A grammar and dictionary of the Malay language ... - Wallace Online

A grammar and dictionary of the Malay language ... - Wallace Online A grammar and dictionary of the Malay language ... - Wallace Online

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INU—ISA [56] ISA—lYAluun. Yon, yonder.Isarat (a). Wink, nod, hint, sign by gesture; V. As'arat.Ing (jay). In ; at ; of.IngAr. Noise, clamour.Isam (a), a name; v. Asam.Ingfti'-bangar. Brawl, clamoiir.Isap (j. ngisap). To suck, to draw in withIngat (j. engilt). To remember, to recol the mouth.lect ; to heed, to mind ;remembrance, Isi (j). To hold, to contain; to fill;full, replete ; contents.recollection ; heed, care.Ingat-akan-d-iri. To come to, or recoverone's senses.Ingatan. Remembrance, recollectionheed, care, attention.Ingat-iugat. Attentively, heedfully, carefully.Ingatkan. To put in mind ; to heed, toattend to.Ingati; v. Ingatkan.Ingga. To, as far as ; \mtil.Ingga-ini. Until now.Ingga-itu. Until then.Ingger (ben). To perch, to roost.Inggin (j. penggin). To covet, to desireearnestly, to long for ; desire, longing ;lust, sensual appetite.Inggris. English.Inggu (a). Assafoetida.Ingka. Frolicsome, gamesome.Ingsun (jAv). I ; v. Niugsun.Ingus. Snot, mucus of the nosemucus.^liia. He she it ; v. Na.Ina.; ;A handmaid, a waiting-maid.Ipar (j. ipe). Brother or sister in law.Ipoh. Name of a vegetable poison.Ipu. Name of a place in Sumatra.Iram. Name of a flower.Iram. Variegated, party-coloured.Irap. To beat out or thresh corn.Irau. To meddle, to interfere.Iri. A rack, a manger, a crib.Iri. To hate; hatred.Hatred.Iri-ati.Irik. To tread, to trample to stamp.Iring (j).;To follow, to go after ; to followas a retainer ; to stand in the relationof a bond-debtor.Iringan. The back, the rear ; a followera bond-debtor.Iringkau. To cause to go after ; to placea person in the condition of a bonddebtor.Iris (j). To pare, to slice, to shred ; tocarve.Iru-ara. Confusion, uproar.Irung. A drinkiug-cup.Irup. To lap, to feed with the tongue ;to sip, to drink by small quantities.Irus (j. a ladle). To water, to irrigateto sprinkle ; v. Dirus and Jims.Isa (s). A name of the Hindu god Siwa,or Mahadewa./sa (a). Jesus; v. A'lsa,.Isak. To sob.Isang. The gills of a fish ;the gums.Isikan. To fill, to replenish ; to load.Isi-bumi. The inhabitants of the earth.Isi-buwah. Kernel, stone, or seed offruits.Isi-kawin. Dower, marriage portion.Isi-nagri. Inhabitants of a country.I.si-prut. Bowels, intestines.Isi-rumah. The inmates or dwellei-s ofa house.Isisurat. Contents of a writing.Isi-swarga. Celestials, inhabitants of theheavens.Isin (jAv). Shame ; modesty.Isit (bat). The gums.Iskandar. Alexander; v. Askandar.Islam (a). The Mahomedan religion ; v.Aslam.Isma (a), a name ; v. Asam.Istambul (a). Constantinople ; v. Astambul.Istanggi. Incense.Istanja (a). To wash after evacuation.Ist?adat (a). Custom; customaiy honours;compliments, ceremonious respect;V. Astaadat.Istimiwa. Especially, chiefly, particularly,above all,Istrahat (a). Quiet, repose, ease, peace ;V. Astara//at.Isuk (j. esuk). Morning; future, hereafter.Isuk-ari. To-morrow, next day.Isuk-pagi. To-morrow morning.Itam. Black./takat (a). Faith, the true faith ; v.Aata^'ad.The domestic duck.Itik.Itu (j. iku). That, demonstrative pronoun.It sometimes stands for thepronoun of the third person, and sometimesfor the definite article " the."Itu-lah. That, that is.Itu-pun. Thei-eupon; therefoi'e; eventhen.Itung (j. etung). To count, to tell, toreckon, to calculate, to number ; number,covuit, reckoning, tale.Itungan. Account, reckoning; calculation; tale.Ixlas (a). Sincerity, candour; sincere,candid ; v. Axla.s.lya. Pronoun of the third person ; v.Diya.lya (j). Yes, even so.lya-itu. That is, that is to say.lyasi. To adorn, to deck, to embellish.

lYU-JAJ [ 57 JAJ—JAMilyu. A shark ; v. Yu.Iain (a). Leave, permission,Jajang.Jajar (j).Name of a weapon.Rank, row; order, an-angement.licensedismissal, discharge ; v. Ann, Idin, Ijin. Jajat.Jajat.To mimic, to imitate.Glass beads.Jajawi. Oxen, kine ; v. Jawi.Jajawi (j). Name of a fig-tree, FicusJ ABA (JAv). Outside, without, abroad. Rumphii.Jaban-lawang (jay). Name of a countiy Jaka (jav). A youth, an unmarried lad.celebrated in Javanese romance. Jakalara (jav). A name of the HinduJabang (jav). An infant.god Vishnu.Jabat. To touch, to feel with the hand ;Jakarta (s). Name of a Javanese town,to handle; to manage; to wield; to on the site of which stands the city ofexercise ; v. JawatBatavia ; v. Jakatra and Jayakarta.Jabatan (jabat). The touch ;place, employment,Jala (s). a fishing-net, a casting-net.office; ministi'ation.Jala-jala. Network; the omentum, theJabat-tangan. To salute by touching caul.hands, that is, by taking the hand of Jala-rimbang. Name of a kind of smallthe person saluted between the hands brass cannon.of the party that salutes.Jalaga (bat). Blacking.Jadam. Name of an alloy of gold, silver, Jalak. To vibrate, to swing.and copper.Jalan (j. dalan). Way, road, path ; aJadi (j. dadi). To become, to wax, to walk ; way, means ; way, coursegrow ; to happen, to befall, to come to access, approach ; to walk ; to proceed,pass, to occur ; to be, to exist ; to be to go forward ; to march.born ; to come into existence ; to do, Jalan-mata-ari. The ecliptic.to answer, to succeed.Jalani. To travel through, to travel over.Jadikan. To make, to create ; to produce,Jalan-kakL Walking on foot; to go onto bring forth ; to cause, tooccasion.Jadi-jadian (jadi). Metamoi-phosis, transformation.Jae (jav). Ginger, Zinziher.Jaga (s). To watch, to wake, not to sleep ;to awake, to break from sleep ; to watch,to guard ; to attend, to wait on ; tofeast, to carouse ; awake, waking.Jagabela (jav). A public executioner.Jagajaga. A watch, a guard ; a watchhouse; a festival, a carousal.Jagapati (s). A king's body-guard.Jagaraga (s). Name of a district in Java.Jaga

INU—ISA [56] ISA—lYAluun. Yon, yonder.Isarat (a). Wink, nod, hint, sign by gesture; V. As'arat.Ing (jay). In ; at ; <strong>of</strong>.IngAr. Noise, clamour.Isam (a), a name; v. Asam.Ingfti'-bangar. Brawl, clamoiir.Isap (j. ngisap). To suck, to draw in withIngat (j. engilt). To remember, to recol <strong>the</strong> mouth.lect ; to heed, to mind ;remembrance, Isi (j). To hold, to contain; to fill;full, replete ; contents.recollection ; heed, care.Ingat-akan-d-iri. To come to, or recoverone's senses.Ingatan. Remembrance, recollectionheed, care, attention.Ingat-iugat. Attentively, heedfully, carefully.Ingatkan. To put in mind ; to heed, toattend to.Ingati; v. Ingatkan.Ingga. To, as far as ; \mtil.Ingga-ini. Until now.Ingga-itu. Until <strong>the</strong>n.Ingger (ben). To perch, to roost.Inggin (j. penggin). To covet, to desireearnestly, to long for ; desire, longing ;lust, sensual appetite.Inggris. English.Inggu (a). Assafoetida.Ingka. Frolicsome, gamesome.Ingsun (jAv). I ; v. Niugsun.Ingus. Snot, mucus <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> nosemucus.^liia. He she it ; v. Na.Ina.; ;A h<strong>and</strong>maid, a waiting-maid.Ipar (j. ipe). Bro<strong>the</strong>r or sister in law.Ipoh. Name <strong>of</strong> a vegetable poison.Ipu. Name <strong>of</strong> a place in Sumatra.Iram. Name <strong>of</strong> a flower.Iram. Variegated, party-coloured.Irap. To beat out or thresh corn.Irau. To meddle, to interfere.Iri. A rack, a manger, a crib.Iri. To hate; hatred.Hatred.Iri-ati.Irik. To tread, to trample to stamp.Iring (j).;To follow, to go after ; to followas a retainer ; to st<strong>and</strong> in <strong>the</strong> relation<strong>of</strong> a bond-debtor.Iringan. The back, <strong>the</strong> rear ; a followera bond-debtor.Iringkau. To cause to go after ; to placea person in <strong>the</strong> condition <strong>of</strong> a bonddebtor.Iris (j). To pare, to slice, to shred ; tocarve.Iru-ara. Confusion, uproar.Irung. A drinkiug-cup.Irup. To lap, to feed with <strong>the</strong> tongue ;to sip, to drink by small quantities.Irus (j. a ladle). To water, to irrigateto sprinkle ; v. Dirus <strong>and</strong> Jims.Isa (s). A name <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> Hindu god Siwa,or Mahadewa./sa (a). Jesus; v. A'lsa,.Isak. To sob.Isang. The gills <strong>of</strong> a fish ;<strong>the</strong> gums.Isikan. To fill, to replenish ; to load.Isi-bumi. The inhabitants <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> earth.Isi-buwah. Kernel, stone, or seed <strong>of</strong>fruits.Isi-kawin. Dower, marriage portion.Isi-nagri. Inhabitants <strong>of</strong> a country.I.si-prut. Bowels, intestines.Isi-rumah. The inmates or dwellei-s <strong>of</strong>a house.Isisurat. Contents <strong>of</strong> a writing.Isi-swarga. Celestials, inhabitants <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong>heavens.Isin (jAv). Shame ; modesty.Isit (bat). The gums.Isk<strong>and</strong>ar. Alex<strong>and</strong>er; v. Ask<strong>and</strong>ar.Islam (a). The Mahomedan religion ; v.Aslam.Isma (a), a name ; v. Asam.Istambul (a). Constantinople ; v. Astambul.Istanggi. Incense.Istanja (a). To wash after evacuation.Ist?adat (a). Custom; customaiy honours;compliments, ceremonious respect;V. Astaadat.Istimiwa. Especially, chiefly, particularly,above all,Istrahat (a). Quiet, repose, ease, peace ;V. Astara//at.Isuk (j. esuk). Morning; future, hereafter.Isuk-ari. To-morrow, next day.Isuk-pagi. To-morrow morning.Itam. Black./takat (a). Faith, <strong>the</strong> true faith ; v.Aata^'ad.The domestic duck.Itik.Itu (j. iku). That, demonstrative pronoun.It sometimes st<strong>and</strong>s for <strong>the</strong>pronoun <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> third person, <strong>and</strong> sometimesfor <strong>the</strong> definite article " <strong>the</strong>."Itu-lah. That, that is.Itu-pun. Thei-eupon; <strong>the</strong>refoi'e; even<strong>the</strong>n.Itung (j. etung). To count, to tell, toreckon, to calculate, to number ; number,covuit, reckoning, tale.Itungan. Account, reckoning; calculation; tale.Ixlas (a). Sincerity, c<strong>and</strong>our; sincere,c<strong>and</strong>id ; v. Axla.s.lya. Pronoun <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> third person ; v.Diya.lya (j). Yes, even so.lya-itu. That is, that is to say.lyasi. To adorn, to deck, to embellish.

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