T YtÅ|Äç Tyyt|Ü - SUNY Upstate Medical University

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T YtÅ|Äç Tyyt|Ü - SUNY Upstate Medical University

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LaFollette R, Kubiak BD, McGraw M, Roy S, Gatto L, Hojnowski K, Fischer W,Vieau C, Snyder K, Nieman GF. Normalization of arterial pO2 with PEEP doesnot normalize alveolar stability.Critical Care Medicine 2009;37(12);A169McGraw M, Roy S, LaFollette R, Kubiak B, Vieau C, Snyder K, Gatto L, NiemanGF. Gastrointestinal microcirculation in a chronic, clinically applicableporcine model of fecal peritionitis. Critical Care Medicine 2009;37(12);A215Roy SK, Vieau CJ, Gatto L, Snyder KP, Maier KG, Nieman GF, Vodovotz Y.Mesenteric lymph node histology reflects similarities in immune responsefollowing shock induced by either ischemia/reperfusion or sepsis. CriticalCare Medicine 2009; 37(12);A135Roy SK, Vieau CJ, Snyder KP, Maier KG, Gatto L, Vodovotz Y, Nieman GF.Unexpected similarities in severity and acuity of lactic acidosis betweensepsis and ischemia/reperfusion induced multiple organ dysfunctionsyndrome. Critical Care Medicine 2009; 37(12);A81Silva H, Hunley C, Jimenez E, Falk J, Jones P, Barba J, Nieman G, JohannesenZ. Transpulmonary pressure (PTP) is necessary to measure pulmonarydistending pressure in the presence of intra-abdominal hypertension (IAH)²Critical Care Medicine 2009; 37(12);A208Silva H, Jimenez E, Falk J, Barba J, Cheatham C, Johannesen Z, Nieman G.Animal age, weight and anesthesia affect outcome in a clinically applicableporcine sepsis/ischemia reperfusion model. Critical Care Medicine 2009;37(12);A213Silva H, Hunley C, Jimenez E, Falk J, Nieman G, Tang L. The usefulness ofhigh frequency oscillator ventilation (HFOV) in management of acuterespiratory distress syndrome secondary to novel Influenza A (H1N1)Critical Care Medicine 2009; 37(12);A533Perl A. Expansion of CD3+/CD4+/CD25+/Foxp3+ T cells in rapamycin treated lupuspatients. American College of Rheumatology, Arthritis & Rheumatism 2009.Silverstone AE, Weinstock RS, Rosenbaum PF, Foushee RS, Pavuk M forthe Anniston Environmental Health Research Consortium. Mono-ortho anddi-ortho substituted PCB congeners and type 2 diabetes in theAnniston Community Health Survey. Organohalogen Compounds 71: P-270, 2009- 28 -

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