A grammar and dictionary of the Malay language ... - Wallace Online

A grammar and dictionary of the Malay language ... - Wallace Online A grammar and dictionary of the Malay language ... - Wallace Online

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CHA—CHA [36] CHA-CHAChangkir (jav). A cup, a bowl.Cliaugkolong (bat). To curtail, to cutoff, to reduce ; v. Chaugkolong.Chaugkrek (j. jaugkrek). A cricket,Oryllas ; v. Chiukrek..Chaugkul. A hoe ; to hoe.Chap (s). Impression, mark ; seal, signetlicence; passport.Chapa. Name of a plant, Ounyza balsamifcra;v. Chai^u.Chaiiai. To reach at with the hand.Chapai. Deformed in a limb.Chapang. Having wide-spreading horna.Chape (aUN). Weary, fatigued, tired.Chaping. A silver plate worn by femalechildren to hide the nudities.Chaping-talingga. The lobe of the ear.Chapuk. To expose the nudities, as aninsult.Chara (s). Mode, manner, way, methodform, fashion ; fashion, style, custom ;language, si^eech ; costume.Chara-bahasa. Manners, ceremonious behaviour.Charaka (jay). The Javanese alphabet,or ABC, from the three last letters,of the first five substantive ones.Charakau (jav). A messenger; an envoy,an ambassador.Charaug (ben). A sucker from a peppervine.Charek. To tear, to rend, to lacerate.Charik (jav). A scribe, a writer.Charit. To neigh as a horse.Charita (s). A story, a tale, a narrative.Charitakan. To narrate, to relate, totell.Charu (j. charoba). To guzzle, to guttle.Charubah (j). Without discrimination,without selection, like a brute.Charuban (j. chai-ub, "to mix"). Thekingdom of Chorchon, in Java. TheJavanese and Sundas are here intermixed,and hence probably the name.Charut. Obscene, foul, immodest.Chasam (sun). Name of a Suuda districtof Java ; literally, " river of the tamarindtree."Chat (j). Paint, pigment.Chatar (s). An umbrella.Chatkan (chat). To paint, to apply paint.Chatok. The beak of a bird ; to peck, tostrike with the beak.(Jhatur (s). The game of chess.Cliawak (ben). Vetches, tares.Chawan. A cup, a bowl.Chawang (j). A bough, a branch; v.Chabang.Chawat. The portion of dress tliat covci'Stlie louis.Chawatkan. To put on tlio chawat ; togird the loins.Chaya (j). ISright, shining ; v. Chahaya.Chayar (j. chewer). Liquid, fluid, notsolid.Chabur. To drop or fall in the water.Chachintoug. A lock of hair.Chagah (jay). To restrain, to hinder, torepress : to refrain, to abstain.Chagar. A rapid in a river.Chakak. To grasj), to gripe; grasp,gripe.Chakap. Expert, ready, skilful, handy.Chakatan. Skill, dexterity, expertuess.Chakau. To seize with the claws or talons,as a beast or bird of prey.Chakek. To throttle, to strangle bygriping the throat.Cliakit. Quarrel, brawl.Chakung. Round-shouldered and stooping.Chala(j). Blemish, flaw, deformity; soil,taint; blame, reproach; censure, aflVont.Chdla-chula. Reproach, calumny.Chala-manchala. To cast mutual reproach.A Ch3,lah. crack, a cleft, a fissure, acrevice ; gap, chasm ; interstice, iutei*-val.Chalak. To whet or grind an edged toolor weapon.Chalaka. Misfortune, calamity; mischance, mishap ; disaster, ill-luck ;unfortunate,imlucky, ill-omened, tlisastrous.Chillana (j). Drawers, trowsers.Chalapa (j). A tobacco box ; v. Salapa.Chalapak. Astride, straddling.Chalik. Open, unclosed.Chalor. The ordeal by dipping the handin a hot fluid.Chaiub or Chdlup (j). To dip, to sop ; todye, to colour by dipping.Chalup-tima. The ordeal by dipping thehand in melted tin.Chalus. To fit, to suit, to be adapted to.Chamara (s). The tail of the Thibet ox;false hair ; v. Chamara.Chdmara-gunung. Name of a tree, Casuarinamontana.Chamara-laut. Name of a tree, Casuarinamuricata; v. Aran.Chamas. Annoyance, inconvenience.Chamati (ben). Name of an eruptiveChamar(j). Foul, filthy, dirty; foul,impure, polluted ; infested by robbersor pirates; filth, dirt; pollution, im-Ijurity.Chamar-kayin. The menses.Chamarlang. To flash, to glisten, to glitter; V. Jamarlaug.Chamat. To track, to pull a boat with arope against the stream from the shore.Chamati. A whip, a scourge ; v. Chamiti.Chambau.''. \\'hiskers.

CHA-CHA [37] CHA—CHECMmbul. A peifame ointineut box ; v. both hands ; to p)-ess close). hold ToChamburu. Jealous, suspicious ;jealousy,(j. chapu). gambler box, a boxChmubul.between the finger and thumb.Chapu Asuspicion.for holding the catechu used in theChamburuan. Jealousy, suspicion.betel preparation.Chamdek. To hint or insinuate blame Chapuii (jav). A royal betel box.or reproach.Charachap. Cymbals.Chaniing-chaming. Name of a fish. Charah. To dawn, to gi-ow luminous.Champa (j). Name of a country on the Charai. Separation ; jaai-ting ; divorceeastern coast of the gulf of Siam; v. separated ;parted ; to part.Champa.Charai-barai. Separated, dispersed, scattered.Champala (s). Name of the kingdom ofDrupada or Basukate, in the Mahabarat. Charai-baraikan. To scatter, to disperse.Champadak. Name of a fruit tree, .4»-^cai'pusCharaikan. To sepai-ate, to part ; to di-polyphema.vorce.ChamparUng. Name of a bird.Charana. A betel stand.Chamt'i (j). A whip, a scourge ; v. Chamat'i.Charat (ben). A cock, a faucet, aChanma (ben). A cancer.C'hanchamar. A gull, a mew.broach.Chanchawi. Name of a kind of cloth. Charawat. A fii-e arrow, a rocket.Chanchodak. Name of a fish.Charchal (bat). To mock, to revile, toChanda (ben). Like, resembling.reproach ; v. Chorchah.Chandah. To dally, to toy amorously. ChardeL Shrewd, acute, knowmg, sharp,Chanda-pat'i. A box, a coffer.intelligent.Cliandara. Sound, fast, as in sleep. Chari. Name of a fruit.Chandawan. A fungus, a mushroom. Charax (p). The celestial sphere, theChandi-a (j). Name of a class of celestial starry heavens.beings in Malay and Javanese romance. Charmai (j. charme).Chandu (t). A tale, a romance, a story. Cicca disticha.Name of a fruit,Chandung. Name of a tool.Charmat. Neat, nice, trim.Chand'ala (s). Foul, immodest.Charmat. To catch an animal by entanglingit with a rope or line.Chand'ana (s). Sandal wood, SantalumCharmin (J). A mirror, a looking-glass.Chanela (jav). Shoes, sUppers.Chai-niin-mata. The pupil of the eye ; aChanonot. The rump, the coccyx.pan- of spectacles.Chanrai. A charm, an antidote.Charmiu-talinga. The tympanum orChantam. To stitch together ; to tie together,membrane of the ear.as the ends of a piece of cloth. Charok. To blanch or whiten rice orChangang (j). To wonder ; to be surprised;other grain.wonder, surprise, astonishment. Cliarpalai. Name of a species of lizard.Changangan. A wonder ; a miracle. Chai-pu (t). Sandals.Chdnggai. A long finger nail, worn as a Charuchuk. A feny.mark of distinction ; v. Changgai. Charulin (j. tinilek). Name of a speciesChanggeh. Foppish, coxcombical ; v. of jjlover, Charadrius pluvialls.Changgeh.Charya. Pure, clean.Changi (bat). Cruel.Chatriya (s). A prince, one of the royalChangkang. To grapple, to wrestle. blood ; a soldiei-.Changkar. A prop, a stay.Chebol (jAv). Short, squat.Changkar. Altercation, verbal dispute. Ched-uk (j. chid-uk). A spoon, a ladle ; toChangkeh (j). The clove, Caryojj/ii/llus use a ladle ; to draw or take up wateraromatica.to take fish from a weir with a handChangkring (j). Name of a tree, £rythrinanet ; v. Chibuk.corollodendron.Chek. Abbreviation of Inchek, a MalayChangkolong (bat). To curtail, to cut title; V. Inchek.off, to reduce ; v. Changkolong.Chapak (j. chapuk). A gambler or catechuChekel. Mean, low ; ungenerous.Chekel (jav). Name of a kind of spearbox; V. Chapu.Chapaka (s). Name of a tree ; v. Champaka.Chapat (j). Quick, active, nimble, ready,agile.Chapeao (for). A hat.L'hapit (j. to hold between the palms ofor lance.Cheker (bat). To paw the eai-th as ananimal.Cheleng (j. a hog). The wild hog.Chepan. A battle-axe.Cheper (j). Flat, shallow ; a plate, asalver.

CHA-CHA [37] CHA—CHECMmbul. A peifame ointineut box ; v. both h<strong>and</strong>s ; to p)-ess close). hold ToChamburu. Jealous, suspicious ;jealousy,(j. chapu). gambler box, a boxChmubul.between <strong>the</strong> finger <strong>and</strong> thumb.Chapu Asuspicion.for holding <strong>the</strong> catechu used in <strong>the</strong>Chamburuan. Jealousy, suspicion.betel preparation.Chamdek. To hint or insinuate blame Chapuii (jav). A royal betel box.or reproach.Charachap. Cymbals.Chaniing-chaming. Name <strong>of</strong> a fish. Charah. To dawn, to gi-ow luminous.Champa (j). Name <strong>of</strong> a country on <strong>the</strong> Charai. Separation ; jaai-ting ; divorceeastern coast <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> gulf <strong>of</strong> Siam; v. separated ;parted ; to part.Champa.Charai-barai. Separated, dispersed, scattered.Champala (s). Name <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> kingdom <strong>of</strong>Drupada or Basukate, in <strong>the</strong> Mahabarat. Charai-baraikan. To scatter, to disperse.Champadak. Name <strong>of</strong> a fruit tree, .4»-^cai'pusCharaikan. To sepai-ate, to part ; to di-polyphema.vorce.ChamparUng. Name <strong>of</strong> a bird.Charana. A betel st<strong>and</strong>.Chamt'i (j). A whip, a scourge ; v. Chamat'i.Charat (ben). A cock, a faucet, aChanma (ben). A cancer.C'hanchamar. A gull, a mew.broach.Chanchawi. Name <strong>of</strong> a kind <strong>of</strong> cloth. Charawat. A fii-e arrow, a rocket.Chanchodak. Name <strong>of</strong> a fish.Charchal (bat). To mock, to revile, toCh<strong>and</strong>a (ben). Like, resembling.reproach ; v. Chorchah.Ch<strong>and</strong>ah. To dally, to toy amorously. ChardeL Shrewd, acute, knowmg, sharp,Ch<strong>and</strong>a-pat'i. A box, a c<strong>of</strong>fer.intelligent.Cli<strong>and</strong>ara. Sound, fast, as in sleep. Chari. Name <strong>of</strong> a fruit.Ch<strong>and</strong>awan. A fungus, a mushroom. Charax (p). The celestial sphere, <strong>the</strong>Ch<strong>and</strong>i-a (j). Name <strong>of</strong> a class <strong>of</strong> celestial starry heavens.beings in <strong>Malay</strong> <strong>and</strong> Javanese romance. Charmai (j. charme).Ch<strong>and</strong>u (t). A tale, a romance, a story. Cicca disticha.Name <strong>of</strong> a fruit,Ch<strong>and</strong>ung. Name <strong>of</strong> a tool.Charmat. Neat, nice, trim.Ch<strong>and</strong>'ala (s). Foul, immodest.Charmat. To catch an animal by entanglingit with a rope or line.Ch<strong>and</strong>'ana (s). S<strong>and</strong>al wood, SantalumCharmin (J). A mirror, a looking-glass.Chanela (jav). Shoes, sUppers.Chai-niin-mata. The pupil <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> eye ; aChanonot. The rump, <strong>the</strong> coccyx.pan- <strong>of</strong> spectacles.Chanrai. A charm, an antidote.Charmiu-talinga. The tympanum orChantam. To stitch toge<strong>the</strong>r ; to tie toge<strong>the</strong>r,membrane <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> ear.as <strong>the</strong> ends <strong>of</strong> a piece <strong>of</strong> cloth. Charok. To blanch or whiten rice orChangang (j). To wonder ; to be surprised;o<strong>the</strong>r grain.wonder, surprise, astonishment. Cliarpalai. Name <strong>of</strong> a species <strong>of</strong> lizard.Changangan. A wonder ; a miracle. Chai-pu (t). S<strong>and</strong>als.Chdnggai. A long finger nail, worn as a Charuchuk. A feny.mark <strong>of</strong> distinction ; v. Changgai. Charulin (j. tinilek). Name <strong>of</strong> a speciesChanggeh. Foppish, coxcombical ; v. <strong>of</strong> jjlover, Charadrius pluvialls.Changgeh.Charya. Pure, clean.Changi (bat). Cruel.Chatriya (s). A prince, one <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> royalChangkang. To grapple, to wrestle. blood ; a soldiei-.Changkar. A prop, a stay.Chebol (jAv). Short, squat.Changkar. Altercation, verbal dispute. Ched-uk (j. chid-uk). A spoon, a ladle ; toChangkeh (j). The clove, Caryojj/ii/llus use a ladle ; to draw or take up wateraromatica.to take fish from a weir with a h<strong>and</strong>Changkring (j). Name <strong>of</strong> a tree, £rythrinanet ; v. Chibuk.corollodendron.Chek. Abbreviation <strong>of</strong> Inchek, a <strong>Malay</strong>Changkolong (bat). To curtail, to cut title; V. Inchek.<strong>of</strong>f, to reduce ; v. Changkolong.Chapak (j. chapuk). A gambler or catechuChekel. Mean, low ; ungenerous.Chekel (jav). Name <strong>of</strong> a kind <strong>of</strong> spearbox; V. Chapu.Chapaka (s). Name <strong>of</strong> a tree ; v. Champaka.Chapat (j). Quick, active, nimble, ready,agile.Chapeao (for). A hat.L'hapit (j. to hold between <strong>the</strong> palms <strong>of</strong>or lance.Cheker (bat). To paw <strong>the</strong> eai-th as ananimal.Cheleng (j. a hog). The wild hog.Chepan. A battle-axe.Cheper (j). Flat, shallow ; a plate, asalver.

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