Passive Soil Vapor Extraction - GSI Environmental Inc.

Passive Soil Vapor Extraction - GSI Environmental Inc.

Passive Soil Vapor Extraction - GSI Environmental Inc.

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SRNL-STI-2009-00571Rev. 19.0 REFERENCESChristensen, A.G., Nielsen, H.H. and E.V. Fischer. 2003. <strong>Passive</strong> Ventilation of PCE inUnsaturated Zone. Technical Project Report No. 805 2003. Prepared as part of theMiljøstyrelsens (Danish EPA) Technology Demonstration Program.http://www2.mst.dk/Udgiv/publikationer/2003/87-7972-610-0/pdf/87-7972-611-9.pdfESTCP (<strong>Environmental</strong> Security Technology Certification Program), 2006. Design Document for<strong>Passive</strong> Bioventing. Prepared under the ESTCP Program at Department of Defense (DoD),Arlington, Virginia. ESTCP-9715. March 2006.ITRC (The Interstate Technology & Regulatory Council). 2008. Enhanced Attenuation:Chlorinated Organics. Technical and Regulatory Guidance prepared by EACO-1, EnhancedAttenuation: Chlorinated Organics Team. Washington, D.C. April 2008.http://www.itrcweb.org/Documents/EACO-1.pdfITSER (Innovative Technology Summary Report). 2000. Barometrically Enhanced RemediationTechnology (BERT TM ). Prepared for Office of Science and Technology, US Department ofEnergy (DOE). DOE/EM-0516. March 2000.McGuire, T.M., Newell, C.J., Looney, B.B., Vangelas, K.M., and C.H. Sink. 2004. Historicalanalysis of monitored natural attenuation: A survey of 191 chlorinated solvent sites and 45solvent plumes. Remediation, Winter 2004, Pg 99-112McGuire, T. M., McDade, J.M., and C.J. Newell. 2005. Performance of DNAPL SourceDepletion Technologies at 59 Chlorinated Solvent-Impacted Sites. Groundwater Monitoring andRemediation, Vol. 26, No. 1, Pg 73 – 84.Neeper, D. A. 2002. Investigation of the Vadose Zone using Barometric Pressure Cycles. Journalof Contaminant Hydrology, No. 54, Pg 59-80.O’Brian, 2001 <strong>Passive</strong> soil vapor extraction: a low cost complement to conventional activeextractionmethod. Technology Highlight Archive. As referenced in Jennings, A. and P. Patil.2002. Feasibility Modeling of <strong>Passive</strong> <strong>Soil</strong> <strong>Vapor</strong> <strong>Extraction</strong>. Journal of <strong>Environmental</strong>Engineering and Science. Vol. 1, Pg 157-172.Riha, B. D. and J. Rossabi. 1997. Miscellaneous Chemical Basin Treatability Study: An Analysisof <strong>Passive</strong> <strong>Soil</strong> <strong>Vapor</strong> <strong>Extraction</strong> Wells (PSVE). Washington Savannah River Company. WSRC-TR-97-00405. December 1997.Riha, B. D., Rossabi, J., and W. K. Hyde. 1999. Metallurgical Laboratory (MetLab) TreatabilityStudy: An Analysis of <strong>Passive</strong> <strong>Soil</strong> <strong>Vapor</strong> <strong>Extraction</strong> Wells (PSVE) FY 1999 Update. WashingtonSavannah River Company. WSRC-TR-99-00378. October 1999.Riha, B. D, Jackson, D. G., Hyde, W. K., Looney, B. B. and J. Rossabi. 2001. Vadose ZoneRemediation Assessment: M-Area Process Sewer <strong>Soil</strong> <strong>Vapor</strong> <strong>Extraction</strong> Units 782-5M, 782-7Mand 782-8M. Washington Savannah River Company. WSRC-TR-2001-00077. February 2001.Riha, B. D. 2005a. Vadose Zone VOC Mass Transfer Testing at the SRS MiscellaneousChemical Basin. Washington Savannah River Company. WSRC-TR-2005-00266. October 2005.58 Enhanced Attenuation Technologies<strong>Passive</strong> <strong>Soil</strong> <strong>Vapor</strong> <strong>Extraction</strong>

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