Passive Soil Vapor Extraction - GSI Environmental Inc.

Passive Soil Vapor Extraction - GSI Environmental Inc.

Passive Soil Vapor Extraction - GSI Environmental Inc.

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SRNL-STI-2009-00571Rev. 1minimize contaminant transfer to the groundwater. The original MicroBlowerdesign was a 12 V system powered solely by a solar panel. These systems werecapable of extracting contaminant mass only when the sun was shining, andtherefore operated on a periodic basis. In January 2006, 24 V MicroBlowersystems were installed. These systems are designed to operate 24 hours a dayusing a sustainable 24 V power source (a battery bank charged by solar panels).The two enhanced PSVE wells are screened 30 to 40 ft bgs in relativelypermeable soil that underlie the fine-grained sediments where DNAPL wasfound.B.4.2 Results/Performance MetricsPerformance at the MAPSL site following the installation of the 24 V MicroBlower systemis summarized in Table B.4.Concentration Trends:• The periodically-operating 12 V MicroBlower system did not reduce CVOC vaporconcentrations, but as shown in Figure B.4.1, PCE and TCE vapor-phaseconcentrations decreased rapidly and stabilized at a lower level following theswitch to the continuously-operating 24 V system in January 2006.• <strong>Soil</strong> concentration profiles from sampling events completed in 2003 (prior toMicroBlower installation) and in 2007 (post-installation) are shown in FigureB.4.2. <strong>Soil</strong> concentrations of both PCE and TCE decreased by an order ofmagnitude in the interval immediately above the screened zone of the extractionwell. This interval consists of fine-grained material, as indicated by the higherCPT (cone penetrometer test) friction ratios measured as part of thecharacterization study. Interestingly, the enhanced PSVE system significantlyreduced contaminant levels in the fine-grained interval despite the fact that it hasthe tendency to trap contaminant mass and DNAPL was present.Concentration, ppmv30020010024 V MicroblowerInstallationPCETCE01/1/04 1/1/05 1/1/06 1/1/07 1/1/08 1/1/09Figure B.4.1: <strong>Vapor</strong>-Phase Concentration Trends at MAPSL Site during PSVE System Operation(PSVE Well MVE-29 with MicroBlower).B.14 Enhanced Attenuation Technologies<strong>Passive</strong> <strong>Soil</strong> <strong>Vapor</strong> <strong>Extraction</strong>

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