A grammar and dictionary of the Malay language ... - Wallace Online

A grammar and dictionary of the Malay language ... - Wallace Online A grammar and dictionary of the Malay language ... - Wallace Online

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LAV—LEA [ 104 ]LEA—LEALavish, prodigalLaw, decree, edict. Uud-ang-und-ang,kanun.Lawful, permissible, ffalal.Lawn. Plataran, alaman, ara-ara.Lawsuit. Bachara, dawat, dawah.La\^^er, expounder of the Mahomedanlaw. Mulana.Lawyer, advocate, pleader. Pauggawan,wakil.Lax, loose, not fitting. Lewer, longgar.Lax, not tense. Lunak, kandor.Lax, disconnected, not strongly combined.Urai.Lay, to place, to put. Buboh, latak, malatak,latakkan, lataki, taruh, manaruh,taruhkan, manaruhkan.Lay, to calm, to still. Tad-uhk^n, mkuad'ukau.Lay, to wager, to stake. Tarub, bartarub,manarub.Lay before, to sbow. Timjuk, manunjuk,tunjukkan.Lay by (to). Tarub, manarub, simpan,maiiimpan.Lay down, to establish. LS,takkan, malatakkan.Lay bold of, to seize. Tangkap, manangkap,tangkab, manangkab.Lay in, to store. Tarub, manai-ub, simpan,maiiimpan.Lay out, to expend. Balanjakan, beyak-n.Lay out, to dispose. Atur, baratui-,mdngatur.Lay together, to collect. Impunkan,m^ngimpunkan, kumpulkan, m&ngumpulkfl,n,kampungkan, mangampunk&n.Lay waste, to spoil. Banasakan, mamb^nasakan,rusakk^n, marusakkan.Lay, song. Ga,ga.lang, gurindam, uranuran.Layer, stratum. Susim.Lazy, slothful. Sagan, maMs.Lazy, tardy, loitering. Chulds.Lead, the metal. Timah-itam.Lead (red), minium. Sadalanggam, galanggam.Lead (sounding). Batu-duga.Lead, to guide by the hand. Tuntun,manuntun.Lead, to conduct and usher a person bythe hand. Pimpin, mdmimpiu.Lead, to conduct, to head. Mangapala,mangapalaktin.Lead astray, to mislead. S8,satk^n, mS.-Leading, guidance. Dalil.Leaf (vegetable). Dawun.Leaf, sheet. Alai.Leaf of paper. Warafc.Leafy, full of leaves. Kendang.League, confederacy. Janji, janjian, pdrjanjian,ubungan, pilrubungau, taulanan.League, to confederate. Barjanji, mdnjanji.League, league measure. Mil.Leak, to let water out or in. Bocbor,mamboclior.Leak, to let out water. Tii-is, maniris.Leak (a). Bocbor, tiris.Leaky. Bocbor, tiris.Lean, meagre, not fat. Kurus.Lean, to rest against. Sandai-, maiiandar.Lean, to incline, to slope. Mirin, singet,maflinget, cbondong, maiiondong.Lean, to recUne, to repose. Baling, barbaring.Leaning, inclining, sloping. Miring, riyuk.Leap, to jump, to bound. Lompat, mdlompat.Leap often (to). Lompat-malompat.Leap (a). Lompat.Leap down (to). Tarjun, manarjim.Leap do\\Ti (a). Tarjun.Leaping, bounding. Barlompat-lompatau.Leaping, a boundmg. Lompat-lompatan.Learn, to acquire knowledge. Ajar, barajar,billajar.Learn, to acqmre spiritual knowledge.Mangaji, barguru.Learn, to teach. Ajari, ajarkan, mangajarkan.Learned, versed in literary knowledge.Pandita, aalim.Learned, skilled.Pand'ai, pand'e.Learnei', scholar. Palajar, santri.Learning, literary knowledge. Paugajaran,kapand'itan, almu.Learning (spiritual). Pangajian.Lease (a). Surat-sewa, pajak.Lease (to take on). Mimewa.Lease (to let on). SewakAn, m.lnewakiin.Leash, band, tie. Tambat.Leash, to bind. Tambat, manambat.Leather. Kulit, balulang.Leather thong (a). Jangat.Leave, permission. Moun, pamiJun, azin,izin, ijin.Leave (to ask). Moun, b^rmoun, mdmoun.Leave (to grant). MiJunkdn, mdmounkan,fiasatka,n.Leader, captain, commander. PAngulu, bri-moun.pamrentah, Im'ah, k^pala, sardar. Leave, farewell, adieu. Salamat-tinggal.Leader, guide. Malam, dalil.Leave, to quit, to forsake. Tinggalkan,Leader, one that ushers another by the maninggalkdn.hand. P&mimpin.Leave, to quit, to let go. Lfipaskan, m;!-Leading, principal, chief. Ag\mg.Idpaskftn.

LEA—LEP[ 105 ]LEP— LIALeaven. Ragi, xamir.Leprous. Bdrkixd'al, barkusta.Lecherous, lustful. Gatal, chabul, dukana.Leprous, spotted. Sopak.Less. Korang.Lechery. Chabulan, dukana.Lessen, to grow less. MS,ngorang.Ledge, layer. Susun.Lessen, to diminish. Korangkan, mangorangkan.Leech (the mediciual). Alintah, lintah.Leech (forest). Achih, pachat.Lesson, instruction, precept. Pangajaran.Leer, oblique look. Juling, karling. Lest, that not. Jaugau.Leer (to). Juling, manjuling, karliug, Lest, that, in case that. Kalau.mangarling.Let, to allow, to permit. Biyar, bir, ramak,Lees, dregs, sediment. Pakat, tai.bri, kasi.Leeward, under the wind. Bawah-angin, Let, to put to hire. Sewa, sewakan,d i -l)a wall -angi II.nianewakan.Loft, not right. Kiri.Let go, to discharge. Lapas, lapaskan.malapaskan.Let off, to discharge a weapon. Pasang,pasangkan, buwang, mambuwang.Let off, to discharge fire-arms. Pasang,chuchuh, manchuchuh.Left, i-eniaining. Tinggal, tartiuggal.Left hand. Tangan kiri.Left-handed. Kidai.Left side. Sablah-kiri.Leg, foot generally. Kaki.Leg from the knee to the ankle. Batis.Leg (calf of). Jantung-batis.Legalize, to make legal ritually. ^alalkan.I^egate, deputy. Patih, papatih, janang,wa^-il, xalifah.Legend, relation. Charita, charitra.Legerdemain. Sulap.Legitimate, genuine. Batul, ban.lr, Aakili.Legume, pulse. Kachang.Leisurely, slowly. Parlaau.Leisurely, very leisurely. Parliian-liian.Lemur (flying). Graba.Lend (to). Utangkan, mangutangkiin,pinjamkan, maminjamk^n, bi-i-pinjam.Length. Panjang, panjangan, kapanjangan.Length, opposed to breadth. Lai'i, bujur.Length, extent of duration. Lama.Length, distance. Jauh.Length (at), in conclusion. Sasudahiia,sudah-itu.Lengthen, to elongate. Panjangkan, rnamanjangkan.Lengthen, to extend. Lanjutkan, malanjutkiln.Lengthen out (to). Ulurk^n, mangulurkan,mulurkan.Lengthen, to grow in length. Mamanjang.Lengthened, to be extended. Laiijut,malaujut.Lengthened out (to be). Ulur, midur.Lengthwise. Bujur, mujur.Lenient, mild. Manis, lambut.Lenity, mildness. Kalambutan.Lens, or pupil of the eye. Batu-mata.Lent (the Mahomedan). Puwasa, pasa,ramllan.Leopard (the common). Arimau-talap,machan-tutul.Leopard (the black variety of). Arimaukombang.Leprosy. Kud'al, kad'al, kusta, untut.Let off, to forgive, to excuse. Ampunkan,mangampunkan, mnafktiu.Let down, to lower. Turunkan, manurunkdn.Let blood (to). Buwang-dara, sanggi-a.Let, to hinder, to obstruct. Ad'angkan,mangad-angkan, sangkakkan, maiiangkakkan,sangkutkan, maiiangkutkan,tagahkan, managahkan, gindalakan.Let, hindi-anca. Ad'angau, kaad'angan,I)angad'angan.Letter, alphabetic character. Aksara,hm-M.Letter, epistle.Surat, waraZ.-at.Levant, the east. Timur, bawah-angin,mata-ari-nayik, mas'raX;.Level, even, having an equal surface.Tara, datar, natar, rata.Level, equal. Tara, rata, sama, sama-i-ata.Level, flat. Gepeng, kepeng, pepeh.Level, to make even. Tarakan. ratakan,maratakan.Level, to make equal.Tarak&n, ratakan,maratakan, samakan, niaiiamakan.Level, to flatten. Ratakan, maratakan,samakftn, mauamakan.Level, to aim at. Tuju, manuju.Level, to point at in taking aim. Tujukan,manujukan.Level, plain surface. Datar, natar.Level, line of dii'ection of a missile. Tuju,tujiian.Levigate, to polish. Garus, mSngarus,upam, m^ngupam.Levigate, to powder. Sarbukk.an, lumutkan,malumutkan.Levity, lightness. Ringanan, karinganan.Levity, inconstancy, fickleness. Bimbang,bimbangan.Levy, to muster. Krahkan, mdngrahkan.Levy, a muster. Krah, pangrah.Lewd, libidinous. Gatal, chabul, dukana.Lewdness. Cabulan, dukana.Liar. Pamboung, p^nd-usta.

LAV—LEA [ 104 ]LEA—LEALavish, prodigalLaw, decree, edict. Uud-ang-und-ang,kanun.Lawful, permissible, ffalal.Lawn. Plataran, alaman, ara-ara.Lawsuit. Bachara, dawat, dawah.La\^^er, expounder <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> Mahomedanlaw. Mulana.Lawyer, advocate, pleader. Pauggawan,wakil.Lax, loose, not fitting. Lewer, longgar.Lax, not tense. Lunak, k<strong>and</strong>or.Lax, disconnected, not strongly combined.Urai.Lay, to place, to put. Buboh, latak, malatak,latakkan, lataki, taruh, manaruh,taruhkan, manaruhkan.Lay, to calm, to still. Tad-uhk^n, mkuad'ukau.Lay, to wager, to stake. Tarub, bartarub,manarub.Lay before, to sbow. Timjuk, manunjuk,tunjukkan.Lay by (to). Tarub, manarub, simpan,maiiimpan.Lay down, to establish. LS,takkan, malatakkan.Lay bold <strong>of</strong>, to seize. Tangkap, manangkap,tangkab, manangkab.Lay in, to store. Tarub, manai-ub, simpan,maiiimpan.Lay out, to expend. Balanjakan, beyak-n.Lay out, to dispose. Atur, baratui-,mdngatur.Lay toge<strong>the</strong>r, to collect. Impunkan,m^ngimpunkan, kumpulkan, m&ngumpulkfl,n,kampungkan, mangampunk&n.Lay waste, to spoil. Banasakan, mamb^nasakan,rusakk^n, marusakkan.Lay, song. Ga,ga.lang, gurindam, uranuran.Layer, stratum. Susim.Lazy, slothful. Sagan, maMs.Lazy, tardy, loitering. Chulds.Lead, <strong>the</strong> metal. Timah-itam.Lead (red), minium. Sadalanggam, galanggam.Lead (sounding). Batu-duga.Lead, to guide by <strong>the</strong> h<strong>and</strong>. Tuntun,manuntun.Lead, to conduct <strong>and</strong> usher a person by<strong>the</strong> h<strong>and</strong>. Pimpin, mdmimpiu.Lead, to conduct, to head. Mangapala,mangapalaktin.Lead astray, to mislead. S8,satk^n, mS.-Leading, guidance. Dalil.Leaf (vegetable). Dawun.Leaf, sheet. Alai.Leaf <strong>of</strong> paper. Warafc.Leafy, full <strong>of</strong> leaves. Kendang.League, confederacy. Janji, janjian, pdrjanjian,ubungan, pilrubungau, taulanan.League, to confederate. Barjanji, mdnjanji.League, league measure. Mil.Leak, to let water out or in. Bocbor,mamboclior.Leak, to let out water. Tii-is, maniris.Leak (a). Bocbor, tiris.Leaky. Bocbor, tiris.Lean, meagre, not fat. Kurus.Lean, to rest against. S<strong>and</strong>ai-, maii<strong>and</strong>ar.Lean, to incline, to slope. Mirin, singet,maflinget, cbondong, maiiondong.Lean, to recUne, to repose. Baling, barbaring.Leaning, inclining, sloping. Miring, riyuk.Leap, to jump, to bound. Lompat, mdlompat.Leap <strong>of</strong>ten (to). Lompat-malompat.Leap (a). Lompat.Leap down (to). Tarjun, manarjim.Leap do\\Ti (a). Tarjun.Leaping, bounding. Barlompat-lompatau.Leaping, a boundmg. Lompat-lompatan.Learn, to acquire knowledge. Ajar, barajar,billajar.Learn, to acqmre spiritual knowledge.Mangaji, barguru.Learn, to teach. Ajari, ajarkan, mangajarkan.Learned, versed in literary knowledge.P<strong>and</strong>ita, aalim.Learned, skilled.P<strong>and</strong>'ai, p<strong>and</strong>'e.Learnei', scholar. Palajar, santri.Learning, literary knowledge. Paugajaran,kap<strong>and</strong>'itan, almu.Learning (spiritual). Pangajian.Lease (a). Surat-sewa, pajak.Lease (to take on). Mimewa.Lease (to let on). SewakAn, m.lnewakiin.Leash, b<strong>and</strong>, tie. Tambat.Leash, to bind. Tambat, manambat.Lea<strong>the</strong>r. Kulit, balulang.Lea<strong>the</strong>r thong (a). Jangat.Leave, permission. Moun, pamiJun, azin,izin, ijin.Leave (to ask). Moun, b^rmoun, mdmoun.Leave (to grant). MiJunkdn, mdmounkan,fiasatka,n.Leader, captain, comm<strong>and</strong>er. PAngulu, bri-moun.pamrentah, Im'ah, k^pala, sardar. Leave, farewell, adieu. Salamat-tinggal.Leader, guide. Malam, dalil.Leave, to quit, to forsake. Tinggalkan,Leader, one that ushers ano<strong>the</strong>r by <strong>the</strong> maninggalkdn.h<strong>and</strong>. P&mimpin.Leave, to quit, to let go. Lfipaskan, m;!-Leading, principal, chief. Ag\mg.Idpaskftn.

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