastle</strong> uponTyne, NE2 3AH0191 281 0000office@westjesmond.newcastle.sch.ukwww.westjesmond.newcastle.sch.ukType: Community mixed primaryAge range: 4-11Published admission number: 90Nursery at School: NoNumber on roll (May 09): 589Pupils normally transfer to: Heaton ManorSchoolSchool code: 2033West Walker Primary SchoolHeadteacher: Ms Nichola Draper@Church Street, Walker, <strong>Newcastle</strong> uponTyne, NE6 3XW0191 262 4130admin@westwalker.newcastle.sch.ukwww.westwalker.newcastle.sch.ukType: Community mixed primaryAge range: 3-11Published admission number: 40Nursery at School: YesNumber on roll (May 09) excl nursery: 187Pupils normally transfer to: WalkerTechnology CollegeSchool code: 2940Westerhope Primary SchoolHeadteacher: Mrs Jo Warner@Hill Head Road, Westerhope,<strong>Newcastle</strong> Upon Tyne, NE5 1NE0191 267 4750admin@westerhope.newcastle.sch.ukType: Community mixed primaryAge range: 3-11Published admission number: 60Nursery at School: YesNumber on roll (May 09) excl nursery: 375Pupils normally transfer to: WalbottleCampusSchool code: 2031Westgate Hill Primary SchoolHeadteacher: Ms June Foster@Westgate Road, <strong>Newcastle</strong> upon Tyne,NE4 6NY0191 273 5742admin@westgatehill.newcastle.sch.ukwww.westgatehill.newcastle.sch.ukType: Community mixed primaryAge range: 3-11Published admission number: 60Nursery at School: YesNumber on roll (May 09) excl nursery: 350Pupils normally transfer to: ExcelsiorAcademySchool code: 2910Wharrier Street Primary SchoolHeadteacher: Mrs Bernadette Doherty@Wharrier Street, Walker, <strong>Newcastle</strong> uponTyne, NE6 3EY0191 265 5743admin@wharrier.newcastle.sch.ukwww.wharrier.newcastle.sch.ukType: Community mixed primaryAge range: 3-11Published admission number: 60Nursery at School: YesNumber on roll (May 09) excl nursery: 266Pupils normally transfer to: WalkerTechnology CollegeSchool code: 295039Apply online at www.newcastle.gov.uk/admissions by 23 October 2009 (midnight)

Wingrove Primary SchoolHeadteacher: Mrs Denise Harland@Hadrian Road, Fenham, <strong>Newcastle</strong> uponTyne, NE4 9HN0191 273 5466admin@wingrove.newcastle.sch.ukwww.wingrove.newcastle.sch.ukType: Community mixed primaryAge range: 3-11Published admission number: 60Nursery at School: YesNumber on roll (May 09) excl nursery: 403Pupils normally transfer to: ExcelsiorAcademySchool code: 2960Wyndham Primary SchoolHeadteacher: Mrs Barbara Redhead@Montagu Avenue, Gosforth, <strong>Newcastle</strong>upon Tyne, NE3 4SB0191 285 3895admin@wyndham.newcastle.sch.ukwww.wyndham.primary-school.org.ukType: Community mixed primaryAge range: 3-11Published admission number: 30Nursery at School: YesNumber on roll (May 09) excl nursery: 216Pupils normally transfer to: KentonTechnology CollegeSchool code: 2990<strong>Newcastle</strong> voluntary aided church <strong>schools</strong>Admissions to voluntary aided <strong>schools</strong> are theresponsibility of the school governors. Thegovernors decide the policy on how they willallocate places if more people apply than thereare places available.Please read each individual voluntary aidedschool’s prospectus and admission policycarefully to consider how well your child meetsthe rules for this school. The following is asummary of the oversubscription criteria appliedif there are more applications than placesavailable.Where there are insufficient places to meet allapplications, distance from home address toschool will be the deciding factor.The <strong>schools</strong> will maintain waiting lists untilat least the end of the autumn term.If applicants are applying underfaith criteria, evidence is requiredin the form of a baptismal certificateor letter of support from a ministerof faith, or suitable equivalent,confirming reception into thechurch or other membership.DefinitionsChurches Together in England - recognisedChristian churches are:• Church of England• Baptist Union• Church of Scotland in England• Methodist Church• Church of God Prophecy• Congregational Federation• Coptic Orthodox• British Antiochian Orthodox• <strong>Council</strong> of African & Caribbean Churches• <strong>Council</strong> of Oriental Orthodox Churches• Icthus Christian Fellowship• Joint <strong>Council</strong> for Anglo Caribbean Churches• Lutheran <strong>Council</strong> of Great Britain• United Reform Church• Wesleyan Holiness ChurchSibling refers to brother or sister, half brotheror sister, adopted brother or sister, step brotheror sister, or the child of the parent/carer’s partnerwhere the child for whom the school place issought is living in the same family unit at thesame address as that sibling.Catholic refers to children who have beenbaptised as Catholics or have been formallyreceived into the Catholic Church.Apply online at www.newcastle.gov.uk/admissions by 23 October 2009 (midnight) 40

Archbishop Runcie First SchoolHeadteacher: Mrs Julie Robson@Christon Close, Gosforth, <strong>Newcastle</strong>upon Tyne, NE3 1US0191 285 2663admin@archbishop.newcastle.sch.ukwww.archbishop.newcastle.sch.ukType: Voluntary aided(Church of England) mixed firstAge range: 3-9Published admission number: 30Nursery at School: YesNumber on roll (May 09) excl nursery: 150Pupils normally transfer to: Gosforth CentralMiddle SchoolSchool code: 3471Christ Church C of E Primary SchoolHeadteacher: Mrs Sandra Furno@Shieldfield Green, Shieldfield,<strong>Newcastle</strong> upon Tyne, NE2 1XA0191 232 8054admin@christchurch.newcastle.sch.ukwww.christchurch.newcastle.sch.ukType: Voluntary aided(Church of England) mixed primaryAge range: 3-11Published admission number: 20Nursery at School: YesNumber on roll (May 09) excl nursery: 68Pupils normally transfer to: Heaton ManorSchoolSchool code: 3321We are required by law to admit children withstatements of special educational need, whichname this school.In the event of the number of applicationsexceeding the number of places available prioritywill be given to applications in the order ofpriority indicated below.1 Children who are in the care of the LocalAuthority (LAC).2 Children who have a social or medical needrequiring attendance at this school, above allother children. This must be evidenced by aletter from a registered health professional(e.g. doctor, social worker) which sets outclearly and objectively the nature of theneeds and why attendance at this schoolwould be essential for the child.3 Children with a sibling at the school at thetime of admission or a sibling who will havetransferred from Archbishop Runcie FirstSchool to Year 5 at the feeder link school(Gosforth Central Middle School) at the timeof admission.4 Children of parents/carers who have provideda letter from their Vicar confirming that theyworship regularly (at least once a month) atGosforth, All Saints or Gosforth, St NicholasParish Churches.5 Children of parents/carers of other Christiandenominations, of other faiths or of no faith.We must give priority to children with a statementof special educational needs, which names theschool.In the event of the number of applicationsexceeding the number of places available prioritywill be given to applications in the order ofpriority indicated below.1 Children who are in Local Authority Care2 Children with a brother or sister at the schoolat the time when they would be admitted tothe school.3 Children of parents worshipping regularly[weekly] and frequently at the Parish Churchof Christ Church or St. Ann’s.4 Children who have special medical needs orother special circumstances, (supported bymedical/professional opinion).5 Children who live in the Parishes of ChristChurch or St. Ann’s.6 Children of parents worshipping regularly[weekly] in another Christian Church whowish their child to attend this school becauseof its Christian foundation. Applications needto be supported with a letter from a ministerof religion.7 Other children.A map showing the parish boundaries can beinspected at the school office.41Apply online at www.newcastle.gov.uk/admissions by 23 October 2009 (midnight)

English Martyrs RC PrimarySchoolHeadteacher: Mrs Denise Kendall@Beaufront Gardens, Wingrove,<strong>Newcastle</strong> upon Tyne, NE5 2SA0191 274 7463admin@englishmartyrs.newcastle.sch.ukwww.englishmartyrs.newcastle.sch.ukType: Voluntary aided (Roman Catholic)mixed primaryAge range: 3-11Published admission number: 60Nursery at School: YesNumber on roll (May 09) excl nursery: 412Pupils normally transfer to: Sacred Heart(girls) or St Cuthbert's High (boys)School code: 3650Our Lady & St Anne's RomanCatholic Primary SchoolHeadteacher: Michael O'Brien@Summerhill Terrace, <strong>Newcastle</strong> uponTyne, NE4 6EB0191 232 5496admin@ourlady.newcastle.sch.ukwww.ourlady.newcastle.sch.ukType: Voluntary Aided (Roman Catholic)mixed primaryAge range: 3-11Published admission number: 30Nursery at School: YesNumber on roll (May 09) excl nursery: 207Pupils normally transfer to: Sacred Heart(girls) or St Cuthbert's (boys) High SchoolSchool code: 3799Children who have a statement of SEN whichnames the school will be admitted.Where there are insufficient places availableto meet all parental preferences, priority will begiven to applications in the following order:First priority in each category will be given tochildren who will have a sibling attending theschool in September 2010.1. Catholic Children in the care of a LocalAuthority.2. Catholic Children whose home addressis within English Martyrs’ Parish.3. Catholic Children whose home addressis outside of English Martyrs’ Parish.4. Other Children in the care of a LocalAuthority.5. Children, who are baptised or dedicatedmembers of other Christian Churches asrecognised by Churches Together in England.6. Children of other Faith traditions.7. Other children.Children who have a statement of SEN whichnames the school will be admitted.Where there are insufficient places availableto meet all parental preferences, priority will begiven to applications in the following order:First priority in each category will be given tochildren who will have a sibling attending theschool in September 2010.1. Catholic Children who are in the careof a Local Authority.2. Catholic Children whose home addressis within St Mary’s Cathedral parish3. Catholic Children whose home addressis outside of St Mary’s Cathedral parish4. Other Children who are in the care of a LocalAuthority.5. Children who are baptised or dedicatedmembers of other Christian Churches asrecognised by Churches Together in England.6. Children of other Faith traditions7. Other children.If applicants are applying under faith criteria, evidence is required in the form of a baptismalcertificate or letter of support from a minister of faith, or suitable equivalent, confirming receptioninto the church or other membership.Send this to the local authority by post or email by 23 October 2009.Apply online at www.newcastle.gov.uk/admissions by 23 October 2009 (midnight) 42

Sacred Heart RC Primary SchoolHeadteacher: Mr Kevin Foster@Convent Road, Fenham, <strong>Newcastle</strong> uponTyne, NE4 9XZ0191 274 6695admin@sacredhprim.newcastle.sch.ukType: Voluntary Aided (Roman Catholic)mixed primaryAge range: 4-11Published admission number: 30Nursery at School: NoNumber on roll (May 09): 211Pupils normally transfer to: Sacred Heart(girls) or St Cuthbert's (boys) High SchoolSchool code: 3662St Alban's RC Primary SchoolHeadteacher: Mr Michael Donnelly@Westbourne Avenue, <strong>Newcastle</strong> uponTyne, NE6 4HQ0191 262 5552admin@stalbans.newcastle.sch.ukwww.stalbans.newcastle.sch.ukType: Voluntary aided(Roman Catholic) mixed primaryAge range: 3-11Published admission number: 30Nursery at School: YesNumber on roll (May 09) excl nursery: 200Pupils normally transfer to: St Mary's RCSchoolSchool code: 3874Children who have a statement of SEN whichnames the school will be admitted.Where there are insufficient places availableto meet all parental preferences, priority will begiven to applications in the following order:First priority in each category will be given tochildren who will have a sibling attending theschool in September 2010.1. Catholic children who are in the careof a Local Authority.2. Catholic children whose home addressis within St. Robert’s Parish, Fenham.3. Catholic children whose home addressis outside of St. Robert’s Parish, Fenham.4. Other children who are in the care of a LocalAuthority.5. Children who are baptised or dedicatedmembers of other Christian Churches asrecognised by Churches Together in England.6. Children of other Faith traditions (not includedin category 5 above).7. Other children.Children who have a statement of SEN whichnames the school will be admitted.Where there are insufficient places availableto meet all parental preferences, priority will begiven to applications in the following order:First priority in each category will be given tochildren who will have a sibling attending theschool in September 2010.1. Catholic Children who are in the careof a Local Authority.2. Catholic Children whose home addressis within the parishes of St Anthony’sand St Francis3. Catholic Children whose home addressis outside of the parishes of St Anthony’sand St Francis4. Other Children who are in the care of a LocalAuthority.5. Children, who are baptised or dedicatedmembers of other Christian Churches asrecognised by Churches Together in England.6. Children of other Faith traditions (not includedin 5 above).7. Other children.If applicants are applying under faith criteria, evidence is required in the form of a baptismalcertificate or letter of support from a minister of faith, or suitable equivalent, confirming receptioninto the church or other membership.Send this to the local authority by post or email by 23 October 2009.43Apply online at www.newcastle.gov.uk/admissions by 23 October 2009 (midnight)

St Anthony's C of E Primary SchoolHeadteacher: Mrs Julie Kadleck@Pottery Bank, Walker, <strong>Newcastle</strong> uponTyne, NE6 3SU0191 278 2035admin@stanthonys.newcastle.sch.ukType: Voluntary aided (Roman Catholic)mixed primaryAge range: 3-11Published admission number: 30Nursery at School: YesNumber on roll (May 09) excl nursery: 125Pupils normally transfer to: WalkerTechnology CollegeSchool code: 3470St Bede's RC Primary SchoolHeadteacher: Mr Michael Scurr@Howlett Hall Road, <strong>Newcastle</strong> uponTyne, NE15 7HS0191 274 3430admin@stbedes.newcastle.sch.ukType: Voluntary Aided (Roman Catholic)mixed primaryAge range: 4-11Published admission number: 30Nursery at School: NoNumber on roll (May 09): 216Pupils normally transfer to: Sacred Heart(girls) or St Cuthbert's (boys) High SchoolSchool code: 3762In the event of the number of applicationsexceeding the number of places available prioritywill be given to applications in rank orderindicated below.1. Children in care.2. Places will next be given to children who havea Statement of Special Educational Needsand the school is named in the statement.3. Children who have a sibling on the roll of theschool at the time of admission4. Children who live in the Parishes of: Byker StAnthony, Byker St Martin and Walkergate StOswald, Byker St Michael with St Lawrence,Byker St Silas <strong>Newcastle</strong>, St. Gabriel <strong>Newcastle</strong>,St. Francis, or Walker Christ Church in theDiocese of <strong>Newcastle</strong> upon Tyne5. Children whose family worship regularlyat St Anthony’s, Byker6. Children whose family worship at any otherChristian Church.(Applications should besupported by a letter from the minister of therelevant church)7. Children who have compelling medical orsocial needs (supported fully in writing bymedical/professional.A parent is any person who has parentalresponsibility for, or who is the legal guardian of,the child. Where admission arrangements referto “parents’ attendance at church” it is sufficientfor just one parent to attend. “Family members”include only parents, as defined above, and siblings.Children who have a statement of SpecialEducational Needs which names our school willbe admitted to the school.Where there are insufficient places availableto meet all parental preferences, priority will begiven to applications in the following order:First priority in each category will be given tochildren who will have a sibling attending theschool in September 2010.1. Catholic Children who are Looked after Children2. Catholic Children whose home address iswithin the parish boundaries of St Bede’s3. Catholic Children whose home address isoutside of the parish boundaries of St Bede’swith a sibling already attending the school atthe time of admission.4. Catholic Children whose home address isoutside of the parish boundaries of St Bede’swho do not have a sibling already attendingthe school at the time of admission.5. Non-Catholic Children who are Looked afterChildren6. Children of other Christian denominationswho have a sibling already attending theschool at the time of admission.7. Children of other Faith traditions who havea sibling already attending the school at thetime of admission.8. Children of other Christian denominations whodo not have a sibling at the school.Apply online at www.newcastle.gov.uk/admissions by 23 October 2009 (midnight) 44

9. Children of other Faith traditions who do nothave a sibling at the school.10.Children of no faith who have a siblingalready attending the school at the timeof the admission.11.Other children.St Catherine's RC Primary SchoolHeadteacher: Mr Michael Ewing@Greystoke Gardens, <strong>Newcastle</strong> uponTyne, NE2 1PS0191 232 6803admin@stcatherines.newcastle.sch.ukwww.stcatherines.newcastle.sch.ukType: Voluntary Aided (Roman Catholic)mixed primaryAge range: 3-11Published admission number: 30Nursery at School: YesNumber on roll (May 09) excl nursery: 190Pupils normally transfer to: St Mary's RCSchoolSchool code: 3778Children who have a statement of SpecialEducational Needs which names our school willbe admitted to the school.Where there are insufficient places availableto meet all parental preferences, priority will begiven to applications in the following order:First priority in each category will be given tochildren who will have a sibling attending theschool in September 2010.1. Catholic Children in the care of a LocalAuthority.2. Catholic Children whose home addressis within St Dominic’s or Holy Name parish3. Catholic Children whose home addressis outside St Dominic’s or Holy Name parish.4. Other Children in the care of a LocalAuthority.5. Children, who are baptised or dedicatedmembers of other Christian Churches asrecognised by Churches Together in England6. Children of other Faith traditions.7. Other children.St Charles' RC Primary SchoolHeadteacher: Mrs Vicky Lindsay@Regent Farm Road, Gosforth, <strong>Newcastle</strong>upon Tyne, NE3 3HE0191 285 2553admin@stcharles.newcastle.sch.ukwww.stcharles.newcastle.sch.ukType: Voluntary aided(Roman Catholic) mixed primaryAge range: 4-11Published admission number: 30Nursery at School: NoNumber on roll (May 09): 206Pupils normally transfer to: Sacred Heart(girls) or St Cuthbert's (boys) High SchoolSchool code: 3472Children who have a statement of SpecialEducational Needs which names our school willbe admitted to the school.Where there are insufficient places availableto meet all parental preferences, priority will begiven to applications in the following order:First priority in each category will be given tochildren who will have a sibling attending theschool in September 2010.1. Catholic Children who are in the careof a Local Authority.2. Catholic Children whose home addressis within St Charles’ parish3. Catholic Children whose home addressis outside of St Charles’ parish4. Other Children who are in the care of a LocalAuthority.5. Children, who are baptised or dedicatedmembers of other Christian Churches asrecognised by Churches Together inEngland.6. Children of other Faith traditions (not includedin 5 above).7. Other children.45Apply online at www.newcastle.gov.uk/admissions by 23 October 2009 (midnight)

St Cuthbert's Catholic PrimarySchool KentonHeadteacher: Mr Nick Conway@Balmain Road, Kenton, <strong>Newcastle</strong> uponTyne, NE3 3QR0191 286 0129admin@stcuthbertsk.newcastle.sch.ukwww.stcuthbertsk.newcastle.sch.ukType: Voluntary aided (Roman Catholic)mixed primaryAge range: 3-11Published admission number: 30Nursery at School: YesNumber on roll (May 09) excl nursery: 210Pupils normally transfer to: Sacred Heart(girls) or St Cuthbert's (boys) High SchoolSchool code: 3765Where there are insufficient places availableto meet all parental preferences, priority will begiven to applications in the following order, afterany child with a statement of SpecialEducational Needs that names our school:1. Catholic Children in the care of a LocalAuthority.2a Catholic Children whose home address iswithin the parish boundaries of St. Cuthbert’sParish with a sibling already attending theschool at time of admission.2b Catholic Children whose home address iswithin the parish boundaries of St Cuthbert’sParish.3a Catholic Children whose home address isoutside of the parish boundaries of St.Cuthbert’s Parish who will have a siblingattending the school at time of admission.3b Catholic Children whose home address isoutside of the parish boundaries of St.Cuthbert’s Parish.4. Other children in the care of a Local Authority.5. Children who are baptised or dedicatedmembers of other Christian Churches asrecognised by Churches Together in Englandwho will have a sibling attending the schoolat the time of admission.6. Children of other Faith traditions who havea sibling already attending the school at thetime of admission.7. Other children with a sibling already attendingthe school at the time of admission.8. Children who are baptised or dedicatedmembers of other Christian Churches asrecognised by Churches Together in Englandwithout a sibling in school.9. Children of other Faith traditions who do nothave a sibling in school.10.Other children.St Cuthbert's RC Primary School(Walbottle)Headteacher: Doreen King@The Green, Walbottle, <strong>Newcastle</strong>upon Tyne, NE15 8JL0191 267 5956admin@stcuthbertsw.newcastle.sch.ukType: Voluntary aided (Roman Catholic)mixed primaryAge range: 4-11Published admission number: 18Nursery at School: NoNumber on roll (May 09): 113Pupils normally transfer to: Sacred Heart(girls) or St Cuthbert's (boys) High SchoolSchool code: 3476Children who have a statement of SpecialEducational Needs which names our school willbe admitted to the school. Where there areinsufficient places available to meet all parentalpreferences, priority will be given to applicationsin the following order. First priority in eachcategory will be given to children who will have asibling attending the school in September 2010.1. Catholic Children in the care of a Local Authority.2. Catholic Children whose home address iswithin St Cuthbert’s Parish, Throckley.3. Catholic Children whose home address isoutside of St Cuthbert’s Parish, Throckley.4. Other Children in the care of a LocalAuthority.5. Children who are baptised or dedicatedmembers of other Christian Churches asrecognised by Churches Together in England.6. Children of other Faith traditions.7. Other children..Apply online at www.newcastle.gov.uk/admissions by 23 October 2009 (midnight) 46

St George's RC Primary SchoolHeadteacher: Mrs Christine McCullough@Bells Close, Lemington, <strong>Newcastle</strong> uponTyne, NE15 6XX0191 267 5677admin@stgeorges.newcastle.sch.ukwww.stgeorges.newcastle.sch.ukType: Voluntary Aided (Roman Catholic)mixed primaryAge range: 4-11Published admission number: 20Nursery at School: NoNumber on roll (May 09): 95Pupils normally transfer to: Sacred Heart(girls) or St Cuthbert's (boys) High SchoolSchool code: 3475St John Vianney RC Primary SchoolActing Headteacher: Mr Andrew Ramanandi@Hillhead Road, West Denton, <strong>Newcastle</strong>upon Tyne, NE5 5AP0191 267 2233admin@stjohnvianney.newcastle.sch.ukType: Voluntary aided(Roman Catholic) mixed primaryAge range: 3-11Published admission number: 30Nursery at School: YesNumber on roll (May 09) excl nursery: 212Pupils normally transfer to: Sacred Heart(girls) or St Cuthbert's (boys) High SchoolSchool code: 3477Children who have a statement of SpecialEducational Needs which names our school willbe admitted to the school.Where there are insufficient places availableto meet all parental preferences, priority will begiven to applications in the following order:First priority in each category will be given tochildren who will have a sibling attending theschool in September 2010.1. Catholic Children in the care of a LocalAuthority.2. Catholic Children whose home addressis within St.George’s Parish.3. Catholic Children whose home addressis outside of St.George’s Parish.4. Other Children in the care of a LocalAuthority.5. Children, who are baptised or dedicatedmembers of other Christian Churches asrecognised by Churches Together in England.6. Children of other Faith traditions (not includedin 5 above)7. Other children.Children who have a statement of SpecialEducational Needs which names our school willbe admitted to the school.Where there are insufficient places availableto meet all parental preferences, priority will begiven to applications in the following order:First priority in each category will be given tochildren who will have a sibling attending theschool in September 2010.1. Catholic Children in the care of a LocalAuthority.2. Catholic Children whose home addressis within St John Vianney Parish.3. Catholic Children whose home addressis outside of St John Vianney Parish.4. Other Children in the care of a LocalAuthority.5. Children, who are baptised or dedicatedmembers of other Christian Churches asrecognised by Churches Together in England.6. Children of other Faith traditions.7. Other children.Apply online for places at all <strong>schools</strong> including voluntary aided <strong>schools</strong> atwww.newcastle.gov.uk/admissions. Send the local authority any evidence to supportyour application by post or email by 23 October 2009.47Apply online at www.newcastle.gov.uk/admissions by 23 October 2009 (midnight)

St Joseph's RC Primary SchoolHeadteacher: Miss Elaine Mathews@318 Armstrong Road, <strong>Newcastle</strong> uponTyne, NE15 6JB0191 273 9063admin@stjosephs.newcastle.sch.ukType: Voluntary Aided (Roman Catholic)mixed primaryAge range: 3-11Published admission number: 30Nursery at School: YesNumber on roll (May 09) excl nursery: 168Pupils normally transfer to: Sacred Heart(girls) or St Cuthbert's (boys) High SchoolSchool code: 3781St Lawrence's RC Primary SchoolHeadteacher: Miss Bernadette Lamb@Headlam Street, <strong>Newcastle</strong> upon Tyne,NE6 2JX0191 265 9881admin@stlawrences.newcastle.sch.ukwww.stlawrences.newcastle.sch.ukType: Voluntary aided(Roman Catholic) mixed primaryAge range: 3-11Published admission number: 30Nursery at School: YesNumber on roll (May 09) excl nursery: 189Pupils normally transfer to: St Mary's RCSchoolSchool code: 3792Children who have a statement of SpecialEducational Needs which names our school willbe admitted to the school.Where there are insufficient places available tomeet all parental preferences, priority will begiven to applications in the following order:First priority in each category will be given tochildren who will have a sibling attending theschool in September 2010.1. Catholic Children in the care of a LocalAuthority.2. Catholic Children whose home addressis within St Joseph’s Parish.3. Catholic Children whose home addressis outside of St Joseph’s Parish.4. Other Children in the care of a LocalAuthority.5. Children, who are baptised or dedicatedmembers of other Christian Churches asrecognised by Churches Together in England.6. Children of other Faith traditions.7. Other children.Children who have a statement of SpecialEducational Needs which names our school willbe admitted to the school.Where there are insufficient places availableto meet all parental preferences, priority will begiven to applications in the following order:First priority in each category will be given tochildren who will have a sibling attending theschool in September 2010.1. Catholic Children in the care of a LocalAuthority.2. Catholic Children whose home addressis within the parish boundaries of StLawrence’s.3. Catholic Children whose home addressis outside of the parish boundariesof St Lawrence’s.4. Other Children in the care of a Local Authority.5. Children, who are baptised or dedicatedmembers of other Christian Churches asrecognised by Churches Together in England.6. Children of other Faith traditions.7. Other children.If applicants are applying under faith criteria, evidence is required in the form of a baptismalcertificate or letter of support from a minister of faith, or suitable equivalent, confirming receptioninto the church or other membership.Send this to the local authority by post or email by 23 October 2009.Apply online at www.newcastle.gov.uk/admissions by 23 October 2009 (midnight) 48

St Mark's RC Primary SchoolHeadteacher: Ms Alison Miller@Bardon Close, Newbiggin Hall,<strong>Newcastle</strong> upon Tyne, NE5 4BT0191 286 9349admin@stmarks.newcastle.sch.ukwww.stmarks.newcastle.sch.ukType: Voluntary Aided (Roman Catholic)mixed primaryAge range: 4-11Published admission number: 30Nursery at School: NoNumber on roll (May 09): 185Pupils normally transfer to: Sacred Heart(girls) or St Cuthbert's (boys) High SchoolSchool code: 3474St Michael's RC Primary SchoolHeadteacher: Mrs Margaret Kerridge@Clumber Street North, Elswick,<strong>Newcastle</strong> upon Tyne, NE4 7RE0191 273 9383admin@stmichaels.newcastle.sch.ukwww.stmichaels.newcastle.sch.ukType: Voluntary aided(Roman Catholic) mixed primaryAge range: 3-11Published admission number: 30Nursery at School: YesNumber on roll (May 09) excl nursery: 197Pupils normally transfer to: Sacred Heart(girls) or St Cuthbert's (boys) High SchoolSchool code: 3811Children who have a statement of SpecialEducational Needs which names our school willbe admitted to the school.Where there are insufficient places availableto meet all parental preferences, priority will begiven to applications in the following order:First priority in each category will be given tochildren who will have a sibling attending theschool in September 2010.1. Catholic Children in the care of a LocalAuthority.2. Catholic Children whose home addressis within the parish boundaries of St Mark’s.3. Catholic Children whose home address isoutside of the parish boundaries of St Mark’s.4. Other Children in the care of a LocalAuthority.5. Children, who are baptised or dedicatedmembers of other Christian Churches asrecognised by Churches Together in England.6. Children of other Faith traditions.7. Other children.Children who have a statement of SpecialEducational Needs which names our school willbe admitted to the school.Where there are insufficient places availableto meet all parental preferences, priority will begiven to applications in the following order:First priority in each category will be given tochildren who will have a sibling attending theschool in September 2010.1. Catholic Children in the care of a LocalAuthority.2. Catholic Children whose home addressis within the parish served by the school(St Michael’s, Elswick).3. Catholic Children whose home address isoutside of the parish served by the school.4. Other Children in the care of a LocalAuthority.5. Children, who are baptised or dedicatedmembers of other Christian Churches asrecognised by Churches Together in England.6. Children of other Faith traditions.7. Other children.Apply online for places at all <strong>schools</strong> including voluntary aided <strong>schools</strong> atwww.newcastle.gov.uk/admissions. Send the local authority any evidence to supportyour application by post or email by 23 October 2009.49Apply online at www.newcastle.gov.uk/admissions by 23 October 2009 (midnight)

St Oswald's Catholic Primary SchoolHeadteacher: Mrs Karen Holmes@Hartford Road, <strong>Newcastle</strong> upon Tyne,NE3 5LE0191 285 2437admin@stoswalds.newcastle.sch.ukType: Voluntary Aided (Roman Catholic)mixed primaryAge range: 4-11Published admission number: 30Nursery at School: NoNumber on roll (May 09): 211Pupils normally transfer to: Sacred Heart(girls) or St Cuthbert's (boys) High SchoolSchool code: 3473St Paul's C of E Primary SchoolHeadteacher: Mrs Judith Sword@Victoria Street, <strong>Newcastle</strong> upon Tyne,NE4 7JU0191 273 3667admin@stpauls.newcastle.sch.ukwww.stpauls.newcastle.sch.ukType: Voluntary Aided(Church of England) mixed primaryAge range: 3-11Published admission number: 35Nursery at School: YesNumber on roll (May 09) excl nursery: 235Pupils normally transfer to: ExcelsiorAcademySchool code: 3485Children who have a statement of SpecialEducational Needs which names our school willbe admitted to the school.Where there are insufficient places availableto meet all parental preferences, priority will begiven to applications in the following order:First priority in each category will be given tochildren who will have a sibling attending theschool in September 2010.1. Catholic Children in the care of a LocalAuthority.2. Catholic Children whose home address iswithin Catholic Children whose home addressis within the parish boundaries of SacredHeart Parish, North Gosforth and thenorthern part of St Charles’ Parish, Gosforthi.e. north of the metro line and the villageof Woolsington, which is part of St Matthew’sParish, Ponteland.3. Catholic Children whose home address isoutside of Catholic Children whose homeaddress is outside of the parish boundariesas in 2. above.4. Other Children in the care of a LocalAuthority.5. Children, who are baptised or dedicatedmembers of other Christian Churches asrecognised by Churches Together in England.6. Children of other Faith traditions.7. Other children.When there are more applicants than placesavailable for a child in a year group or class,preference will be given, in the following orderof priority, to those children:1. Who are in public care and whose carerschoose St Paul’s School for the distinctiveChristian education it provides;2. who are in public care;3. who have a brother[s] or sister[s] (be he orshe a full, half, or step brother or sister, or achild of the partner of their parent or carer)who will be being educated in St Paul’sSchool at the time of admission;4. whose parents or carers are on the ElectoralRoll of Elswick Parish Church (St Stephenand St Paul), as confirmed by the Ministerof that church in writing, and choose StPaul’s School for the distinctive Christianeducation it provides;5. whose parents are members of anotherChristian church, as confirmed by the Ministerof that church in writing, and choose StPaul’s School for the distinctive Christianeducation it provides; and,6. who live nearest to the school (measured, ina straight line from the front door of the homeof the person with parental responsibility forthe child[ren] to the main entrance of theschool, using the Local Land and PropertyGazetteer or a suitable alternativegeographical information system).Apply online at www.newcastle.gov.uk/admissions by 23 October 2009 (midnight) 50

St Teresa's Catholic Primary SchoolHeadteacher: Mr John Harrison@Heaton Road, Heaton, <strong>Newcastle</strong> uponTyne, NE6 5HN0191 265 5076admin@stteresas.newcastle.sch.ukwww.stteresas.newcastle.sch.ukType: Voluntary Aided (Roman Catholic)mixed primaryAge range: 4-11Published admission number: 30Nursery at School: NoNumber on roll (May 09): 211Pupils normally transfer to: St Mary's RCSchoolSchool code: 3835St Vincent's RC Primary SchoolHeadteacher: Sister Josepha Matthews@Monkchester Road, Walker,<strong>Newcastle</strong> upon Tyne, NE6 2TX0191 265 5049admin@stvincents.newcastle.sch.ukwww.stvincents.newcastle.sch.ukType: Voluntary aided(Roman Catholic) mixed primaryAge range: 4-11Published admission number: 30Nursery at School: NoNumber on roll (May 09): 204Pupils normally transfer to: St Mary's RCSchoolSchool code: 3842Children who have a statement of SpecialEducational Needs which names our school willbe admitted to the school.Where there are insufficient places availableto meet all parental preferences, priority will begiven to applications in the following order:First priority in each category will be given tochildren who will have a sibling attending theschool in September 2010.1. Catholic Children in the care of a LocalAuthority.2. Catholic Children whose home addressis within the parish boundaries of St Teresa’sand St Aidan’s Parishes.3. Catholic Children whose home address isoutside of the parish boundaries of StTeresa’s and St Aidan’s Parishes.4. Other Children in the care of a LocalAuthority.5. Children, who are baptised or dedicatedmembers of other Christian Churches asrecognised by Churches Together in England.6. Children of other Faith traditions.7. Other children.Children who have a statement of SpecialEducational Needs which names our school willbe admitted to the school.Where there are insufficient places availableto meet all parental preferences, priority will begiven to applications in the following order:First priority in each category will be given tochildren who will have a sibling attending theschool in September 2010.1. Catholic Children in the care of a LocalAuthority.2. Catholic Children whose home addressis within Our Lady and St. Vincent’s parish3. Catholic Children whose home address isoutside of the parish of Our Lady and St.Vincent’s parish4. Other Children in the care of a LocalAuthority.5. Children, who are baptised or dedicatedmembers of other Christian Churches asrecognised by Churches Together in England.6. Children of other Faith traditions.7. Other children.Apply online for places at all <strong>schools</strong> including voluntary aided <strong>schools</strong> atwww.newcastle.gov.uk/admissions. Send the local authority any evidence to supportyour application by post or email by 23 October 2009.51Apply online at www.newcastle.gov.uk/admissions by 23 October 2009 (midnight)

Application form for Reception 2010The best way to apply for a school place is online. Our online form is easy to use, safe and secure.Our web pages have lots of information about the different <strong>schools</strong> and tips for making yourapplication. Apply online at www.newcastle.gov.uk/admissionsAlternatively, complete this paper application form for reception admissions in September 2010.Use this single form to apply to all community and voluntary aided church <strong>schools</strong> in <strong>Newcastle</strong>.You may select up to four school preferences. Listing more than one does not affect your chancesof getting the first one. List the school you most want first.Before listing your preferred <strong>schools</strong>, read each school’s admission criteria carefully. Consider theinformation on offers made in 2009. This will give you a realistic idea of your child’s chances ofgetting a place. Visit the <strong>schools</strong>, consider travel arrangements and childcare.We are unable to provide a receipt for paper applications. We will acknowledge online applicationsby return email. Do not submit a paper application as well if you apply online.Please use black ink and write in block capitals.Your child’s detailsSurname _______________________________ First name ___________________________________Date of birth ___/ ___/ ___(day/month/year) Gender Boy GirlCurrent address __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Postcode _________________________Is your child in public care (looked after)? Yes NoIf yes, whi ch loca l authori ty looks after your chi ld? _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _Does your child have a Statement of Special Educational Need? Yes NoYour detailsTi tl e (f or example, Mr , Mr s, Mi ss) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _Surname _______________________________ First name ___________________________________Current address (if different from child)______________________________________________________________________________________________________Postcode _________________________Home phone ____________________________ Business phone ______________________________Mobile phone____________________________Email address (optional) ________________________________________________________________What is your relationship to the child? (for example, mother) ________________________________Do you have parental responsibility for this child? Yes No

My first pr efer ence sc hool is: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _Medical or social reason Yes No Faith reason Yes NoA sibling will already be at the school in September 2010 Yes NoSibling’s date of birth ____/____/____ (If more than one, pick the closest in age)Sibling’s surname ________________________ First name ___________________________________My second pr ef er ence sc hool is: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Medical or social reason Yes No Faith reason Yes NoA sibling will already be at the school in September 2010 Yes NoSibling’s date of birth ____/____/____ (If more than one, pick the closest in age)Sibling’s surname ________________________ First name ___________________________________My thir d pr efer ence sc hool is: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Medical or social reason Yes No Faith reason Yes NoA sibling will already be at the school in September 2010 Yes NoSibling’s date of birth ____/____/____ (If more than one, pick the closest in age)Sibling’s surname ________________________ First name ___________________________________My four th pref er ence sc hool is: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Medical or social reason Yes No Faith reason Yes NoA sibling will already be at the school in September 2010 Yes NoSibling’s date of birth ____/____/____ (If more than one, pick the closest in age)Sibling’s surname ________________________ First name ___________________________________You must send us evidence if you are applying to any school for faithor medical reasons. The school’s admission policy says what proof is required. We will acceptphotocopies and emails sent to admissions.education@newcastle.gov.uk. Include your child’sfull name and date of birth in any correspondence. <strong>Newcastle</strong> <strong>City</strong> <strong>Council</strong> cannot accept anyresponsibility for the loss of documents sent by post. We will only return documents if you enclosea stamped addressed envelope.I confirm that this information is true and accurate.Parent or carer signature _______________________________ Date ________/ ________/ ________Return your application form and supporting evidence to: School Admissions, Children’sServices, <strong>Newcastle</strong> <strong>City</strong> <strong>Council</strong>, Room 308, Civic Centre, <strong>Newcastle</strong> upon Tyne NE1 8PU.

If you need advice or support with the admissions process, or if this informationis needed in another format or language, please:Write to usFamilies Information Service<strong>Newcastle</strong> <strong>City</strong> <strong>Council</strong>Civic Centre<strong>Newcastle</strong>NE1 8PUPhone 0191 277 4133EmailWebsitefis@newcastle.gov.ukwww.newcastle.gov.uk/admissionsVisit us in the Customer Service Centre, Civic Centre, Sandyford Road on Mon,Tues, Wed or Fri 8.30am – 4.30pm or Thur 11.30am – 4.30pmPlease include your child’s full name and date of birth in any correspondence.

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