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T YtÅ|Äç Tyyt|Ü - SUNY Upstate Medical University

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Procida K, Jørgensen L, Schmitt N, Delmar M, Taffet SM, Holstein-Rathlou NH,Nielsen MS, Braunstein TH. Phosphorylation of connexin43 on serine 306 regulateselectrical coupling. Heart Rhythm 2009; 6:1632-8Sandberg J, Trief PM, Izquierdo R, Goland R, Morin PC, Palmas W, Larson CDStrait JG, Shea S, Weinstock RS. A qualitative study of the experience andsatisfaction of direct telemedicine providers in diabetes case management.Telemedicine and e-Health 2009; 15:742-75Lin X, Gemel J, Glass A, Zemlin CW, Beyer EC, Veenstra RD. Connexin40 andconnexin43 determine gating properties of atrial gap junction channels. J Molec CellCardiol 48: 238-245, 2010. PMCID: 19486903Shea S, Weinstock RS, Teresi JA, Palmas W, Starren J, Cimino JJ, Lai AM, Field L,Morin PC, Goland R, Izquierdo RE, Ebner S, Silver S, Petkova E, Kong J, EimickeJP for the IDEATel Consortium. A randomized trial comparing telemedicine casemanagement with usual care in older, ethnically diverse, medically underservedpatients with diabetes mellitus: 5 year results of the IDEATel study. J Am Med InformAssoc 2009; 16:446-456Baynard T, Carhart RL, Weinstock RS, Ploutz-Synder LL, Kanaley JA. Short-termexercise training improves aerobic capacity with no change in arterial function inobesity. Eur J Appl Physiol 2009; 107:299-308Palmas W, Shea S, Starren J, Teresi JA, Ganz ML, Burton TM, Pashos CL, Blustein J,Field L, Morin PC, Izquierdo RE, Silver S, Eimicke JP, Lantigua RA, Weinstock RSfor the IDEATel Consortium. Medicare payments, health care service use andtelemedicine implementation costs in a randomized trial comparing telemedicine casemanagement with usual care. J Am Med Inform Assoc 2010; 17:196-202Wells M. Resilience in rural community-dwelling older adults. J Rural Health 2010;25(4): 415-419(http://www3.interscience.wiley.com.libproxy2.upstate.edu/journal/122606536/issue ),Worral P. Documenting an EBP project: Guidelines for what to include and why. JNew York State Nurses Association, 2009; fall-winter.Nandy J, Saud B, Zinkievich M, Yang Z, Levine R. TFN-x modulates iNOSexpression in an experimental rat model of indomethacin-induced jejunoileitis. MolCell Biochem, 2009 Oct 3Yang ZJ, XieY, Bosco GM, Chen C, Camporesi EM. Hyperbaric oxygenationalleviates MCAO-induced brain injury and reduces hydroxyl radical formation andglutamate release. Eur J Appl Physiol 108:513-522, 2010Lin X, Gemel J, Glass A, Zemlin C, Beyer E, Veenstra R. Connexin40and connexin43 determine gating properties of atrial gap junctionchannels. J Mol Cell Card 2010; 48:238-245- 25 -

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