Issue 57 - Tse Qigong Centre

Issue 57 - Tse Qigong Centre

Issue 57 - Tse Qigong Centre


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Our final look at what makes up good Feng Shui for yourbedroom, and how this affects your energy and your sleep.Feng Shui and the BedroomFeng Shui and the Bedroom21. If the bed faces the door, itwill create a draught attacking you. Thisis not good for health and will cause jointproblems and even affect the lungs andliver. If you can, change the direction ofthe bed to avoid the door. If you cannot,try to move as far away as possible fromthe door as you can.22. If you have something like acabinet or cloth hanging over your head,this is not good and will cause headachesand stress. If you can, remove whateveris hanging above the bed.23. If have a light hangingabove the bed, this cancause stomach andkidney problems. Ifthe light or anythingelse is hangingabove the legs,then this can causejoint problems orarthritis. Removethe light or replacewith one that is nothanging or movethe bed to anotherposition.A light hanging down over the bed willcause problemsFeng ShuiThis bed will createheadaches24. If the position of the bed is atan angle to the wall, so it creates atriangle without support for the head,then this can cause relationship problemsand cause headaches as everything isunstable. Move the bed to anotherposition.25. If you store lots of things underyour bed, it can create too much worry,dreaming and stress. It is better not tohave anything under the bed at all.26. If the bed makes noise everytime you turn over, try to fix the bed ifpossible or replace if cannot. This kindof situation will cause you to have a lotof enemies, as it is like someonecriticising you.Qi Magazine 45

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