A grammar and dictionary of the Malay language ... - Wallace Online

A grammar and dictionary of the Malay language ... - Wallace Online A grammar and dictionary of the Malay language ... - Wallace Online

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DAI—DAP [40] DAR—DAWDai (j. hii). The forehead.Daii-at (a). Ch-cumference, peripheryorbit, circuit; cycle; province, dependency.Daki. To climb or mount by a windingor circuitous coiu-se.Daku. Me ; v. Aku.Dalam (j). In; among; about, concerning; deep, profound ; in, in themidst of; within ; inside, interiordepth, deepness ; a palace ; the courtterials; gear, tackle, rigging; goods,property.Daudani (dandan). To repaii-, to mendto dress, to make one's toilet.Dandang (j). A pot, a caldron.Dankai. Seeming-rip^ fruit.Danur. Fetid animal serum.Dang. A title prefixed to the names ofwomen of inferior rank, as waitingmaidsin a palace; a waiting-maid, ahandmaid.Dangau. A temporary shed in a field forthe protection of corn from the depredationsof animals.Dapat. To get, to obtain, to procure ; tofind, to obtain by asking or seeking ; tomeet, to encounter ; to can, to be able.Dapatan (dapat). The object obtainedor found ;property, goods, effects.Dapati (dapat). To find, to discover; tomeet, to encounter.Dapur. A fireplace, an oven.Dar (a). Dwelling, abode, habitation,mansion.Dar-al, salam (a). Mansion of safety orpeace.Dai-a (j). The domesticated pigeon, Golumbalivia.Dara-lahiit. The white shore pigeon,Columba littoralis.Darah (j. darah and rah). Blood, gore ;blood, descent, lineage ; blood, kindred.Darai. Impotent, without power of propagation.regal, I'oyal.Dalam-antara. Among, amongst; meanwhile,Daraputra (s). A name of Yudistira, inmeantime.the Mahabarat.Dalih (j). To excuse oneself, to feign a Darawati (s). The kingdom of Krisna, inpretext; excuse.the Mahabarat.Damah. A dart or arrow, such as is dischargedDargahayu (j. rahayu). Prosperity, suc-from the blowpipe.cess, good fortune.Damai. Peace ; rest, tranquillity. Darimuka (s). Name of one of the monkeysDamar (j). Resin, dammar; a torch, aof Rama.link.Daringgu (jav. dringo). Name of a plant,Damar. Name of an island on the southeasterncoast of Borneo.Darma-kusuma (s). A name of Yudistira,A corns terrestris ; v. J4ringgau.Damar-wulan (jav). Name of an ancient in the Mahabarat.king of Majajjahit, in Java.Darma-waugsa (s.), v. Darma-kusuma.Dami. By, in, invoking.Daruni (s). A name of the Hindu goddessDami. When, at tlie time that.Durga.Dampar. To be stranded, to be cast Dasa (s). Ten.ashore, to be wrecked.Dasamuka (s). A name of Rawana.Damparan. A door-frame.Dasan (ben). Name of a sj^ecies of onion.Damping. Near, nigh, adjoining.Datar. Level, even.Dan (j. dan and Ian). And ; with.Datclng, V. D'atang.Dana. Charitable, benevolent.Dati (ben). Contribution, tribiite.Danaraja (s). Name of a mountain in Datu. Paternal forefather four timesJava.removed.Danarjaya (s). A name of Arjuna. Datu. Name of an island on the southwesterncoast of Borneo.Danardana (s). A name of Krisna.Danau (j. ranu). A lake.Datu-moyang. Ancestors, forefathers.Danam (ben). A yoke for oxen.Datuk (j. an elder). Grandfather ; senior,Dandan (j). To prepare, to get ready. elder; title of the head of a tribe, aDandanan (dandan). Preparations ; ma-chieftain.Diiulu. First, before in time or placeformer, past ; formerly, in time pastolden, ancient ; at the beginning, atfirst ; as yet ; for a moment, for a littlewhile.Diiulu-kala.Olden time, of yore, days ofyore.Dtiuliii. To anticipate.Diiulukdn. To precede, to go before ; toplace before.Dawai. Wire.Dawun (j. ron). A leaf; plant, wort,herb.Dawan-asam. Name of a plant, Blgnoniaohliqua.Dawun-bahagya. Name of a plant.Dawan-bali-land"ak. Name of a plant,Cissus ohovata.Dawuu-banang. Name of a plant, Jiisticiapurpurea.Dawun-bisul. Name of a plant, a speciesof oonvolvidus.

DAW—DAL [41 ]DAL—DARDawun-buwaya. Name of a plant, Desmodiumumbellatum.Dawun-chinta. Name of a plant, Phyllantusniruri.Dawun-dulang. Name of a plant, RicinusDawunpachi-pachi. Name of a "plant,Leucas UnifoUa.Dawun-prasmau. Name of a plant, Eujyatoriurnayapuna.Dawun-s etan. Leucas Ihiifolia.Dawim-talinga. Auricle of the ear.Dawup. Name of a plant, a .species ofBauhinia.Daya (j. maya). Art, cunning; stratagem,artifice, trick ; scheme, design.Dayak. A common term applied by theMalays to all the wild inhabitants ofBorneo, Sumatra, and Celebes; aDayim (^). Perpetual, eternal.Dayang. A maid, maiden ; a femaleattendant ; a waiting-maid.Dayu. To swing, to vibrate ; to stagger,to reel.Dabir (p). A scribe, a writer, a notary.Dabu. Dust.Daftar (a). A scroll, a register, an inventory; a book.DaAas'at (a). Astonishment, amazementterror ; astonished, amazed ; terrified.Daina. Common, low, mean.Dakat. Near, nigh, close at hand ; near,be.side ; near, closely related.Dakati. To approach, to go near to.Dakatkan. To cause to approach, tobring near to.Dakam. To crouch as a beast of preybefore making a spring.Dalapan-ribu. Eight thousand.Dalik. To flee, to seek refuge.Dalil (a). Proof, argument ;guide, direction.Dalima (j). The pomegranate. Punkamappa.Dawun-gatal-matL Name of a plant,granatum.Ddlima-katek. The dwarf pomegranate,Tragia urens.Punica nana.Dawun-giind'ik. Name of a plant, NepenthesDaluwang (jav). Paper; v. Dalanchang.distiUatona.Damak (jav). The district of Damak, inDawun-idup. Name of a plant, Oxalis Java.semdth-a ; literally, " living plant." Damang (jav). Title of a class of inferior'DawTin-ingat. Name of a plant, Achryanthespublic officers ; a village chief.aspera.Damap. Greedy, gluttonous; greed,Dawun-kdntal. Name of a plant, Cordia greediness; gluttony.suavcolfns.Dam5,kiyan. So, in such a manner.Da\v\m-katam. Name of a plant, ConvolvulusDamakiyan-ini. Thus, in this manner.pis caprce.Damakiyan-itu. In that manner.Dawun-kantut. Name of a plant, ApocynDamba. To covet, to desire earnestly.urn foetidmn.Dampit. To fall upon, to charge.Dawun-naracha. Weighing scales. Damukut. The broken particles of huskedrice.Dan. Watch, guard, military rounds.Dan. Occasion, opportunity, fit time.Danawa (jav). A goblin.Diudani. To long for ; a longing.Dandan (bat). To lead by the hand.Dandang. A kind of boat of a longform.Danta (s). Ivory, an elephant's tooth.Dangan. A slave.Dangau. With ; by ; with, and.Dangan -antara. Among, amidst.Dangan-damakiyan. Thus, in this manner.DingAn-sampurnana. Perfectly.Dangan-sapurtiiia. Suitably, fitly, withpropriety.Dandu. To question, to doubt; to beuncertain ofDAngkal. Shallow water ; a ford.Ddngkap. To follow, to pursue.Dangki (j. draugki). Envy; gi-udgeenvious ; to envy ;jealousy.Dangkur (ben). To snore.Dangung. To buzz ; to hum ; to soundheavy and low ; hum, buzz, drone ; towhiz; whiz.Dara. To scourge ; to punish ; to command.Darai.To move in a long uninterruptedline ; to march in line.Daras (j). Rapid, moving violently as atorrent ; v. Dras.Daki. Scurf, dandrifiF.Darawa (j). Synap; i'. Drawa.Daksina (s). The right hand ; the south. Darawan. Name of an island on theDalanchang (jav). Paper of Javanese south-eastern coast of Borneo.manufacture.Darab, or Darap (j. karap). Close to, nighDalap (j). Greedy, covetous.to ; together, not apart.Daiapan. Eight.Daram. To thunder ; to make a loudDalapanblas. Eighteen.noise as cannon.Ddlapanpuluh. Eighty.Ddrang. To tink, to tiukle, to clink.Dalapan-ratus. Eight hundred.Darang. Bright red.

DAI—DAP [40] DAR—DAWDai (j. hii). The forehead.Daii-at (a). Ch-cumference, peripheryorbit, circuit; cycle; province, dependency.Daki. To climb or mount by a windingor circuitous coiu-se.Daku. Me ; v. Aku.Dalam (j). In; among; about, concerning; deep, pr<strong>of</strong>ound ; in, in <strong>the</strong>midst <strong>of</strong>; within ; inside, interiordepth, deepness ; a palace ; <strong>the</strong> courtterials; gear, tackle, rigging; goods,property.Daudani (d<strong>and</strong>an). To repaii-, to mendto dress, to make one's toilet.D<strong>and</strong>ang (j). A pot, a caldron.Dankai. Seeming-rip^ fruit.Danur. Fetid animal serum.Dang. A title prefixed to <strong>the</strong> names <strong>of</strong>women <strong>of</strong> inferior rank, as waitingmaidsin a palace; a waiting-maid, ah<strong>and</strong>maid.Dangau. A temporary shed in a field for<strong>the</strong> protection <strong>of</strong> corn from <strong>the</strong> depredations<strong>of</strong> animals.Dapat. To get, to obtain, to procure ; t<strong>of</strong>ind, to obtain by asking or seeking ; tomeet, to encounter ; to can, to be able.Dapatan (dapat). The object obtainedor found ;property, goods, effects.Dapati (dapat). To find, to discover; tomeet, to encounter.Dapur. A fireplace, an oven.Dar (a). Dwelling, abode, habitation,mansion.Dar-al, salam (a). Mansion <strong>of</strong> safety orpeace.Dai-a (j). The domesticated pigeon, Golumbalivia.Dara-lahiit. The white shore pigeon,Columba littoralis.Darah (j. darah <strong>and</strong> rah). Blood, gore ;blood, descent, lineage ; blood, kindred.Darai. Impotent, without power <strong>of</strong> propagation.regal, I'oyal.Dalam-antara. Among, amongst; meanwhile,Daraputra (s). A name <strong>of</strong> Yudistira, inmeantime.<strong>the</strong> Mahabarat.Dalih (j). To excuse oneself, to feign a Darawati (s). The kingdom <strong>of</strong> Krisna, inpretext; excuse.<strong>the</strong> Mahabarat.Damah. A dart or arrow, such as is dischargedDargahayu (j. rahayu). Prosperity, suc-from <strong>the</strong> blowpipe.cess, good fortune.Damai. Peace ; rest, tranquillity. Darimuka (s). Name <strong>of</strong> one <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> monkeysDamar (j). Resin, dammar; a torch, a<strong>of</strong> Rama.link.Daringgu (jav. dringo). Name <strong>of</strong> a plant,Damar. Name <strong>of</strong> an isl<strong>and</strong> on <strong>the</strong> sou<strong>the</strong>asterncoast <strong>of</strong> Borneo.Darma-kusuma (s). A name <strong>of</strong> Yudistira,A corns terrestris ; v. J4ringgau.Damar-wulan (jav). Name <strong>of</strong> an ancient in <strong>the</strong> Mahabarat.king <strong>of</strong> Majajjahit, in Java.Darma-waugsa (s.), v. Darma-kusuma.Dami. By, in, invoking.Daruni (s). A name <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> Hindu goddessDami. When, at tlie time that.Durga.Dampar. To be str<strong>and</strong>ed, to be cast Dasa (s). Ten.ashore, to be wrecked.Dasamuka (s). A name <strong>of</strong> Rawana.Damparan. A door-frame.Dasan (ben). Name <strong>of</strong> a sj^ecies <strong>of</strong> onion.Damping. Near, nigh, adjoining.Datar. Level, even.Dan (j. dan <strong>and</strong> Ian). And ; with.Datclng, V. D'atang.Dana. Charitable, benevolent.Dati (ben). Contribution, tribiite.Danaraja (s). Name <strong>of</strong> a mountain in Datu. Paternal forefa<strong>the</strong>r four timesJava.removed.Danarjaya (s). A name <strong>of</strong> Arjuna. Datu. Name <strong>of</strong> an isl<strong>and</strong> on <strong>the</strong> southwesterncoast <strong>of</strong> Borneo.Danardana (s). A name <strong>of</strong> Krisna.Danau (j. ranu). A lake.Datu-moyang. Ancestors, forefa<strong>the</strong>rs.Danam (ben). A yoke for oxen.Datuk (j. an elder). Gr<strong>and</strong>fa<strong>the</strong>r ; senior,D<strong>and</strong>an (j). To prepare, to get ready. elder; title <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> head <strong>of</strong> a tribe, aD<strong>and</strong>anan (d<strong>and</strong>an). Preparations ; ma-chieftain.Diiulu. First, before in time or placeformer, past ; formerly, in time pastolden, ancient ; at <strong>the</strong> beginning, atfirst ; as yet ; for a moment, for a littlewhile.Diiulu-kala.Olden time, <strong>of</strong> yore, days <strong>of</strong>yore.Dtiuliii. To anticipate.Diiulukdn. To precede, to go before ; toplace before.Dawai. Wire.Dawun (j. ron). A leaf; plant, wort,herb.Dawan-asam. Name <strong>of</strong> a plant, Blgnoniaohliqua.Dawun-bahagya. Name <strong>of</strong> a plant.Dawan-bali-l<strong>and</strong>"ak. Name <strong>of</strong> a plant,Cissus ohovata.Dawuu-banang. Name <strong>of</strong> a plant, Jiisticiapurpurea.Dawun-bisul. Name <strong>of</strong> a plant, a species<strong>of</strong> oonvolvidus.

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