A grammar and dictionary of the Malay language ... - Wallace Online

A grammar and dictionary of the Malay language ... - Wallace Online A grammar and dictionary of the Malay language ... - Wallace Online

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GUB—GUN [52] GUN—GUWGubai. The sap-wood or soft wood of a Gund'ik (j). A concubine.tree, distinct from the heart or harderpart.Gubal, V. Gubai.Guni (s). A kind of sacking, the manufactureof Bengal, from the CmxhonisGubamur (roR. gobernador). Governor.Gudi. A betel-stand.capsularis.Gud'a (j). Temptation, incitement to evil. Gunting (j). Scissors, shears ; nippersGudang (t). A warehouse ; v. Gftd'uug. snuffers ; to cut with scissors, to shearGugah (j). To rouse, to awaken ; to to clip ; to snuff the wick of a candlealarm, to disturb ; alarm ; uproar ;or lamp.sedition, insurrection.Guntur (j). Thunder.Gugat (sun). To accuse.Gunung (j). A mountain, a hill.Gugup (j). Fluri-y, precipitation, hurry. Gunung-api. A mountain with a volcanoGugur (j). To drop, to fall spontaneously a volcano.or untimely; to miscarry, to have anabortion.Gunun g-gunungan.or stages.A series of platfoi-msGuguran. An abortion, an abortive birth. Gunggung. To mouth as a dog.Gugurkan. To cause to drop ; to produceGunggung (jav). To sum, to reckonabortion.sum, reckoning; to praise, to laud;Gukan (bat). To pair as birds.praise, laud.Gula (s). Sugar.Gupuh (j). Hurriedly, precipitately,Gula-batu. Sugar-candy; literally, "stonesugar."hastily, suddenly ; to haste, to huiryhaste, hurry, precipitation ; v. Gopoh.Gula-pasir. Raw sugar ; literally, " sand Gupuh-gvipuh. Hastily, hurriedly; v.sugar."Gopoh-gopoli.Gulai. A stew or curry ; soup, broth. Gupuk. Fat, stout, large.Guiana. Troubled, grieved.Guling. To roll, to I'oll about, to wallow.Gulingkan. To cause to roll.Guliug-gidingk^n. To toss or roll aboutan object repeatedly.Gulung ( j). To roll up ; to furl ; a roll,the object rolled up.Gulung-chuchuh. Name of a plant,Plmniera obtusa.Gulung-gulung. Timbers that bind the Gurd-i (j).rafters of a house.Guri. An ewer, a water-pot.Gulungan. A roll, the thing rolled up. Gurinda (j). A grindstone; ?;. GarSnda.Gulunggang. Name of a plant, Cassia Gurindam. A i-iddle, an enigma; song;alata; v. Galenggang.verse ; to sing.(s). A tender of cattle, a herdsmanscratch, a score ; toGumbala Guris (j. garis). A;a charioteer; an elephant-di'iverscratch, to scoi-e.V. Gftbala, Gambala, Kabala.Gurit (jav). To sing, to chant.Gumbak. A tuft of hair left on the Guritan. A song.crown, when the rest of the hair of Guron. A wilderness, a desert.the head is shaved.Gum (s). A teacher, an instructor, aGumatiir (j). v.To quake, to tremble ; master ; a name given to the chief deityGatar and Gam^tar.of the Indian islanders while Hindus,Gumilang (j). Bright, shining, lustrous,resplendent, effulgent ; v. GAmilang.Gum pal (j. gampal). A clod ; a piece, abit, a fragment.Gumuruh (j). To shout; a shout.Gumuti. The gomuti palm, £orassusgomuti.Guna (s). Use, worth, value ; charm,spell, incantation.Guna-kaya (jav). Goods, effects ; wealth,riches.Guna-pangasih. A philter, a love-charm.Gunapa (guna and apa). Why, wherefore,for what purpose.Gunawan (guna). Utility, usefulness.Gund-ul (j). Bald, bald-headed ; havingthe head shaved.Gurak (ben). Scurf, foulness of skin.Gurami (j). Name of a species of carp,preserved in ponds and stews in Java,and suj^posed to have been originallybrought from China ; v. Grami.Gurap (t). The kind of ship called byEuropeans a grab.Gui-au. To toy, to trifle, to dally, tosport ; to joke.a gimlet, an auger.and probably Vishnu.Guru-kaka. A monitor, an upper boy ina school.Guruh. Thunder ; the rattle of a gongor drum.Gurungtalo (bu). Name of a people,language, and country, in the northeasternlimb of Celebes.Gusar. Angiy, wroth.Gusi (j). The gtims.Gusong. A reef of rocks.Gusti (JAV). Lord, master ; mistress.Guwa (j). A cave, a cavern, a gi'otto ; amine; a quarry.Guwa. I ; supposed of Chinese origin.

GUW—HtJR [53] ZTAF—/fANGuwama (bex). The quinsey.Gyauar. Xame of a piincipality iu theisland of Bali.CrAIB (a). To disappear, to vanishlatent, concealed, invisible, obscure;invisible, mysterious.C'alab (a). Victorious; excelling, overcoming; triumphant.(?ani (a). Rich, wealthy.(ralat (a). Fault, mistake, error.Cauam (a). Sheep ;goats ; cattle.6'arib (a). Foreign, strange ; foreigner,stranger ; docile, meek ;poor, indigent.Oil&t (a). To make an unexpected predatoryincursion.6'irat, jiairat (a). Delight, joy ; delighted,enraptured.G'uluf, kulub (a). The foreskin, the prepiu:e.Gurab (a). A grab, the form of orientalship so called ; v. Gurap.Cusal (a). To perform an ablution ofthe whole body; an ablution.HANTBLA.N (s).The monkey generalof Rama, in the Ramayana.Hablur (p). Rock crystal; mica, talc; v.Balur.Hadayat (a). Guide, direction; spiritualIlAFlh (a). To keep, to preserve, toretain.^af ilkan. To retain in the memoiy, tohave or get by heart or by rote.^ajat (a). Necessity, indispensableness,need, lack.a Mahomedan who has per-ZTaji (a),formed the pilgrimage to Mecca, or aChristian to Jenisalem ; a pilgi-im.Hakim (a;. A man of learning ; a judge,a magistrate..^al (a). State, condition ; circumstancematter, purport ; affair, business.ZTal-ahawal (a). States, conditions, situations; aifairs ; accidents ; circumstances,details; accounts, relation?^,events.^alllr (a). Present, ready, prepared.ZTamil (a). Pregnant, teeming, withyoung.ifarun (a).Aaron.Hsisil (a). Produce, increase ; revenueprofit, gain ;profitable, useful.Habs'i (p). An Abyssinian, an Ethiopian; a negi'O.i/ad (a). Limit, boundary.ZTadamat (a). Heat, ardour; ardent,vehement.//adaij (a). Pollution, defilement.Z?adi9 (a). Traditions or sayings of theprophet.//aill. The menses, the catamenia.direction.HMM (a). Making haste.Hadiyah (a). Offering, present to a superior.ZTajab (a), a veil, a curtain.7/aj (a). The pilgrimage to Mecca.Haja (a). To spell ; r. Ija..ffakayat (a). A history, a story; aHajrat and Hajrah (a). The Hegira or romance, a tale, a fable.Mahomedan era, the year of Christ 622, .ff^akim (a). Learned, erudite ; a doctor,July 10th.a philosopher.Hamza (a). The orthographic mark commonly.ffakmat (a). Wisdom, knowledge; art,substituted for the letter a, orin the Arabic alphabet.alif,science ;physic.charm, talisman ; medicine,Hanar, hunar (p). Skill, ingenuity; Hak (a). Right, equity, justice ; law,cunning, craft ; artifice, stratagem.rule; authority, right over; just, right,Handu, Hindu (p). Hindu.true.Haudustan (p). Hindustan, India.Hsl-iLdit (a). Truth, fact ; sinceritj-, uprightness; faithful, true, loyal, sin-Harbab (p). A violin ; a rebeck ; v. Rabab.Hawa (a). Air; wind; breath; desire,cere.Halili (a). Legitimate, genuine.inclination ;H&lal (a). Lawful, not forbidden ; legal,lust.Hiban, hibanu (a). Frightful, hideous, legitimate.formidable..ETalalkan. To make la%\-ful, to legaliseHibat, hebat (a). Fear, appi-ehensiou to allow, to authorise.fearful, awful, di-eadful.Ha.\kah (a). A ring, a circle ; a chain.Hikal (a), a temple, a church.Halkum. (a). The windpipe; the throat;Hun (p). The gold coin of the south of the gullet.India, called by Europeans the pagoda. ^alwa (a). Sweet-meat.s, confectionery.Hurmuz (p). The island of Ormuz, in ^allrat (a). The presence ; dignity ;ma-the Persian gulf.jesty.^am.id (a).praising.Praise, tribute of gratitude

GUB—GUN [52] GUN—GUWGubai. The sap-wood or s<strong>of</strong>t wood <strong>of</strong> a Gund'ik (j). A concubine.tree, distinct from <strong>the</strong> heart or harderpart.Gubal, V. Gubai.Guni (s). A kind <strong>of</strong> sacking, <strong>the</strong> manufacture<strong>of</strong> Bengal, from <strong>the</strong> CmxhonisGubamur (roR. gobernador). Governor.Gudi. A betel-st<strong>and</strong>.capsularis.Gud'a (j). Temptation, incitement to evil. Gunting (j). Scissors, shears ; nippersGudang (t). A warehouse ; v. Gftd'uug. snuffers ; to cut with scissors, to shearGugah (j). To rouse, to awaken ; to to clip ; to snuff <strong>the</strong> wick <strong>of</strong> a c<strong>and</strong>lealarm, to disturb ; alarm ; uproar ;or lamp.sedition, insurrection.Guntur (j). Thunder.Gugat (sun). To accuse.Gunung (j). A mountain, a hill.Gugup (j). Fluri-y, precipitation, hurry. Gunung-api. A mountain with a volcanoGugur (j). To drop, to fall spontaneously a volcano.or untimely; to miscarry, to have anabortion.Gunun g-gunungan.or stages.A series <strong>of</strong> platfoi-msGuguran. An abortion, an abortive birth. Gunggung. To mouth as a dog.Gugurkan. To cause to drop ; to produceGunggung (jav). To sum, to reckonabortion.sum, reckoning; to praise, to laud;Gukan (bat). To pair as birds.praise, laud.Gula (s). Sugar.Gupuh (j). Hurriedly, precipitately,Gula-batu. Sugar-c<strong>and</strong>y; literally, "stonesugar."hastily, suddenly ; to haste, to huiryhaste, hurry, precipitation ; v. Gopoh.Gula-pasir. Raw sugar ; literally, " s<strong>and</strong> Gupuh-gvipuh. Hastily, hurriedly; v.sugar."Gopoh-gopoli.Gulai. A stew or curry ; soup, broth. Gupuk. Fat, stout, large.Guiana. Troubled, grieved.Guling. To roll, to I'oll about, to wallow.Gulingkan. To cause to roll.Guliug-gidingk^n. To toss or roll aboutan object repeatedly.Gulung ( j). To roll up ; to furl ; a roll,<strong>the</strong> object rolled up.Gulung-chuchuh. Name <strong>of</strong> a plant,Plmniera obtusa.Gulung-gulung. Timbers that bind <strong>the</strong> Gurd-i (j).rafters <strong>of</strong> a house.Guri. An ewer, a water-pot.Gulungan. A roll, <strong>the</strong> thing rolled up. Gurinda (j). A grindstone; ?;. GarSnda.Gulunggang. Name <strong>of</strong> a plant, Cassia Gurindam. A i-iddle, an enigma; song;alata; v. Galenggang.verse ; to sing.(s). A tender <strong>of</strong> cattle, a herdsmanscratch, a score ; toGumbala Guris (j. garis). A;a charioteer; an elephant-di'iverscratch, to scoi-e.V. Gftbala, Gambala, Kabala.Gurit (jav). To sing, to chant.Gumbak. A tuft <strong>of</strong> hair left on <strong>the</strong> Guritan. A song.crown, when <strong>the</strong> rest <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> hair <strong>of</strong> Guron. A wilderness, a desert.<strong>the</strong> head is shaved.Gum (s). A teacher, an instructor, aGumatiir (j). v.To quake, to tremble ; master ; a name given to <strong>the</strong> chief deityGatar <strong>and</strong> Gam^tar.<strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> Indian isl<strong>and</strong>ers while Hindus,Gumilang (j). Bright, shining, lustrous,resplendent, effulgent ; v. GAmilang.Gum pal (j. gampal). A clod ; a piece, abit, a fragment.Gumuruh (j). To shout; a shout.Gumuti. The gomuti palm, £orassusgomuti.Guna (s). Use, worth, value ; charm,spell, incantation.Guna-kaya (jav). Goods, effects ; wealth,riches.Guna-pangasih. A philter, a love-charm.Gunapa (guna <strong>and</strong> apa). Why, wherefore,for what purpose.Gunawan (guna). Utility, usefulness.Gund-ul (j). Bald, bald-headed ; having<strong>the</strong> head shaved.Gurak (ben). Scurf, foulness <strong>of</strong> skin.Gurami (j). Name <strong>of</strong> a species <strong>of</strong> carp,preserved in ponds <strong>and</strong> stews in Java,<strong>and</strong> suj^posed to have been originallybrought from China ; v. Grami.Gurap (t). The kind <strong>of</strong> ship called byEuropeans a grab.Gui-au. To toy, to trifle, to dally, tosport ; to joke.a gimlet, an auger.<strong>and</strong> probably Vishnu.Guru-kaka. A monitor, an upper boy ina school.Guruh. Thunder ; <strong>the</strong> rattle <strong>of</strong> a gongor drum.Gurungtalo (bu). Name <strong>of</strong> a people,<strong>language</strong>, <strong>and</strong> country, in <strong>the</strong> nor<strong>the</strong>asternlimb <strong>of</strong> Celebes.Gusar. Angiy, wroth.Gusi (j). The gtims.Gusong. A reef <strong>of</strong> rocks.Gusti (JAV). Lord, master ; mistress.Guwa (j). A cave, a cavern, a gi'otto ; amine; a quarry.Guwa. I ; supposed <strong>of</strong> Chinese origin.

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