A grammar and dictionary of the Malay language ... - Wallace Online

A grammar and dictionary of the Malay language ... - Wallace Online A grammar and dictionary of the Malay language ... - Wallace Online

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BUT—BUW [34] BUW—CHAButa (j). A demon, a gobliu.Buta (j. wiita). Blind, deprived of sight.Butakan. To blind, to make blind.Butik. Name of a parasitical plant.Butil. A grain ; v. Butir.Butir. A grain, a particle ; an idiomaticterm used in counting certain objects,as pepper, beads, &c.Butu. Membrum virile.Butul. Through, from one side to theothei-.Butung. The island called in the mapsBouton, near the south-eastern wing ofCelebes ; name of the island of Bouton,on the west coast of the Malayan peninsula,and at the western end of thestraits of Malacca.But-ak (j. wub-ak). Bald, bald-headed.But-ak. Thick, turbid, not clear.Buwah (j. uwah and woh). Fruit; anidiomatic tei-m in counting certain objects,as countries, towns, lakes, resei'-Toirs, houses, shii^s, boats, stones, gems,&c. ; V. Buah.Buwah-ati. Darling ; literally, " fi'uit ofthe heart."Buwah-buwahan (j. woh-wohan). Fruitsin general, fruits collectively.Buwah-chatur. The pieces at the gameof chess.Buwah-chuki.draughts.Buwah-jugar. The pieces at the gamecalled jugar.Buwah-mariam. A cannon ball.bai-jawa.Chabai-jawa. Piper longum; v. Chabaichanggek.Chabai-rawit.The pieces at the game ofBuwah-pala. The mace spice.Buwah-pari. Dice.Buwah-peler. The testicles.Buwah-pingang. The kidneys.Buwah-timbangan. Weights for weighing.Buwaja (bat). Dung, a corruption of Baja.Buwaua (s). The world, the universe.Buwang (j). To throw, to fling, to castto throw away, to reject ; to throw out,to eject ; to force out, to expel ; to putaway, to divorce, to repudiate ; to dischaigc,to cashier ; to banish, to exile ;to put to death judicially ; to discharge,to let off, to fire ; v. Biiang.tery; lascivious, libidinous; loquacious,prating ; a low person that imitates themanners of a superior.Buwang-ayar. To case, to stool.Chabulan. Lasciviousness.Buwang ayarsnni. To .stale, to piss. Chabut (j). To pluck, to 2:>idl ; to eradicate,Buwang-baiakang. To turn one's back,to take up by the roots ; to cashier,to i-un away.to remove from a post ; to subtract orBuwaiig-bidak. To give a pawn at chess. deduct.Buwang-darah. To blood, to let blood. Chachad (j). Blemish, deformity; fault,Buwang-d-iri. To take oneself off, to defect ; v. Chachat.take to flight ; to destroy oneself; to Chachah. To chop, to mince, to cut incommit suicide.small pieces.Buwangi. To throw, to fling ; v. BuwangkaningChachah. To puncture the skin, insert-indelible colouring matter ; toBuwangkau ; v. tr. To throw, to fling. tattoo.to cast, to throw away, to throw f»it, to Chachah (jAv). Quantity, nunibcr; count,reject.Buwas. Mischievous, wicked.Buwat. To do, to make, to perform ; toconstruct, to fabricate.Buwatan. Work, deed, act, performancefabric, workmanship.Buwaya (j. baya). A generic name forthe alligator.Buwaya-labu. Name of a species of alligator.Buwaya-katak. Name of a si^ecies ofalligator.Buwaya-tambaga. Name of a species ofalligator.Buyon. A name often given to slaves,but of which the etymology has notbeen ascertained.Euyung (j). A jar, a pitcher, a water-pot.A generic name forCHABAI (j. chabe).pepper, but especially for the capsicum.Chabai-achung. Capsicum frutescens ; v.Chabai-sabrang.Chabai-bflsar. Capsicum incurvum.Chabai-changgek. Piper longum; v. Cha-Capsicum fastigiatmn.Chabai-Silbrang. Capsicum frutesccns ; v.Chabai-achung.Chabai-sulasi. Capsicum hicolor.Chabang (j). A bough, a branch ; nameof a weapon ; v. Chawang.Chabar (j). Weak, feeble, impotent ; aterm of opprobrium; to upbraid, toreproach.ChabAk (j). Name of a species of goatsucker,Caprimulqus affinis of Horsfield.Chabek. To tear, to rend.C'habuk (p). A whip.Chabuk. A species of foul ulcer.Chabul. To roar as the sea ; to violate afemale, to commit fornication or adul-envuiicration.

CHA—CHA [35] CHA-CHAChachah-siti (jav). Enumeratiou of familiesby the quantity of land a familytills, or that will maintain one ; v. Ga-a sweet-scented flower, Michclia champaka,or Michelia Blumei.Champaka-mulya (s). Name of a plant,wening-wong.Parkhisonia aculeata.Chachak. To set, to plant, to stick in the Champaka- sailan. Name of a plant,gi-ound ; a stake, a palisade.Pyirkosa Horsfieldii.Chaehar (j). The small-pox, variola. Champaka-gimung. Name of a plant,Chachat (j). Blemish, defect ; v. Chachad. Liliodmdron lilifera.Chaching (j). An eai-th worm ;. an intes-Champala (s). Name of a country in thetinal worm.Chadai. To jest, to banter.Chadar (p). A sheet ; a mantle ; a veil.Chadi (be>."). The outriggers of a boat.Chadik (bat). The lower jaw bone.Chagar (j). A deposit, a stake ;pledge,a mortgage.Chah (cHix. of Fokien). Tea, Thea.Chahar. To purge, to have frequentstools ;pui'giug, diarrhoea.Chahari (s). To seek, to look after, toC'hakai). To undertake, to attempt ; undertaking,attempt; offer, proposal.Chakra (s). A circle ; a wheel ; a discus,a quoit.Chakra-kambang. The kingdom of Kama,in the Mahabarat.Chaki-awala (s). An orb, a circle.Chakut (bat).Chalakuta (s).Siva.Chalichi. Covetous, rapacious ; avaricious.Chaling. The tusk of the wild boar.Chalit (j. dulit). To smear, to daub.Chamara (s). The tail of the yak, orThibet ox ; false hair ; v. Chamara.Chamara-laut. Name of a tree, Casuarinarnuricata ; v. Aran.C'haming-chamiag. Name of a plant,Averrhoa acida.Champa. Name of a country on theeastern coast of the gulf of Siam, thesite of a Malay colony of long standingV. Champa.Champak. To cast, to throw ; to cast, tocast away.Champaka (s). Name (jf a tree yieldiugMahabarat.Champui- (j). To mix, to mingle, toblend; to compound.Champur-bawur (j). To intermingle, tobe mixed indiscriminately.Chauai (t). A whetstone; a smoothingstone ; to whet ; to smooth by a roller,to mangle, to calender.Chanang. A small kind of gong used bythe public ci'ier.Chanar. A common name for the genussean-ch for.of plants called Smilax.Chaharian (chahari). Goods, effects, property;Chanar-babi. Smilax repanda.literally, " the object sought Chanar-bokor. Smilax leucopJi ylla.after."Chandal. A term of reproach, of whichChahya (j). Bright, shining ; brightness, the literal meaning has not been ascertained.lustre ; light ; the human face.Chahya-mata. A word of endearment Chandra (s). The moon ; month ; date,"light of the eyes."epoch.litei-ally,Chai (sun). "Water ; a river.Chandrakeraua (.tav). The wife of PanjiChakang. Tight, tense.luakarta, a heroine of Javanese romance.Chakar (j). the foot of a bird ; claws,talons ; to claw, to scratch with the Chaudramula (s). Name of a plant.claws or talons.Cbandrawati (s). The king of Mandaraka,Chakar- bebek. Xame of a plant, Cotij- in the IMahabarat.Icdon laniata.Chandu (j). Prepared opium for smoking.Chakar-manehakar. To claw and be Chandi (j). A monument ; a temple ofclawed, to claw mutually.idols ; a tomb ; a burial ground.Chand•i-se^\^l. Name of the principalgroup of ruins at Branbanau, in Javaliterally, " the thousand temples."Chaniior (sun). Name of a Sunda districtin Java ; literally, " coco-treeriver."Chantakapura (s). Name of a city inThe hiccup, sinrjultus. Javanese romance.Name of a Hindu deity, Chantigi-basar. Name of a plant, Thibuudiaflorihunda.Chantigi-wangi. Name of a plant, Gautierapunctata.Chantik. Pretty; neat, spruce, trim.Chantri (s).A pupil, a disciple, a scholara priest ; v. Santri.Changgah (jav). A long forked implement,for securing ferocious animalsor persons running a-muck.Changgai. A long finger-nail, worn as amai'k of distinction.Changgeh. Foppish, coxcombical ; saucy,pert ; v. Changgeh.Changgong. Shy, reserved.Changis. Name of a tree.Changkiling. To take by the hand orgive the arm in friendship.

BUT—BUW [34] BUW—CHAButa (j). A demon, a gobliu.Buta (j. wiita). Blind, deprived <strong>of</strong> sight.Butakan. To blind, to make blind.Butik. Name <strong>of</strong> a parasitical plant.Butil. A grain ; v. Butir.Butir. A grain, a particle ; an idiomaticterm used in counting certain objects,as pepper, beads, &c.Butu. Membrum virile.Butul. Through, from one side to <strong>the</strong>o<strong>the</strong>i-.Butung. The isl<strong>and</strong> called in <strong>the</strong> mapsBouton, near <strong>the</strong> south-eastern wing <strong>of</strong>Celebes ; name <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> isl<strong>and</strong> <strong>of</strong> Bouton,on <strong>the</strong> west coast <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> <strong>Malay</strong>an peninsula,<strong>and</strong> at <strong>the</strong> western end <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong>straits <strong>of</strong> Malacca.But-ak (j. wub-ak). Bald, bald-headed.But-ak. Thick, turbid, not clear.Buwah (j. uwah <strong>and</strong> woh). Fruit; anidiomatic tei-m in counting certain objects,as countries, towns, lakes, resei'-Toirs, houses, shii^s, boats, stones, gems,&c. ; V. Buah.Buwah-ati. Darling ; literally, " fi'uit <strong>of</strong><strong>the</strong> heart."Buwah-buwahan (j. woh-wohan). Fruitsin general, fruits collectively.Buwah-chatur. The pieces at <strong>the</strong> game<strong>of</strong> chess.Buwah-chuki.draughts.Buwah-jugar. The pieces at <strong>the</strong> gamecalled jugar.Buwah-mariam. A cannon ball.bai-jawa.Chabai-jawa. Piper longum; v. Chabaichanggek.Chabai-rawit.The pieces at <strong>the</strong> game <strong>of</strong>Buwah-pala. The mace spice.Buwah-pari. Dice.Buwah-peler. The testicles.Buwah-pingang. The kidneys.Buwah-timbangan. Weights for weighing.Buwaja (bat). Dung, a corruption <strong>of</strong> Baja.Buwaua (s). The world, <strong>the</strong> universe.Buwang (j). To throw, to fling, to castto throw away, to reject ; to throw out,to eject ; to force out, to expel ; to putaway, to divorce, to repudiate ; to dischaigc,to cashier ; to banish, to exile ;to put to death judicially ; to discharge,to let <strong>of</strong>f, to fire ; v. Biiang.tery; lascivious, libidinous; loquacious,prating ; a low person that imitates <strong>the</strong>manners <strong>of</strong> a superior.Buwang-ayar. To case, to stool.Chabulan. Lasciviousness.Buwang ayarsnni. To .stale, to piss. Chabut (j). To pluck, to 2:>idl ; to eradicate,Buwang-baiakang. To turn one's back,to take up by <strong>the</strong> roots ; to cashier,to i-un away.to remove from a post ; to subtract orBuwaiig-bidak. To give a pawn at chess. deduct.Buwang-darah. To blood, to let blood. Chachad (j). Blemish, deformity; fault,Buwang-d-iri. To take oneself <strong>of</strong>f, to defect ; v. Chachat.take to flight ; to destroy oneself; to Chachah. To chop, to mince, to cut incommit suicide.small pieces.Buwangi. To throw, to fling ; v. BuwangkaningChachah. To puncture <strong>the</strong> skin, insert-indelible colouring matter ; toBuwangkau ; v. tr. To throw, to fling. tattoo.to cast, to throw away, to throw f»it, to Chachah (jAv). Quantity, nunibcr; count,reject.Buwas. Mischievous, wicked.Buwat. To do, to make, to perform ; toconstruct, to fabricate.Buwatan. Work, deed, act, performancefabric, workmanship.Buwaya (j. baya). A generic name for<strong>the</strong> alligator.Buwaya-labu. Name <strong>of</strong> a species <strong>of</strong> alligator.Buwaya-katak. Name <strong>of</strong> a si^ecies <strong>of</strong>alligator.Buwaya-tambaga. Name <strong>of</strong> a species <strong>of</strong>alligator.Buyon. A name <strong>of</strong>ten given to slaves,but <strong>of</strong> which <strong>the</strong> etymology has notbeen ascertained.Euyung (j). A jar, a pitcher, a water-pot.A generic name forCHABAI (j. chabe).pepper, but especially for <strong>the</strong> capsicum.Chabai-achung. Capsicum frutescens ; v.Chabai-sabrang.Chabai-bflsar. Capsicum incurvum.Chabai-changgek. Piper longum; v. Cha-Capsicum fastigiatmn.Chabai-Silbrang. Capsicum frutesccns ; v.Chabai-achung.Chabai-sulasi. Capsicum hicolor.Chabang (j). A bough, a branch ; name<strong>of</strong> a weapon ; v. Chawang.Chabar (j). Weak, feeble, impotent ; aterm <strong>of</strong> opprobrium; to upbraid, toreproach.ChabAk (j). Name <strong>of</strong> a species <strong>of</strong> goatsucker,Caprimulqus affinis <strong>of</strong> Horsfield.Chabek. To tear, to rend.C'habuk (p). A whip.Chabuk. A species <strong>of</strong> foul ulcer.Chabul. To roar as <strong>the</strong> sea ; to violate afemale, to commit fornication or adul-envuiicration.

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