A grammar and dictionary of the Malay language ... - Wallace Online

A grammar and dictionary of the Malay language ... - Wallace Online A grammar and dictionary of the Malay language ... - Wallace Online

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BUD—BUL [32] BUL—BUNBudabah. Unlucky, ill-omened ; ill, evil,misfortune.Budak. A lad or girl ; a slave ; a servant.Budi (s). Disposition, nature, temper,temperament ; sense, understanding ;prudence.Budi-bachara (s). Consideration, discretion;judgment.Budiman (s). Wise, intelligent.Budu. Pickled fish.Bugis (bd. wugi). Name of the pi-incipalnation of Celebes.Buhi. Froth, foam, spume ; scum.Buhun. Body, main part, trunk.Bujang (j). Unmarried; a bachelor orspinster; a servant; a retainer, a dependant; a closet, a cabinet.Bujanga (j). Unmarried, in a state ofcelibacy ; a bachelor ; a scholar, a manof learning; v. Pujongga.Bujuk (j). To coax, to wheedle, to flatter; to allure ; to caress, to fondlecoaxing, flattery ; caressing ; allurement.Bujur (j. mujur). Length; lengthwise,by the length.Buka (j). To open, to unclose ; to uncover; to open, to begin, to commenceto represent, to lay open ; to demonstrate; to reveal, to disclose ; open,not shut ; broad, spacious ; breadth.Buka-puwasa. To break fast, to ceasefastiug ; literally, " to open fast."Bukan. No, not, by no means, nay.Bukan-bukan. Not at all, by no means.Bukit. A mountain, a hill.Bukit-batu. Name of a river and placeon the north-eastern coast of Sumatra.Buku (j. a cotton seed). A gi-ain, a granularbody ; the joints or articulationsof an animal body ; the joints of plantsa portion or fraction of a whole.Buku-jari. The knuckles.Buku-tangan. The wrist.Bulah (bat). The whole.Bulan. The moon ; a month ; themenses ; the period of child-bearing ;a Avoman's time.Bulan-baharu. The new moon.Bulan-parnama. The full moon.Bulan-timbul. The new moon ; literally,"the moon floating or appeai-iug onthe surface."Bulan-tumunggul. The quartering of themoon.Bulang. A fillet or wreath worn on thehead ; a particular fashion of wearingthe turban.Bulang. Name of a plant, Colocasia vera.Bulang. To fix the artificial spxirs on acock.Bulang-ulu. A term of endearment.Bulangan. Name of a place on the southettsterncoast of Borneo.Bulang-baling. Double-headed shot.Bular. A film on the eye.Bulat. Round, spherical, globular; round,circular ; round;, cylindrical ; orb,sphere.Bulat. A particular kind of fish weir.Bulat-bujur. Oval, ovate.Billbiil Tlie nightingale.(p).Buli (eu). a bottle.Bulih (j. olih). To can, to be able ; may,be possible; to get, to obtain, toattain ; to have, to possess ;attainment,acquisition.Bui pus (jAv). Imposition, cheat,Bulo-bulo. The larynx.Bulu (j. wulu). The hairy, woolly, orfeathery tegument of animals.Bulu-bulu. Name of a plant, Tragia hirsuta.Bulu-pahat.Down, soft feathers.Buluh. Tlie generic name for the bamboo,£amhusa.Buluh-and-ong. Name of a species ofbamboo.Buluh-apus. Bamhiisa apus.Buluh-bitung. Bamhusa hitimg.Buluh-china. Tlie Chinese bamboo, ArundinariaffJaucescens ; name of a placeon the north-eastern coast of Sumatra.Buluh-duri. The thorny bamboo, JBambusaBlumeana.Buluh-gadiug. Name of a species ofbamboo.Buluh-mayang. Name of a bamboo.Buluh-parindu. Name of a kind ofmusical pipe made of bamboo.Buluh-ular. Name of a species of bamboo.Buhir. Excessive hunger.Bulus. Bare, naked, stripped of leavesdry, aridBulus. Name of a fish, a kind of mullet.Bulus (JAV). A tortoise.Bumata. Nimble-footed, light-footed.Bumata (bat). Crepitus ventris.Bumbu (j). a condiment of mixedspiceries ; spicery.Bumbung (j. wuwung). The ridge-poleof a house ; a house roof; v. Babunganand Bubungan.Bumbung (jav). A water-pail made froma single bamboo joint.Bumi (s). The earth ; earth, soil, ground ;land ;particular land, country, orregion.Bumikasapta (s). The seventh earth orregion.Bun. Dew ; v. Ambun.Hunchis. Name of an esculent bean.Bundah. Name of a tree, Artocarpuspuhescens.Bundar. A brush.

BUN-BUN [33] BUN—BUSBuni. To hide, to conceal ; hidden,secret, occult.Bimika. A puppet.Bvmoh. To kill, to slay ; to murder.Buuohan. Murder; killing.Bunoh-bunohan. Mutual murdering;continuous slaughter.Buntala (s). The earth.Buntdr (j. bundar). Round, globular.Buntar. Name of a fish.Bunting. Pregnant, with child, withyoung, big.Buntu (JAV). Closed up, shut, impervious.Buntut (j). The tail of an animal ; end,fag end.Bunut. Name of a place on the westerncoast of Borneo.Bunga. A flower ; bloom, blossom ; interestof capital ; usury.Buuga-bungiian. Flowers collectively.Bunga-api. Sparks of fire.Bunga-ayar. Name of a fish.Bunga-china. Name of a flower.Bunga-chaugke. The clove spice; v.Bunga-lawang.Bunga-karang. Coral, a coralline ; sponge.tahil.Bungkar (j). To heave, to lift a weiglitto up-root ; to unlade a ship or boatto discharge cargo ; to weigh or raise,as the anchor; v. Bongkar.Buugkul (bat). Hunch, hump.Bungkus (j). A wrapper, an envelopea parcel, a package, a bundle ; a baleof any goods ; a cake, a loaf.Bungkusan. A wrapper, an envelope.Bungkuskan. To wrap, to envelope ; topack, to tie up goods.Bunglon (jav). Name of a species ofcameleon lizard.Bungoran. Name of an island lyingbetween Borneo and the Malay peninsula,called in the maps the GreatNatuna.Buni. Sound, noise; sense, meaning,puqiort ; contents of a writing ; tosound, to make a noise; to sing, tochant; to play as a musical instrument.Buman. Sound ; voice.Buni-hmlian. Music; a baud of musicalinstruments.Buiiikiln. To pronounce, to express, toeniuiciate ; to sound, to make a noise ;to sound, to play on an instrument.Bur (eu). To bore.Burai. Protrusion of the bowels at awound.Burand'a (POR. varanda). A cabin orapartment in a ship.Eurat (j).A kind of cosmetic powder orpaste.Buri. A trampet.Buri (jAV). Tlie back ; the rear ; behind ;after ; the future.Burik. Spotted, speckled.Bui-isana (s). Name ofoneof the Kurawa,in the Maliabarat.Burit. The fimdament.Buritan (j). Back, hinder part ; the sternor after-part of a ship.Burnai. The state and town of Borneo;V. Brunai.Burn (j). To chase, to pursue ; to drivean animal; to hunt, to follow thechace.Burn. The elephantiasis.Bum. The island of Boeroe in the sea ofBunga-lawang. The clove spice ; v. Bungachangke.Buriian (j. buron). The object chasedCelebes.Bunga-mas. The interest of money game, beasts of the chace.tribute.Buruh (jAv). A labourer.Bunga-pala. The mace spice ; v. Pala. Bui-uhan (jav). Wages, liire.Bunga-salasa. Fuddled, drunk, intoxicated.worthless ; rotten ; ugly, unseemly.Buruk. Old, worn out, decayed ; bad,Bunga-tanah. The rent of land.Burimg. A bird, a fowl ; the ^3«w«.Bunga-undi. Lot; die to determine Buning-antu. Name of a species of owlchances.literally, "spectre bird."Bungkal. Name of weight for gold equal Burung-dewata. Bird of paradise ; literally," bird of the gods."to 832 gi-ains troy, the same with theBurung-greja. The common house-sparrow; literally, " the church bird," becausenesting under the eaves ofchurches.Bumng-rawa. The shore pigeon, Columbalittoralis.Burung-supan. The bird of paradiseliterally, " com-teous bird ; " v. Manukdewata.Buining-tawuu (bat). Tlie rhinocerosbird, Buceros.Bums. To wither, to dry up.Burnt. Hernia, rupture ; hydrocele.Busana (s). Clothes, clothing ; raiment,dress.Busanda. Age ; aged, stricken in years.Busor. The bow, the implement of waran implement for cleaning cotton, inthe foi-m of a bow.Bustan (p). A flower-garden.Busuk. Fetid, stinking ; rotten, decayedbad, worthless.Busung. Swelling of the abdomen fromdisease ; ascites, dropsy of the abdomen; tympany.

BUN-BUN [33] BUN—BUSBuni. To hide, to conceal ; hidden,secret, occult.Bimika. A puppet.Bvmoh. To kill, to slay ; to murder.Buuohan. Murder; killing.Bunoh-bunohan. Mutual murdering;continuous slaughter.Buntala (s). The earth.Buntdr (j. bundar). Round, globular.Buntar. Name <strong>of</strong> a fish.Bunting. Pregnant, with child, withyoung, big.Buntu (JAV). Closed up, shut, impervious.Buntut (j). The tail <strong>of</strong> an animal ; end,fag end.Bunut. Name <strong>of</strong> a place on <strong>the</strong> westerncoast <strong>of</strong> Borneo.Bunga. A flower ; bloom, blossom ; interest<strong>of</strong> capital ; usury.Buuga-bungiian. Flowers collectively.Bunga-api. Sparks <strong>of</strong> fire.Bunga-ayar. Name <strong>of</strong> a fish.Bunga-china. Name <strong>of</strong> a flower.Bunga-chaugke. The clove spice; v.Bunga-lawang.Bunga-karang. Coral, a coralline ; sponge.tahil.Bungkar (j). To heave, to lift a weiglitto up-root ; to unlade a ship or boatto discharge cargo ; to weigh or raise,as <strong>the</strong> anchor; v. Bongkar.Buugkul (bat). Hunch, hump.Bungkus (j). A wrapper, an envelopea parcel, a package, a bundle ; a bale<strong>of</strong> any goods ; a cake, a loaf.Bungkusan. A wrapper, an envelope.Bungkuskan. To wrap, to envelope ; topack, to tie up goods.Bunglon (jav). Name <strong>of</strong> a species <strong>of</strong>cameleon lizard.Bungoran. Name <strong>of</strong> an isl<strong>and</strong> lyingbetween Borneo <strong>and</strong> <strong>the</strong> <strong>Malay</strong> peninsula,called in <strong>the</strong> maps <strong>the</strong> GreatNatuna.Buni. Sound, noise; sense, meaning,puqiort ; contents <strong>of</strong> a writing ; tosound, to make a noise; to sing, tochant; to play as a musical instrument.Buman. Sound ; voice.Buni-hmlian. Music; a baud <strong>of</strong> musicalinstruments.Buiiikiln. To pronounce, to express, toeniuiciate ; to sound, to make a noise ;to sound, to play on an instrument.Bur (eu). To bore.Burai. Protrusion <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> bowels at awound.Bur<strong>and</strong>'a (POR. var<strong>and</strong>a). A cabin orapartment in a ship.Eurat (j).A kind <strong>of</strong> cosmetic powder orpaste.Buri. A trampet.Buri (jAV). Tlie back ; <strong>the</strong> rear ; behind ;after ; <strong>the</strong> future.Burik. Spotted, speckled.Bui-isana (s). Name <strong>of</strong>one<strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> Kurawa,in <strong>the</strong> Maliabarat.Burit. The fimdament.Buritan (j). Back, hinder part ; <strong>the</strong> sternor after-part <strong>of</strong> a ship.Burnai. The state <strong>and</strong> town <strong>of</strong> Borneo;V. Brunai.Burn (j). To chase, to pursue ; to drivean animal; to hunt, to follow <strong>the</strong>chace.Burn. The elephantiasis.Bum. The isl<strong>and</strong> <strong>of</strong> Boeroe in <strong>the</strong> sea <strong>of</strong>Bunga-lawang. The clove spice ; v. Bungachangke.Buriian (j. buron). The object chasedCelebes.Bunga-mas. The interest <strong>of</strong> money game, beasts <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> chace.tribute.Buruh (jAv). A labourer.Bunga-pala. The mace spice ; v. Pala. Bui-uhan (jav). Wages, liire.Bunga-salasa. Fuddled, drunk, intoxicated.worthless ; rotten ; ugly, unseemly.Buruk. Old, worn out, decayed ; bad,Bunga-tanah. The rent <strong>of</strong> l<strong>and</strong>.Burimg. A bird, a fowl ; <strong>the</strong> ^3«w«.Bunga-undi. Lot; die to determine Buning-antu. Name <strong>of</strong> a species <strong>of</strong> owlchances.literally, "spectre bird."Bungkal. Name <strong>of</strong> weight for gold equal Burung-dewata. Bird <strong>of</strong> paradise ; literally," bird <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> gods."to 832 gi-ains troy, <strong>the</strong> same with <strong>the</strong>Burung-greja. The common house-sparrow; literally, " <strong>the</strong> church bird," becausenesting under <strong>the</strong> eaves <strong>of</strong>churches.Bumng-rawa. The shore pigeon, Columbalittoralis.Burung-supan. The bird <strong>of</strong> paradiseliterally, " com-teous bird ; " v. Manukdewata.Buining-tawuu (bat). Tlie rhinocerosbird, Buceros.Bums. To wi<strong>the</strong>r, to dry up.Burnt. Hernia, rupture ; hydrocele.Busana (s). Clo<strong>the</strong>s, clothing ; raiment,dress.Bus<strong>and</strong>a. Age ; aged, stricken in years.Busor. The bow, <strong>the</strong> implement <strong>of</strong> waran implement for cleaning cotton, in<strong>the</strong> foi-m <strong>of</strong> a bow.Bustan (p). A flower-garden.Busuk. Fetid, stinking ; rotten, decayedbad, worthless.Busung. Swelling <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> abdomen fromdisease ; ascites, dropsy <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> abdomen; tympany.

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