A grammar and dictionary of the Malay language ... - Wallace Online

A grammar and dictionary of the Malay language ... - Wallace Online A grammar and dictionary of the Malay language ... - Wallace Online

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I^IA—LADLAD—LAKA'las. Argument instruction; judg- j Lada-^wujang Long-pepper, Piper Iontliatment, opinion.gum.iKTiaskan. To with ; to instruct ; Lada-putih. White,is, blanchedto judge of.black pepper.Ladak (jav). Haughty, arrogant; toK'il. Word, speech reply.A'imat.;Worth, price, cost, value ; estimation.apply abusive language ; to treat withopprobrious words.A'ubur. A tomb.Ladang. Dry field, arable land.Aiidrat. Power, force ; ability.Ladaug. A skiff, a canoe.Aiidiis. Holy, hallowed, sauctitied. Ladeh. Curd, curdled milk.iTiiran. The Koi-an.Lading (jav). A knife.Aiirbau. Otieriug. gift ; .sacrifice. Ladung. Hollow, concave.Aiitiib. The polar star.Laga (jav). War : fight, battle ;to fight.A'fitun. Cotton.Lagam. Name of a fruit-tree.A'liwat. Strength ; force ;power ; strong, Lagflm (t). Tune, air.powerful.Lagi (j). More, to a greater degreeyet, still ; now, just now, at presentLaBA (s). Profit, gain, dvantage.Laba-laba. A spider ; v. Ldlaba.Labau (j). Name of a tree, Vitex 2iubescens.Labi,n (ben). A spike nail.Labi-labi. The green or esculent turtle.Labu. A gourd, Cucurbita lagcnaria.Labuh (j). To drop, to let fall, to let go,to let down ; to anchor, to drop anchor.Labuh-aji (j). Name of a town in theisland of Lombok; literally, "king'sanchorage."Labuhan. An anchorage, a harbour;name of an island on the north-westerncoast of Borneo, now a Britishsettlement.Labuhan-tring.Name of a fine harbourin the island of Lombok, on the straitbetween it and Bali.Labuhkau. To drop, to let fall ; to letdown ; to anchor.Labur (j). To daub, to smear, toplaster.Labur. To melt ; to smelt.Laburan. Plaster.Laburau. The object melted ; a metaldestruction.Lachur (bat). In vain, to no purpose.Lada. Name of a large island at thewestern end of the Straits of Malacca.Lada (sun. pungent). A generic namefor any peppery spice, including thecapsicums, but most commonly appliedto " black pepper."Lada-anjing. Name of a plant ; literally," dog-pepper."Ijada-barekor. The cubeb; literally," tailed-pejiper ;" Piper cubeha ; v. Kumukus.Lada-kaehil. Black pepper ; literally," little-pepper ;" Piptr uiyrum.Lada-lada. Name of a flower.Lada-merab. The chili or cap.sicumliterally, " red-pepper."whilst, during the time that ; also,besides.Lagi-pula. Moreover, furthermore.Lagi-pun. Besides, over and above.Lagu (j). A tune, an air, a melody;a metrical measure.Lagundi (j). Name of a shrub; Vitex; trifoliata v. Lagundi.Lah. An inseisarable afiix which, appliedto neuter verbs, softens the meaning,and to noims, adjectives, and pronouns,makes them take the sense ofneuter verbs.Lai. An idiomatic word used in theenumeration of certain objects, thin,long, and slender ; v. Alai.Laju (j. to pass, to proceed). To fleet,to move quickly; to glide, to mo\eswiftly and smoothly ; fieet, swiftgliding, moving swiftly and smoothly.Lajur (jav). To extend, to stretch outa line, a row.Lak (p). Gum-lac ;sealing-wax.Laka (j). Name of a red wood used asincense, Myrisiica iiurs.Lakar (j). Form, shape, frame; frame,what encloses something else; materials,rough matter ; model, pattern ;native, native state ; nature, disposition,character.Lakarkiln. To form, to shape, to frame.Lakai'-lakar (ben). Name of a speciesof tortoise.Laki (j). Male of the human race ; man,not woman; husband. The word isoften applied to the male sex generally,but not in the best Malay.Laki-laki. Male ; males, men ; v. Ldlaki.Laking (a). But, nevertheless.Lakon. A story, a tale.Lakor. To mix, to blend.Laksa (s). Ten thousand. It should bea hundred thousand ; but in all thelanguages in the Archipelago that haveadopted the term, the same error

LAK—LAM [85] LAM—LAMwith the sole exception of that Lamakera (bu). Name of a smallof the Lam23ungs of Sumatra, where the island lying between Flores and Timur,colonised by the Bugis.word is correctly ajiplied : v. Laksa.Laknamana (s). Name of the brother of Laman. The page of a book.Rama, in tlie poem of Ramayana. Lamar (jav). A token of betrothal, orLaksamana. The title of the commanderof the fleet in some Malay sta;cs,which is the same as commander oftlie forces.Laksana (s). Like, resembling ; v. Laksaiia.Lakn (j). To go, to proceed ; to passto move on ; to travel ; to succeed, totake effect ; to pass, to be cui-reutprogress ;proceeding ; course ; way,mode, manner ; transaction ; action,deed ; conduct, deportment, behaviour; condition, state.Lakukan. To effect, to accomplish, toexecute, to perform ; to conduct, tomanage.Laku-laku. Thus, after this fashion.Lalai (j. lali). To forget ; to neglect, todisregard ; forgetful ; negligent, inattentive; listless ; idle, unemployed ;forgetfulness ; negligence, inattention;oblivion.Lalana (jav). To journey, to travel ; toroam, to wander.Lalang (j). Name of a tall rank grass,Andropogon caricosum ; v. Alaug-alang.Lalangit (j). The palaty ; an awning,a canopy ; from Langit, the sky ; v.Laugit-langit.Lalara (j). Sickness.Lalat (j. lalar). A fly, Mus^a.Lalat-karbau. Literally, "buffalo-fly;"QLslrus.Lalat-kuda. Literally, " house-flv ; " Tabauus.Lalawa (j). A bat, Vcapcrtilio ; u Lawa.Lalayu (j). A pennon, a streamer, abanner ; v. Lalayu.Laleyan (jav.) A brick wall ; a name ofPanji Inakarta-pati.Lalu. To go, to move, to pass ; to setabout, to apply to, to proceed to do ;past, gone, not present. It may sometimesbe translated by our preterite" was."Laliii. To pass, to go beyond ; to pass,to go through ; to exceed, to go beyond; to resist, to oppugn ; to refuse,to deny ; to cross, to contravene.Lalukan. To cause to pass, to cause toproceed.Lama (j). Long ago, long since ; long,not for a short time : old, former,anterior, prior ; old, ancient ; duration,length of time.Lama-lama (j). Very long ago. verylong since ; very long time, greatlength of time.present from the bridegroom to theparents of the bride.Laiuaraan. Name of a place on thenorth-western coast of Borneo.Laman. Void, empty, unoccupied;room, space.Laman (j). Name of a kind of hangeror cutlass.Lambai. To beckon, to make a sign ; towave, to brandish.Lambar (sun). Sheet, thin expandedobject ; leaf of a book.Lambat (s). Slow, tardy, dilatory ; lingering,loitering ; late, long-delayed ;long, for a long time ;slowness, tardiness;delay, procrastination.Lambatkan. To delay, to prolong, toprotract ; to procrastinate.Lambe (jav). The lips; brim, margin,border.Lanibego (bu). Name of an island onthe southern coast of Celebes.Lambung (j. the waist). Flank, sidebelow the ribs ; flank of an army.Lambung. To throw with a jerk, or tossin the air.Lambungan. Flank, side ; v. Lambung.Lamin. Two, a pair.Lampah (jav). To go, to proceedgoing, proceeding ; course, way ; conduct,demeanour, behaviour.Lampai. Slender, long and small.Lampas. Talkative, loquacious, gari'ulous,prating, chattering, babbling.Lampau. To exceed, to go beyondlimits ; to pass, to go beyond.Lampai'. Contagious, infectious.Lampas. Rash, hasty, precipitate ; rashness,temerity.Lampiri. To swathe.Lampis. A fold, a double ; v. Lapis.Lampor (ben). A stack or rick of corn.Lampu. To pa=s by.Lampu (eu). A lamp.Lampuh (bat). To exceed, to surpass,to excel.Lamjjung. Name of a country, peojile,and language of Sumatra.Lampung. A buoy, a float.Lampus (jav). To be killed, to be putto death.Lampuyang. Name of a plant, Ziwjihercassumunar ; r. Lampuyang.Lamun (jav). If, suppose that ; in case,if it should happen ;provided thatalthough, even if, notwithstandingthat, in order that.Lamur (jav). Purblind, dim-sighted.

LAK—LAM [85] LAM—LAMwith <strong>the</strong> sole exception <strong>of</strong> that Lamakera (bu). Name <strong>of</strong> a small<strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> Lam23ungs <strong>of</strong> Sumatra, where <strong>the</strong> isl<strong>and</strong> lying between Flores <strong>and</strong> Timur,colonised by <strong>the</strong> Bugis.word is correctly ajiplied : v. Laksa.Laknamana (s). Name <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> bro<strong>the</strong>r <strong>of</strong> Laman. The page <strong>of</strong> a book.Rama, in tlie poem <strong>of</strong> Ramayana. Lamar (jav). A token <strong>of</strong> betrothal, orLaksamana. The title <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> comm<strong>and</strong>er<strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> fleet in some <strong>Malay</strong> sta;cs,which is <strong>the</strong> same as comm<strong>and</strong>er <strong>of</strong>tlie forces.Laksana (s). Like, resembling ; v. Laksaiia.Lakn (j). To go, to proceed ; to passto move on ; to travel ; to succeed, totake effect ; to pass, to be cui-reutprogress ;proceeding ; course ; way,mode, manner ; transaction ; action,deed ; conduct, deportment, behaviour; condition, state.Lakukan. To effect, to accomplish, toexecute, to perform ; to conduct, tomanage.Laku-laku. Thus, after this fashion.Lalai (j. lali). To forget ; to neglect, todisregard ; forgetful ; negligent, inattentive; listless ; idle, unemployed ;forgetfulness ; negligence, inattention;oblivion.Lalana (jav). To journey, to travel ; toroam, to w<strong>and</strong>er.Lalang (j). Name <strong>of</strong> a tall rank grass,Andropogon caricosum ; v. Alaug-alang.Lalangit (j). The palaty ; an awning,a canopy ; from Langit, <strong>the</strong> sky ; v.Laugit-langit.Lalara (j). Sickness.Lalat (j. lalar). A fly, Mus^a.Lalat-karbau. Literally, "buffalo-fly;"QLslrus.Lalat-kuda. Literally, " house-flv ; " Tabauus.Lalawa (j). A bat, Vcapcrtilio ; u Lawa.Lalayu (j). A pennon, a streamer, abanner ; v. Lalayu.Laleyan (jav.) A brick wall ; a name <strong>of</strong>Panji Inakarta-pati.Lalu. To go, to move, to pass ; to setabout, to apply to, to proceed to do ;past, gone, not present. It may sometimesbe translated by our preterite" was."Laliii. To pass, to go beyond ; to pass,to go through ; to exceed, to go beyond; to resist, to oppugn ; to refuse,to deny ; to cross, to contravene.Lalukan. To cause to pass, to cause toproceed.Lama (j). Long ago, long since ; long,not for a short time : old, former,anterior, prior ; old, ancient ; duration,length <strong>of</strong> time.Lama-lama (j). Very long ago. verylong since ; very long time, greatlength <strong>of</strong> time.present from <strong>the</strong> bridegroom to <strong>the</strong>parents <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> bride.Laiuaraan. Name <strong>of</strong> a place on <strong>the</strong>north-western coast <strong>of</strong> Borneo.Laman. Void, empty, unoccupied;room, space.Laman (j). Name <strong>of</strong> a kind <strong>of</strong> hangeror cutlass.Lambai. To beckon, to make a sign ; towave, to br<strong>and</strong>ish.Lambar (sun). Sheet, thin exp<strong>and</strong>edobject ; leaf <strong>of</strong> a book.Lambat (s). Slow, tardy, dilatory ; lingering,loitering ; late, long-delayed ;long, for a long time ;slowness, tardiness;delay, procrastination.Lambatkan. To delay, to prolong, toprotract ; to procrastinate.Lambe (jav). The lips; brim, margin,border.Lanibego (bu). Name <strong>of</strong> an isl<strong>and</strong> on<strong>the</strong> sou<strong>the</strong>rn coast <strong>of</strong> Celebes.Lambung (j. <strong>the</strong> waist). Flank, sidebelow <strong>the</strong> ribs ; flank <strong>of</strong> an army.Lambung. To throw with a jerk, or tossin <strong>the</strong> air.Lambungan. Flank, side ; v. Lambung.Lamin. Two, a pair.Lampah (jav). To go, to proceedgoing, proceeding ; course, way ; conduct,demeanour, behaviour.Lampai. Slender, long <strong>and</strong> small.Lampas. Talkative, loquacious, gari'ulous,prating, chattering, babbling.Lampau. To exceed, to go beyondlimits ; to pass, to go beyond.Lampai'. Contagious, infectious.Lampas. Rash, hasty, precipitate ; rashness,temerity.Lampiri. To swa<strong>the</strong>.Lampis. A fold, a double ; v. Lapis.Lampor (ben). A stack or rick <strong>of</strong> corn.Lampu. To pa=s by.Lampu (eu). A lamp.Lampuh (bat). To exceed, to surpass,to excel.Lamjjung. Name <strong>of</strong> a country, peojile,<strong>and</strong> <strong>language</strong> <strong>of</strong> Sumatra.Lampung. A buoy, a float.Lampus (jav). To be killed, to be putto death.Lampuyang. Name <strong>of</strong> a plant, Ziwjihercassumunar ; r. Lampuyang.Lamun (jav). If, suppose that ; in case,if it should happen ;provided thatalthough, even if, notwithst<strong>and</strong>ingthat, in order that.Lamur (jav). Purblind, dim-sighted.

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