A grammar and dictionary of the Malay language ... - Wallace Online

A grammar and dictionary of the Malay language ... - Wallace Online A grammar and dictionary of the Malay language ... - Wallace Online

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KAP—KAR [68] KAR—KASKaputusan (putus). Conclusion, termination,brother of Suyudana, in the Maha-end decision, determination barat.;judgment, decree.Kartapati (s). A name of the prince ofKara. To frolic, to sport.Janggala, in Java, commonly known asKai'iiarjan (jay). Welfare, success, prosperity.Inakarta-pati, or the Pauji.Kartasura (jav). Name of a district inKarali. Name of a species of tortoise. the province of Pajaug, in Java, and theKarajaan (raja). Royalty, kingship, seat of a former capital of the Susunan.sovereignty, kingdom ; dominion ; re-Karugian (rugi). Lo^s, damage, detriment.galia.Karana (s). Cause, reason; for, because;sake, account.Karang (j). A coral rock or reef; anyrock in the sea.Karang (jav). Cultivated esculent rootsKaras. A cake ; v. Kakaras.Karat (j. karot). To grind or gnash theteeth.Karat. Rust; rasty; to rust; canker,corrosion.Kai'atan. Rust ; canker, corrosion.Karaton (jav. from ratu, " a king ''). Apalace.Karau. To haul, to pull at a rope.Karawang (jav). Krawangg, a Sundadistrict in Java.Karilm. To founder, to sink to the bottom;to be wi-ecked; to be overwhelmed,to be destroyed; foundering; shipwreck ; destruction.Karamkan. To cause to founder; towreck; to overwhelm, to destroy.Karembong (bat). Cover, envelope.Karikil (jav). A pebble; gravel.Karil. The hare, Ijepus, brought to Javafrom continental India.Karkun. A writer, a scribe.Karma. Misfortune, calamity.Kama (s). Cause, reason ; for, because ;sake, account; v. Kamna.Karna-apa. Why, wherefore, for whatreason.Kama-ini. On this account, for thisreason.Karna-itu. Therefore, on that account,for that reason.Karot (j. karot). To make a grating orgrinding noise.Karpa (s). The younger brother of Durna,in the Mahabarat.Karpus (bat). A cap, a mutch.Karta (s). Order, arrangement ;policy.Kartaniarma (s). Name of a youngerKai'u-kam (ben). Name of an insect.Karunya (s). Favour, grace, bounty;gift, largess v. Kurniya and Karuiya.;Karunyakan. To bestow, to make afruit-trees.Kaning (j).a bag. A sack,Karang (j). intersperse withTo set, to Karut. to scribble ; to quibble,To tangle ;anything ornamental ; to wi'ite, toto shufile, to prevaricate.comi:>ose ; setting or arrangement of Karut (j). To scratch; v. Garut.flowers or gems; composition, writing; Kai-uwan (jav). Certain, sure ; determined,a trap or snare ; order, arrangement.established.Karaug-karaugan. Artificial rock-work. Karuwiyak (ben). To crow as a cock.Karangan. The object set with flowers Kasa (sa). First.or gems; arrangement of flowers or Kasa (s). Ether, the firmament ; v. Akasagems ; writing, written composition. and Angkasa.Kasai. To apply cosmetics.Kasakian. Thus, in this manner ; v.Sakian.Kasakitan (sakit). Pain ; hurt, soregift.sickness, malady; afliiction, suffering;infliction, punishment.Kasalahan (salah). Eri-or; wrong; fault,offence ; sin, trespass ; mistake ; erroneous;in fault.Kasamaran (samai-). Disguise.Kasamuwa (samuwa). All, the whole.Kasan. Track, mark ;probably an abbreviationof bakasau, from bakas.Kasana (ka and sana). Thither.Kasaua-kasiui. Hither and thither, toand fro.Kasap (j). Rough, rugged ; shaggyhard, liarsh ; coarse ; v. Gasap.Kasapuluh (sapuluh). Tenth ; the ten.Kasai' (j). Coarse, not fine ; rude, rough,uncivil ; uniJolished.Kasarta (j. sarta). Along with, together.Kasasar (sasar). To stray, to be bewildered; to be puzzled.Kasatriyan (satriya). Valour.Kasau. A rafter.Kasablah. On the side of, on the part of.Kasajukan (sajuk). Chilliness; to bechilled ; cold, coldness.Kasakatan (sakat). A barrier, an obstruction.Kasaksian (saksi). Testimony, evidence.Kasilktian (sakti). Skill ;power ; supernaturalpower ; enchantment ; enchanted.Interval, space be-Kasalflngan (salang).tween.Kasaml)ilan. Ninth ; the nine.

KAS—KAT [69] KAT—KAWKasampurnaan (sampuma). Consummation,Katepan (j). Name of a plant. Cassiaperfection.torosa.Kasanilngan (sfiuang). Rest, repose ; tranquillity,Kati (j). A weight of 1 ^ lbs. avoii-dupois,quiet.of which 100 make a pikul.Kasilrapatau (ben). Sentence, judgment, Katidiian (tida). Denial, negation ; lack,decision.want ; nothingness.Kasasakan (sasak). Narrowness; strait, Katidoran (tidor). Sleep, sleeping.distress, difficulty.Katiga (tiga). Third; the third seasonKasep (j). Late, not early; late in season,or period of drought in the i-ural ka-out of season.lendar of the Javanese.Kasi. To give ; to allow, to let, to permit. Katimpuhan (timpuh). Deposit, pledgeKasigar (sigar). To be rent, to be split, i-ansom ; exchange.to be cleft.Katimiin (j). A cucumber, Cucunus melo ;Timun Kasih (j). Love, affection ; kindness ; V. and Katimun.favour ; pity, compassion ; to love ; tofavour ; to pity.Katingal(jAV.tingal). Visible, perceptibleby the eye.Katinggiau (tinggi). Height, elevation.Kasilian. Love, affection ; kindness ; favour;pity, compassion.Kath" (j). The outriggers of a small boat.Kasmi (siui). Hither.Katuhauan (tuhan). Deity, godhead.Kasitu (situ). Thither.Kasmaran (jav). Joy, delight.Kastila (for. Castella). Castile, Spanish ;Spain.Kasturi (s). Musk ; castor.Kasukiian (suka). Joy, gladness ; rejoicing,merry-making.Kasukaran (sukar). Difficulty, hardshiptrouble.Kasumba-jawa (s). Safflower, Ccirthamustinctonm.Kasumba-kling. Arnotto, Bixa orellana.Kasungguhan (sungguh). Truth, verity.Kasur (j). A mattress.Kasusalian (susah). Difficulty ; distresspei'plexity, vexation ; tribulation.Kasut. Brackish.Kasut. A shoe.Kata (s). To speak, to say, to utter ; aword ; a saying.Kata-kata. Discom'se, talk; words, declamation.Katai. A tadpole ; a dwarfKatak. A frog.Katak-puru. A toad.Katakan (kata). To name, to call,Katakutan (takut). Fear, apprehension,dread, terror ; afraid, afeard, ten-ified.Katambahan (tambah). Increase, addition,augmentation.Kataiian (tau). Knowledge ; recognitionconscious, knowing one's own thoughts.Kat'auwi (tau). To know ; know ye, towit, adv.Katad'uhan. A calm, stillness of the air.Kataguhan(taguh). Strength; firmness;confirmation, assurance, settlement.Katamu (tamu). To be found, to be met,to be encountered; found, met, encountered.Katantiian (tantu). Certainty, assurance.Katangah (tangah). The middle, themidst.Kate (j). Diminutive.Katuju (tuju). Towards, in a directionto ; direct, not oblique ; fortunate,lucky.Katujuh (tuju). Seventh.Katularan (j. tulai-). Infection, contagion.Katumbuh (tumbuh). The small-pox.Katumbuhan (tumbuh). A shoot, asprout ; a shooting, a sprouting.Katumbukan (tumbuk ?) A band, a company,a troop, body of men.Katuug (ben), a turtle, a tortoise.Katuuggu (tunggu). To bo guarded, tobe watched ; watched, guarded.Katup (tutup). To be shut, to be closedV. Katutup.Katurunau (turun). Descent, progi-essdowTiwards ; descent, lineage, genealogy,pedigree ;generation.Katutup (tutup). To be closed, to beshut; V. Katup.Katuwa. Title of a petty Malay officer.Katya. The armpit.Katil (t). a couch, a cot, a sofa.Kau. Pronoun of the second person,abbreviation of angkau ; v. Augkau.Kawah (j). A lake of boilmg mud in theinfernal regions, according to the ancientbelief of the Javanese ; an ii-onpan, a caldron ; a kettle.Kawal (j). A guard, a watch ; an advancedpost, a piquet.Kawan. A company, a band, a troop ; aflock ; a covey ; a herd ; a drove.Kawan (j. ponakawan). A companion, acomrade, an associate; a confederate,an ally.Kawat (j). Wire.Kawi. Brown.Kawi (s). To nan-ate, to relate; narrative,relation, story ; the ancient orrecondite language of Java.Kawin (j). Story, tale, narrative; tonarrate, to relate.

KAP—KAR [68] KAR—KASKaputusan (putus). Conclusion, termination,bro<strong>the</strong>r <strong>of</strong> Suyudana, in <strong>the</strong> Maha-end decision, determination barat.;judgment, decree.Kartapati (s). A name <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> prince <strong>of</strong>Kara. To frolic, to sport.Janggala, in Java, commonly known asKai'iiarjan (jay). Welfare, success, prosperity.Inakarta-pati, or <strong>the</strong> Pauji.Kartasura (jav). Name <strong>of</strong> a district inKarali. Name <strong>of</strong> a species <strong>of</strong> tortoise. <strong>the</strong> province <strong>of</strong> Pajaug, in Java, <strong>and</strong> <strong>the</strong>Karajaan (raja). Royalty, kingship, seat <strong>of</strong> a former capital <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> Susunan.sovereignty, kingdom ; dominion ; re-Karugian (rugi). Lo^s, damage, detriment.galia.Karana (s). Cause, reason; for, because;sake, account.Karang (j). A coral rock or reef; anyrock in <strong>the</strong> sea.Karang (jav). Cultivated esculent rootsKaras. A cake ; v. Kakaras.Karat (j. karot). To grind or gnash <strong>the</strong>teeth.Karat. Rust; rasty; to rust; canker,corrosion.Kai'atan. Rust ; canker, corrosion.Karaton (jav. from ratu, " a king ''). Apalace.Karau. To haul, to pull at a rope.Karawang (jav). Krawangg, a Sundadistrict in Java.Karilm. To founder, to sink to <strong>the</strong> bottom;to be wi-ecked; to be overwhelmed,to be destroyed; foundering; shipwreck ; destruction.Karamkan. To cause to founder; towreck; to overwhelm, to destroy.Karembong (bat). Cover, envelope.Karikil (jav). A pebble; gravel.Karil. The hare, Ijepus, brought to Javafrom continental India.Karkun. A writer, a scribe.Karma. Misfortune, calamity.Kama (s). Cause, reason ; for, because ;sake, account; v. Kamna.Karna-apa. Why, wherefore, for whatreason.Kama-ini. On this account, for thisreason.Karna-itu. Therefore, on that account,for that reason.Karot (j. karot). To make a grating orgrinding noise.Karpa (s). The younger bro<strong>the</strong>r <strong>of</strong> Durna,in <strong>the</strong> Mahabarat.Karpus (bat). A cap, a mutch.Karta (s). Order, arrangement ;policy.Kartaniarma (s). Name <strong>of</strong> a youngerKai'u-kam (ben). Name <strong>of</strong> an insect.Karunya (s). Favour, grace, bounty;gift, largess v. Kurniya <strong>and</strong> Karuiya.;Karunyakan. To bestow, to make afruit-trees.Kaning (j).a bag. A sack,Karang (j). intersperse withTo set, to Karut. to scribble ; to quibble,To tangle ;anything ornamental ; to wi'ite, toto shufile, to prevaricate.comi:>ose ; setting or arrangement <strong>of</strong> Karut (j). To scratch; v. Garut.flowers or gems; composition, writing; Kai-uwan (jav). Certain, sure ; determined,a trap or snare ; order, arrangement.established.Karaug-karaugan. Artificial rock-work. Karuwiyak (ben). To crow as a cock.Karangan. The object set with flowers Kasa (sa). First.or gems; arrangement <strong>of</strong> flowers or Kasa (s). E<strong>the</strong>r, <strong>the</strong> firmament ; v. Akasagems ; writing, written composition. <strong>and</strong> Angkasa.Kasai. To apply cosmetics.Kasakian. Thus, in this manner ; v.Sakian.Kasakitan (sakit). Pain ; hurt, soregift.sickness, malady; afliiction, suffering;infliction, punishment.Kasalahan (salah). Eri-or; wrong; fault,<strong>of</strong>fence ; sin, trespass ; mistake ; erroneous;in fault.Kasamaran (samai-). Disguise.Kasamuwa (samuwa). All, <strong>the</strong> whole.Kasan. Track, mark ;probably an abbreviation<strong>of</strong> bakasau, from bakas.Kasana (ka <strong>and</strong> sana). Thi<strong>the</strong>r.Kasaua-kasiui. Hi<strong>the</strong>r <strong>and</strong> thi<strong>the</strong>r, to<strong>and</strong> fro.Kasap (j). Rough, rugged ; shaggyhard, liarsh ; coarse ; v. Gasap.Kasapuluh (sapuluh). Tenth ; <strong>the</strong> ten.Kasai' (j). Coarse, not fine ; rude, rough,uncivil ; uniJolished.Kasarta (j. sarta). Along with, toge<strong>the</strong>r.Kasasar (sasar). To stray, to be bewildered; to be puzzled.Kasatriyan (satriya). Valour.Kasau. A rafter.Kasablah. On <strong>the</strong> side <strong>of</strong>, on <strong>the</strong> part <strong>of</strong>.Kasajukan (sajuk). Chilliness; to bechilled ; cold, coldness.Kasakatan (sakat). A barrier, an obstruction.Kasaksian (saksi). Testimony, evidence.Kasilktian (sakti). Skill ;power ; supernaturalpower ; enchantment ; enchanted.Interval, space be-Kasalflngan (salang).tween.Kasaml)ilan. Ninth ; <strong>the</strong> nine.

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