A grammar and dictionary of the Malay language ... - Wallace Online

A grammar and dictionary of the Malay language ... - Wallace Online A grammar and dictionary of the Malay language ... - Wallace Online

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BAR—BAR [24 ]BAR—BARBirdamai (damai). To rest, to be quiet BArkibaran. Fluttering, vibrating.to be at peace.Barkuda (kuda). To horse, to ride on aB^rdamaikan. To still, to quiet ; to horse ; to be on horseback ; to own apacify.horse or horses.Bardampar (dampar). To be stranded, Bilrkumpil (kumpil). To be alongside of.to be cast ashore ; stranded, cast Barkumpul (kumpul). To be heaped, toashore.Bardamparan. Being stranded.be accumulated ; to assemble, to meettogether.Bardamping (damping). To be near, to BS-rkuwasa (kuwasa). To be endowedbe nigh ; to be nearly related by consanguinity.with power.Barkuwasiian. Being endowed withBdrdiiulu (daulu). To be first, to be power.foremost.Barlabuh (labuh). To be let drop or fallBardaya (daya). To be cheated, to bedeceived, to be defrauded.BArdabar (dabar). To palpitate, to beatat the heart.Bdrdawa (dawa). To litigate, to carry ona law suit.Bardesa (desa). To have laud, to beendowed with land.Barjaga (jaga). To watch ; to feast, torevel.Barjangkit (jangkit). To spread as fireor infectious disease.Barjangkitan. Sjireading like fire or infectiousdisease.Barjanaka (janaka). To sport, to frolic ;to jest.Barjantra (jantra). To revolve as thewheels of a machine.B4rjauhan (jauh). Being far, being distant,being remote.Barjaya (jaya). To be victorious.Bdrjinakan (jinak). To tame; to domesticate; to break in.B4rjod'o (jod'o). To be matched ; to bepaired.Barjod'okan. To match ; to put in pairs.Barkiiandak (kaandak). To be desirous,to be wishing, to be longing.Barkawal (kawal). To keep guard, towatch.Barkawan (kawan). To be in troops orflocks ; to associate.B&rkakal (kakal). To be firm, to beto anchor, to cast auchor.Barlaki (laki). To wed a husband ; tohave a husband.Barlakikan. To take a husband ; to wedto a husband.Barlaku (laku). To proceed, to go on ;to pass, to be current.B;'irlambat (lambat). To delay, to dally.Barlambatan. Delaj'ing, dallying.Barlar'ian (lari). Running away, fleeing,fleeing in disorder.Barlarikau. To run away with, to carryofi'.Barlayar (layar). To sail, to pass bywater.Barlayin (layin). To differ, to vary; tobe estranged.Barlabih (labih). To be more, to increase.Barlabihan. Increasing, multiplying, augmenting.Barlabihkan. To augment, to multiply.Barlalah (lalah). To be listless, to befatigued.Barlangkap (langkAp). To be full, to becomplete ; to be ready, to be pi'epared.B^rlangung (laugung). To be sad, to bepensive, to be thoughtful.Barlindung (lindung). To be shaded ; tobe sheltered; to be hidden or concealed; to be shielded or protectedto take refuge.Barlindungan. Being shaded ; beingsheltered ; being protected.steadfast.Barlindungkan. To shade ; to shelter ; toBdrkakalan. Firm, steadfast ; eternal. protect.Barkalahi (kalahi). To fight, to contest Barlipur (lipur). To be soothed, to beto quarrel, to wrangle, to brawl.comforted, to be consoled.Barkalat (kdlat). Being corded, being Barlipurkan. To soothe, to comfort, totied with a cord.console.Bilrkambang (kambang). To blow, to Barlompat (lompat). To jump, to leap,bloom ; to expand, to spread out.to spring, to bound ; to skip ; to hop.Barkambangau. Blowing, blossoming Barlompatau. Jumping, leaping, bounding.expanding, spreading out.Barkambar (kambar). To be matched. Barlompatkan. To cause to leap, jump,BArkambari. To match, to suit.or bound.Barkdn&n. To like, to approve.Barluda (luda). To spit, to emit saliva.Barkas. A fagot ; a bundle.Barlumut (lumut). To be covered withBark8,skS,n. To fagot ; to bimdle.moss.Barkat (a), A blessing.Barluroh (lurch). To fall, to drop, toB/lrkibar (kibar). To flutter, to vibrate. shed.

BAR—BAR [25] BAR—BARBarlurohan. Falling, dropping, shedding. Barpanjangk4n. To lengthen, to makeBai-ma. The country of the Bii-mese; long.belonging to the country of the Birmese.repeat pantuns or enigmas.Barpantun (pantun). To compose orBarmalam (malam). To pass the night Barpatut (patut). To fit, to be suitable ;at a particular place ;benighted, overtakenby night.Barpatutan. Fitting, suitable, becoming.to be becoming.Barmalu (malu). To be ashamed ; to Barpayung (payung). Furnished with anbe bashful ; to be modest ; ashamed umbrella ; shaded by an umbrellabashful ; modest.entitled to use an umbrella.Barmara (mara). Calamitous, disastrous. Barpalantiug (palantiug). To be lyingBarmas (mas). Golden ; imbued with scattered about.gold; gilt.Barpaluh (paluh). To sweat, to perspire.Bdrmasuk-masukdn. To enter or go infrequently.Barpasan (pasan). To be charged, to beBarmayin (mayin). To play, to sport; commissioned.to frolick ; to play, to gamble.Barpasankan. To charge, to commission.Barmayin-mayiuan. Playing or sporting Bilrpatamh (patai-uh). To be deposited,continuously.to be staked ; to be given in charge.Bdrmega (mega). To be cloudy ; cloudy, Barpataruhan. Depositing, staking ;overcast with clouds.giving in charge.BaiTQohun (mohun). To ask leave, to ask Bilrpintu (pintu). To be furnished witha door or gate ; to be closed by a dooror gate.Barprang (prang). To war, to carry onwar ; to engage, to give battle ; tofight, to combat.permission ; to take leave at parting.Barmuka (muka). To be in face of, to bein front of.Barmukah (mukah). To commit fornicationor adultery.Barnama (nama). To be named, to becalled ; to be titled, to be indued witha title ; to be renowned, to be famous.Barnamakan. To name, to call ; to bestowa title.life.Barombai (ombai). To be fringed, to betasseled ; fringed, tasseled.Bdrombak (ombak). To rise in waves,or billows ; to undulate.Baroti. The rafters of a house.Barpad'an (pad 'an). To match, to suit, totally.Barpagdr (pagar). To be railed or fenced;railed, fenced.Barpakai (pakai). To be clothed ;to bedressed ; to be invested.Barpakaikan. To clothe ; to dress ; toinvest.Barpakaan. Being clothed; being dressedbeing invested.Birpanchar (panchar). To spout, to gush,to stream out.B3,rpanchai'an. Gushing, spouting.B^rpanchur : v. Barpanchai-.Barpanchuran; v. Barpancharan.Barpanjang (panjang). To be long, to beextended lengthwise.Barpanjaugan. Lengthening out, extendingin length.Barprau (prau). To travel by boat orship ; having a boat or ship.Barpri (pri). To be stated, to be representedcircumstantially.Barprikan. To state, to circumstantiate.Barnang. To swim, to pass through the Barpukas (pukas). To express wishes.water as an animal by swimming. Barpuluh (puluh). To exist by tens;Bamiyaga (s). To trade, to traflBc.by tens.Barniyagiian. Trade, traffic.Biirpusing (pusiug). To revolve, to turnBarnaiii (nani). To sing, to chant.round.Barnawa (iiawa). To be alive, to have Barpusing-pusing. To revolve frequentlj'.Barputih (putih). To be white ; to be inthe germ as fruit on the tree.Barputra (putra). To bear a son ; tobear childi-en ; to have children, to bea parent.Barputus (putus). To break ; to snap ;to be ended, to be terminated, to beconcluded ; to be decided ; to be adjudged.Barputusan. Being broken ; being interrupted.Barputusk9,n. To break ; to snap ; toterminate ; to decide ; to adjudge.Barsa (sa). To be one ; to be united.Barsalah (salah). To be wrong, to err;to mistake ; to be guilty ; to differ, todisagree with.Bdrsalin (salin). To change, to bechanged ; to be transfen-ed ; to betranslated ; to be delivered of a child.Barsama (sama). To be equal, to bealike ; to go together.Bdrsama-sama. To be together.Barsama-samJian. Putting in comparisonwith, equalling to.

BAR—BAR [25] BAR—BARBarlurohan. Falling, dropping, shedding. Barpanjangk4n. To leng<strong>the</strong>n, to makeBai-ma. The country <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> Bii-mese; long.belonging to <strong>the</strong> country <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> Birmese.repeat pantuns or enigmas.Barpantun (pantun). To compose orBarmalam (malam). To pass <strong>the</strong> night Barpatut (patut). To fit, to be suitable ;at a particular place ;benighted, overtakenby night.Barpatutan. Fitting, suitable, becoming.to be becoming.Barmalu (malu). To be ashamed ; to Barpayung (payung). Furnished with anbe bashful ; to be modest ; ashamed umbrella ; shaded by an umbrellabashful ; modest.entitled to use an umbrella.Barmara (mara). Calamitous, disastrous. Barpalantiug (palantiug). To be lyingBarmas (mas). Golden ; imbued with scattered about.gold; gilt.Barpaluh (paluh). To sweat, to perspire.Bdrmasuk-masukdn. To enter or go infrequently.Barpasan (pasan). To be charged, to beBarmayin (mayin). To play, to sport; commissioned.to frolick ; to play, to gamble.Barpasankan. To charge, to commission.Barmayin-mayiuan. Playing or sporting Bilrpatamh (patai-uh). To be deposited,continuously.to be staked ; to be given in charge.Bdrmega (mega). To be cloudy ; cloudy, Barpataruhan. Depositing, staking ;overcast with clouds.giving in charge.BaiTQohun (mohun). To ask leave, to ask Bilrpintu (pintu). To be furnished witha door or gate ; to be closed by a dooror gate.Barprang (prang). To war, to carry onwar ; to engage, to give battle ; t<strong>of</strong>ight, to combat.permission ; to take leave at parting.Barmuka (muka). To be in face <strong>of</strong>, to bein front <strong>of</strong>.Barmukah (mukah). To commit fornicationor adultery.Barnama (nama). To be named, to becalled ; to be titled, to be indued witha title ; to be renowned, to be famous.Barnamakan. To name, to call ; to bestowa title.life.Barombai (ombai). To be fringed, to betasseled ; fringed, tasseled.Bdrombak (ombak). To rise in waves,or billows ; to undulate.Baroti. The rafters <strong>of</strong> a house.Barpad'an (pad 'an). To match, to suit, totally.Barpagdr (pagar). To be railed or fenced;railed, fenced.Barpakai (pakai). To be clo<strong>the</strong>d ;to bedressed ; to be invested.Barpakaikan. To clo<strong>the</strong> ; to dress ; toinvest.Barpakaan. Being clo<strong>the</strong>d; being dressedbeing invested.Birpanchar (panchar). To spout, to gush,to stream out.B3,rpanchai'an. Gushing, spouting.B^rpanchur : v. Barpanchai-.Barpanchuran; v. Barpancharan.Barpanjang (panjang). To be long, to beextended lengthwise.Barpanjaugan. Leng<strong>the</strong>ning out, extendingin length.Barprau (prau). To travel by boat orship ; having a boat or ship.Barpri (pri). To be stated, to be representedcircumstantially.Barprikan. To state, to circumstantiate.Barnang. To swim, to pass through <strong>the</strong> Barpukas (pukas). To express wishes.water as an animal by swimming. Barpuluh (puluh). To exist by tens;Bamiyaga (s). To trade, to traflBc.by tens.Barniyagiian. Trade, traffic.Biirpusing (pusiug). To revolve, to turnBarnaiii (nani). To sing, to chant.round.Barnawa (iiawa). To be alive, to have Barpusing-pusing. To revolve frequentlj'.Barputih (putih). To be white ; to be in<strong>the</strong> germ as fruit on <strong>the</strong> tree.Barputra (putra). To bear a son ; tobear childi-en ; to have children, to bea parent.Barputus (putus). To break ; to snap ;to be ended, to be terminated, to beconcluded ; to be decided ; to be adjudged.Barputusan. Being broken ; being interrupted.Barputusk9,n. To break ; to snap ; toterminate ; to decide ; to adjudge.Barsa (sa). To be one ; to be united.Barsalah (salah). To be wrong, to err;to mistake ; to be guilty ; to differ, todisagree with.Bdrsalin (salin). To change, to bechanged ; to be transfen-ed ; to betranslated ; to be delivered <strong>of</strong> a child.Barsama (sama). To be equal, to bealike ; to go toge<strong>the</strong>r.Bdrsama-sama. To be toge<strong>the</strong>r.Barsama-samJian. Putting in comparisonwith, equalling to.

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