Issue 57 - Tse Qigong Centre

Issue 57 - Tse Qigong Centre

Issue 57 - Tse Qigong Centre


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Dear ML,This type of experience is like goingto a sauna. When a person is not healthy,then they will feel some release from this,as when we perspire, we are releasing thenegative energy from the body. However,the benefits even to someone who is ill willnot last long as there is no gathering offresh Qi. It is good to release the sickenergy from the body, but you need toreplace it with fresh Qi. If you are healthy,then you are not releasing negative energy,but your positive energy. In addition, youare also absorbing the sick Qi from theothers in the room. That is why you feeltired afterwards and need to sleep.Yours sincerely, Michael <strong>Tse</strong>ChinaStudiesDear <strong>Tse</strong> Sifu,I am writing to you for advice aboutgoing to China to study. I have heard froma friend who went there for six months tostudy in a Wushu school that the Westernstudents there were not taught with asmuch detail and conscientiousness as theChinese students.Can you advise me?EmailWith regard to going to China tostudy you have to be careful where youchose to study. There are some goodschools and bad schools. It is best if youknow someone who has been there before,who can tell you which is the best place togo. I am sorry I do not know any schoolsas I study on a one to one basis with myteacher and not in a school.Before you do anything try to findsomeone you can ask. Do not send anymoney unless you are really sure aboutit. There are some people who havealready lost their money beacsue they didnot make sure the school was a good one.Yours sincerelyMichael <strong>Tse</strong><strong>Qigong</strong> forWheelchairBoundDear Sir,I amwriting you inregard to mymother who isc u r r e n t l ywheelchairbound.She isdiabetic andover the lasttwo years hashad both of herlower legsamputated due tocirulation issues. Ihave viewed your tape,“Balancing Gong”, and feelthat the exercises might aid inincreasing blood circulation to her lowerlimbs (as well as improving her overallhealth). She will soon be fitted with hersecond prosthetic leg, but can sheproperly perform the exercises on thetape from a seated position? If there isa series of exercises more suited to hercurrent condition, which can yourecommend?DV, EmailDear DV,Actually, the Balancing Gongexercises would be a very good set foryour mother as nearly all of them can bemodified to suit a seated posture. In thecase of the first exercise, ‘Holding theDantian’, she can use this just to workwith breathing in and breathing out. Forthe remainder of the exercises, she shouldjust work with moving the arms up anddown, and open and closing or touchingthe proper acupoints as described. Theonly movement which I think would bedifficult would be Beautiful Woman Turnsthe Waist so she should disregard this oneand also the two walking movements.She will still benefit a lot eventhough working with just the upper bodyand it will help to nourish the internalorgans, especially the lungs.When she is finished,she can do themeditation tohelp her storethe Qi andrelax hermind. If youlike, youc a np r a c t i s ewith herfrom aseated ors t a n d i n gposition togive hersupport andencouragement.With best wishes,Michael <strong>Tse</strong>Looking forthe DantianDear Michael <strong>Tse</strong>,Do any of your readers or staffknow of any scientific evidence that theDantian actually exists as an area ofenergy in the abdomen? There is someresearch evidence that meridians can bedetected using very sensitive instruments;it should therefore be possible to detectthe presence of the“Nearly all of themcan be modified to suit aseated posture.”Dantian which is an area of greaterenergy.Practitioners say they can feel theenergy in the abdominal area, but thiseffect may be due to suggestion or beliefwhich can be very influential.Yours sincerely, DSQi Magazine 6

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