A grammar and dictionary of the Malay language ... - Wallace Online

A grammar and dictionary of the Malay language ... - Wallace Online A grammar and dictionary of the Malay language ... - Wallace Online

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GAR—GIL [50] GIL—GLOwith the foot ; to knock an objectagainst the ground ; to urge, to goad,to spiu' ; to threaten, to menace ; toaffright, to fright.Gartak-gigi. To gnash the teeth ;gnashingof teeth.GAi-us (j). To polish, to smooth, to gloss.Gata (p. kat). A couch, a bed ; v. Kata.Gatah. Tlie sa]) of plants whether fluid,viscid, or concrete ;gum ; resin ; birdlime; inspissated extract.Gitah-parcha. The inspissated juice ofthe parcha tree, Isonandra r/utta of SirWilliam Hooker; the guttah-perchaof commerce.Giling (j).Gilingan.Gatah-taban. Name of a tree yielding agutta-percha, and, like the last, of thefamily of the Sapotacece.Gatam (ben). To bite the lips.Gatas (j). Brittle, fragile, crumbling.Gatar (j). To quake, to tremble; v.Katar and Gamatar.Gati. Name of a forest tree.Gaza (p). The giiz, a long measure of37 inches English.Gebang. To boast, to vaunt, to brag.Gebe. The island of Gibi, between Gillohand New Guinea.Gcd-eng (jav). A double sheaf of rice,25 of which make an amat ; a pair.Geger (jav). Uproar, tumult, disturbance,turmoil, anarchy, disorder. Giri (s).Gelek. To dodge, to move aside so as to Giri (s).elude a blow.Geler (j. gilir). Change, relief as of asentinel ; the screen in the exhibitionof a scenic puppet-show.Gembol (j). A gnarr, a large knottedexternal excrescence on some trees;a log, a shapeless piece of wood.Gend'ong. To bear or carry an object ina sling.Genggoug. A Jew's harp.Gepeng (jav). Flat, shallow, not deep ;V. Lepek.Gilang. Name of an intoxicating spirit.Gilang (j). To shine, to glitter ; todazzle ; v. Gilau.Gilang-gilang (j). Brightness, brilliancyshining.Gilang-gamilang. Effulgent, shining, lustrous.Gilau. To shine, to glitter ; v. Gilang.Gilau-gilaiian.Glittering.Gili (j). To loathe, to nauseate; loathing,nausea, disgust.Gili-gili. The kidneys.Gilik (j). To tickle, to titillate.To turn round, to revolve.A quern, a hand-mill, a mill.Gilingwasi (jav). Name of a district inJava.Gilip (bat). To burnish.Galir (j). To change, to shift ; to berelieved as a sentinel.Galiran. Change, shift, relief as of awatch or sentinel.Gilung (ben). a fagot ; any kind ofbundle.Giudala. To impede, to obstruct, tohinder.Ginjal (jav). The reins, the small of theback.Gintel. A pellet.Gingsir (jav). To shift, to change place ;to recede ; to break an engagement.a mountain, a hill.Name of a place in the districtof Gresik, in Java.Girinata (s). A name of the Hindu godSivva ; literally, '' lord of the moimtaiu."Giring (bat). Glad, merry.Gisi-gisi. Lattice-work.Gisik (j. gosok). To rub, to fret, to chafea fiddle-stick.Gisil. A fiddle-stick ; v. Gisik.Gisir (ben). To rub between the hands.Gitik (jAV). To beat; to whip, toscoui-ge ; a whip, a scourge.Giyang. Lewd, unchaste.Gerek. To bore, to pierce, to perforate, Giyau. A sickle.to drill.Giyab. To be alarmed, to be disturbed.Gesek (j. gosok). To rub, to fret, to Glad-ag (j), v. Galad'ag.apply friction ; v. Gisik.Glaga (j). Name of a tall species of grass,Getck (jav). a float, a raft.Saccharum spontaneum ; v. Galaga.Gibana (ben). A vagabond, a profligate. Glam. Name of a tree, Gordonia ; theGigas. A moth.epidermis of this tree is used for envelopes,and for caulking.Gigi. A tooth ; a tusk.Gigi-asu. The canine teeth.Glat'ek (jav). The species of finch calledThe front teeth, the incisors. by Europeans "the Java sparrow,"Gigi-sai-a.Gigi-utan. The edge or outskirt of a FringiUa oryzivora.forest.Glapung (jav). Flour, meal.Gigit (j). To bite.Glenggaug (j).Qigitan. A bite, a bit broken off by (data.Name of a plant, Cassiabiting, a morsel.Glatik. To tickle, to titillate.Gila (j). Mad, insane ;foolish, weak of Glond'ong (j). A log, a billet.intellect ; foolishly fond, mad in love. Glora. Trouble, disorder, confusion, commotion.Gilang. Purslane, PoHulaca.

GLU—GOP [51] GOP—GUBGlud'ug (j). A thunder clap.hastily; suddenly; haste, hurry, precipitation;Gluga (j). The amotta plant, Bixa orellana;V. Gupuh.v. Galanggam.Gopoh-gopoh. Hastily, hurriedly.Gluga (j). Vermillion, cinnabar.Gorek. To bore, to pierce by boring, toGluga (j). Name of a tree from which perforate ; v. Gerek.the Javanese manufocture a native Goreng (j). To fry, to stew or seeth.paper, Broussonetia pa/iyriftra.Gorita. Having many feet ; having manyGlugar. Name of a plant.fibrous roots.Glugur. The septs or partitions of some Goroh (jav). False, lying, mendacious;fruits, as they appear externally.lie, falsehood.Gluk. A coco-nut shell ; a little bucket, Gosok (j). To rub, to apply friction.with a cord attached, made of one ; v. Gosoki. To nib.Galuk.Gosot. To rub, to apply friction; v.Gobah (j). To trim and arrange flowers Gosok.into garlands or wreaths ; v. Gubah. Goyang. To shake, to agitate ; to shake,Gobar (j). Name of a kind of gong.to be agitated ; v. Gonchang.Gochoh (j. gocho). To box, to strike with Griiam. The grinders or molar teeth.the fist ; a box, a cuff.Graba. The flying lemur, GaleopithecusGodam. A sledge hammer ; to beat as volans.with a hammer ; to thi-ash, to drub. Gragau. To gi'ope ; to catch fish byGod'ong (JAV). A leaf.groping with the hands ; v. Gogoh.Gogau (ben). To gulp.Grab (jav). To be sick ; to be in pain ;Gogoh (j). To catch fish in shallow watersickness pain.by groping with the hand, or with Grahana (s). An eclipse.;the assistance of an inverted basket. Grai. A bedstead, a couch.Goke. A name for the tokay, or noisy Graji (j). A saw ; v. Gdraji and Gargaji.Grami (jav). Name of a species of carp.lizard r. Takeh.Gole.;To hang down, to depend as a Grantang. To affright, to terrify.partially broken branch from a tree Grang. An advei'b, which has the senseV. Kole.Golek (jAV). A puppet.Goliga. Bezoar.Goling. To roll ; to turn round on asurface ; to roll, to toss about ; v.Guling.Golita. Dark, pitch-dark.of "may," and mai-ks a subjunctivemood.Grangan ; v. Grang.Grangau. To paw or claw, to use thefoot or claws for offence or defence.Gram. The wooden frame of a house.Greb. To gnaw.Golok. A cleaver ; a kind of hanger or Greja (por. iglesia). A church, a Christiancutlass.temple.Golong. To pursue, to chace ; v. Kolong. Grenseng (j). Name of a kind of cloth.Gomol. To wrestle.Greuseug. A large kind of copper cauldron.Gompat. To slander, to calumniate;slander, calumny; v. Ompat.Grigi. Serrated.Gonchang. To shake, to agitate; to Grimis (jav). Drizzle, light rain.shake, to be agitated.Grinting (j). Frizzly, frizzling ; woolly,Gond'a (jav). Odour, scent, perfume as the hair of the negro.r. Gand'a.Grinting (jav). Name of a species ofGond-a-kusuma (jav). Name of a prince grass much esteemed for the food ofof Javanese story, said to have i-eigned cattle.in a country called Bandaralim. Griug (j). To be sick ; to be in painGond-ah. Sad, heavy, melancholy, pain ; sickness ; v. Grab.anxious ; sadness, heaviness.Griyak. To hawk, to expectorate.Gond'ok. Goitre.Grobogan (jav). Name of a province ofGonja (j). Jest, joke.Java, anciently Koripan.Gong (j). A gong.Gmd'a (s). Name of a fabulous bird, theGong-pangi-akan. A tocsin, a call-bell. vehicle of the Hindu god Vishnu; v.Gonggong (bat). To bark, to bay.Garud'a.Gongsa (j). Bronze, bell-metal; v. Gi-uning. A name for the cameleonGangsa.lizard.Goiieh. To mumble, to chew like a Grung. Terrified, afirighted.toothless person.Gu. A yoke ; a couple, a pair ; fellows,Gofioh. To rub, to apply friction; v. mates ; v. Igu.Gosok.Gubah (j). To trim or arrange, flowersGopoh (j). Hurriedly, precipitately, in wreaths or garlands ; v. Gobah>

GLU—GOP [51] GOP—GUBGlud'ug (j). A thunder clap.hastily; suddenly; haste, hurry, precipitation;Gluga (j). The amotta plant, Bixa orellana;V. Gupuh.v. Galanggam.Gopoh-gopoh. Hastily, hurriedly.Gluga (j). Vermillion, cinnabar.Gorek. To bore, to pierce by boring, toGluga (j). Name <strong>of</strong> a tree from which perforate ; v. Gerek.<strong>the</strong> Javanese manufocture a native Goreng (j). To fry, to stew or seeth.paper, Broussonetia pa/iyriftra.Gorita. Having many feet ; having manyGlugar. Name <strong>of</strong> a plant.fibrous roots.Glugur. The septs or partitions <strong>of</strong> some Goroh (jav). False, lying, mendacious;fruits, as <strong>the</strong>y appear externally.lie, falsehood.Gluk. A coco-nut shell ; a little bucket, Gosok (j). To rub, to apply friction.with a cord attached, made <strong>of</strong> one ; v. Gosoki. To nib.Galuk.Gosot. To rub, to apply friction; v.Gobah (j). To trim <strong>and</strong> arrange flowers Gosok.into garl<strong>and</strong>s or wreaths ; v. Gubah. Goyang. To shake, to agitate ; to shake,Gobar (j). Name <strong>of</strong> a kind <strong>of</strong> gong.to be agitated ; v. Gonchang.Gochoh (j. gocho). To box, to strike with Griiam. The grinders or molar teeth.<strong>the</strong> fist ; a box, a cuff.Graba. The flying lemur, Galeopi<strong>the</strong>cusGodam. A sledge hammer ; to beat as volans.with a hammer ; to thi-ash, to drub. Gragau. To gi'ope ; to catch fish byGod'ong (JAV). A leaf.groping with <strong>the</strong> h<strong>and</strong>s ; v. Gogoh.Gogau (ben). To gulp.Grab (jav). To be sick ; to be in pain ;Gogoh (j). To catch fish in shallow watersickness pain.by groping with <strong>the</strong> h<strong>and</strong>, or with Grahana (s). An eclipse.;<strong>the</strong> assistance <strong>of</strong> an inverted basket. Grai. A bedstead, a couch.Goke. A name for <strong>the</strong> tokay, or noisy Graji (j). A saw ; v. Gdraji <strong>and</strong> Gargaji.Grami (jav). Name <strong>of</strong> a species <strong>of</strong> carp.lizard r. Takeh.Gole.;To hang down, to depend as a Grantang. To affright, to terrify.partially broken branch from a tree Grang. An advei'b, which has <strong>the</strong> senseV. Kole.Golek (jAV). A puppet.Goliga. Bezoar.Goling. To roll ; to turn round on asurface ; to roll, to toss about ; v.Guling.Golita. Dark, pitch-dark.<strong>of</strong> "may," <strong>and</strong> mai-ks a subjunctivemood.Grangan ; v. Grang.Grangau. To paw or claw, to use <strong>the</strong>foot or claws for <strong>of</strong>fence or defence.Gram. The wooden frame <strong>of</strong> a house.Greb. To gnaw.Golok. A cleaver ; a kind <strong>of</strong> hanger or Greja (por. iglesia). A church, a Christiancutlass.temple.Golong. To pursue, to chace ; v. Kolong. Grenseng (j). Name <strong>of</strong> a kind <strong>of</strong> cloth.Gomol. To wrestle.Greuseug. A large kind <strong>of</strong> copper cauldron.Gompat. To sl<strong>and</strong>er, to calumniate;sl<strong>and</strong>er, calumny; v. Ompat.Grigi. Serrated.Gonchang. To shake, to agitate; to Grimis (jav). Drizzle, light rain.shake, to be agitated.Grinting (j). Frizzly, frizzling ; woolly,Gond'a (jav). Odour, scent, perfume as <strong>the</strong> hair <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> negro.r. G<strong>and</strong>'a.Grinting (jav). Name <strong>of</strong> a species <strong>of</strong>Gond-a-kusuma (jav). Name <strong>of</strong> a prince grass much esteemed for <strong>the</strong> food <strong>of</strong><strong>of</strong> Javanese story, said to have i-eigned cattle.in a country called B<strong>and</strong>aralim. Griug (j). To be sick ; to be in painGond-ah. Sad, heavy, melancholy, pain ; sickness ; v. Grab.anxious ; sadness, heaviness.Griyak. To hawk, to expectorate.Gond'ok. Goitre.Grobogan (jav). Name <strong>of</strong> a province <strong>of</strong>Gonja (j). Jest, joke.Java, anciently Koripan.Gong (j). A gong.Gmd'a (s). Name <strong>of</strong> a fabulous bird, <strong>the</strong>Gong-pangi-akan. A tocsin, a call-bell. vehicle <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> Hindu god Vishnu; v.Gonggong (bat). To bark, to bay.Garud'a.Gongsa (j). Bronze, bell-metal; v. Gi-uning. A name for <strong>the</strong> cameleonGangsa.lizard.Goiieh. To mumble, to chew like a Grung. Terrified, afirighted.toothless person.Gu. A yoke ; a couple, a pair ; fellows,G<strong>of</strong>ioh. To rub, to apply friction; v. mates ; v. Igu.Gosok.Gubah (j). To trim or arrange, flowersGopoh (j). Hurriedly, precipitately, in wreaths or garl<strong>and</strong>s ; v. Gobah>

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