Issue 57 - Tse Qigong Centre

Issue 57 - Tse Qigong Centre Issue 57 - Tse Qigong Centre
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JumpingTrainingEverytime when we watch Wushu practitioners, theShaolin Monks, Jet Li and Jackie Chan doing all thejumping techniques, we are all impressed by their skill.We actually might be able to train ourselves like that.Of course it is better if you have already some martialarts foundation. Also make sure you warm up and stretchbefore you start.These are some techniques you can do on your own.But remember, take it easy. Don’t try too hard, you must developstep by step, from a lower to a higher level.Jumping is very important for many diversestyles of martial art, especially for NorthernShaolin, and of course Wushu. So how do wedevelop the ability to jump with height and energy?1.i 1.ii 1.ii1. Run and Jump upi. Walk forwardsii. Increase the energy. Lift up both hands and palms cometogether (it does not matter which one is on top), and thenlift up the left foot.iii. Jump up with the right foot. Bend the left knee, at thesame time lift up both hands as high as possible.iv. Repeat steps i. to iii. many times until you are comfortabledoing them.2.i2. From Inside Out to Slap the Footi. Step forward with the right foot. Meanwhile lift up bothhands, right hand forwards, left hand backwards.ii. Turn your waist from left to right. Meanwhile lift up the leftleg, hands following the turn to balance.iii. Keep turning 360degrees, lift up the right leg. Slap the frontof the foot with both palms.2.ii2.iii3.i 3.ii3. Turning the Bodyi. Sink the body with right foot forwards, both hands down.ii. Bring up the left foot, keep the knee bent, bring in the heelto the body. Jump with the right standing leg, and liftup both hands.Qi Magazine 18

4.i4.ii4. Closing Chinese Goldi. Lying on the ground with both arms straight above theii.head, stretch out both legs straight.Close up the upper body to the lower body. Let your handstouch the feet at the same time.8.i 8.28.Spinning the body and hold the legi. Left hand opens forwards, right hand backwards to forma straight line. Left bow stance, with the front knee bentand back leg straight.ii. Then spin the whole body 360 degrees and hold the rightleg with both hands.5.i 5.ii5. Grasp the feet as you jumpi. Stand on the ground, and bend your knees. Swing yourii.7. Flying kicki. Standing on the ground, bend your knees. Swing yourii.arms backwards like you are getting ready to jump.Jump up, as high as possible. As you reach the top, holdboth legs.6. Side sit upi. Lying down on the floor, both hands grasp the back ofii.6.iyour head.Lift up your head and leg. First time let your left elbowtouch the right knee, and the second time do the opposite.Alternate both sides.7.iarms to the right side.Jump up, slap the right leg with both hands. As your right,kick up to the air.7.ii6.ii9.i 9.ii 9.iii9. Spinning jumpi. Stand on the ground, swing both arms to the right side.ii. Spin the whole body round, meanwhile lift up both handsand jump up as high as possible.iii. Land on the ground and repeat the exercise.10.i10. Lift up the head and the tail.i. Lie on your stomach, on the ground. Stretch both arms outstraight in front of your head. Legs also out straight.ii. Lift up both hands, head and legs at the same time.Developing those 10 jumping techniques will make yourbody strong, improve coordination, can help with slimming, andincrease flexibility. They also help make the waist and legs verypowerful, with lots of energy.All these exercises should be done on both sides, and doas many repetitions as you like. Start with a small number in thebeginning and develop in to more repetitions. Some of thoseexercises may be too difficult in the beginning, so you can justchoose those you can do until you are stronger and flexibleenough. Then move on to the more difficult ones.After three months of regular practice, your body willbecome strong, so you can jump higherby Wen Xiang10.iiQi Magazine 19

4.i4.ii4. Closing Chinese Goldi. Lying on the ground with both arms straight above theii.head, stretch out both legs straight.Close up the upper body to the lower body. Let your handstouch the feet at the same time.8.i 8.28.Spinning the body and hold the legi. Left hand opens forwards, right hand backwards to forma straight line. Left bow stance, with the front knee bentand back leg straight.ii. Then spin the whole body 360 degrees and hold the rightleg with both hands.5.i 5.ii5. Grasp the feet as you jumpi. Stand on the ground, and bend your knees. Swing yourii.7. Flying kicki. Standing on the ground, bend your knees. Swing yourii.arms backwards like you are getting ready to jump.Jump up, as high as possible. As you reach the top, holdboth legs.6. Side sit upi. Lying down on the floor, both hands grasp the back ofii.6.iyour head.Lift up your head and leg. First time let your left elbowtouch the right knee, and the second time do the opposite.Alternate both sides.7.iarms to the right side.Jump up, slap the right leg with both hands. As your right,kick up to the air.7.ii6.ii9.i 9.ii 9.iii9. Spinning jumpi. Stand on the ground, swing both arms to the right side.ii. Spin the whole body round, meanwhile lift up both handsand jump up as high as possible.iii. Land on the ground and repeat the exercise.10.i10. Lift up the head and the tail.i. Lie on your stomach, on the ground. Stretch both arms outstraight in front of your head. Legs also out straight.ii. Lift up both hands, head and legs at the same time.Developing those 10 jumping techniques will make yourbody strong, improve coordination, can help with slimming, andincrease flexibility. They also help make the waist and legs verypowerful, with lots of energy.All these exercises should be done on both sides, and doas many repetitions as you like. Start with a small number in thebeginning and develop in to more repetitions. Some of thoseexercises may be too difficult in the beginning, so you can justchoose those you can do until you are stronger and flexibleenough. Then move on to the more difficult ones.After three months of regular practice, your body willbecome strong, so you can jump higherby Wen Xiang10.iiQi Magazine 19

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