Viking - Lakeland Christian School

Viking - Lakeland Christian School

Viking - Lakeland Christian School

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Jonny Diaz, LCS Students DelightLarge Musical Harvest AudienceEven the best of events become hard to sustain year afteryear. However, the LCS Musical Harvest always seems to deliveran outstanding program featuring professional musiciansperforming alongside <strong>Lakeland</strong> <strong>Christian</strong> students.This year’s event may have been the best ever, as the fifthannual Musical Harvest welcomed <strong>Lakeland</strong>’s own Jonny Diaz asthe featured entertainer. The contemporary <strong>Christian</strong> pop artistthrilled the crowd of 300+ with a fourteen-song concert, includinghis number-one hit single, More Beautiful You.Jonny was joined on stage by more than 115 LCS studentmusicians and vocalists for renditions of You Are Good, A MightyFortress and More Beautiful You. Jonny and LCS senior JohnnyBoatwright teamed up to sing Waiting Room, while the LCSvocalists opened the show with O God, Our Help in Ages Past.Jonny is an artist whose mission in life is to serve the Bodyof Christ. From the beginning of his music career, his desireSPONSORSHarrell’s Fertilizer GroupCliftonLarsonAllen, LLPOMSPeterson & Myers, P.A.Philip SebringHOSTSPayton & Keith AlbrittonConnie & Dave AplinBena BaylessDeanna & Howard BaylessPat & Ralph BlalockKim & Bob CleghornSusan & Joe DiCesareCandy & Clint GordonRegina & Rob HarperTina & Jack HarrellBarbara HartDanease & Jay HorneLois & Kevin KnowltonAmy & B.J. MasonCheri & Todd MaxwellVirginia & Vane McClurgShannon & Jeff MilesAlyson & David MillerJaimi & Corey MillerMelissa & Brad MurrayJean & Oz MutzPam & Bill MutzBeth & Lee PattesonMelanie & Wayne PeaceMandy & Cory PetcoffPublix Super Markets CharitiesAngie RegisterDama & Buddy RegisterApril & Bart RichertChristina & Greg SaleGina & Dean SaundersAnnette & Steve SlighTammy & Tom StandiferSherry & Conrad VarnumAmanda & Ed VernerLee WallMarcy & Dave WickenkampKim & Jim WilbanksSusie & Steve WilsonWanda & David Yrastorza1has been to write songs thatentertain, encourage andchallenge fellow believers. Inaddition to writing and singinga number-one hit, Jonny was the2010 GMA Dove Award nomineefor New Artist of the Year.Net proceedsfrom this year’sMusical Harvest5th Annualtotaled $34,000. Thismoney will be usedto help purchasea new baby grandpiano for the MusicDepartment, with thebalance being usedfor financial aid.“This event is a multiple blessing in that LCS music studentsare well on their way to getting a new Boston piano while, at thesame time, we will now have more money to distribute to familieswho are struggling financially to have their children at LCS,” saidSteve Wilson, Director of Advancement. “It was a great eveningfor a great cause,” he added.Following the event, Gold Patrons, event sponsors and hostsenjoyed an after-concert reception at the home of school parentsDean and Gina Saunders. These patrons had the opportunityto visit personally with Jonny while enjoying an elaboratehors d’oeuvre buffet.

...... Technology Allows Students to be More EngagedPreparing for the FutureWhen the 2012-2013 school year kicks off this coming August, evenmore changes will take place with the implementation of the new LCS1:1 iPad initiative. All students in grades 6-8 will have their own personaliPad for use in the classroom. Students will have access to digitalcontent, be able to collaborate online, create and edit video projects,access applications to enhance learning, create projects digitally, submitassignments online, research and much more. Teachers will integrateiPads into their classrooms in unique ways toenhance their subject area.According to Mr. Overholt’s research, many ofthe top 10 jobs right now are related to technologyand computers. “Forty percent of jobs today arecreative, and the typical school setting doesn’tprepare for that. We are preparing our students tocompete for jobs that don’t exist yet.”The mission of <strong>Lakeland</strong> <strong>Christian</strong> <strong>School</strong> is toeducate students in the light of God’s word to equipthem for a lifetime of learning, leadership, serviceand worship. Learning by doing – taking an activerole in their education – isone way that students willbe equipped for the future.If you would likemore information on thetechnology programsat <strong>Lakeland</strong> <strong>Christian</strong><strong>School</strong>, please contact Mr.Keith Overholt, AssistantMiddle <strong>School</strong> Principal, atkoverholt@lcsonline.org.About the Cover:At <strong>Lakeland</strong> <strong>Christian</strong> <strong>School</strong>,technology is being utilized in amyriad of ways. Most notably,iPads are now being used inthe classrooms at all levels andfor most subjects. Here, firstgraders Carley Hampton andAva Wood are using educationalapplications to practice whatthey are learning in class.5

Faculty, Staff Integrate Technology All Over CampusTo keep pace with the ever-changing nature oftechnology, LCS teachers, staff and administrators arefinding new and creative ways to encourage students tobe hands on with their learning. Gone are the days ofresearching in printed encyclopedias and having to bein the same location to work together as a group. Youdon’t have to be a professional to film and edit a video,and you can study the anatomy of a frog without everneeding to open the amphibian’s chest.Across the board, most classes are using computersand the iPads for research, and the majority of teachersare using SMARTBoards in the classroom. But here are afew specific ways that LCS teachers are using technologyin the classroom – at all levels and in most subjects:■ First grade students recorded messages forGrandparent’s Day so that their grandparentscould listen and watch the student and then recordtheir own message back to their grandchildren.■ Fifth grade media students utilized Skype, a Macand a SMARTBoard to interview LCS alumLanna (Daniel) Britt who works for Fox Newsand Brett Baier’s Special Report.■ Fourth grade students used the iPads to researchobjects that use light.■ Students in high school physics use iPad apps suchas Sound Measure and OScope to measure theintensity of sound in decibels and the frequencycomponents of sound.■ First graders use iPad apps to practice handwritingand spelling, review sight words, review math facts,study grammar skills and research informationabout different units of study.■ High school art students use cameras, printers, Maccomputers and iPads to build theirAP art portfolios.■ Middle school science teacher Jennifer Canadyuses class wikis in a variety of ways, includingshowcasing student work, posting testreviews, responding to questions,providing opportunities for differentiation andmaintaining a blog.■■■■■■Instead of purchasing $100+ graphic calculators, students inMrs. Kristi Stacy’s classes use the iPads and iPods for graphinglessons in Algebra 1.Seventh grade Bible students use iPod Touches to record video.The students act out the stories in the book of Acts. They uploadthe videos to the Mac computers, and using iMovie, theyadd music and transitions. Thestudents then present their videosto the class.Students in several different gradesuse Weebly to create their ownwebsites to share information thatthey learn on different units.Mrs. Cheryl Brannen utilizes theiPads for a DNA and forensicslab. She also uses a cameraand video for a simulated crimescene analysis. For a virtual DNAfingerprinting lab, Mrs. Brannenuses her SMARTBoard.In ninth grade English, studentsin Mrs. Katy Andersen’s classacted out and made videos ofscenes from “Romeo and Juliet.”The video projects were completewith memorized line andcostumes, along with creative editing and video effects.High school drafting students use computers for Computer AidedDesign (AutoCAD). They create plans for additions to homes,churches and other building projects.6

■■■■The K4 teachers use their SMARTBoards for games and songsthat teach the youngest LCS students basic lessons on letters,numbers and shapes.Rather than bring a book back and forth from home to schooleach day, seventh grade science students can access theirtextbooks online or through a downloaded PDF on the iPads.Sixth grade history students used iPads and iPods to researchancient China and then created a project using Keynote,Pages or SonicPics.■ First graders use the classroom andlab computers for AR quizzes,research, typing reports, creatingwebsites and playing variouseducational games.■ Calculus students use an iPad appcalled Wolfram Calculus for solvingcomplicate integrals and derivatives,and they utilize Khan Academy asan online tutor.Fifth graders in Miss Kala Walls’ class use Keynote and SonicPicsfor presentations in both social studies and math, and theycreate blogs to present their book reports.■■■In her Bible class, Mrs. Ruth Boulet utilizes heriPad and Keynote to display notes to her class.Mrs. Melissa Henson uses the SMARTBoard in herhigh school English classroom, allowing studentsto participate interactively, using the pens tomake changes to mistakes and to review using aJeopardy game.Head boys’ basketball coach Todd Radfordkeeps all of the team stats on his iPad for easyorganization and instant access.New Software ExpandsLCS AR Program<strong>Lakeland</strong> <strong>Christian</strong> <strong>School</strong> is now amember of Renaissance Place, a web-basedversion of Accelerated Reader and STARcalled AR Enterprise. This includes everyAR quiz available – more than 135,000quizzes – and will enable LCS students tohave a greater variety of books to choosefrom for their AR reading. The studentsare only able to test at school but havethe ability to access their accounts at homethrough Renaissance Home Connect.Home Connect improves theschool-to-home connection by allowingparents and students to log in to the websiteand view the student’s reading progress.Access to online results promotes discussionbetween parents and students, motivatingthe students and making reading evenmore effective. In addition, parents canspecify up to six email addresses to receiveautomatic updates in English or Spanish ontheir student’s reading progress.7

Five Teams Compete inOdyssey of the MindThe middle school team will compete in the StateOdyssey of the Mind tournament in late April.Five teams represented <strong>Lakeland</strong> <strong>Christian</strong> at the regionalOdyssey of the Mind competition held at Strawberry CrestHigh <strong>School</strong> in late February. Competing against 120 teamsfrom Polk, Hillsborough, Pinellas, Manatee and Hardeecounties, the LCS teams earned several top-five finishes.The middle school team won first place in their divisionand will travel to the state competition in late April.The middle school team was made up of WilsonGrooms, Logan Mason, Evan McLoughlin, Daniel Vila,Brandon Starling and Adam Mines. The team was coachedby Darise McLoughlin and Rochelle Grooms. They chosethe “Ooh-Motional Vehicle” problem which required themto design, build and drive a vehicle that would travel acourse and encounter three different situations. The vehicledisplayed a different human emotion for each encounter,and one caused it to travel in reverse. The team had to createa theme for the presentation that incorporated the vehicleand different emotions.Primary Team – “Hide and Peek” (non competitive):Morgan Teagan, Sean Cardosi, Eil Curls, Emily Bayless,Connor McLoughlin, Carys Wiechmann. Coaches:Pam Szydlowski, Kara Szydlowski.Fourth Grade – “You Make the Call” (3rd place):Alexandra Clements, <strong>Christian</strong> Herman, Aden Mines,Mary Bayless, Emily Branham, Sarah Lowe, Avery Bryant.Coach: Sherry Herman.Fourth Grade – “To Be or Not To Be” (4th place):<strong>Christian</strong> Messenger, Ryan Srivastava, Carter Ferguson,Rachael Branham, Elena Peek, Britain Musick, Sydney Curls.Coach: Christine Ferguson.Fifth Grade – “Odyssey Angels” (5th place): Mary FranCaswell, Vivian Streets, Emily Valentine, Anna Canady, AnnieBolter, Grace Sharpe. Coaches: Laurie Streets, Krissa Valentine.Odyssey of the Mind is an education program thatencourages students to develop creative problem-solving skills.Problems can range from building mechanical devices topresenting their own interpretation of a literary classic. Theprogram encourages students to work collaboratively. LCSparent-coaches noticed growth in the students’ ability to worktogether during their months of preparation.Middle school coach Darise McLoughlin said, “The thing Ilove most about coaching an Odyssey of the Mind team is thatyou truly get to watch the kids learn to put the needs of theteam above their own wants and needs … It promotes creative,out-of-the-box problem-solving and team building that willgive us the leaders and problem solvers of the future.”Christine Ferguson, who coached for the first time thisyear, said, “The young people I had the amazing opportunityto work with are some of the most creative young people Ihave ever known. They worked diligently every week andhad such an amazing respect for each other’s ideas.”Coach Sherry Herman added, “OM was a greatexperience for the children to work together to createa team solution, while they shined as individuals withtheir own personalities.”For more information on Odyssey of the Mindand an explanation of the problems, visitwww.floridaodysseyofthemind.org.8The fourth grade team prepares to present their problem,“To Be or Not To Be.”

Grant Funds Fifth Grade Field Trip<strong>Lakeland</strong> <strong>Christian</strong> <strong>School</strong> fifthgraders can thank the SouthwestFlorida Water Management District(SWFWMD) for a fun day at theSweetwater Organic Farm. The$2,730 SWFWMD grant funded thefield trip to Hillsborough County,where the students got hands onexperience and learned what it trulymeans to “go green.” Immersed ina series of activities, the studentsdiscovered how humans have alteredthe earth and impacted its naturalsystems. Students conducted anin-depth investigation of the watercycle and the natural filtrationof ground and surface water as theyidentified the causes and impacts ofacid rain, industrial agriculture and oilspills on the environment. Students wereencouraged to identify solutions to theseproblems and discover ways to becomegreener and promote sustainability –both locally and globally.A staff member at the Sweetwater Organic Farm speaks to fifth grade girlsabout greenhouse seedlings.Fifth grade boys got hands on with the compost pile atSweetwater Organic Farm.Barrett Keene Speaks toMissions ClassThe fifth grade Missions class invited Barrett Keene to speakabout his project to raise money for a special missionsproject. Keene, following the admonition in James 1:27 tocare for widows and orphans, decided to walk from Miamito San Francisco to create awareness for The Global OrphanProject. Keene embarked on this 3,475-mile journey becausehe holds a special place in his heart for children and realizedthat there are approximately 145 million orphaned andabandoned children around the world.For more details on his walk, visitwww.gowalkamerica.org. You canalso sponsor or virtually take part inhis walk by visiting www.legacychamp.com/gwa.Information on The Global Orphan Project is available atwww.theglobaloraphproject.org.Anderson Wins Art AwardTwelve-year-old Ethan Anderson, a student in the LCSDiscovery Program, recently received an award for hisartwork at the 2012 Children’s Festival sponsored by theUniversity of South Florida College of Education. Thetheme was “Learning is WonderBULL,” and Ethan’s picturedepicted the USF mascot and was featured on the cover ofthe festival’s schedule of events. Congratulations, Ethan!9

Students in first and second gradescelebrate America in theirpatriotic-themed musical.High school student Carter Overholtis joined by several second gradersbefore the elementary musical.First and Second GradesPresent Patriotic Musical<strong>Lakeland</strong> <strong>Christian</strong> <strong>School</strong> first andsecond graders presented the patrioticmusical “AMERIKIDS” in late Januaryfor their annual program. Directed byelementary music teacher Miss NancySnyder, the musical centered on thetheme, “In God We Trust.” Secondgrade students hadspeaking parts, andhigh school student Carter Overholt servedas the adult role of The R.S. (RecordingSecretary and George Washington). Allof the students marched in and out like apolitical convention, and all of the stateswere represented. As a special tribute,members of the audience who had servedin the different branches of the militarywere honored and asked to stand whentheir anthem was sung.Students Recognized by American LegionEach year, the American Legion recognizes studentsin fifth, eighth and twelfth grades who demonstratethe character qualities of courage, honor, patriotism,leadership, service and scholarship. Congratulations tothe following students who were selected as AmericanLegion Award recipients:Fifth Grade — Distinguished Achievement Award: Max Mudger,Abby Branham. Honorable Mention: Bryson Yamnitz, Grace Sharpe.Eighth Grade — Distinguished Achievement Award: Kara Stacy,Greg Holden. Honorable Mention: Nehemiah McIntosh, Rebekah Cline.Twelfth Grade — Distinguished Achievement Award: Mark Mutz,Emily Behrens. Honorable Mention: Zach Varnum, Jenna Smithson.10

A-Team Finishes Sixth in County TournamentLee WallWhich one of the following did notsign the Declaration of Independence?(A) Thomas Jefferson(B) John Hancock(C) George Washington(D) Benjamin FranklinBlake BellarMiddle <strong>School</strong>Spellers Competein County TournamentThe correct answer is (C). Thisquestion was one of many that wasanswered correctly by the LCS AcademicTeam during the 29th Polk County High<strong>School</strong> Academic Tournament held atLake Region High <strong>School</strong> on February16. During the tournament, questionswere asked from a variety of subjectsincluding music, art, math, humanities,science, social studies, English andforeign language. The LCS AcademicTeam had another successful tournamentfinishing sixth place overall out of a totalof nineteen schools that competed inthe event. LCS has placed in the medalround eight out of the past eleven yearsand continues to be one of the county’stop competitors. In the first round, theteam combined for a total of 215 pointsto advance to the final round. JuniorChristina Sierra scored the most points forLCS in the semi-final round.This year’s LCS Academic Teamconsists of senior Claire Jarvis; juniorsChristina Sierra, Stephanie Powers, andEmily Oak; sophomore Derek Andersen;and freshman Amanda Fulton. Duringthe regular season, Claire Jarvis scoredthe second most points ever in schoolhistory and was selected to the PolkCounty All-Academic Team. This teamwill compete at Disney World in Aprilagainst other teams from around thestate of Florida. Mr. Steve Livesay, theA-Team coach, is confident that LCS willfield another strong team next year.Congratulations to LCS middleschool students Blake Bellar(7th grade) and Lee Wall (6thgrade) for representing <strong>Lakeland</strong><strong>Christian</strong> <strong>School</strong> at the PolkCounty Spelling Bee held in earlyMarch. Blake and Lee competedagainst 36 other middle schoolstudents from around thecounty. Blake finished 11thoverall in the tournament.The LCS A-Teamfinished sixthin the CountyAcademicTournamentin February.Stonick Wins Polk Essay ContestCongratulations to seventh grader Cheyenne Stonick for winning first place in the PolkCounty Family Essay contest in November. This contest was held as part of Polk CountyFamily Week, and students wrote on the topic “Why I Love My Family.” Cheyenne wonfirst place in the 6th-8th grade category and was honored at the kickoff event in WinterHaven in mid-November. In addition to a cash prize, Cheyenne was shown on severalcable channels and websites reading her essay. LCS was the only private school thatparticipated in the contest, along with 28 public schools. Cheyenne is a student inMrs. Gaye Lene Hasha’s English class.11Seventh grader Cheyenne Stonick reads her winningessay at the kickoff event for Polk County Family Week.

Eighth GradersGo On ‘Adventureto Tallahassee’LCS eighth graders piled onto buses early on March 6 for a three-day adventure to Tallahassee. During the trip, the studentstoured the historic Capitol Building, the new Capitol Building, the Florida Supreme Court, the Museum of Florida Historyand the Tallahassee Museum (including dinner and a “Night Prowl”). The group also visited the Mary Brogan Museumof Art and Science, the Governor’s Mansion, the Mission San Luis and the Florida State University Campus.Representative Kelli Stargel and Representative Seth McKeel joined the studentsfor a group photo.Chief Justice Charles Canady addresses the8th graders in the Florida Supreme Court.Commissioner of Agriculture Adam Putnamspeaks to the students about public serviceon the west plaza of the State Capitol.First Lady of Florida,Mrs. Ann Scott,welcomed the groupto the Governor’sMansion during theirtrip to Tallahassee.12

Nine Attend Universityof Florida SymposiumNine middle school students represented<strong>Lakeland</strong> <strong>Christian</strong> at the 49th Annual Science,Engineering and Humanities Symposium atthe University of Florida. The students had theopportunity to spend time in research labs withrenowned scholars, hear presentations from eminentresearchers and experience high school researcherspresenting their findings. LCS participants whoattended the symposium had competed in the LCSscience fair for at least two years.According to its website, the Junior Science,Engineering and Humanities Symposium is designedto “search out talented youth and help them discovertheir interests and abilities in science, assistSeveral middle school students attended the annual science symposium at the University of Florida.students in career explorations by revealing opportunities in the sciences,provide recognition and prestige for students who demonstrate aptitude forscientific studies, offer teachers the opportunity to motivate students andupdate knowledge about current research, and demonstrate the vital role ofthe humanities in the development of scientists and engineers.”Secondary Students Recognized by Rotary, DARCongratulations to the followingstudents for their participation incommunity events:Senior Emily Behrens won the Rotary Districtspeech contest in February.Senior Emily Behrens participated in the Rotary Districtspeech contest held at the <strong>Lakeland</strong> Yacht and Country Clubin mid-February. Emily won first place in the contest and wentSenior Zach Varnum waschosen to represent LCS for theDAR Good Citizen Award.Eighth graders Cole Yrastorza andOlivia Overholt represented LCS inthe DAR essay contest.on to represent the RotaryClub of <strong>Lakeland</strong> South atthe next level.At the Daughters of theAmerican Revolution (DAR)Tea on February 1, eighthgraders Olivia Overholtand Cole Yrastorza wererecognized for participatingin the middle school essaycontest. Senior Zach Varnumwas selected by the LCSsecondary faculty and hispeers to represent LCS for theDAR Good Citizen Award.Senior Homecoming CandidatesIn the December 2011 edition of The <strong>Viking</strong>, senior Homecoming candidatesTyler Slomowitz and Rebecca “Spookie” Eaves were left out of the Homecomingarticle. We apologize to Tyler, Spookie and their families for this mistake.Congratulations on being nominated by your peers, and thank you forrepresenting the Senior Class of 2012.13

Two Advance to State Science FairNineteen middle school students represented <strong>Lakeland</strong> <strong>Christian</strong> <strong>School</strong> at the Polk Regional Science andEngineering Fair this winter, and two students – Julia Canady and Brandon Kaye – were selected tocompete at the State Science Fair in April.Congratulations to the following students on their outstanding accomplishments:Honorable MentionBrady Allen and Adam MinesCategory: Medicine and HealthProject: “Mist You: Investigating<strong>School</strong>wide ImmunizationPrograms”Will RichertCategory: PhysicsProject: “The Golf Ball Plunge”Third Place Awards:<strong>Christian</strong> BedwellCategory: Behavior ScienceProject: “Leadership and Conformity”Shelby BedwellCategory: MathProject: “The Book Prediction”Triston LaPorteCategory: Medicine and HealthProject: “‘C’ The Difference”Reese OverholtCategory: Computer ScienceProject: “iWonder: The Impact of RunningApps on the Battery Life of an iPad”Kaid WaldingCategory: EngineeringProject: “The Effect of Blade Shape onAmount of Energy Produced”In addition to their success at the science fair, four students have beeninvited to present their research at a poster session at the upcomingPolySTEM conference. The students will share the spotlight with facultyduring the poster session and will interact with business and communityleaders as they share their research. These students have partnered withbusinesses and universities in the development of their research:Brandon Kaye – Phoslab EnvironmentalEvan McLoughlin – University of FloridaLee Wall – USF PolytechJulia Canady – Florida Southern CollegeJulia Canady andBrandon Kaye (joined hereby middle school scienceteacher Jennifer Canady)will represent LCS at theState Science Fair.Second Place Awards:Brandon KayeCategory: Environmental ScienceProject: “Aquatic Toxicity of Potassium Phosphate”Paul MowrerCategory: EngineeringProject: “The Thermodynamics of Roof Color”Evan McLoughlinCategory: ZoologyProject: “The Effects of Various Cover Cropson the Population of DetrimentalNematodes in Soil”Cole YrastorzaCategory: Medicine and HealthProject: “Effectiveness of Comeceuticals forSun Protection”First Place AwardJulia CanadyCategory: BotanyProject: “Weed Warfare: InvestigatingAllelopathy Year 2”Weather Bug Allows Students to Study WeatherThanks to the generous donation of a school grandparent, <strong>Lakeland</strong><strong>Christian</strong> <strong>School</strong> middle school students are using the Weather Bug programto study weather in exciting and innovative ways. Using real-time data,students are able to monitor approaching weather fronts and weatherpatterns. Additionally, Weather Bug allows students to be challenged byhigh-school-level work and investigate areas of interest more deeply.The Weather Bug station, located in the Anne MacGregor Jenkins Wonder Room,allows students to get real-time data about approaching weather fronts.

Band Students Compete in Solo and EnsembleCongratulations to the following LCS band students (grades6-12) for performing well and scoring high marks at the Districtand State Solo & Ensemble competitions:STATE COMPETITIONIndividual Superiors: Makalyee Graves (flute solo), Claire Jarvis(clarinet solo), Cameron Underwood (tuba solo).Individual Good: Christina Sierra (alto saxophone solo).Group Superiors: Claire Jarvis, Zach Varnum, Sara Mora andDanae Drake (clarinet quartet); Jonathan Murray, Kyle Jenko,Chris Kitchens, Aaron Brooks, Jenna Smithson, WhitneyAndersen, Chris Greene, Josh Martinez, Marky Rupert, ZachMartinez, Caleb Thomas, Ashley Middleton, Amanda Fultonand Cameron Underwood (brass choir).David Jones, Brandon Kaye, Quinn McKown,Chase Palmer, Kristen Schaedel, Caleb Wickenkampand Cole Yrastorza (MS brass choir); Maria Baker, AlaineBranham and Kaylee Mills (flute trio); Audra Drake, DanaeDrake and Kendra Lehner (clarinet trio); Claire Jarvis, SarahMora, Zach Varnum and Danae Drake (clarinet quartet);Skye Allen, Derek Andersen, Hayley Maloy, Jazmine Pabon,Christina Sierra, Will Smaha, Alissa Sullivan and JacobFuller (saxophone choir); Whitney Andersen, Aaron Brooks,Amanda Fulton, Chris Greene, Kyle Jenko, Chris Kitchens,Josh Martinez, Zach Martinez, Ashley Middleton, JonathanMurray, Marky Rupert, Jenna Smithson, Caleb Thomas andCameron Underwood (HS brass choir).Group Excellents: Emily Palmer and Abby Riley(trumpet duet).DISTRICT COMPETITION:Individual Superiors: Mollie Tew, Noah Russ, NixieVorndran, Daniel Vila, Evan McLoughlin, HopeMcGrath, Brantley Sabat, Austin Branham,Trey Brickhouse, Peyton Wells, Carlos Rash,Brock Guynn, Isaac Green, Kacee Strickland,Maddie Pistoria, Gloria Tabb, Laina Strickland,Jacob Fuller, Craig Heacox, Kristen Schaedel,Rachel Chapman, Caleb Wickenkamp, DavidJones, Chase Palmer, J onathan Murray, MariaBaker, Makaylee Graves, Claire Jarvis, Danae Drake,Amanda Folk, Christina Sierra, Ashley Middleton,Amanda Fulton, Cameron Underwood.Individual Excellents: Brandon Starling, Madison Graves,Emma Kirk, Will Smaha, Triston LaPorte, Hannah Scruggs,Danae Drake, Kendra Lehner, Hayley Maloy, DerekAndersen, Christopher Greene.Group Superiors: Kassidy Lehner and Mollie Tew (flute duet);Liz Campano and Tacy Snyder (clarinet duet); Micah Stewartand Daniel Vila (saxophone duet); Hope McGrath and AustinBranham (trumpet duet); Taylor Anderson and Brock Guynn(low brass duet); Marybeth Boulerice and Kacee Strickland(flute duet); Maddie Pistoria and Gloria Tabb (flute duet); JacobFuller, Alissa Sullivan and Will Smaha (saxophone trio); EmmaKirk and Kaitlin Smith (clarinet duet); Josue Blanco, ColeRadford and Kristen Schaedel (trumpet trio); Reece Batterton,Andrew Douglas, Brandon Kaye and Ryan Trasport (baritonequartet); Marybeth Boulerice, Emma Kirk, Maddie Pistoria,Kaitlin Smith, Kara Stacy, Kacee Strickland, Laina Stricklandand Glorida Tabb (MS woodwind choir); Josue Blanco, RachelChapman, Cole Radford, Andrew Douglas, Craig Heacox,15

Secondary Vocalists Strong atDistrict CompetitionLCS choir students participated in the annual FVA District 12 Solo and EnsembleFestival held on Saturday, February 4, at Rochelle <strong>School</strong> of the Arts in <strong>Lakeland</strong>.Thirty-six students participated in 20 separate solo, duet and ensemble entries withthe following results:High <strong>School</strong> Superior Ratings (moving on to perform at State Festival in April)Solo: Johnny Boatwright, Amanda Carl.Duet: Katie Greene and Emily Carl, Caitlin Robb and Cailey Bates,Johnny Boatwright and Amanda Carl, Casey Jones and Makaylee Graves.Chamber Ensemble: Brendan Adriano, Whitney Andersen, Cailey Bates,Johnny Boatwright, Amanda Carl, Emily Carl, Makaylee Graves, Katie Greene,Casey Jones, Sarah Kettelkamp, Alexis Latimer, Tyler Leach, Caitlin Robb andAna Rodriguez.High <strong>School</strong> Excellent RatingsSolo: Makaylee Graves.Duet: Amanda Fulton and Sarah Kettelkamp, Christina Sierra and Ana Rodriguez.Trio: Robert Verner, Carter Overholt and Spencer Abramson.Junior High Superior RatingsSolo: Brittany Lewis, Cole Singler, <strong>Christian</strong> Bedwell, Cheyenne Stonick,Taylor Mills.Duet: Vaviel Verner and Paige Watson, Ashlynn Joyner and Abigail Garrard.Quartet: Laurel Hesseltine, Kara Stacy, Vaviel Verner, Paige Watson.Ensemble: Shelby Bedwell, Blake Bellar, Scout Hunt, Caroline Kitchens,Taylor Mills, Cheyenne Stonick.Seven MusiciansChosen forAll-State ChoirSeven LCS students were chosento participate in three All-StateChoirs and one All-State Band fromJanuary 12-14, 2012, in Tampa.These students were chosen bymusicianship, sight-reading andvocal audition, and they participatedwith hundreds of their peers fromaround the state. Guest conductorsfrom all over the U.S. spent manyhours in rehearsal with thesestudents and presented excellentconcerts as the culmination of theweekend. Congratulations to thefollowing students for receiving thishonor: Kara Stacy, Vaviel Vernerand Alex Vorndran (Middle <strong>School</strong>Treble Chorus); Johnny Boatwrightand Casey Jones (High <strong>School</strong> Men’sChorus); Whitney Andersen (High<strong>School</strong> Women’s Chorus); andClaire Jarvis (Symphonic Band).Congratulations!LCS Choirs Reach Out During Christmas SeasonDuring the month of December, the LCS choirs had many opportunities topresent the truth of Christmas to members of the <strong>Lakeland</strong> community. TheJunior High Choir visited Oakbridge Assisted Living Unit where they sangChristmas carols and spent time talking with the residents. The Sixth Grade Choirvisited the Emeritus <strong>Lakeland</strong> Assisted Living Unit, singing familiar carols. It wasexciting to see the residents singing along as we were able to connect them toChristmas music of their past. On Friday, December 16, the High <strong>School</strong> ConcertChoir and Chamber Ensemble presented a program to the South <strong>Lakeland</strong> RotaryClub, held at the Yacht Club on Lake Hollingsworth. High <strong>School</strong> Choir andEnsemble students were also selected to sing in the Epcot Candlelight ProcessionalProgram, presenting the biblical Christmas narrative through Scripture andmusic. We are so thankful for the opportunities that Christmas gave for sharingthe truth of the gospel to the <strong>Lakeland</strong> community through music.Congratulations to the seven LCS musicians who werechosen to participate in the All-State music groups.Clockwise from front and center: Alex Vorndran,Vaviel Verner, Whitney Andersen, Casey Jones,Johnny Boatwright, Claire Jarvis and Kara Stacy.16

Alumni News2000sAshley Thomas (’05) recently earned her MBA through the University of Michigan. Ashley is an online mediarepresentative at Universal Orlando Resort.Priscilla Allen Long (’04), husband Kevin, and big sisters Hannah and Emily, welcomed Tiffany Love Longto the family on February 16, 2012. She weighed 8 lbs., 1 oz. Priscilla is a stay-at-home mom, and Kevin is ageometry teacher at Haines City High <strong>School</strong>. The family currently resides in <strong>Lakeland</strong>.Note to Alumni Parents:If your former student nolonger lives in your homebut still receives mailfrom <strong>Lakeland</strong> <strong>Christian</strong>at your address, pleasee-mail Claudia Powell atcpowell@lcsonline.orgto update their alumniinformation.1990sMelissa (Busing) Helm (’99) and her husband, Joel, welcomed son Jackson David inSeptember. He weighed 8 lbs., 10 oz. Melissa has been a trainer with the LCS footballprogram, and Joel coaches the boys’ varsity tennis team.Ben Forlaw (’98) and his wife, Danielle, are the proud parents of William David Forlawwho was born on January 26, 2012. William was welcomed home by his big sister, Riley(two years old). The Forlaw family resides in Suwanee, Georgia, where Ben is an accountmanager for DisplayIt. Danielle is a stay-at-home mom.Glenn (’97) and Julie (Barnes) Warner (’97) moved to Savannah in the fall of2011. Glenn is the pastor for family ministry at Bull Street Baptist Church. TheWarners have three children: Eisen (eight years old), Landon (six years old) andCharis (three years old). Savannah is a beautiful city, and their church family is wonderfullywelcoming and gracious. They praise God for his abundant provision.Tiffany Love LongJackson David HelmWe love to hear from you. News about you is important to us and to your former classmates.Please e-mail Claudia Powell at cpowell@lcsonline.org.Planning your class reunion? Claudia can also arrange for use of facilities and will offer other helpful tips.Ben, Will and Riley ForlawHigh <strong>School</strong> Vocalists Perform for the Detroit TigersThe LCS High <strong>School</strong> Chamber Ensemble and Concert Choirwere honored with the privilege of performing the NationalAnthem on Wednesday, March 21, at Joker Marchant Stadium in<strong>Lakeland</strong>. The Choir opened the spring training game betweenthe Detroit Tigers and the Minnesota Twins. The group of 34students was well-supported by the fans in attendance andwas blessed to have the opportunity to represent LCS in the<strong>Lakeland</strong> community.17

Winter Sports<strong>Viking</strong>s Athletes Compete Well, Finish StrongAcross Polk County, Central Florida and throughout the state, the <strong>Viking</strong> athletic program is consistently recognized for being strongcompetition year after year. The 2011-12 winter sports season was no different. Here is a brief recap of the winter sports season:Boys’ SoccerThe boys’ soccer team was led by four seniors: Hunter Lehman,Jordan Green, Josh Nilius and Jarrod Cochran.• The boys’ soccer team had a strong start to their season, winning seven out of theirfirst nine games. This included big wins over McKeel Academy (8-0), Orangewood<strong>Christian</strong> (5-1) and All Saints’ Academy (8-1).• The <strong>Viking</strong>s also topped local rival Santa Fe Catholic twice during the season – onDecember 2 by the score of 2-0 and again in January by the score of 4-0.• The <strong>Viking</strong>s, coached by Grandy Streets, finished their regular season with a record of 13-9.• In the first round of the District tournament, the varsity boys’ team easily handled AllSaints’ by the score of 6-1. The <strong>Viking</strong>s came up just short after a hard-fought battleagainst Fort Meade for the District Championship. In the Regional Quarterfinal round,the <strong>Viking</strong>s dropped a 3-1 game to Windermere Prep to end their season.• The JV boys’ team finished their season with a record of 3-10-1, while the middleschool boys’ team ended up at 1-7.Girls’ Soccer• The varsity girls’ soccer team, coached byJason Streets, finished their great season with atrip to the State Semifinal and a record of 21-5-2.• The Lady Vikes started off strong, taking bigwins over Tenoroc (8-0), Fort Meade (8-0), SantaFe Catholic (7-0) and Bartow (4-0). The first lossof the season didn’t come until early Decemberwhen they dropped a close 2-1 decision to theMaster’s Academy. They came back to win threebig games in a row: Kathleen (6-1), All Saints’(6-0) and Santa Fe Catholic (8-0).• The District tournament proved easy for theLady Vikes. In the Semifinal round, the girls’finished off Fort Meade’s season with an 8-0 winover the Miners. Facing rival Santa Fe in theClass 1A, District 6 Final, the <strong>Viking</strong>s claimedthe championship trophy after a 6-0 win overthe Hawks.• In the Regionals, the <strong>Viking</strong>s faced a tougherchallenge but still came out on top over Geneva(4-2) in the Quarterfinals. In the Semifinalround, the <strong>Viking</strong>s were still tied with FirstAcademy after regulation play, two overtimesand one set of five penalty kicks. It wassophomore Charlie Eaves who steppedup and scored the game winning PK forthe Lady Vikes. In the Regional Finalgame, Josie Koretchko scored early inthe first half and held on to the 1-0 leadover Tampa Prep to advance the girls tothe State Semifinal.• In the State Semifinal game, theLady <strong>Viking</strong>s were overpowered bySt. John’s Country Day <strong>School</strong> andended their outstanding seasonwith a 7-2 loss.• The JV girls’ team finished theirseason with a record of 6-7.The varsity girls’ soccer team advanced all the way to the State Semifinalgame before being eliminated.18

Wrap-UpGirls’ Basketball• The girls’ varsity basketball team started the year off with new head coachMike Carl in charge, and after just one season, Coach Carl earned the FACACoach of the Year Award for Class 3A, District 13. The Lady <strong>Viking</strong>s finishedtheir season with a record of 13-11.• The Lady <strong>Viking</strong>s came up with a number of big wins over area publicschools, including two wins over <strong>Lakeland</strong> High <strong>School</strong> (78-59, 59-51), NewDimensions High <strong>School</strong> (58-12, 59-28) and Auburndale High <strong>School</strong> (52-37).The Lady Vikes also defeated local rival Santa Fe Catholic twice in the regularseason by the scores of 47-23 and 64-52.• As the host of the annual Holiday Hoops Tournament, the Lady <strong>Viking</strong>swon the tournament after defeating Bishop McLaughlin (46-21) and Victory<strong>Christian</strong> (52-38).• In the first round of the District tournament, the <strong>Viking</strong>s once againdefeated the Santa Fe Catholic Hawks by the score of 70-59. In the DistrictFinal round, the girls’ team was defeated by McKeel Academy, 50-25.• The Lady <strong>Viking</strong>s ended their season in the Regional Quarterfinal roundof the 3A tournament, falling to Seffner <strong>Christian</strong> by the score of 65-29.Seniors Amanda Carl, Alexis Latimer, Whitney Houk andIrene Mansour led this year’s Lady <strong>Viking</strong> basketball team.• After dropping the first two games of theirseason, the JV girls’ basketball team went onto finish their season with seven straight wins.The middle school girls’ team finished theirseason with just one win and 11 losses.Boys’ Basketball• The boys’ varsity basketball team, coached by Todd Radford, finished theirseason with a record of 13-13.• The <strong>Viking</strong>s had a number of big wins this season, defeating St. Stephen’sEpiscopal (78-40), Fort Meade (49-27) and Keswick <strong>Christian</strong> (69-44). There werealso some hard-fought victories over area rival schools such as Frostproof (39-36),Fort Meade (39-36), Santa Fe (51-47) and All Saints’ Academy (40-37).• After losing to New Dimensions High<strong>School</strong> by just four points earlier in theseason, the <strong>Viking</strong>s came out on top inthe District Semifinal game, winning51-43. In the District Final game againstMcKeel Academy, the <strong>Viking</strong>s dropped a49-44 heartbreaker.• In the Regional Quarterfinal game,the <strong>Viking</strong>s faced a very tough TampaPrep and finished their season with a70-22 loss to the Terrapins. TampaPrep went on to win the Class 3AState Championship.• The JV boys’ team finished theirseason with a record of 10-9. TheJH-Varsity team had a record of 10-3,and the JH-JV team ended theirseason at 9-3.The <strong>Viking</strong> varsity basketball team finished their season with arecord of 13-13.19

With the highest cumulative GPA in the state, the girls’ basketball team was named theAcademic Team Champion for Class 3A.FHSAA Awards Winter Academic Team ChampionsThe Florida High <strong>School</strong> AthleticAssociation (FHSAA) has named theAcademic Team Champions for thewinter sports season, and the LCSgirls’ basketball team topped the listfor having the highest grade pointaverage in the state.With a cumulative team GPAof 3.729, the girls’ basketball teamfinished at the top of Class 3A. Theboys’ basketball team earned fifthplace in Class 3A with a teamGPA of 3.407.The boys’ varsity soccer teamfinished third in Class 3A with acumulative team GPA of 3.579,while the girls’ team landed inthe number 12 spot with aGPA of 3.514.Michael WhearyTyler LeachJarrod CochranThree Seniors to Continue Athletic CareersThree <strong>Lakeland</strong> <strong>Christian</strong> <strong>School</strong> seniors have signed letters of intent to continuetheir athletic careers at the collegiate level.After leading the county in touchdown receptions (15) and being second inreceiving yards (970), receiver Michael Wheary settled on Youngstown State forfootball. Michael was an All-County Second Team selection and broke eight schoolrecords this past season. Michael is the first Division One football recruit from LCS.Pitcher Tyler Leach signed his letter of intent to play baseball for Brevard College(North Carolina) next season. Last season, Tyler was an All-County Second Teamselection. Recently, he pitched a no-hitter against Shorecrest Prep, striking out 10during the game.Jarrod Cochran, a member of the <strong>Viking</strong> varsity soccer team, will continue hiscareer as a Warrior at Middle Georgia College in Eastman, Georgia. Jarrod was namedto the All-County First Team this spring.20

Wheary Honored forFootball AchievementsSenior Michael Wheary was named offensive MVP of the North squad.He is joined here by several <strong>Viking</strong> coaches and players.Senior Michael Wheary earned a number of impressive footballrecognitions after the <strong>Viking</strong>’s regular season wrapped up. Inmid-December, he was named the offensive MVP of the North squadat the North/South Central Classic. Michael also earned an HonorableMention on the Class 3A All-State Team.The Ledger Names Fall and Winter All-County AthletesCongratulations to the following studentsfor being selected as All-County athletes byThe Ledger for the fall and winter sports seasons:Football Offense:Second Team – Michael WhearyThird Team – <strong>Christian</strong> AlexanderHonorable Mention – T. J. Simmons, Brad Peace,C. T. ThomasVolleyball:Honorable Mention – Meagan PalmBoys’ Swim/Dive:Honorable Mention – Mitch DevoreGirls’ Swim/Dive:First Team – Sarah Mora,Chloe WineingerHonorable Mention – Tori GreenGirls’ Golf:Honorable Mention – Savannah CollierBoys’ Golf:Honorable Mention – Blake Crosby, Trent HarrisBoys’ Cross Country:Runner of the Year, 1st Team – Mark MutzGirls’ Cross Country:Coach of the Year – Mike MusickRunner of the Year – Mallory WhiteFirst Team – Mallory White,Rebecca “Spookie” EavesHonorable Mention – Hannah Warren,Jessica Fuller, Mary LanzinoGirls’ Basketball:Second Team – Whitney HoukHonorable Mention – Tess Horne,Alexis LatimerBoys’ Basketball:Honorable Mention – Will Portlock,Phil WilsmanBoys’ Soccer:First Team – Jake Molony, Jarrod CochranSecond Team – Jordan Green, Alex SessumsHonorable Mention – Josh SessumsGirls’ Soccer:First Team – Sydney Rayborn, Charlie Eaves,Lydia CagleSecond Team – Josie Koretchko, Bailee Mathers21

Houk Hits Three-Point MilestoneLast season, senior Whitney Houk reached a milestone that few highschool basketball players ever see: her 1,000th career point. Thisseason, Whitney reached another impressive milestone against FortMeade on December 12 when she sank her 200th career three-pointer.She finished her high school basketball career with 266 three-pointers,93 of them in this season alone. When she hit her 200th in December,she was 10th in the nation in three-pointers made. Whitney received anumber of accolades this season, being named the FACA Player of theYear for 3A, District 12 and to the All-State team.FACA NamesGirls’ BasketballAwards WinnersThe Florida AthleticCoaches Association named its2011-2012 winter player andcoach awards, and two fromLCS were honored for Class 3A,District 13. Congratulations tosenior Whitney Houk for beingnamed the Player of the Yearand to first-year head coachMike Carl for being named theGirls’ Basketball Coachof the Year.Whitney was also namedto the Florida Association ofBasketball Coaches’ All-StateTeam. She averaged 22.8 pointsper game this past season,including 93 three-pointers.Congratulations, Whitney!In my free time,I enjoy:Best thingabout spring:Favorite Eastercandy?What isyour typicalbedtime?How much moneydoes/did the ToothFairy leave you?What class doyou wish LCSwould offer?Tess Horne9th GraderPlaying sportsEasterChocolateeggs10:00 p.m. $3.00AgricultureJenny Boulet6th Grade TeacherRunningSpring dressesReese’s Cupeggs10:30 p.m.My parents didn’tlet me believe inthe Tooth Fairy.Creative writingAndy Averitt7th GraderPlaying basketballand swimming withmy brothersFishingSweet Tartbunnies10:30 p.m. $1.00Shop classCameron Rowe11th GraderFlying ... I’m workingon my pilot’s licenseSpring breakPeeps Midnight $5.00FlyingFaith Albritton2nd GraderPlaying outside Spring break Chocolate bunnies 9:30 p.m. $2.00YOURTURN!22Cooking class

The <strong>Viking</strong> archery team won the NASP StateTournament and will go to Nationals in May.Archers Win State ChampionshipEighth grader Jessie Andrew was the overallfemale winner at the NASP State Tournament.James Moore won first place in the coach divisionat the State NASP Tournament.With the help of eighth grader Jessie Andrew’s15 bull’s-eyes, the <strong>Lakeland</strong> <strong>Christian</strong> <strong>School</strong>archery team won first place at the NationalArchery in <strong>School</strong>s Program (NASP) StateArchery Championship in late February andwill travel to Louisville, Kentucky, in May forthe National Competition.Held at the Easton Sports Complex inNewberry, Florida, the <strong>Viking</strong> team earned 3,165points. Jessie led the <strong>Viking</strong>s with 282 points out of300, earning her the top female spot in the middleschool female vision but also the overall femalewinner in the state competition for all divisions. Forwinning overall female, Jessie received a medal, atrophy and a Matthews Genesis chrome-plated bow.Senior Makaylee Graves was the leadingfemale in the high school female division, scoring268 out of 300 points, with 12 bull’s-eyes. SydneyWhite placed second in the high school femaledivision with 263 points and six bull’s-eyes, andKaitlynn Connell earned fourth place with 258points (six bull’s-eyes). In the elementary femaledivision, sixth grader Camren Meier placed thirdin the state with 231 points out of a possible 300,including six bull’s-eyes.23Ryan Harper was the top male archerfor LCS, earning fifth place in the middleschool male division with a score of 275(11 bull’s-eyes). Garrison Hodge was the topmale archer in the high school male divisionafter earning 269 points with six bull’s-eyes.In the coaches division, Mr. James Moorewon first place.Scoring for the state competition isbased on the top 12 archers on the team.The complete scores are as follows:Jessie Andrew – 282; Ryan Harper – 275;Garrison Hodge – 269; Makaylee Graves – 268;Cyler McVay – 268; Alex Babcock-Latta – 266;Sydney White – 263; Matthew Henderson – 260;Kaitlynn Connell – 258; Austin Berges – 257;Karlin Ellenberger – 253; Kaitlin Smith – 246.In preparation for the state NASPtournament, the team competed againstBartow Union Academy. Jessie Andrew wonfirst place with 280 points, and MakayleeGraves earned third place with 273 points. Forthe boys, Ryan Harper won first place with 266points. Cole Radford finished in second place(262 points), and Garrison Hodge finishedthird with 261 points.

Gifts TO L a k e l a n d C h r i s t i a n S c h o o lOn behalf of the students we serve, a heartfelt thanks to the following generous persons and companies who have partneredwith LCS by providing a gift to the ministry. We were blessed by:Ms. Pam AbbottMr. Tom AbramsonMr. and Mrs. Keith AlbrittonMr. and Mrs. Joe AldridgeMr. and Mrs. David AndersenMr. and Mrs. Kenneth AtkinsonMr. and Mrs. Philip BagwellDr. and Mrs. Duane BakerMr. and Mrs. Charles Banks, Jr.Mr. and Mrs. Gary Bates, IIMr. and Mrs. Howard BaylessMrs. Thomas BaylessMr. and Mrs. Andy BeanMr. and Mrs. Mark BedwellMr. and Mrs. Dennis BerryMr. and Mrs. Daniel BeuoyMr. and Mrs. Ralph BlalockMr. and Mrs. Jim BoatwrightMrs. Beverly BookMr. and Mrs. Jim BoothMr. and Mrs. Don BradleyPastor and Mrs. Brady BrinsonMr. and Mrs. Robert BryantDr. and Mrs. T. BrzozowskiMr. and Mrs. Earl BurkettMr. Dennis BurnsedMr. and Mrs. Don BusingMr. and Mrs. Mark CabreraThe Honorable and Mrs. CharlesCanadyMr. and Mrs. Bill ChamberlinMrs. Shirley ChesserMs. Pam ColeDr. and Mrs. David CookMr. and Mrs. Gary CotterillDr. and Mrs. Brian CrosbyMrs. Jackie DavisMr. and Mrs. Michael V. DavisMr. and Mrs. Steven DavisMr. and Mrs. Ron DenneyMs. Beth DickmanMr. and Mrs. John DouglassMr. and Mrs. Glen DuncanMr. and Mrs. Michael DusingMiss Susan EllisRev. and Mrs. Roger EvansMrs. Nancy FisherMr. and Mrs. Bob ForlawMr. Adam FowlerMr. and Mrs. Avon FrierMr. and Mrs. Alex FrostMr. and Mrs. Warren FullerMr. and Mrs. Charles FultonMr. and Mrs. Bud GibsonMr. and Mrs. Clint GordonMs. Ann GrassfieldMr. and Mrs. Mike GreenDr. and Mrs. Graham GreeneMr. and Mrs. Richard GreeneMrs. Brenda GrimmetteMs. Patsy HamMr. and Mrs. Louie HamptonMrs. Norma HarrellMr. Terry HarrisMr. and Mrs. Keith HendersonMr. and Mrs. Rex HenryMrs. Robert HightowerMr. and Mrs. Keith HodgeMrs. Debbie HoughtonMr. and Mrs. Rich HoweMr. and Mrs. Edmund HuckeryMrs. Jayne HughesMr. and Mrs. David HurdMr. and Mrs. Robert HurlburtMr. and Mrs. Daryl JohnsonMr. and Mrs. Ken JohnsonMr. and Mrs. Steve JohnstonDr. and Mrs. Derek KeenanMr. and Mrs. James KhorkMr. and Mrs. Mark KirbyMr. and Mrs. Curt KitchensMs. Diane KlagesMr. and Mrs. Kevin KnowltonMr. and Mrs. Ray KriegbaumRev. and Mrs. Mike LathamMr. and Mrs. Robert LatimerMr. and Dr. Douglas LattaMr. and Mrs. Rigoberto LeachMr. and Mrs. Carl LewisMrs. Denise LoockMr. and Mrs. Daniel MaceyMr. and Mrs. Robert MaceyMr. and Mrs. B. J. MasonMr. and Mrs. Greg MastersMr. and Mrs. Tom McLaughlinMr. and Mrs. Terry McNuttMr. and Mrs. Mark MearsMr. and Mrs. Gary MehlerMr. and Mrs. Bill MiddletonMr. and Mrs. Bob MillerMr. and Mrs. Corey MillerMr. and Mrs. David MillerMr. and Mrs. Doug MillerMrs. Nancy MillerMr. and Mrs. Bert MillsMr. and Mrs. James A. MillsMrs. Norma MooreMrs. Bonnie MosleyMr. and Mrs. Eric MowrerMr. and Mrs. Jay MuellerMr. and Mrs. Birk MullinaxMr. and Mrs. Vern MurrayMr. and Mrs. Mike Musick, Sr.Mr. Matthew NipperMr. and Mrs. Steven NortonMr. and Mrs. Chris O’ByrneMiss Ellen OncuMrs. Judy OncuMr. and Mrs. Ken OverholtMr. and Mrs. Ray PhillipsMr. and Mrs. Douglas PikeMrs. Marlene PittsMr. and Mrs. Samuel PortlockMr. and Mrs. Robert Powell, Jr.Mr. and Mrs. Todd RadfordMs. Angela RegisterMr. and Mrs. Buddy RegisterMr. and Mrs. Bart RichertMr. and Mrs. Brad RideoutMr. and Mrs. Bill RileyMr. and Mrs. James RobersonMr. and Mrs. Scott RothMr. and Mrs. Marshall RoweDr. and Dr. Medardo andRessurreccion SantosMr. and Mrs. Steve ScruggsMr. and Mrs. Chris ShawMr. and Mrs. Wayne ShimkoMr. and Mrs. David SlighDr. and Mrs. Mike SlighDr. and Mrs. James SmithMiss Nancy SnyderMr. and Mrs. Jody St. JohnMr. and Mrs. Geoff StablerMr. and Mrs. Michael StacyMr. and Mrs. Tom StandiferMr. and Mrs. Chris StonickMrs. Sybil SwoffordMr. and Mrs. John SzydlowskiMs. Sherri TannerMr. and Mrs. Ken ThompsonMr. and Mrs. Marcus TideyMrs. Evelyn TowlerDr. and Mrs. John TuckerMr. and Mrs. Jim TurlingtonMr. and Mrs. Charles UnderwoodMr. and Mrs. Conrad VarnumMr. and Mrs. Fred WiechmannMr. and Mrs. Steve WilsonMr. and Mrs. Mark WineingerMr. and Mrs. Glenn WrightBarbara Hart Fund within theCommunity Foundation ofGreater <strong>Lakeland</strong>CliftonLarsonAllen LLPE & A Cleaning, Inc.Hall Communications, Inc.Harrell’s Fertilizer Group, Inc.MIDFLORIDA Credit UnionOutsource Management SolutionsPro Med Healthcare Services, LLCThorpe Heating & Cooling, Inc.Tiger ConstructionUnited Way of Tri-County, Inc.Verner Foundation, Inc.Watson ClinicWells Fargo Foundation EducationalMatching Gift ProgramOnline Giving Available on LCS WebsiteDo you know that you can give to <strong>Lakeland</strong> <strong>Christian</strong> <strong>School</strong>online? Just visit www.lcsonline.org/support-lcs/donate-now/to make a one-time gift, make a payment on an existing pledge,or set up a recurring donation. You can choose what programyou would like to give to (i.e., Families in Crisis Fund, StudentFinancial Aid) or you can simply give to the area of greatestneed. You can also make the gift in honor/memory of someone.Does your employer match gifts? You can take care of that onthe website too! Contact the LCS Advancement Office at863-688-2771 if you have questions.24

Living MemorialsIt is a joy to receive gifts that are sent to acknowledge a loved one.We are grateful for the gifts received from the following:In memory of: Mr. R.P. RobbinsGiven by: Mr. and Mrs. Andy BeanMr. and Mrs. Eugene BrooksMr. and Mrs. Harry CootsMr. and Mrs. John DouglassMiss Susan EllisFirst State Bank of CanadianHarrell’s Fertilizer Group, Inc.Ms. Laura HawleyMr. and Mrs. Bill HobdyDr. and Mrs. Derek KeenanDr. and Mrs. Gary KimballMr. and Mrs. Robert MyhrerMr. and Mrs. Steve PetersonMr. and Mrs. Jim RoadsMrs. Kate RobbinsMr. and Mrs. Jim RyalMr. and Mrs. Harold SnyderMiss Nancy SnyderMr. and Mrs. Rick TimmonsIn memory of: Mrs. Fran O’HopGiven by: Mr. and Mrs. Johnnie Curls, Jr.In memory of: Mrs. Vicky DawsonGiven by: Mr. Steve DawsonMs. Diane KlagesIn memory of: Mr. Joe DeRosaGiven by: Ms. Diane KlagesIn memory of: Mrs. Faith WaibelGiven by: Ms. Diane KlagesIn memory of: Miss Ashley TurlingtonGiven by: Ms. Diane KlagesIn memory of: Brad HicksGiven by: Ms. Diane KlagesLibrary DonationsIn memory of: Bradley LangstonGiven by: Ms. Diane KlagesIn memory of: Mr. Joe FirminGiven by: Ms. Diane KlagesIn memory of: Garrett WynnGiven by: Ms. Diane KlagesIn memory of: Mr. Doug GreenGiven by: Mr. Steve DawsonIn memory of: Mr. Calvin EllisGiven by: Mr. Eddie EllisMrs. Sarah EllisIn memory of: Mrs. Dot CleghornGiven by: Mr. and Mrs. RobHarperIn memory of: Mrs. Arlene KnowltonGiven by: Mr. Erwin KnowltonIn memory of: Mrs. Cathy AsbridgeGiven by: Mrs. Beverly MansfieldIn memory of: Cooper NaughtonGiven by: Mr. and Mrs. LarryNaughtonIn memory of: Mrs. Mary RumoreGiven by: Mr. and Mrs. GlennWrightIn honor of: Blake Crosby andBrice CrosbyGiven by: Dr. and Mrs. BrianCrosbyMr. and Mrs. JamesBoothMrs. Bobbie J. CrosbyThe <strong>Lakeland</strong> <strong>Christian</strong> Library staff appreciates the generosity of those who haveprovided recent book donations. The library counts on the regular contributionsof school families to expand their collection for students.Mary Nannette BoyceAvery BryantMichelle CampbellMr. and Mrs. Bob ForlawLeslie KohnenkampMr. Tom LaJeunesseMr. and Mrs. John McClellanLandon NaughtonMiss Nancy SnyderEvelyn TowlerMr. and Mrs. Donny WatsonMrs. Georgianna Whyte/Adam WhyteAmman Baptist <strong>School</strong> Band Students, JordanLCS Appreciates<strong>Lakeland</strong> <strong>Christian</strong> <strong>School</strong> is the beneficiary ofmany donated goods and services provided byschool families and other friends. These giftsenable higher levels of excellence campus-wide.Donna Rodocker – For the donation ofcraft supplies.Leslie Kohnenkamp – For the donation ofbooks for the library, used uniform shirts, banduniforms and PE uniforms.Cathy Hamilton and Marsha Hannum –For volunteering their time each week inMrs. Debbie Stump’s classroom.Mr. Sonny Averett – For the donation ofseveral novels to be used in Mrs. Gaye Lene Hasha’sEnglish class.Mrs. Carol Jones – For serving as “Art Grandma” inMrs. Mosley’s four-year-old classes. Her extra pairof hands and caring heart is very much appreciated.Pam Szydlowski, Darise McLoughlin, LaurieStreets, Christine Ferguson and Sherry Herman –For volunteering their time to coach Odyssey ofthe Mind teams.Dennis Proctor (<strong>Lakeland</strong> Picture Framing) –For donating to the Secondary Art Department.Jay Horne (Horne Construction) – For his diligencein getting the A/C fixed in the Elementary/Middle<strong>School</strong> building and for getting hot water intothe clinic.Dana Sabat, Payton Albritton, Becky Russell,Randy Blalock, Lizette Batterton, Kellie Atkinson,Dana Fox, Debbie Houghton, Candy Gordon,Marlene Blanco, Tammy Scruggs, Lisa Jonesand Darise McLoughlin – For serving asWelcome Wednesday tour guides.Denise Fie – For donating a microwave and dishdrainer to Mrs. Sue Gibson’s Food Prep class.Several LCS faculty members – For taking timebefore and after school to tutor students.Regina Harper and Hulbert Homes – For theirsupport and donations to the NASP Florida StateChampionship LCS Archery Team.Ron Yeater of Camp Gilead – For his faithfulservice to <strong>Lakeland</strong> <strong>Christian</strong> <strong>School</strong> over theyears and for speaking in the classrooms andchapel on a regular basis.Suzanne Watson – For her dedicated service inthe LCS library over the past three years.Mrs. Watson and her family are moving to theBirmingham area and will be greatly missed.Ken Hutton – For creating a puppet show as anAR award and for letting Mrs. Debbie Stump’sthird grade class use his puppet stage. The studentsare able to use their talents by writing scripts andperforming puppet shows.25

1111 Forest Park Street • <strong>Lakeland</strong>, Florida 33803 • 863-688-2771 • www.lcsonline.orgNon-Profit Org.U.S. POSTAGEPAID<strong>Lakeland</strong>, FLPermit No. 133The <strong>Viking</strong> is published quarterly by <strong>Lakeland</strong> <strong>Christian</strong> <strong>School</strong>, 1111 Forest Park St., <strong>Lakeland</strong>, Florida 33803Rummage Sale to BenefitStudent LeadersImportant Dates for the2012-2013 <strong>School</strong> YearThe members of Student Leadership University at<strong>Lakeland</strong> <strong>Christian</strong> <strong>School</strong> will hold their annual rummagesale on Saturday, May 5, 2012 from 7 a.m. to 2 p.m. inthe school gymnasium. Proceeds from this sale will benefitstudents attending various Student Leadership University trips.The group is taking donations, and all items areaccepted. You can drop off items in the maintenance buildingfrom 7:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m., Monday through Friday.Contact Mr. Keith Overholt at koverholt@lcsonline.org or863-688-2771 if you have questions.Parents, please keep these important dates in mind for the2012-2013 school year:August 16-17OrientationAugust 20First day of school forGrades 1-12August 21Orientation for K4 and K5August 22First day of school forK4 and K5November 19-23Thanksgiving breakDecember 24-January 7Christmas breakMarch 25-29Spring breakMay 24-29Senior tripMay 30Last day of school for K4 and K5June 3CommencementJune 4Last day of school for Grades 1-11MARK YOUR CALENDARMay 1-2Art ReviewMay 3National Day of PrayerMay 7-17AP ExamsMay 10Choir Awards Concert,7:00 p.m.May 12Junior/Senior BanquetMay 14Band Awards Concert, 6:30p.m.May 15Progress ReportsMay 21-24Senior ExamsMay 22Elementary Honor Roll AwardsMay 24High <strong>School</strong> Awards ChapelMay 25K4 End of Year Program, 8:30 a.m.May 25-30Senior TripMay 28Memorial Day – No <strong>School</strong>June 3Baccalaureate, 3:00 p.m., atHeritage Baptist ChurchJune 4Commencement, 7:30 p.m., atFSC Brancomb Auditorium

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