A grammar and dictionary of the Malay language ... - Wallace Online

A grammar and dictionary of the Malay language ... - Wallace Online A grammar and dictionary of the Malay language ... - Wallace Online

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KAKr—KATL 76] KAT—KECafifaii*, transaction, business; employment,occupation, calling, profession ;need, want for use ; to do, to maketo labour, to work.Kdrjakan. To jierform, to execute, toaccomplish.ogle.Karlip. To glitter, to glisten.Karmuuing. Name of a tree ; v. Kamuning.Kama (s). King of Awangga, and a heroof the Mahabarat.Karniya (s). Favovir, gi-ace, bounty; gift,largess ; v. Karniya and Kurniya.Karoh. Turbid, muddy, not clear; v.Kroh.Karok (j). To rub, to scrub ; to curry ahorse.Karonchong. Hollow armlets, bracelets,or anklets, that give a tinklingsound.Katok. A kind of staccado or musicalKarta (JAv). Rest, repose; tranquillity; trough ; to knock, to beat.fortune, luck ; success.Katok (bat). To chuck, to cluck.Kartawadana (s and j). An adviser, a Katopong (j). A helmet, a head-piece ;counsellor.Kartak. To rub, to chafe ; v. Gartak.V. Tojioug.Katu (jAv). A turban.Kartam. To jog, to move as a horse Kiltuju. Towards, in a direction totrotting.Kartarta (jav).A chosen band of warriors.Kartika (s). The constellation of thePleiades.Karumun. To collect, to assemble, tocrowd together ; v. Ki-umun.Karumuui. To cause to collect or assemble; V. Krumuni.Karuwiyak (ben). To crow as a cock.Kasak (j. dasak). To push aside, to moveout of the way.Kiisat. Rough, rugged, not smooth.Kasal (j). Weary, tired, fatigued, jaded.Kased (jav). Lazy, slothful, idle.Kasit (jav). Wild, shy, untamed.Kaskul (jav). A vessel for holding watermade from a coconvit shell.Kasrah (a). The second of the Arabictool) ; to snip, to nip off; to reap cornby nipping ofl" the eai's.Katan (jav). Glutinous rice, Oryza sativa,var. (/lutinosa ; v. Pulut.Katapang. Name of a plant, Terminaliacata2)2)a,K&rjang. Pure, flue.Katara (j). Disclosed, i-evealed ; manifest,Karkah. To mouth, to seize with theobvious.mouth.Katilmbu. Name of a fish.Karkun. A writer, a scribe ; v. Karkuu. KatAr (j). To quake, to tremble; v. Gatar.K^rling. To leer, to look obliquely ;to Katek-katek. To move with a writhingmotion.Katela (jav). The batata or sweet potatoe.Convolvulus batatas.Kati (j). The cattle weight or -^^ of apikul. estimated at 1^ of a pound avoirdupois.Katib. To nibble, to bite by little andlittle.Katika (s). Time; season, period; v.Kutika.a cot, a bedstead.Kiltil (t).Katimun (j). A cucumber, Cucumis melo ;V. Timun and Katimim.Katiyak. The armpit.direct, straight, not oblique ; lucli^,fortunate ; v. Katuju.Katul. A lump, a mass.Katularan (j. tular). Infection, contagionV. Katularan.Katumbai- (j). Coriander, Coriamdrumsativum.Katumbuh (tumbuh). The small-pox,variola.Katungkul. Hindrance, stoppage.Katupat. Boiled rice, dressed \vith oiland wi-apped in leaves.Katut. A piece of hollow wood used asan alarum or tocsin.Kiituwa (jAv). Name of a petty Malayofficei".Katwal (p). An iutendant of police, apolice magistrate.Kilt'ek (JAV). A monkey, an ape.vowel marks called baris-dibawah, or Kati (s). One hundred thousand." the stroke below," by the Malays. Kat-ik (jAV). To file the teeth.Kasturi (s). Musk, castor.Kat'ok (jAv). To cut off, to lop, to amputate.Kdsumba-jawa (t). Safflower, CarthamimKclt-ok. To tap, to rap ; to thump.tinclorius ; v. Kasumba-jawa.Kasumba-kling (t). Aruotto, £ixa orcllaiiaKat'ul (jAv). Blunt, not sharp.; V. Kasumba-kling.K«bah (a). The temple of Mecca, theKata (r). A bed, a couch, a throne ; v. Caba.Gilta.Kechek (jav). Name of a game of chance;Katab (a). A volume, a book ; the book, V. Kichi.the Alkoran ; the Bible.Kecher (jav). To spill, to be dropped byKatam (s). A crab, Cancer ; a plane (the little and little.

KEC—KID [ 77 ]KIJ—KIPstai-board.Kera (j). To think, to opine; to consider,Kilat-bau (jav). An armlet.to i^onder ; to reflect ; to think, Kilau. To glitter, to glisten.to judge; thought; opinion, judgment; Kilau-kilaui'an. Glittering continuously.Kilik. To poke into a holo with a rodV. Kira.Keraiia (kera and ua) ; adv. About, to stuS" iuto a hole.nearly; may expressing desire ; may it Kilik. To bear under the arm.pray, prithee.Kilik-kilikan. The arm of a chair orKere (jav). A beggar, a mendicant.couch.Kesawa (s). A name of Ki-ishna.Kilir. To whet, to sharpen.Keser (jav). A car, a cart.Kima. The gigantic clamp shell, ChamaKesu (s). a name of the Hindu god gigas.Vishnu.Kimbulan. The quarter-deck of a ship.Kesut. To slide or sidle, sitting on theposteriors.Kesut (bat). To shrink, to contract ; tosubside ; to shrivel.Ketan. Name of a place on the westcoast of Borneo.Kete (j. kate). Diminutive, puny.Ketung. Name of a fish.Ket'ek (jav). A float, a raft.Ket-el (eu). A kettle.Kewat. Ribbald, foul-mouthed.Kewuh (jav). Difiiculty ; distress.Keyo. Name of a language and tribe ofthe island of Floris.Kiili (ben). Art, knack, trick.Kibar. To flutter, to vibrate, to undulate.Kibas. To shake, to be agitated.Kuchi. Name of a game of chance ; v.Keche.Kidai. Left-handed.Kidul (jav). The south ; south, southern.Kidvmg (jav). To sing; a song.Kidungau. Song, verse.Ivijang (j. kidang). Name of a species ofdeer, Ccrv%i,s manjac.Kikid (jav). Miserly, niggardly, avaricious; a miser.Kikik. Name of a fish ; a piece or patchin a garment in the form of this fish.1^0 gnaw, to nibble.Keclii (eu). a ketch, a brig-rigged vessel.Kechu (j). A robbei- ; to rob.Keju (poR. queijo). Cheese.Kendal (jav). To stop, to cease ; to restto be silent.Kekek. To laugh convulsively or hysterically.Kekek (j. keket). Name of a species ofKikil.Kikil (jav). The foot of an animal;parrot.name of a land measm-e, the half of aKeku (bat). Awkward, clumsy, unhandy. jung, or four bans.Keli (jav). To float with the stream or Kikir (j). A rasp, a file ; to rasp, to fileto drift.avaricious, miserly, penurious.tide,Kelo-kelo. Serpentine, winding.Kikiran. Rasping, filing; avarice, niggardliness.Kelu (jav). To follow, to go after; toobey.Kikis. To scrape ; to efiace, to erase.Kelor (j). Name of a tree, Movinga Kila. To wish, to desire.ptengospe^-ma.Kilah. Interstice, space between.Kelor-gunung (j). Name of a tree, Thalictrumjavanicum.Kilan (jav). A span.Kilaui (ben). To turn.Kenchak (sun). Calumnious, slanderous. Kilang (ben). To express the juice ofKepeug (J. gepeng). Shallow, not deep the sugar-cane or other plant betweenflat, level, not elevated ; an idiomatic revolving rollers.word in counting certain flat objects ;Kilangan. A mill with revolving rollers.name of a small coin.Keping. To keep a watch or look-out atsea; the side of a ship, larboai'd orKilat (j). Lightning ; to lighten ; a flash,a gleam, a coruscation; to flash, togleam ; a hint, a suggestion ; to hint,to suggest.ICimpu (ben). An ai'tificer, a workman ;V. Kipu.Kimpul (jav). a purse, a scrip, abag.Kiuabalu. Name of a mountain towardsthe north-eastern part of Borneo, estimatedat between 13,000 and 14,000feet high ; name of a gi-eat lake neai'the mountain.Kinchub (j). A flower-bud before it isfull-blown ; unexpanded, not blo\vn.Kimxab (r). Brocade.Kini. Now, at present.liinjat. To stand on tiptoe.Kintal (bat). Interior of a house.Kingang. Ore of antimony, native sulphuretof antimony.Kipal. A lump, a clod; in lumps, inclods.Kijsas (j). A fan to ventilate ; a fan towinnow ; to fan, to ventilate ; to ftiu,to winnow ; to sway, to wave in thehand.Kipsigau. A pipkin, an earthen boiler.

KAKr—KATL 76] KAT—KECafifaii*, transaction, business; employment,occupation, calling, pr<strong>of</strong>ession ;need, want for use ; to do, to maketo labour, to work.Kdrjakan. To jierform, to execute, toaccomplish.ogle.Karlip. To glitter, to glisten.Karmuuing. Name <strong>of</strong> a tree ; v. Kamuning.Kama (s). King <strong>of</strong> Awangga, <strong>and</strong> a hero<strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> Mahabarat.Karniya (s). Favovir, gi-ace, bounty; gift,largess ; v. Karniya <strong>and</strong> Kurniya.Karoh. Turbid, muddy, not clear; v.Kroh.Karok (j). To rub, to scrub ; to curry ahorse.Karonchong. Hollow armlets, bracelets,or anklets, that give a tinklingsound.Katok. A kind <strong>of</strong> staccado or musicalKarta (JAv). Rest, repose; tranquillity; trough ; to knock, to beat.fortune, luck ; success.Katok (bat). To chuck, to cluck.Kartawadana (s <strong>and</strong> j). An adviser, a Katopong (j). A helmet, a head-piece ;counsellor.Kartak. To rub, to chafe ; v. Gartak.V. Tojioug.Katu (jAv). A turban.Kartam. To jog, to move as a horse Kiltuju. Towards, in a direction totrotting.Kartarta (jav).A chosen b<strong>and</strong> <strong>of</strong> warriors.Kartika (s). The constellation <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong>Pleiades.Karumun. To collect, to assemble, tocrowd toge<strong>the</strong>r ; v. Ki-umun.Karumuui. To cause to collect or assemble; V. Krumuni.Karuwiyak (ben). To crow as a cock.Kasak (j. dasak). To push aside, to moveout <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> way.Kiisat. Rough, rugged, not smooth.Kasal (j). Weary, tired, fatigued, jaded.Kased (jav). Lazy, slothful, idle.Kasit (jav). Wild, shy, untamed.Kaskul (jav). A vessel for holding watermade from a coconvit shell.Kasrah (a). The second <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> Arabictool) ; to snip, to nip <strong>of</strong>f; to reap cornby nipping <strong>of</strong>l" <strong>the</strong> eai's.Katan (jav). Glutinous rice, Oryza sativa,var. (/lutinosa ; v. Pulut.Katapang. Name <strong>of</strong> a plant, Terminaliacata2)2)a,K&rjang. Pure, flue.Katara (j). Disclosed, i-evealed ; manifest,Karkah. To mouth, to seize with <strong>the</strong>obvious.mouth.Katilmbu. Name <strong>of</strong> a fish.Karkun. A writer, a scribe ; v. Karkuu. KatAr (j). To quake, to tremble; v. Gatar.K^rling. To leer, to look obliquely ;to Katek-katek. To move with a writhingmotion.Katela (jav). The batata or sweet potatoe.Convolvulus batatas.Kati (j). The cattle weight or -^^ <strong>of</strong> apikul. estimated at 1^ <strong>of</strong> a pound avoirdupois.Katib. To nibble, to bite by little <strong>and</strong>little.Katika (s). Time; season, period; v.Kutika.a cot, a bedstead.Kiltil (t).Katimun (j). A cucumber, Cucumis melo ;V. Timun <strong>and</strong> Katimim.Katiyak. The armpit.direct, straight, not oblique ; lucli^,fortunate ; v. Katuju.Katul. A lump, a mass.Katularan (j. tular). Infection, contagionV. Katularan.Katumbai- (j). Cori<strong>and</strong>er, Coriamdrumsativum.Katumbuh (tumbuh). The small-pox,variola.Katungkul. Hindrance, stoppage.Katupat. Boiled rice, dressed \vith oil<strong>and</strong> wi-apped in leaves.Katut. A piece <strong>of</strong> hollow wood used asan alarum or tocsin.Kiituwa (jAv). Name <strong>of</strong> a petty <strong>Malay</strong><strong>of</strong>ficei".Katwal (p). An iutendant <strong>of</strong> police, apolice magistrate.Kilt'ek (JAV). A monkey, an ape.vowel marks called baris-dibawah, or Kati (s). One hundred thous<strong>and</strong>." <strong>the</strong> stroke below," by <strong>the</strong> <strong>Malay</strong>s. Kat-ik (jAV). To file <strong>the</strong> teeth.Kasturi (s). Musk, castor.Kat'ok (jAv). To cut <strong>of</strong>f, to lop, to amputate.Kdsumba-jawa (t). Safflower, CarthamimKclt-ok. To tap, to rap ; to thump.tinclorius ; v. Kasumba-jawa.Kasumba-kling (t). Aruotto, £ixa orcllaiiaKat'ul (jAv). Blunt, not sharp.; V. Kasumba-kling.K«bah (a). The temple <strong>of</strong> Mecca, <strong>the</strong>Kata (r). A bed, a couch, a throne ; v. Caba.Gilta.Kechek (jav). Name <strong>of</strong> a game <strong>of</strong> chance;Katab (a). A volume, a book ; <strong>the</strong> book, V. Kichi.<strong>the</strong> Alkoran ; <strong>the</strong> Bible.Kecher (jav). To spill, to be dropped byKatam (s). A crab, Cancer ; a plane (<strong>the</strong> little <strong>and</strong> little.

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