A grammar and dictionary of the Malay language ... - Wallace Online

A grammar and dictionary of the Malay language ... - Wallace Online A grammar and dictionary of the Malay language ... - Wallace Online

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LAM—LAN [86] LAN—LAPLamus (bat). To cast off the skiu as asnake.Lan (jAv). And;with ; v. Dan.Lanang (jav). Male, virile ; male sex ;man ; husband.Lancha (ben). A frog.Lanchang. A Idud of boat, a barge, alighter.Lanchang (jav). To go a-liead, to go inadvance ; to anticipate the wish ordesire of another ; to take somethingimpertinently, witli or without leave.Langgar (j). A domestic chapel ; a mausoleumLanchar. Quick, nimble, clever, ready.; an academy.Lauchur. False, cotmterfoit, forged. Langgar (j). To attack, to assault, toLanchur (j. manchur). To sjiout, to gush. assail ; attack, assault ; to run against,Land-a. To move against the wind or a to run foul of.current of air.Langgari ; v. tr. To attack, to assault.Laud'ak. Name of a country on the Langit (j). The sky, the firmament.western coast of Borneo.Langit-langit. A canopy, an awning; v.Land-ak (j). The porcupine, Hlstrix. Lalangit and Lalangit.Land'ak-basar. Name of a species of Langit-langit-mulut. Tlie palate.porcupine ; literally, " the gi'eat porcupine."Langka (s). The kingdom of Rawana, inthe Ramayana, Ceylon.Land'ak-kachil. Name of a species of Langkah (s). A stride ; a step ; a paceporcupine; literallj^ "the little porcupine."to stride ; to step ; to pace ; v. Jangka.Land-as (j).Langkahi.step.To step over, to over-An anvil.Land-asan (jav). A block or stand onwhich anything is manipulated.Landilp (jav). Sharp, keen, having akeen edge ; the edge of a weapon ortool.Landap.Name of a plant, Barlcria pnonitis.Land-ek. A lock of hair artificiallycurled.Land -cyan (jav). The shaft of a lance orspear.Lanjam (jav). A ploughshare.Laujur. To shoot straight up, as a plantto stretch the legs straight out; toexaggerate.Lanjut. To be prolonged, to be extendedprolonged, lengthened.;Lanjutkan. To prolong, to extend, tolengthen.Lantai. A lath ; lath-work ; a lath floor.Lantak. To ram, to drive in with forceto peg.Lantar (J.lantaran, "way, road"). A wharf,a platform or terrace at a landing-place,a quay.Lang. A chest ; a cofi&n.Lang (J. uluug). The fishing eagle ; v.Alang.Langau. A large fly, a blue-bottle.Langdai. A ford, a shallow place in ariver.Langer. A kind of acid cosmetic usedbefore goinu; into the bath.Langgang. Solitary, retired.Langeri. To apply the langer cosmetic ;to smear with an unguent.Langkapuri (s.), v. Langka.Langkat. Name of a place on the northeasternside of Sumatra.Laugkawi. Name of a considerable islandat the eastern end of the straits ofMalacca, belonging to the state ofQueda.Langkap. Complete, perfect, full; prepared,ready, beforehand; to prepare,to equip, to accoutre ; v. Langkap.Langkung (jav). To exceed, to go beyond,to outgo ; more than ; moreover,besides.Langkungi (j). To surpass.Langkwas. Name of a medicinal plant,Gallingal, Kempfceria galanga.Langkwe, v. Langkwas.Langlang (jav). Patrolling, makingrounds.Langsat (j. langsab). Name of a fruit,LatiMum domcsticum.Langseh, v. Langsat.Laugsung. To proceed, to advance, to goon one's course.Langung. Thoughtful, pensive ;pensivencss,musing.Lanau (j. lunu). Deep mud, mire,;Lantas. Through, from one side to theother ;direct to, straight to ;permeate,passing through ; forthwith.ooze.Lante (jav). A rattan mat.Lapah. To cut uj) or dismember aLautck. To make one's joints crack.carcass ; v. Lapah.Lanting. To throw, to cast, to propel; to Lapang. Wide, roomy, spacious, extensive.discharge, to project.Lanting-lunting. A niis.sile, a projectile. Lapang. A cucumber.Lantu. Feeble, weak.Lapar (j. lapa). Hungry ; hunger ; toLanun. Name of a pimticiil pcdplo of hunger, to desire witii eagerncs.s.Lapi (ben). A mat.tlie island of Mindaiiau r. Ilaiiun.

LAP—LAS [87] LAS—LAWLapik. A stand ; a frame, a pedestal;lining.Lapis (j). A fold, a double, a plait;" fold," in composition lining ;sheath-ing-Lapisan. Lining ; sheathing.Lapiskan. To fold, to double.Lapuk. Mould, mother; mouldy, mildewed.Lapuk. Brittle, fragile ; feeble, deficientin bodily strength ; v. Rapuk.Lar (JAV). Feather, quill ; wing.Lara {(jav). A virgin, a maiden ; v.Kara and Dara.Lara (j). Sick, ailing, diseased; sickness,disease, malady ;pain, achecare, anxiety.Lara-asmara (j and s). Love-sick.Larabisa (j). Love-sick ; literally, " poison-sick."Larah (j. larih). To pledge, to invite todrink at an entertainment.Larahan. The cup or object pledged todrink.Larah. Vendible, s.ileable, in demand.Larah -larahan. Mutual pledging todrink.Larajunggrang (jav). The name givenby tiie Javanese to tlie representationof the Hindu goddess Durga slayingthe demon Mahesasura, and which,literally rendered, means " the sublimeor exalted maid."ship.Larak. Name of a parasitic plant, of Lawa (jav). A bat.wliich the fruit is esculent, and the Lawad (j). To inquire after a person, tobark yields a colouring matter.pay a visit of inquiry.Larang (j). To forbid, to prohibit, to Lawah. A joke, a jest ; a figment.interdict; to prevent, to hinder; forbidden,interdicted; contraband, ille-Lawan (j). To match, to mate, toLawa-lawa. A spider.equalgal, unlawful ; rare, scarce ; dear,costly.Larangan. Things forbidden ;unlawfulthings ; contraband goods ;prohibition; a coffin.Laras. Body, main part ; the tube orbarrel of a missile weapon.Larat. To be able, to be capable; tohave power.Larawij-ang (j. lara, "sick," and wirang," shame"). Shame-sick.Larek. To turn on a lathe or potter'swheel.Lari. Length, opposed to breadth.Lari (j. larik). A row, a line.Lari. To run ; to flee ; to abscond ; todesert.Larian. Pauming ; flight ; absconding ;desertion.Larikan. To run away with, to carry off.Lari-kawin. A run-away marriage.Larut (j. to flee). To retreat, to fallback ; to deviate ; to drag anchor.Lasa (ben). Maimed, mutilated.Lasam (jav). Name of a district on thenorthern side of Java.Lastrung (jav). The disease calledpolypus in the nose.Lasu. To turn sour, to become acid.Lat. Stranger, foreignei*.Lata. A peculiar morbid nervous excitabilityin women.Lata (s). To crawl, to creep.Latar (jav). A court, an area or openspace before a house ;an estrade.Latih. To teach, to instruct.Lati-lati. Name of a bird.Lati'i (jav). Night.Latu (jav). Fire.Latung (jav). Petroleum, earth-oil.Lat'a (jav). Name of a yellow cosmetic.Lat-i (jav). The lips.Lat'i (jav). To blacken the teeth indelibly,according to the practice ofthe Indian islanders.Laung. Long, slow, tedious ; late, tardy ;a long time.Liiung. To halloa, to call or shout to.Laut (j). The sea, the ocean.Laut-kidul (j). The south sea, the.southern ocean ; the sea south of theIndian islands.Liiut-pulau. Name of an island on thesouthern coast of Borneo.Liiutan (j). The high sea, the open sea.Liiuti. To put to sea, to go in a boat orto compete ; to rival ; to resist ; tooppose ; match, mate, equal ; rival,competitor ; antagonist, opponentenemy, foe ; rival ; opposite, againstcontrary; adverse.Lawanan. A match, a side, a party ; opposition;rivalry.Lawani. To match, to mate ; to oppose,to contend against.Lawang. Wink, twinkle.Lawang, or kulit-lawang (j). Clove^f)ark ;the bark of a tree having the odour ofcloves, and an object of trade, LauruskidU-lawahg.Lawang (jav). A gate, a door.Lawas (jav). Old, ancient ; long time ;long ago.Lawat. To walk as in a procession.Lawat (bat). To walk in a funeral procession; to visit the friends of adeceased person ; to visit the sick.Lawat (bat). A shadow, representationof an object by partial e.-iclusion oflight.

LAP—LAS [87] LAS—LAWLapik. A st<strong>and</strong> ; a frame, a pedestal;lining.Lapis (j). A fold, a double, a plait;" fold," in composition lining ;sheath-ing-Lapisan. Lining ; sheathing.Lapiskan. To fold, to double.Lapuk. Mould, mo<strong>the</strong>r; mouldy, mildewed.Lapuk. Brittle, fragile ; feeble, deficientin bodily strength ; v. Rapuk.Lar (JAV). Fea<strong>the</strong>r, quill ; wing.Lara {(jav). A virgin, a maiden ; v.Kara <strong>and</strong> Dara.Lara (j). Sick, ailing, diseased; sickness,disease, malady ;pain, achecare, anxiety.Lara-asmara (j <strong>and</strong> s). Love-sick.Larabisa (j). Love-sick ; literally, " poison-sick."Larah (j. larih). To pledge, to invite todrink at an entertainment.Larahan. The cup or object pledged todrink.Larah. Vendible, s.ileable, in dem<strong>and</strong>.Larah -larahan. Mutual pledging todrink.Larajunggrang (jav). The name givenby tiie Javanese to tlie representation<strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> Hindu goddess Durga slaying<strong>the</strong> demon Mahesasura, <strong>and</strong> which,literally rendered, means " <strong>the</strong> sublimeor exalted maid."ship.Larak. Name <strong>of</strong> a parasitic plant, <strong>of</strong> Lawa (jav). A bat.wliich <strong>the</strong> fruit is esculent, <strong>and</strong> <strong>the</strong> Lawad (j). To inquire after a person, tobark yields a colouring matter.pay a visit <strong>of</strong> inquiry.Larang (j). To forbid, to prohibit, to Lawah. A joke, a jest ; a figment.interdict; to prevent, to hinder; forbidden,interdicted; contrab<strong>and</strong>, ille-Lawan (j). To match, to mate, toLawa-lawa. A spider.equalgal, unlawful ; rare, scarce ; dear,costly.Larangan. Things forbidden ;unlawfulthings ; contrab<strong>and</strong> goods ;prohibition; a c<strong>of</strong>fin.Laras. Body, main part ; <strong>the</strong> tube orbarrel <strong>of</strong> a missile weapon.Larat. To be able, to be capable; tohave power.Larawij-ang (j. lara, "sick," <strong>and</strong> wirang," shame"). Shame-sick.Larek. To turn on a la<strong>the</strong> or potter'swheel.Lari. Length, opposed to breadth.Lari (j. larik). A row, a line.Lari. To run ; to flee ; to abscond ; todesert.Larian. Pauming ; flight ; absconding ;desertion.Larikan. To run away with, to carry <strong>of</strong>f.Lari-kawin. A run-away marriage.Larut (j. to flee). To retreat, to fallback ; to deviate ; to drag anchor.Lasa (ben). Maimed, mutilated.Lasam (jav). Name <strong>of</strong> a district on <strong>the</strong>nor<strong>the</strong>rn side <strong>of</strong> Java.Lastrung (jav). The disease calledpolypus in <strong>the</strong> nose.Lasu. To turn sour, to become acid.Lat. Stranger, foreignei*.Lata. A peculiar morbid nervous excitabilityin women.Lata (s). To crawl, to creep.Latar (jav). A court, an area or openspace before a house ;an estrade.Latih. To teach, to instruct.Lati-lati. Name <strong>of</strong> a bird.Lati'i (jav). Night.Latu (jav). Fire.Latung (jav). Petroleum, earth-oil.Lat'a (jav). Name <strong>of</strong> a yellow cosmetic.Lat-i (jav). The lips.Lat'i (jav). To blacken <strong>the</strong> teeth indelibly,according to <strong>the</strong> practice <strong>of</strong><strong>the</strong> Indian isl<strong>and</strong>ers.Laung. Long, slow, tedious ; late, tardy ;a long time.Liiung. To halloa, to call or shout to.Laut (j). The sea, <strong>the</strong> ocean.Laut-kidul (j). The south sea, <strong>the</strong>.sou<strong>the</strong>rn ocean ; <strong>the</strong> sea south <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong>Indian isl<strong>and</strong>s.Liiut-pulau. Name <strong>of</strong> an isl<strong>and</strong> on <strong>the</strong>sou<strong>the</strong>rn coast <strong>of</strong> Borneo.Liiutan (j). The high sea, <strong>the</strong> open sea.Liiuti. To put to sea, to go in a boat orto compete ; to rival ; to resist ; tooppose ; match, mate, equal ; rival,competitor ; antagonist, opponentenemy, foe ; rival ; opposite, againstcontrary; adverse.Lawanan. A match, a side, a party ; opposition;rivalry.Lawani. To match, to mate ; to oppose,to contend against.Lawang. Wink, twinkle.Lawang, or kulit-lawang (j). Clove^f)ark ;<strong>the</strong> bark <strong>of</strong> a tree having <strong>the</strong> odour <strong>of</strong>cloves, <strong>and</strong> an object <strong>of</strong> trade, LauruskidU-lawahg.Lawang (jav). A gate, a door.Lawas (jav). Old, ancient ; long time ;long ago.Lawat. To walk as in a procession.Lawat (bat). To walk in a funeral procession; to visit <strong>the</strong> friends <strong>of</strong> adeceased person ; to visit <strong>the</strong> sick.Lawat (bat). A shadow, representation<strong>of</strong> an object by partial e.-iclusion <strong>of</strong>light.

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