A grammar and dictionary of the Malay language ... - Wallace Online

A grammar and dictionary of the Malay language ... - Wallace Online A grammar and dictionary of the Malay language ... - Wallace Online

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LAW—LAB [88] lAb—lAkLawe (JAv). A thread, yarn ; a string, acord ; to strangle with a cord, to bowstring.Lawet (JAv). The swallow that producesthe esculent nest, Hirundo es'ulenta.Lawu (jAv). Name of a mountain in thecentral parts of Java, containing manyremains of Hindu antiquities.Lawuk (j). Fish, flesh, or other esculenteaten with rice to give it a relish.Scottice, "kitchen."Lavning (jav). The shaft of a spear.Lawung (jav). Name of a mountain inJava.Laya (jav). The abode of the gods ; v.Suralaya.Layah (j. nglayang). To bend the bodybackwards.Layan. To bait, to put meat to temptanimals.Layani (j. ladeni). To serve, to attend.to wait, to minister to.Layang (j). To fly without flapping thewings, to glide through the air.Layang (jav). A letter, an epistle ; abook ; a writing.Layangan (j). A paper kite.Layang-layang. Name of a species ofswallow.Layar (j). The sail of a ship ; to sail ; tonavigate.Layar (j).Name of a species of shark.Layar-agung. The mainsail of a ship.Layar-pangapoh. A topsail.Layar-pauurung. The mizen sail.Layar-samandera (for. 9evedeira). Aspritsail.Layar-tupang. The foresail.Layaran. Sailing, navigation ;voyage.LayaX- (a). Suitable, fitting, proper;worthy.Layam. To brandish, to sway.Layam. To prance.Layin. Other; different.Layinkan. To make different, to alterto change ; to separate, to jiart.Layinua (layin and iia). Others, otherpersons or things ;otherwise.Layon (jav). A faded or withered leafor flower ; the corpse of a great person.Lnyor. To dry by fire, to exsiccate byartificial heat.Layu (j. layung). To wither, to fade ;toiroop, to languish, to pine.Layur (bat). Page of a book.Lazwardi (p). Lapis lazuli.Labah. A honey-bee.Lal)ah (j). To fall ; v. Rabah.Labai (t). a holy man ;a devotee.LSbak (JAV). A hollow; a dale ;avalley.Laban (a).Olibanum, Juniperns Lycia.Labaran (bat). A festal day.Labam. A bruise, a contusion ; to bruise,to contuse.Labat. (j. deep, profound). Thick, close,frequent.Labih (j. luwih). More, to a greater degi-ee; more, greater quantity, or degree; over, above, beyond, besides.Labihkan. To make more, to add, toincrease ; to exceed.1 jabih-labihan. Excess, superfluity.Labu (j). Dust, light earthy particles;a mote.Labu-talampakan. Dust of the sole ofthe foot, used as a pronoun of thesecond person in aildressing a king.Labuh. Charnel ground, ground for thereception of refuse ; the outskirts of amarket-place, town, or village.Labur (j). To dissolve, to melt, toliquefy ;to ruin, to destroy.Lnburan. Dissolution, liquefaction ; ruin,destruction ; the object dissolved ormelted ; a metal.Laburgongsa (jav). Name of the countryof Kumbakarna, in the Ramayana.Lachah. Mire, mud.Laga (j). Wide, roomy, spacious ;clear,open, free from obstruction ; empty,unoccupied, unpossessed ; idle, unemployed; liberal, geuero\xs.L^gak. To bubble, to boil, to rise inbubbles.Lagen (jav). Palm wine, the sap ofpalms : v. Lagi.Lagi (jav). Sweet.Lagundi (j). Name of a shrub, Vitextrifoliata; r. Laguudi.La//ak (a). An interior cavity in the sideof a grave where the corpse is laid.LahaZ; (a). Continuation ;joining; adhering.Lakah. A fissure, a crevice, a crack.Lal

LAX—lAMLAM—LANplait ; 17. Lapis Lampis.Lal-ad (a). Altogether, entirely.gentle, mild ; timorous, effeminateLa^-lak (a). A stork.slow, indolent.Lalaba. A spider; v. Laba-laba. Lambut (jav). A sprite, a spirit.Lalabong. A sentinel ; a scout.Lambutkan. To soften.Lalah (j). Slow, tardy; sluggish; weary, Lampatu (ben). Name of a bird.flexible ; minute, subtle, impalpable ;escent ; V. liiMp.fatigued ; fiiint, langiiid ; fatigue. Ldmpadu. The gall-bladder ; gall, bile.Lalahi (a). By, to, or for god.Lampit (jav). To fold, to double up, toand Lalaki. Male; man; v. Laki and Lakilaki.Lampuh. Maimed, halt, lame, crippled.Lalakon (j). Proceeding, advancement, Lampung. Light, buoyant ; a float, agoing forward ; affair, transaction, business;buoy.Lampuyang (j). Name of a plant, ZingiberV. Laku.Lftlana. Name of a plant.cassumimnr.Lalang. To stare, to gaze.Lampuyang-utan. Name of a plant,Lalangen (j. langi, "to swim"). A pool or Glohba marantina.pond for bathing ; a bath.Lamu (jav). Fat, plump ; fat, corpulent.Laiangit (j). An awning, a canopy ; the Lamu. Nauseous, loathsome.palate ; v. Langit-langit and Lalangit. Lamukut. The broken or fragmentaryLalangsai. Tapestry, aiTas, hangings. grains of husked rice distinguishedLalau. A kris or dagger with a serpentinefrom the whole ones.blade.Landung. An eel.Lalayang (layang). Name of a species of Land'er. Slime, viscid mud..swallow ; r. Layang-layang.Land'i (jav). Name of a fish.Lalayu (j). A pennon, a streamer, a L4nga (j. oil). The sesame plant, Sesamumindicuni.banner; v. Lalayu.Lalab (j. slow, tardy). To forfeit through Langai. Slow, tardy, sluggish.lapse of time.Langas (j. tala.s). Wet, moist, damp.Langaskan. To wet, to moist, to damp.Lali. To pluck, to gather, to crop; aplucking, or gathering.Langan (j. the upper arm). The fore orLaiomba. A porpoise, Delphinua; v. lower ai-m ; sleeve.Lomba-lomba.LAngar (bat). Bald, wanting hair.Lalona (jav). Roaming, peregrination, Langd'ai. A ford, a shallow part in atravel.river.Lamah (3. Mmas). Soft, not hard ;pliant, Langgak (j. longgok). To be tossed.flexible ; supple, limber ; v>'eak, feeble, Langgak. A barn, a granary.debilitated ; impotent sexually. Langgana (s). Disinclined, unwilling,Lamah-lambut. Soft, gentle, tender reluctant.weak, feeble.Langgawai. A large kind of betel-box.Lamak. Fat grease ; suet ; tallow. LAnguh (j). To sit ; v. Lungguh.;Lamang (j). Name of a viand made of Langka (s). The kingdom of Rawana,the glutinous variety of rice.Ceylon; v. Langka.Lamas. To stifle, to smother, to choke, Ldngkara (JAv). Improbable; impos.sible;to suifocate; desperate, i-educed to fabulous.desperation ; hopeless.Lankari. To protect, to .shield, to shelter.Lambaga. Custom, habit, fashion. Laugkawa (Jav). A rainbow.Lambah (j. labak). Hollow, concave ; a Laugkawi. Name of an island at thehollow ; a valley, a dale.western entrance of the straits of Malacca,belonging to the State of QuedaLambang (j. Mbak). A valley ; v. Lambah.V. Langkawi.Lambar. To twi.st.LSjigkap (j). Complete, perfect, fullLambaran. The pole or lath to the ends prepared, ready before-hand ; to prepai-e,of which the burthen is suspended forto equip, to accoutre ; v. Lang-carrying on the shoulder.kap.Lambek (j). Soft, not hard or firm; Langkung. Curved, bent, bowed ; arched,tender.vaulted; hollow, concave.Lambing (j). A javeline, a short spear. Langlang (jav). Surprise, astonishment.Lambu (J). Kiue, oxen, horned cattle. Langlang-buwana (jav). Name of a mythicalpersonage, supposed to ti'avel atLambu-batina. A cow.Lambu-jautiin. A bull.intervals over the earth.Lambu-utan. The wild cow or bull. Languk. Sad, gloomy, melancholy.Lamburu (bex). Name of a sea fish. Langung, v. Languk,Limbiit (j). Soft, not hard ; ductile, Laiiap (j). To vanLsh, to disappear ; evan-

LAW—LAB [88] lAb—lAkLawe (JAv). A thread, yarn ; a string, acord ; to strangle with a cord, to bowstring.Lawet (JAv). The swallow that produces<strong>the</strong> esculent nest, Hirundo es'ulenta.Lawu (jAv). Name <strong>of</strong> a mountain in <strong>the</strong>central parts <strong>of</strong> Java, containing manyremains <strong>of</strong> Hindu antiquities.Lawuk (j). Fish, flesh, or o<strong>the</strong>r esculenteaten with rice to give it a relish.Scottice, "kitchen."Lavning (jav). The shaft <strong>of</strong> a spear.Lawung (jav). Name <strong>of</strong> a mountain inJava.Laya (jav). The abode <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> gods ; v.Suralaya.Layah (j. nglayang). To bend <strong>the</strong> bodybackwards.Layan. To bait, to put meat to temptanimals.Layani (j. ladeni). To serve, to attend.to wait, to minister to.Layang (j). To fly without flapping <strong>the</strong>wings, to glide through <strong>the</strong> air.Layang (jav). A letter, an epistle ; abook ; a writing.Layangan (j). A paper kite.Layang-layang. Name <strong>of</strong> a species <strong>of</strong>swallow.Layar (j). The sail <strong>of</strong> a ship ; to sail ; tonavigate.Layar (j).Name <strong>of</strong> a species <strong>of</strong> shark.Layar-agung. The mainsail <strong>of</strong> a ship.Layar-pangapoh. A topsail.Layar-pauurung. The mizen sail.Layar-sam<strong>and</strong>era (for. 9evedeira). Aspritsail.Layar-tupang. The foresail.Layaran. Sailing, navigation ;voyage.LayaX- (a). Suitable, fitting, proper;worthy.Layam. To br<strong>and</strong>ish, to sway.Layam. To prance.Layin. O<strong>the</strong>r; different.Layinkan. To make different, to alterto change ; to separate, to jiart.Layinua (layin <strong>and</strong> iia). O<strong>the</strong>rs, o<strong>the</strong>rpersons or things ;o<strong>the</strong>rwise.Layon (jav). A faded or wi<strong>the</strong>red leafor flower ; <strong>the</strong> corpse <strong>of</strong> a great person.Lnyor. To dry by fire, to exsiccate byartificial heat.Layu (j. layung). To wi<strong>the</strong>r, to fade ;toiroop, to languish, to pine.Layur (bat). Page <strong>of</strong> a book.Lazwardi (p). Lapis lazuli.Labah. A honey-bee.Lal)ah (j). To fall ; v. Rabah.Labai (t). a holy man ;a devotee.LSbak (JAV). A hollow; a dale ;avalley.Laban (a).Olibanum, Juniperns Lycia.Labaran (bat). A festal day.Labam. A bruise, a contusion ; to bruise,to contuse.Labat. (j. deep, pr<strong>of</strong>ound). Thick, close,frequent.Labih (j. luwih). More, to a greater degi-ee; more, greater quantity, or degree; over, above, beyond, besides.Labihkan. To make more, to add, toincrease ; to exceed.1 jabih-labihan. Excess, superfluity.Labu (j). Dust, light earthy particles;a mote.Labu-talampakan. Dust <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> sole <strong>of</strong><strong>the</strong> foot, used as a pronoun <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong>second person in aildressing a king.Labuh. Charnel ground, ground for <strong>the</strong>reception <strong>of</strong> refuse ; <strong>the</strong> outskirts <strong>of</strong> amarket-place, town, or village.Labur (j). To dissolve, to melt, toliquefy ;to ruin, to destroy.Lnburan. Dissolution, liquefaction ; ruin,destruction ; <strong>the</strong> object dissolved ormelted ; a metal.Laburgongsa (jav). Name <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> country<strong>of</strong> Kumbakarna, in <strong>the</strong> Ramayana.Lachah. Mire, mud.Laga (j). Wide, roomy, spacious ;clear,open, free from obstruction ; empty,unoccupied, unpossessed ; idle, unemployed; liberal, geuero\xs.L^gak. To bubble, to boil, to rise inbubbles.Lagen (jav). Palm wine, <strong>the</strong> sap <strong>of</strong>palms : v. Lagi.Lagi (jav). Sweet.Lagundi (j). Name <strong>of</strong> a shrub, Vitextrifoliata; r. Laguudi.La//ak (a). An interior cavity in <strong>the</strong> side<strong>of</strong> a grave where <strong>the</strong> corpse is laid.LahaZ; (a). Continuation ;joining; adhering.Lakah. A fissure, a crevice, a crack.Lal

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