A grammar and dictionary of the Malay language ... - Wallace Online

A grammar and dictionary of the Malay language ... - Wallace Online A grammar and dictionary of the Malay language ... - Wallace Online

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JAM—JAN [ 58Jambumei-ah. Name of a fruit, Jambosa of govei-nment in the eastern part ofpurpurascens.Java.Jambu-monat. The cashew ajiTple, Anacardiuinoccidentale ; v. Jambu-irung. Janggut (j. jonggot). The beard.Jangat (j). A thong, a strap of leather.Jambu-jambu. A kind of ornamental Janggut. Aground, not floating.tufts.Jangka (j). A step ; a pace ; to step, toJamjam. Drops of water ;perspiration. pace, to stride ; measure, standardJambul (j). The crest or topping of compasses; v. Langka.birds ; a lock of hair.Jangkang. Name of a wild race on theJampal (j). A weight and money, estimatedat half a Spanish dollar.JangkAp (jav). Complete, finished, full,western side of Borneo.Jampi (j. medicine, physic). Charms for perfect.laying evil spirits.Jangkar (du. anker). An anchor.Jampu. Impertinent, intrusive.Jangkit. To be caught, to be taken, toJampuk. Name of a species of owl. be ensnared ; to be caught or seized byJamu (j. tamu, " a guest "). To entertain, an infectious disease ; taking, contagious,infectious.to bestow the rites of hospitality ; tovisit ; to sojourn ; a guest ; a visiter, a Japan (jav). Name of a province in thesojourner.eastern part of Java.Jamiian. An entertainment; hospitality. Jarah. Half grown.Jamurdipa (s). Name of a fabulous mountain.Jarah (j). To spoil, to plunder ; to con-Jarah. To search, to seek after.Jana (s). Man.fiscate.Janaka, or Janarka (s). A name of Arjuna.Jarak. Wide, not close, having spacesJarahan. Spoil, plunder, booty.Janardana (s). A name of Krishna. between.Jand-u (s). A widow, or a repudiated Jarak (j). The palma-christi, or castor-wife.Janjang (j). Dun colour in a horse.Janji (j). Agreement, engagement, stipulation; bargain ; contract, treaty,league ;promise ; decree, preordination; to agree, to engage, to stipulate Jai-ak-kosta, v. Jarak-kapri.to bargain ; to enter into a contract or Jaran (jAV). A horse.treaty ; to promise ; to decree, to preordainJaran-tamangluh (jav). In Javanese romance,;promised ; decreed, preordained.name of a brother of PanjiJanjian. Agreement ;promise, engagement,Inakarta-pati.Jarang (j. arang). Sparse, wide, not closecontract, treaty.open, of loose texture ; thin, rare ; rare,Jantan. Male, not female, applied to the scarce, uncommon ; rarely, seldom.lower animals.Jarang -jarang. Very seldom, very rarely;Jantra (s). A wheel ; a machine with hardly, scarcely.wheels ; a spinning-wheel.Jaram. To pour cold water on the head,Jantra. To hang, to be pendent.as a remedy in fever.Jantramuli. Name of a tree.Jaram. Pledge, token, earnest.Jantung (j). The heart ; the blossom of Jaram-jaram. Name of a plant, Pavetfathe banana ; name of a bird.indica.Jantung-batis. The calf of the leg ; literally," heart of the leg."Jangau (jav). Greens, pot-herbs, vegetables.Jangan. No, or not, usually expressingprohibition.Jangan-dikata. Unspeakable, ineffable,unutterable.Jangank.an (jangan). Not only.Jangan -tiyada. Undoubtedly, unquestionably.Jangga (s). The neck, the throat.Janggal (s). Confused, indistinct, perplexed;discord ; discordant.Janggal (j. jenggar). The comb of a cock.Janggala (jav). Name of an ancient seatoil plant, Ricinibs communis.Jarak-china. Name of a plant, Jatrophamidtifida.Jarak -kapri. Name of a plant, Curcaspurc/ans.Jari (J. driji and jariji). A finger or toea finger-length.J iri-antu. The middle finger ; literally," goblin finger."Ja ri-kaki. A toe.Ja i-kfllingking. The little finger.Ja.i-manis. The ring-finger; literally,"sweet finger."Jari-mati. The middle finger; literally," dead finger;" v. Jari-antu.Jari tangau. A finger.Jari impi. A scom-ge.Jari :g (j). A toil or net for game or fish.Jam (bat). The posts or upright stakesin a fence.Jarum (j). A needle.

JAR—JAW [ 59 JAY—JAMJaruman (jav). A pimp, a procuress.Jarung-jaruug. Name of a plaut, Ixoraincarnata.Jasa (j. yasa). Work, labour, performance; ci-eation ; inheritance, heir-loom,heritage ;property ; service, duty to asuperior.Jati (j). The teak tree, Tectona grandis.Jati (j). True, real, genuine.Jatikusuma (jav). Name of an ancientJavanese king, who reigned in a countrycalled Asmarakandi.Jatipurba (j). A name of the Hindu godSiwa.Jatuh. To fall, to drop from a height ;to come, to arrive ; to happen ; to comeby succession ; to be driven to someland by stress of weather ; to diminish,to decrease, to sink.Jatuhkan. To cause to fall, to throw orcast down.Jatuh-ati. Estrangement, dissatisfactiondispleasure ; literally, " fall of theheart."Jat'asura (s). Name of a demon in Hindumythology.Jauh. Far ; remote, distant ; distance ;to be estranged.Jauh-ari. Late in the day.Jauh-maldm. Late in the night.Jauhkan. To remove away, to place at adistance.Jawa (j). The island of Java ; the portionof Java inhabited by the Javanese,distinguished from that inhabited bythe Sundas ; Javanese, of or belongingto Java. The word Jawa appears tobe indigenous, not derived from anyforeign source, and to be simply takenfrom the name of the tribe or people.Jawab (a). Answer, reply, response ; toanswer, to reply, to respond; v.Jawab.Jawat. To touch, to feel with the handv. Jabat.Jawatan. Touch ;place, employment,office, ministration ; v. Jabatan.Jawi. The Malay language written inthe Arabic character ; translation intothe vernacular language ;anything foreignnaturalised among the Malays ;bastard, of mixed i-ace. The Arabscall the Javanese, the Malays, and othernatives of the Archipelago, Jawi ; andhence, probably, the present word.Jawikan. To translate or render intoMalay ; to translate, to transfer ; tochange, to alter.Jawi (j. the cow). Oxen, neat cattle,Jaya (s). Victory.Jayabaya (s). Name of an ancient kingof Java, who flourished about 1117 ofSalivana or 1195 of Christ, and the seatof whose government was Daa, in theprovince of Kadiri.Jayadrata, or Jayajatra (s). Name of ahero of the Mahabarat, and a brotherin-lawof the Kurawa.Jayakarta (s). Name of the Javanesetown on the site of which now standsBatavia ; v. Jakarta and Jakatra.Jayakusuma (jav). Name of the personagein Javanese romance called PanjiInakarta-pati.Jayaningrat (s). A name of Arjuna, inthe Mahabarat.Jayawikata (s). A name of one of theKurawa.Jayengpati (s).A name of Panji Inakartapati.Jabak (j). A trap or snare for wild animals.Jabat, zabad (a). Civet ; v. Zabad.Jabat, jubat (a). A robe, a gown; aquilted coat in lieu of armour.Jabril (a). The angel Gabriel.Jahalis (bat). Mean, vile, base.Jahanam (a). The Mahomedan infernalregions.Jahudi, yahudi (a). Jew, Jewish.Jajaka (j). A youth, a bachelor.Jajawi (j). Name of a species of banianor fig-tree, Ficus Rumphii ; v. Jajawiand Jawijawi.Jaksa (jav). A judge, a magistrate.Jaladri (s). The sea, the ocean.Jalapaug. A barn, a granary; v. Julapangand Jalapaug.Jalas. Clear, evident, indisputable.Jdlatang (j. latang). Name of a stingingplant.Jalad, jalid (a). Skin; roll; volume;binding of a book.jaiak (bat). Bad, worthless.Jaleh (j). To scream, to shriek.Jaling. To glance, to take a rapidview.Jalma (j. jilma). Transformation, metamorphosis; transmigration, metempsychosis.Jalujur (j. alujur). A running stitch insewing.Jalutung. Name of a large forest tree,supposed to be a species of fig.Jamacli-al-awal (a). The month of Jemad,the fifth in the Mahomedan kalendar;V. Jumad-al-*\'al.Jamadi-al-axir (a). The sixth month;V. Jumad-al-awal.kine.Jawi-jawi (j). Name of a species of banianor fig-tree, Ficus Eumphii ; v. JajawiJamah.Jamaja.Future; hereafter.Name of a group of islands inand Jajawi.the China sea, lying between Borneo

JAR—JAW [ 59 JAY—JAMJaruman (jav). A pimp, a procuress.Jarung-jaruug. Name <strong>of</strong> a plaut, Ixoraincarnata.Jasa (j. yasa). Work, labour, performance; ci-eation ; inheritance, heir-loom,heritage ;property ; service, duty to asuperior.Jati (j). The teak tree, Tectona gr<strong>and</strong>is.Jati (j). True, real, genuine.Jatikusuma (jav). Name <strong>of</strong> an ancientJavanese king, who reigned in a countrycalled Asmarak<strong>and</strong>i.Jatipurba (j). A name <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> Hindu godSiwa.Jatuh. To fall, to drop from a height ;to come, to arrive ; to happen ; to comeby succession ; to be driven to somel<strong>and</strong> by stress <strong>of</strong> wea<strong>the</strong>r ; to diminish,to decrease, to sink.Jatuhkan. To cause to fall, to throw orcast down.Jatuh-ati. Estrangement, dissatisfactiondispleasure ; literally, " fall <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong>heart."Jat'asura (s). Name <strong>of</strong> a demon in Hindumythology.Jauh. Far ; remote, distant ; distance ;to be estranged.Jauh-ari. Late in <strong>the</strong> day.Jauh-maldm. Late in <strong>the</strong> night.Jauhkan. To remove away, to place at adistance.Jawa (j). The isl<strong>and</strong> <strong>of</strong> Java ; <strong>the</strong> portion<strong>of</strong> Java inhabited by <strong>the</strong> Javanese,distinguished from that inhabited by<strong>the</strong> Sundas ; Javanese, <strong>of</strong> or belongingto Java. The word Jawa appears tobe indigenous, not derived from anyforeign source, <strong>and</strong> to be simply takenfrom <strong>the</strong> name <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> tribe or people.Jawab (a). Answer, reply, response ; toanswer, to reply, to respond; v.Jawab.Jawat. To touch, to feel with <strong>the</strong> h<strong>and</strong>v. Jabat.Jawatan. Touch ;place, employment,<strong>of</strong>fice, ministration ; v. Jabatan.Jawi. The <strong>Malay</strong> <strong>language</strong> written in<strong>the</strong> Arabic character ; translation into<strong>the</strong> vernacular <strong>language</strong> ;anything foreignnaturalised among <strong>the</strong> <strong>Malay</strong>s ;bastard, <strong>of</strong> mixed i-ace. The Arabscall <strong>the</strong> Javanese, <strong>the</strong> <strong>Malay</strong>s, <strong>and</strong> o<strong>the</strong>rnatives <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> Archipelago, Jawi ; <strong>and</strong>hence, probably, <strong>the</strong> present word.Jawikan. To translate or render into<strong>Malay</strong> ; to translate, to transfer ; tochange, to alter.Jawi (j. <strong>the</strong> cow). Oxen, neat cattle,Jaya (s). Victory.Jayabaya (s). Name <strong>of</strong> an ancient king<strong>of</strong> Java, who flourished about 1117 <strong>of</strong>Salivana or 1195 <strong>of</strong> Christ, <strong>and</strong> <strong>the</strong> seat<strong>of</strong> whose government was Daa, in <strong>the</strong>province <strong>of</strong> Kadiri.Jayadrata, or Jayajatra (s). Name <strong>of</strong> ahero <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> Mahabarat, <strong>and</strong> a bro<strong>the</strong>rin-law<strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> Kurawa.Jayakarta (s). Name <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> Javanesetown on <strong>the</strong> site <strong>of</strong> which now st<strong>and</strong>sBatavia ; v. Jakarta <strong>and</strong> Jakatra.Jayakusuma (jav). Name <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> personagein Javanese romance called PanjiInakarta-pati.Jayaningrat (s). A name <strong>of</strong> Arjuna, in<strong>the</strong> Mahabarat.Jayawikata (s). A name <strong>of</strong> one <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong>Kurawa.Jayengpati (s).A name <strong>of</strong> Panji Inakartapati.Jabak (j). A trap or snare for wild animals.Jabat, zabad (a). Civet ; v. Zabad.Jabat, jubat (a). A robe, a gown; aquilted coat in lieu <strong>of</strong> armour.Jabril (a). The angel Gabriel.Jahalis (bat). Mean, vile, base.Jahanam (a). The Mahomedan infernalregions.Jahudi, yahudi (a). Jew, Jewish.Jajaka (j). A youth, a bachelor.Jajawi (j). Name <strong>of</strong> a species <strong>of</strong> banianor fig-tree, Ficus Rumphii ; v. Jajawi<strong>and</strong> Jawijawi.Jaksa (jav). A judge, a magistrate.Jaladri (s). The sea, <strong>the</strong> ocean.Jalapaug. A barn, a granary; v. Julapang<strong>and</strong> Jalapaug.Jalas. Clear, evident, indisputable.Jdlatang (j. latang). Name <strong>of</strong> a stingingplant.Jalad, jalid (a). Skin; roll; volume;binding <strong>of</strong> a book.jaiak (bat). Bad, worthless.Jaleh (j). To scream, to shriek.Jaling. To glance, to take a rapidview.Jalma (j. jilma). Transformation, metamorphosis; transmigration, metempsychosis.Jalujur (j. alujur). A running stitch insewing.Jalutung. Name <strong>of</strong> a large forest tree,supposed to be a species <strong>of</strong> fig.Jamacli-al-awal (a). The month <strong>of</strong> Jemad,<strong>the</strong> fifth in <strong>the</strong> Mahomedan kalendar;V. Jumad-al-*\'al.Jamadi-al-axir (a). The sixth month;V. Jumad-al-awal.kine.Jawi-jawi (j). Name <strong>of</strong> a species <strong>of</strong> banianor fig-tree, Ficus Eumphii ; v. JajawiJamah.Jamaja.Future; hereafter.Name <strong>of</strong> a group <strong>of</strong> isl<strong>and</strong>s in<strong>and</strong> Jajawi.<strong>the</strong> China sea, lying between Borneo

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