Issue 57 - Tse Qigong Centre

Issue 57 - Tse Qigong Centre Issue 57 - Tse Qigong Centre
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Qi Magazine 22

Fierce as a TigerTheBroadswordThe sword is a weapon for fighting and defence. Insome terms it even means power. In the west there are allkinds of different swords of different shapes and sizes, andthese are all called swords. However in China there are onlytwo main types of sword. One is a straight sword and theother is the broadsword which is often called a knife or sabre.In Chinese the straight sword is called a “Jian” and thebroadsword is called a “Dao”There is quite a difference between astraight sword and broadsword. Thestraight sword is lighter, more subtle andneeds more skill to be used correctly. Thebroadsword requires more speed and isheavier. So you can say that the straight sword isYin as it does not depend so much on strength,but is more based on skill, while the broadswordis Yang as it requires strength and speed and theskill is a little easier to master.Today both these types of sword are nolonger used as weapons of war as today we havemore powerful weapons. These old traditionalweapons are no longer effective enough and taketoo long to use. If you had to go to war and fightand you had a choice between a sword or machinegun, I am sure you would not choose the sword.So today we do not practise with thesetraditional weapons to fight wars, instead we usethem to help us develop our physical and mentalskills. Today’s world places everything in our mindsand there is not enough physical exercise andmovement. So we have become heavier and sufferfrom illnesses we did not have in the past. This isQi Magazine 23

Fierce as a TigerTheBroadswordThe sword is a weapon for fighting and defence. Insome terms it even means power. In the west there are allkinds of different swords of different shapes and sizes, andthese are all called swords. However in China there are onlytwo main types of sword. One is a straight sword and theother is the broadsword which is often called a knife or sabre.In Chinese the straight sword is called a “Jian” and thebroadsword is called a “Dao”There is quite a difference between astraight sword and broadsword. Thestraight sword is lighter, more subtle andneeds more skill to be used correctly. Thebroadsword requires more speed and isheavier. So you can say that the straight sword isYin as it does not depend so much on strength,but is more based on skill, while the broadswordis Yang as it requires strength and speed and theskill is a little easier to master.Today both these types of sword are nolonger used as weapons of war as today we havemore powerful weapons. These old traditionalweapons are no longer effective enough and taketoo long to use. If you had to go to war and fightand you had a choice between a sword or machinegun, I am sure you would not choose the sword.So today we do not practise with thesetraditional weapons to fight wars, instead we usethem to help us develop our physical and mentalskills. Today’s world places everything in our mindsand there is not enough physical exercise andmovement. So we have become heavier and sufferfrom illnesses we did not have in the past. This isQi Magazine 23

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