A grammar and dictionary of the Malay language ... - Wallace Online

A grammar and dictionary of the Malay language ... - Wallace Online A grammar and dictionary of the Malay language ... - Wallace Online

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FAN—GAD- [46] GAD—GALinterpose, to interfere; to heed, tomind ; v. Paduli.Fana (a). Mortal ; frail ; corrupt.Farasat (s). Foreknowledge, prognostication;physiognomy.Faraj (a). The pudenda of either sex.Farangi. An European ; a Christian.Fardan, pardana (a). Sole, single, singular.Fardana-mantri, pardana-mantri (a and s).First ministei-, vizier.Fardus (a). Paradise.Fari, pari (a).A peri, a fairy.Farman (p). An edict, an ordinance ; aroyal mandate.Farna, fiirna (a). An oven, a furnace ;V. Furna.fish.Gachar (ben). Diarrhcea.Gada (s). A club, a mace.Gada-gada. A vane ; bunting, or thefabric of which flags are made.Gadamala (s). Name of a plant.Gadang (bat). To watch, to wake.Gad-ai (j. gad-e). To pawn, to pledge,to mortgage ; a pawn, a i^ledge, amortgage.Gad-iug (s). The tusk of an elephantGad'uh-gad'uhan. General disturbance,general disorder.Gaga (jAv). The cultivation of rice indry laud, distingiiished from sawah, orits culture in irrigated land.Gagah (j). Strong, powerful, stoutmighty, valiant ; might, strength ;valour.Gagahi (gagah). To force, to compel, tooverpower.Gagak (j). A crow, Corvus.Gagaug (j). A spi'out, a shoot.Gagap. To stammer, to stutter, to sputter.Gagau. To grope ; to catch fish by gropingwith the hand.Gaget (j). To start, to startle ; start,alarm.Gaginggal-ginggal (j. ginjal). The reins,the small of the back.Fasui- (a). Wicked ; fraud.Fasun, pasuna (p). Incantation, enchantment,fascination.Fasa/tat (a). Eloquence.Gagu. To stutter.Fasal (a). Chapter, title, article, section.Gagu (ben). Name of a fish.Gah.Fasi/i. (a). Eloquent., renown.Noted, renowned, famed ; fame,FatAah (a). The name of the first Arabic Gahra. The principal fighting cock in avowel mark, called by the Malays main ; the principal or elder wife.baris-diatas, or " the stroke over." Gahya. Strength, power, force.Fa^imah (a). Fatimah, the daughter of Gajah (s). An elephant; the bishop atMahomed, and wife of Ali.chess.Fatnah (a). Treachery, fraud, perfidy. Gajah-gfimulang. Name of a flower.Fetor, petor (por. feitor). A factor, a Gajah-mina (s). Name of a species ofcommercial agent.seal, Phoca ; literally, " elephant-fish."FihaZ-, pihak (a). Side, quarter.Givjah-monda (jav). Name of the fii-stFiruz (a). Triumphant, victorious ; triumphal.minister of the last king of Majapahit,in Java.Firuzah, piruz (a). The turquoise. Gajah-putik (jav). Name of an ancientFiirna (a). An oven, a furnace ; v. Farna. Javanese king ; literally, " white elephant; " V. Jat'asura.Gajahtoya (s). Name of the capital ofthe kingdom of Astina, in the Mababarat.GaBUR (ben). Name of a fish.Gabus (j). Name of a tree with very soft Gajih (j). Reward, recompense; pay,timber, Alstonia scholaris ; name of a hire ; wages ; salary.Gaku (ben). To sing a lullaby.Gala. Remedy, resource.Galad-ag (jav). The public establishmentof a Javanese prince, for the supply oflabour in men and horses, being corveesfurnished by a kind of conscription ; v.Glad-ag.Gala-gala. A composition of resin andlime for paying the bottoms of ships.Galah. A pole for pushing a boat inshallow water.Galak (j). Fierce, furious, ferocious,wicked, vicious, mischievous.ivory ; the wing of an army.Gad-ing-gad-ing. The floor timbers of aship.Galang. A chock or block placed underGad'is (re). A virgin.an object to keep it from the ground ;Gad'og. Name of a plant, Bischqffia name of an island at the eastern end ofJavanica.the straits of Malacca.Gad'uk. To disordei-, to disturb, to confuseGalangan. A slip for ship or boat building.; disorder, disturbance, confusion ;to plague, to vex.Galangan-tangan. The ball of the thumb.

GAL^GAN [47] GAN—GARGaLos. To carry an object over theshoulder suspended from the end of astaff.Gale. A whirlwind.Gali. To dig to bore the earth, to mine.Galian.;A mine, a quarry.Galigih. To quake, to tremble.Galinggam. The arnotta plant and dye,£ixa orellana ; safilower ; minium, redlead.Galuga (j). Vermillion, cinnabar.Galuh (jay). Name of an ancient placein Java, now called Kasokapura.Galuh (j). A princess ; a lady of highrank.Galuma. Name of a plant, Rubia javanica.Gamak. To threaten, to menace.Gamam (j). Perturbed, agitated, confused,not collected in thought ;boorish,clownish.Gaman (jay). Implement ; tool ; weapon,arms.Gamat. Name of a small species ofleech.Gamatutan. Name of a plant, Ecliinocaulcsperfoliatm.Gamal (jay). A groom, one that tends ahorse.Gamalan (jay). A band of musical insti-uments.Gambang (j). A staccata, or musicaltrough, of which the keeps are wood.Gambar (j). To delineate, to design, topaint ; draught, delineation, picture.Gambas. Name of a plant, Bryonia cordifolia.Grambir (j). The plant and catechu fromthe Nauclea gambir.Gambung. A horse's mane.Gambut. A column of smoke.Gamit. To beckon.Gamit. To paw ; to finger a musical insti-ument.Gamit-gamitan. A mutual beckoning.Gampang (j). Easy, light, facile.Gana (s). The Hindu god Ganesa.Ganas (j). Restless, unquiet, impatient.Ganchang(j). Quick, expeditious; quickly,speedily.Ganda (s). Scent, odour, perfume.Gandapura (s). Name of a plant. Hibiscusahelmoschus.Gandarusa (s). Name of a plant, Justiciagandarusa.Gandasuli (s). Name of a plant, Hedichiumcoronarium.cling, to hang to.Gand-a. Mviltiple, equivalent to theEnglish word " fold," in composition.Gand'a-bargand'a. Two-fold.Gandek (j). A messenger; a lock of falsehair.Gand-eng (jay). A mallet.Gand'era (for. bandeira). A flag, a banner;V. Band-era.Gaud-is (jay). Sugar.Gand-ut (j. d-od-ut). Pot-bellied, swagbellied.Ganja (t). Hemp, Cannahis saliva, var.indica.Ganja-rami-china. Name of a plant,Cm'chorus capsulars.Granjar (j). To bestow, to give as bountyor gift.Ganjaran (j). Gift, present, bounty, donation,largess.Ganjil. The kidneys.Ganjil (j). Odd, not even.Ganta. Coarse, gi-oss, indelicate.Ganta. Enraged, furious.Gantang. Name of a dry measure, equalto about a gallon.Ganti (j). To ciiange, to shift, to alter;to exchange ; to succeed, to come into£lie place of another ; change, shiftsuccessor ; representative, vicar, substitutealteration ; succession.;Gantih (j. ngantih). To spin, to makethread.Gantung (j). To hang, to suspend ; tohang, to be suspended; to hang, todepend upon.Gantungkau. To hang, to suspend.Gantung-layar. To take in sail ; literally," to hang sail " ; a salvage for rescuingshipwrecked persons.Ganggang. To roast flesh.Ganggang. Quarrel, dispute, altercation.Gangsa (s). The goose ; v. Angsa.Gangsa (s). Bronze, bell-metal.Gauggu (j). To disturb, to perplex, toannoy.Gapura (t). A gate.Garagai (ben). A hook for taking thealligator.Garang. Fierce, ferocious ; violent, tyrannical.Garang. Loud, sonorous.Garangan. A loud noise, roaring.Gari (bat). A bedstead.Garam. Culinaiy salt.Garing (bat). To dry, to parch.Garis (j. garit). To scratch, to score ; ascratch, a score.Garjitawati (s). Name of the counti-yof Rama.Gandum (p). Wheat, Triticum cestivum; Garok. To scrape in the earth, to grub.V. Gandum.Gartuk. To dust, to free from dust.Gandung. The outriggers of a boat ; to Garu (j). A comb ;a rake ; a harrowto comb ; to rake ; to harrow ; toclaw, to scratch ; to curry a horse.Garud-a (s). Name of fabulous bird, the

GAL^GAN [47] GAN—GARGaLos. To carry an object over <strong>the</strong>shoulder suspended from <strong>the</strong> end <strong>of</strong> astaff.Gale. A whirlwind.Gali. To dig to bore <strong>the</strong> earth, to mine.Galian.;A mine, a quarry.Galigih. To quake, to tremble.Galinggam. The arnotta plant <strong>and</strong> dye,£ixa orellana ; safilower ; minium, redlead.Galuga (j). Vermillion, cinnabar.Galuh (jay). Name <strong>of</strong> an ancient placein Java, now called Kasokapura.Galuh (j). A princess ; a lady <strong>of</strong> highrank.Galuma. Name <strong>of</strong> a plant, Rubia javanica.Gamak. To threaten, to menace.Gamam (j). Perturbed, agitated, confused,not collected in thought ;boorish,clownish.Gaman (jay). Implement ; tool ; weapon,arms.Gamat. Name <strong>of</strong> a small species <strong>of</strong>leech.Gamatutan. Name <strong>of</strong> a plant, Ecliinocaulcsperfoliatm.Gamal (jay). A groom, one that tends ahorse.Gamalan (jay). A b<strong>and</strong> <strong>of</strong> musical insti-uments.Gambang (j). A staccata, or musicaltrough, <strong>of</strong> which <strong>the</strong> keeps are wood.Gambar (j). To delineate, to design, topaint ; draught, delineation, picture.Gambas. Name <strong>of</strong> a plant, Bryonia cordifolia.Grambir (j). The plant <strong>and</strong> catechu from<strong>the</strong> Nauclea gambir.Gambung. A horse's mane.Gambut. A column <strong>of</strong> smoke.Gamit. To beckon.Gamit. To paw ; to finger a musical insti-ument.Gamit-gamitan. A mutual beckoning.Gampang (j). Easy, light, facile.Gana (s). The Hindu god Ganesa.Ganas (j). Restless, unquiet, impatient.Ganchang(j). Quick, expeditious; quickly,speedily.G<strong>and</strong>a (s). Scent, odour, perfume.G<strong>and</strong>apura (s). Name <strong>of</strong> a plant. Hibiscusahelmoschus.G<strong>and</strong>arusa (s). Name <strong>of</strong> a plant, Justiciag<strong>and</strong>arusa.G<strong>and</strong>asuli (s). Name <strong>of</strong> a plant, Hedichiumcoronarium.cling, to hang to.G<strong>and</strong>-a. Mviltiple, equivalent to <strong>the</strong>English word " fold," in composition.G<strong>and</strong>'a-barg<strong>and</strong>'a. Two-fold.G<strong>and</strong>ek (j). A messenger; a lock <strong>of</strong> falsehair.G<strong>and</strong>-eng (jay). A mallet.G<strong>and</strong>'era (for. b<strong>and</strong>eira). A flag, a banner;V. B<strong>and</strong>-era.Gaud-is (jay). Sugar.G<strong>and</strong>-ut (j. d-od-ut). Pot-bellied, swagbellied.Ganja (t). Hemp, Cannahis saliva, var.indica.Ganja-rami-china. Name <strong>of</strong> a plant,Cm'chorus capsulars.Granjar (j). To bestow, to give as bountyor gift.Ganjaran (j). Gift, present, bounty, donation,largess.Ganjil. The kidneys.Ganjil (j). Odd, not even.Ganta. Coarse, gi-oss, indelicate.Ganta. Enraged, furious.Gantang. Name <strong>of</strong> a dry measure, equalto about a gallon.Ganti (j). To ciiange, to shift, to alter;to exchange ; to succeed, to come into£lie place <strong>of</strong> ano<strong>the</strong>r ; change, shiftsuccessor ; representative, vicar, substitutealteration ; succession.;Gantih (j. ngantih). To spin, to makethread.Gantung (j). To hang, to suspend ; tohang, to be suspended; to hang, todepend upon.Gantungkau. To hang, to suspend.Gantung-layar. To take in sail ; literally," to hang sail " ; a salvage for rescuingshipwrecked persons.Ganggang. To roast flesh.Ganggang. Quarrel, dispute, altercation.Gangsa (s). The goose ; v. Angsa.Gangsa (s). Bronze, bell-metal.Gauggu (j). To disturb, to perplex, toannoy.Gapura (t). A gate.Garagai (ben). A hook for taking <strong>the</strong>alligator.Garang. Fierce, ferocious ; violent, tyrannical.Garang. Loud, sonorous.Garangan. A loud noise, roaring.Gari (bat). A bedstead.Garam. Culinaiy salt.Garing (bat). To dry, to parch.Garis (j. garit). To scratch, to score ; ascratch, a score.Garjitawati (s). Name <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> counti-y<strong>of</strong> Rama.G<strong>and</strong>um (p). Wheat, Triticum cestivum; Garok. To scrape in <strong>the</strong> earth, to grub.V. G<strong>and</strong>um.Gartuk. To dust, to free from dust.G<strong>and</strong>ung. The outriggers <strong>of</strong> a boat ; to Garu (j). A comb ;a rake ; a harrowto comb ; to rake ; to harrow ; toclaw, to scratch ; to curry a horse.Garud-a (s). Name <strong>of</strong> fabulous bird, <strong>the</strong>

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