Issue 57 - Tse Qigong Centre

Issue 57 - Tse Qigong Centre

Issue 57 - Tse Qigong Centre


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Grouping EnergyDear SigongRecently, my friend and I werepractising <strong>Qigong</strong> together, and duringthe meditation stage of the session weboth faced each other and noticed adistinct difference in the energy flow.This experience sparked a conversationabout possible benefits and/or dangersof doing qigong as a group activity.I am very aware of a definitespiritual element to <strong>Qigong</strong> and realisethat by practising it I’m not onlybenefiting my own personal health(physically and mentally) but also I ambenefiting my relationships (both toothers and to the divine).Many spiritual texts that Ihave read, suggest thatproperly structured groups,acting in the interests of thewhole realise a greaterspiritual experience in thegroup dynamic, and thereforeeach individual in the group issubsequently gifted a greaterboost in their own energy.Are there any forms of<strong>Qigong</strong> that are designed for practisingas a group, or can the usual forms thatI’ve been taught be applied to groupssafely?Kind regards JT,NottinghamDear JT,Your question is very interesting.If you have ever been to my seminars orclasses, you would have noticed that weall gather together at the end in a largecircle to do meditation together. Peoplewill often comment afterwards that theenergy was very strong, stronger thanwhen they meditate at home on their own.Of course, when people gatherand work together towards the samegoal, there is a sense of harmony that willdevelop. There will also develop a strongsense of community. This is very importantwhen studying because there are timeswhen you will come to a plateau and itmay seem you are not making progress.It is easy at these times to get discouragedand maybe even want to give up.However, if you have made friends withthose in your class and also find thatothers have gone through the sameproblem, then it is easier to overcome itbecause of their support.“When people gather andwork towards the samegoal, a sense of harmonydevelops.”I nrelation to meditation, when weare doing together as a group, you havea different mind set. You do not reallyhave the luxury of thinkingabout stopping your meditation to go dothe dishes or call a friend. So your mindis more concentrated. Even if you feeluncomfortable, bored or agitated, youhang in there because to not do so woulddraw attention to yourself. It is easier justto stay and eventually, you may even findyour boredom and agitation just slipsaway without you noticing. So practisingin a group can help you push yourself alittle harder and achieve more than youthought you could.When you practise meditation oneon one with someone, it is more personalbecause you are opening yourself to themboth consciously and unconsciously.However, practising alone is good andalso necessary. If you always rely on agroup for lifting and developing yourenergy, then your level of developmentwill be limited.In regard to there being a special<strong>Qigong</strong> form for practising as a group, itis not necessary. Any form or set ofexercises can be done as group, eitherwith a teacher leading or everyonepractising their own things in the sameroom. The feeling and results will bedifferent in each case, both for theteacher and the student.Not everyone can be in a situationthat they have a teacher and class topractise. They have the harder roadbecause they are walking that roadalone. If you go to a movie, Ithink most people wouldprefer to go with afriend than on theirown as it is good tobe able to sharethe experiencewith someone.That does notmean that if youdo go to a movieon your own thatyou cannot enjoy it.Maybe you will even findit better as you do not haveto worry whether or not yourfriend likes it or what row you should sitin. You can please yourself.When you practise on your own,you can go to the place you like best anddo the forms you want, in the order youwant and you can meditate for as longas you wish. Unlike in a class which ismore structured. If you can have bothsituations, that is good, but it is moreimportant to develop to the best of yourability in whatever field you happenedto have been planted.Yours sincerely,Michael <strong>Tse</strong>Qi Magazine 7

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