A grammar and dictionary of the Malay language ... - Wallace Online

A grammar and dictionary of the Malay language ... - Wallace Online A grammar and dictionary of the Malay language ... - Wallace Online

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BAN—BAN [22] BAN—BARBandar, bandar (p). A sea-port, an emporium.Bilngkiiulu. Bencoolen, on the west coastof Sumatra.Bandarsah, madrasah (a). A private chapelBangkawan. A kind of lath used inor mosque, but prof)erly an academyor college.thatching, and to which the palmettoleaves are attached.BAudu (j). Anger, passion ; angry, wroth. Bilngkeng. Wicked, vicious.Bandu (s). Friend, companion, associate. Bangkit. To arise, to get up ; to arise,Bandung (j). To dam, to stem water by to mount, to ascend ; v. Bangkit.a dike or bank.Bangkitkan. To raise, to lift.BAndungan. A dam, a dike to stop water. Bangkowang (j). Name of a species ofBand 'a (j. bond'a). Property, goods, farinaceous root.effects ; wealth, riches, treasure. Bdngkudu. Name of a tree, the roots ofBand-ara (s). Treasurer; title of the first which are used as a dye, MoHndaminister in some of the Malay states. citrifolia.Band-;iari (s). A steward; a treasurer; Bangkudu-badak. Name of a tree, Fagreaa storekeeper ; a treasury.morindcefoUa.Bilud-e (j). Name of a small kind of gong. Bflngkudu-utan ; v. Fagrea morindcefoUa.Baniaga. To trade, to traffic ; v. Barniaga. Bangkung. A girdle, a waistband.Bdnih. Seed of plants or animals. Bangkungkung. Name of a fish.Baniug (J. auing). Clear, limijid, pellucid, Bilparmata (parmata). Jewelled, ornamentedtransparent.with jewels.Baningkan. To clear, to clarify.Bar. An inseparable prefixed particleBdntak. An idiomatic word used in the usually the sign of the neuter or intransitiveenumeration of certain objects, asverb.rings and the like.Baraba (raba). To grope.Bantara. Title of a class of state officers, Baraba-raba. To gi-ope frequently, to gowho act as heralds or marshals ; v. on groping.Abantara.Baradu (adu). To rest, to repose ; to sleep.Bantigas. The arc of a trap or gin, consistingBarad-ang. To lie in M'ait, to lie inof a bow and arrow.ambusii.Bantil. A pimple.Barad-ap (ad'ap). To appear before, beBantur (sun). To collide, to knockagainst.Bantus (j). To hit or strike against anobject.Bant'ang (j. pant'ang). To stretch out, toexpand ; to stretch on a cross, tocrucify.Banudam. Affection, fondness.BAnuwa. A land, a country, a region.Banuwang.Banyan (s).Name of a species of deer.A scrip, a little bag for provisions.B4nyan (s). A ti-ader, a shopkeeper.Bangai. The ear-ache ; v. Bangal.Bangal. The ear-ache ; v. Bangai.Bengal. To be stunned, made senselessby a blow.Bdngang. The venereal disease, Zucsvenerea,Bangawan (jav). Name of a river inJava ; any great river ; v. Ba.nawi.Banggala (s). Bengal.BAngis. Choleric, irascible, passionateciniel, hard, rigorous.Bangka. The island of Banca.Bangkak. Swollen ; tumid, puffedhumped, gibbous.Bangkalis. The island called Bancalis,on the north-east coast of Sumatra.Bdngkang. Contradiction, verbal opposition.Bangkara (s).Name of a kind of prawn.in the presence of.Barad'apan Being in the presence of,being confronted with.Baragama (agama). To have a religion,or faith.Barajar (ajar). To learn, to take instruction.Barahla (j). An image, an idol ; v.Brahla.Baralah (alah). To be conquered, to beovercome.Baralahan. Being conquered, being overcome.Baralun (alun). To rise in waves, toundulate.Baramai (ramai). To be merry, to makemerry.Baramuk (amuk). To run a-muck.Baramuk-amukan. To run a-muck reciprocallyand continuously.Baranak (auak). To bear a chihl ; tobring forth any offspring; to havechildren, to be a parent.Barand-a (por. varanda). A balcony, anopen gallery.Barani (j. wani). To dare ; v. Brani.Barantara (antaraV To have an intervalor space between ; to intervene, tocome between.Barangan. Name of a tree.Barangan (j. warangan). Orpimcnt, j'ellowsulphuret of arsenic.

BAR—BAR [23] BAR—BARBarangan-putih. White oxyde of arsenic.Baranggap (anggap), v. AnggAp.Baranggap-anggap, v. Anggap.Barangkat (angkat). To arise, to get up ;to depart ; to set out on a voyage orjourney; to march as an army; toproceed on an expedition.Barapa (apa). How much or how many;much, many ; some.Bdrapat (rapat). To be close, to be near ;to be compact, to be clostdy connected.Barapit (apit). To be flanked, to beplaced between two bodies ; to bepressed or squeezed between twobodies.Bararak (arak). To go in procession.Barband-a (banda). To be rich, to beopulent ; rich, opulent.Barbar (a). Barbaiy in northern Africa.Barasa (rasa). To feel, to perceive ; to Barbari. Belonging to Barbary.be sensible, to be conscious.Barbasar (basar). To be great ; to swell,Barasap (asap). To smoke, to emit exhalation.to be elated.Barasal (a«al). To be well-born, to be ofBarbasar-ati.Birbasarkan.Elated, arrogant.To enlarge.good birth.Barati (ati). To be affected, to be touchedin the feelings.Barbasarkan-d'iri. To swell or raise one-Baratur (atur). To be arranged, to be inoi-der.Baraturkan. To arrange, to put in order.B^ratus (ratus). To be by himdreds;by hundreds.Baraura (aura). To be negligent, to beremiss.Barawan (rawftn). To be ravished, tobe delighted.Baramba (amba). To be a slave or servant; to serve, to attend on a master.Barambakan. To serve another; to dohomage to.Bar^mbat-ambatan (ambat). Pursuingand pursued ;pursuing continuously.Bilramboran (ambor). Being strewn orscattered.Bilrambus (^mbus). To blow, to make acuiTent of air.Bilrampir (ampir). To be near; to bebordering on.Barampiran. Being nigh, being borderingon.Barantar (antar). To be sent, to betransported.Barantarkan. To send, to transport ; todispatch.Baranti (anti). To stop, to cease; tostop, to halt ; to rest, to be quiet ; toremain, to dwell, to reside.Bar&ntikan. To stop, to arrest; tohinder.Baramal («mal). To labour, to do work.Barbagai (bagai). To be like, to beequal.Barbahagai (bahagai). To be divided, tobe shared, to be apportioned.Barbahagiya (bahagiya). To be fortunate,to be lucky ; lucky, fortunate, happy.Biirbahana (bahana). To sound, to emita noise ; to speak, to utter words.Barbanjar (banjar). To be in rows, tobe in ranks.Barbantal (bantal). To be cushioned orpillowed.Barbantalkan. To cushion, to supportwith pillows.Barbangsa (bangsa). To be noble, to beof noble birth; noble, well-born, ofnoble birth.Barbakti (bakti). To serve, to performa duty to a superior.self to ai-rogance.Bdrb4tis (bcltis). To lie in a position tohave one's legs close to each other.Barbatulan (Isatul). Being right, beingstraight, being in a direct line.Barbatulkan. To put straight, to rectify,to put right.Barbeda (beda). To differ, to be distinctfrom, to be separate.Barbini (bini). To have a wife, to bewived.Barbudi (budi). To be ^vise ; to be discreet;wise, discreet, prudent.Barbuhi (buhi). To froth.Barbunga (bunga). To flower, to bloom,to blow, to blossom ; flowering, blossoming.B.arbungkus (bungkus). To be enveloped,to be wrapped up.Barbungkuskan. To envelop, to wrapup.Birbuta (buta). To be blind ; blind.Barbutakan. To blind, to make blindto blind, to hoodwink.Barbuwah (buwah). To bear fruit ; to bein fruit.Barchap (chap). To be sealed; to bestamped.Barchapkan. To seal ; to stamp, to mark.Barchat (chat). To be painted, to beimbued with paint.Barchala (chala). To be blemished ; blemished; blameable, reprehensible.Barcharai (charai). To be separated, tobe parted ; to be divorced ; separated,parted; divorced.Barchidra (chidra). To disagree, to beat variance ; disagreeing.Barchinta (chinta). To be anxious, to besolicitous ; anxious, solicitous.Bardagang (dagang). To trade, to traffic.

BAR—BAR [23] BAR—BARBarangan-putih. White oxyde <strong>of</strong> arsenic.Baranggap (anggap), v. AnggAp.Baranggap-anggap, v. Anggap.Barangkat (angkat). To arise, to get up ;to depart ; to set out on a voyage orjourney; to march as an army; toproceed on an expedition.Barapa (apa). How much or how many;much, many ; some.Bdrapat (rapat). To be close, to be near ;to be compact, to be clostdy connected.Barapit (apit). To be flanked, to beplaced between two bodies ; to bepressed or squeezed between twobodies.Bararak (arak). To go in procession.Barb<strong>and</strong>-a (b<strong>and</strong>a). To be rich, to beopulent ; rich, opulent.Barbar (a). Barbaiy in nor<strong>the</strong>rn Africa.Barasa (rasa). To feel, to perceive ; to Barbari. Belonging to Barbary.be sensible, to be conscious.Barbasar (basar). To be great ; to swell,Barasap (asap). To smoke, to emit exhalation.to be elated.Barasal (a«al). To be well-born, to be <strong>of</strong>Barbasar-ati.Birbasarkan.Elated, arrogant.To enlarge.good birth.Barati (ati). To be affected, to be touchedin <strong>the</strong> feelings.Barbasarkan-d'iri. To swell or raise one-Baratur (atur). To be arranged, to be inoi-der.Baraturkan. To arrange, to put in order.B^ratus (ratus). To be by himdreds;by hundreds.Baraura (aura). To be negligent, to beremiss.Barawan (rawftn). To be ravished, tobe delighted.Baramba (amba). To be a slave or servant; to serve, to attend on a master.Barambakan. To serve ano<strong>the</strong>r; to dohomage to.Bar^mbat-ambatan (ambat). Pursuing<strong>and</strong> pursued ;pursuing continuously.Bilramboran (ambor). Being strewn orscattered.Bilrambus (^mbus). To blow, to make acuiTent <strong>of</strong> air.Bilrampir (ampir). To be near; to bebordering on.Barampiran. Being nigh, being borderingon.Barantar (antar). To be sent, to betransported.Barantarkan. To send, to transport ; todispatch.Baranti (anti). To stop, to cease; tostop, to halt ; to rest, to be quiet ; toremain, to dwell, to reside.Bar&ntikan. To stop, to arrest; tohinder.Baramal («mal). To labour, to do work.Barbagai (bagai). To be like, to beequal.Barbahagai (bahagai). To be divided, tobe shared, to be apportioned.Barbahagiya (bahagiya). To be fortunate,to be lucky ; lucky, fortunate, happy.Biirbahana (bahana). To sound, to emita noise ; to speak, to utter words.Barbanjar (banjar). To be in rows, tobe in ranks.Barbantal (bantal). To be cushioned orpillowed.Barbantalkan. To cushion, to supportwith pillows.Barbangsa (bangsa). To be noble, to be<strong>of</strong> noble birth; noble, well-born, <strong>of</strong>noble birth.Barbakti (bakti). To serve, to performa duty to a superior.self to ai-rogance.Bdrb4tis (bcltis). To lie in a position tohave one's legs close to each o<strong>the</strong>r.Barbatulan (Isatul). Being right, beingstraight, being in a direct line.Barbatulkan. To put straight, to rectify,to put right.Barbeda (beda). To differ, to be distinctfrom, to be separate.Barbini (bini). To have a wife, to bewived.Barbudi (budi). To be ^vise ; to be discreet;wise, discreet, prudent.Barbuhi (buhi). To froth.Barbunga (bunga). To flower, to bloom,to blow, to blossom ; flowering, blossoming.B.arbungkus (bungkus). To be enveloped,to be wrapped up.Barbungkuskan. To envelop, to wrapup.Birbuta (buta). To be blind ; blind.Barbutakan. To blind, to make blindto blind, to hoodwink.Barbuwah (buwah). To bear fruit ; to bein fruit.Barchap (chap). To be sealed; to bestamped.Barchapkan. To seal ; to stamp, to mark.Barchat (chat). To be painted, to beimbued with paint.Barchala (chala). To be blemished ; blemished; blameable, reprehensible.Barcharai (charai). To be separated, tobe parted ; to be divorced ; separated,parted; divorced.Barchidra (chidra). To disagree, to beat variance ; disagreeing.Barchinta (chinta). To be anxious, to besolicitous ; anxious, solicitous.Bardagang (dagang). To trade, to traffic.

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