A grammar and dictionary of the Malay language ... - Wallace Online

A grammar and dictionary of the Malay language ... - Wallace Online

A grammar and dictionary of the Malay language ... - Wallace Online

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Reciting, relating. Bartuturan, barkawinan.Reck, to heed, to regard. Ati-ati, ing^t,mangingat, ingatkau, usah, usahkan,eling, mangeling, eliugkan.Reckon, to count. Itung, m^ngitung,bilang, mambilang, kera, mangera,[144] RED—REGcliacliah, parmanai.Reckoning, account. Bilangan, ituugan, Redundancy, exuberance. Kalimpahan.parkeriiau, /tasab.Redundant. Limpah, barlimpah.Recline, to lean. S<strong>and</strong>ar, mafiaudar. Reef, chain <strong>of</strong> rocks. Tukun, gusong,Recline, to repose. Baring, barbaring, karang.mambaring.Recluse, hermit. Partapa, uban, zabld.Reel, to stagger.Refect, to refresh.Kilinchok.Santap.Recognition. Kanal, kanalau.Refection. Santapan.Recognise (to). Kanal, manganal.Recoil, to fall back. Undur, bArundur,kundur, maugundur.Recollect, to remember. IngS,t, mangingat,ingatkan, mdugingfttkan, eling,mangeling, k<strong>and</strong>ug, manganang, kanangkan,sadar, maiiadar.Recollection, remembrance. Ingatan.Recommend, to praise. Puji, mSmuji.Recompense, reward. Gajih, upah, pahala.Recompense, requital. Balas, p&mbalas,pamal3,s, pambalasan.Recompense, to reward. Upahkan, mangupalikan,pahalakan.Recompense, to compensate. Balas, mambalas,balaskan.Recondite, secret. Samar.Reconnoitre, to view, to survej'. Maugamati.Reconnoitre, to spy. Sulu, maiiulu.Record, register. Daftar.Record, to register. Daftarkkan, p;1rtuliskan;Recover, to regain. Dapat-balik, dapatpula.Recovei', to grow well. Pulih, barsambuh.Recovered, restored, well. Pulih, sambuh.Recovery, restoration to health. Batah,sambuh.Recreation, amusement. Mayin-mayinau.Rectify, to make right. Batulkan, mambatulkau,bayiki, naiimbayiki.Rectitude, uprightness. Kabanaran.Recumbent, leaning, reposing. Baring,barbaring.Red. Merah, abang.Red (blood). Murab.Red (dark). Merah-tuwah.Red (dull). Merah-padam.Redeem, to ransom. Tabus, maniibus,tabuskan, miiiuibuskan, timpuhkan.Redeem, to release. Lapas, malapas,Iftpaskdn, malapaskau.Redemption, ransom. Tdbusan.Redemption, release. Kalilpasan.Red-lead, minium. Sadalanggam.Redolent. Mangaras, samarbak.Redoubt (a). Benteng, kubu.Redress, to amend. Bayiki, mambayiki.Reduce, to diminish. Korangkdn, mangorangkan.Reduce, to degrade from pl.ace. Pochot,mamochot, pochotkan.Refine, to purify. Suchikan, mAnuchikan,chuchikan, mflnchuchikdn, barsikkdn,sudi, manudi.Refine metals (to).Aus, auskan.Refit, to repair. Bayiki, mambayiki.Reflect, to consider. Ktoang, manganang,kera, barkera, rasa, marasa, fakar,pikir.Reflection, consideration. Rasiian, parasiian,pikiran.Reform, to amend. Bayiki, mambayiki.Refi-actory, disobedient. Biugal.Refrain, to forbear, to abstain. Tiiaii,tahan, manaan, mdnahan.Refrain, to restrain. Tiiani, manaan i,tahani, mauahani.Refresh, to cool. Sajukkftu, manajukkan.Refresh, to restore, to invigorate. Bagaskan,mambagaskftn.Refresh, to revive what is drooping. Sagarkan.Refresh, to cheer, to enliven. Sukakau,maiiukakan.Refreshed, cooled. Tarsajuk.Refreshed, invigorated. Bagas.Refreshed, revived as a plant. Sagdr.Refreshment, refection. Santapan.Refrigerate, to cool. Sajukkdu, manSjukkan.Refuge, shelter, protection, Lindung,lindungan, tad'uk, suwaka, I'il, awan,panah.Refulgent. GAmilang, bArsinaran.Refusal, denial. Angan, sangkal, katidiian.Refuse, to deny. Angdn, sangkal, mduangkal,laliii, mdlalui.Refuse, waste matter. Kumbi, dmpas,tai.Refutation.Refute (to).Tampdlik.Tampalikkdn.Regal. Dalam, barkarajiian.Regale, feast. K<strong>and</strong>uri, jaga-jaga.Regale, to entertain. Bdrjamukdn, mdnjamukan.Regalia, ensigns <strong>of</strong> royalty. Kaprabiian.Regard, to look towards. Tuju, mdnuju.

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