A grammar and dictionary of the Malay language ... - Wallace Online

A grammar and dictionary of the Malay language ... - Wallace Online A grammar and dictionary of the Malay language ... - Wallace Online

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HON—HOS [90 1HOS—HUGHonourable, gi-eat, magnanimous. Mulya, Host, ai-my. Tantra, angkatan, balatantra,bahm-nia.bala.Hood, head- covering. Tuduog, kakudung.Hostage (pledge generally). Sandaran.Hostility. Satriian, kasatriian.Hood, to cover with a hood. Tudungkdn. Hot. Angat, panas.Hooded. Bartud'uug, salubung.Hot, lustful, lewd. Gatal, dukana.Hoodwink, to deceive. Tipu, manipu, Hot, passionate. Ang3,t, panas.tipukan, manipukan.Hot, eager. Panas.Hoof. Kuku.Hot. acrid, biting. Padas.Hook. Gayit, kayit, panggayit, panchiug. Hound. Anjing-pArburiian.Hook (alligator). Garagai.Hound, to hunt, to pursue. Bum, mdmburu,Hook (boat), pole for pusliing a boat inusir, mangusu-, kdjar, manga-shallow water. Galah.Hook, elephant crook. Kusa.jar.Hour. Jam, siiat.Hook (fishing). Kail, kai, panchiug. Houri. //ur.Hook (to). Gayit, mauggayit, kayit, House. Rumah.mangayit.House (dwelling). Rumah-tangga.Hook fish, to fish with a hook. Mangail, House (stone or brick). Gad'oug.pauching, mamanching.House, to shelter. Lindungkan, malindungkan,Hooked, bent, curved. Bengkok, langkung,uawungkan, manawuugkau.bantok.House, to take shelter. Linduug, bdrlindung,Hoop (a). Simpai.malindung, barnawung, mS,na-Hoop, to shout. Surak, barsurak, gumuruh,wung.bargumuruh, tampik.Housebreaker, burglar (by night). Mawung.Hoop, shout. Surak, gumuruh, tampik. ling, pandung.Hop, to skiji. Lompat, malompat, barlompat.Housebreaking. Pamalingan, pandungan,pamandungan.Hop, a skip. Lompat.Housed, having an abode. Bdrumah.Hope. Arab, ar^p, arapan, pangai-apan, Household, a family. Rumah-tangga,pangarap, asa.Hope (to). Ar,1b, arap, bararap, mHugarap.tanga.Housekeeper, master of a house. Tuwanrumah.Hoping, with hope. Barardpan, barai-aparapan.House-steward. Juru-i-umah.Hopeless, without hope. Korang-asa, Housings. Aba-aba.putus-asa.Hovel, shed, hut. Taratak, tatarub, tdtarup.Hopeless, desperate. Lamas.Horde, clan, tribe. Suku, bangsa. How, in what manner. Bagaimana, bagemana,Horizon. Tapi-laugit, kaki-langit.mana, sabagaimana, batapa.Horn (a). Tanduk, sungu.Hovvdah, elephant chair. Kop, kob.Horn of the rhinoceros. Cliula, sumbu, However, notwithstanding, nevertheless.sambuli.Kachuwali, lamun, maski.Horned, furni.shed with horns. Bartanduk.However, yet. Tapi, tatapi.Hornet. Tabuwan, pauangat.How many. Barapa, brapa, barapa-banak.How much. Barapa, brapa, bArapa-baiiak.Horu.s, the feelers of fishes and insects. How long, how long ago. Barapa-lama.Sungut.Howl (a). Rawung.Horns (to butt with the). Mananduk. Howl (to). Rawimg, milrawung.Horology. Jam.Howsoever. Batapa, mana, samana-mana.Horoscope. Surat-nujiim, pavi'ukon. Hubbub, tumult. Uru-ara, aru-biru.Horse (the). Kuda.Huckster (Chinese). Kaluntung, kluntung.Horse, frame for hanging clothes. Kudakuda.Huddled, thrown together in confusion.Horse (to). Nayik-kuda.Cliampur-bawur.Horseback (on). Barkuda.Hue, colour. Warna, rupa, tinta.Horsed, furuisliod with a horse. Bdrkuda.Hued, coloured. Barwarna, bfi,rtinta.Hug, close embrace. D'akap, kakap,Horse-fly. Lalat-kuda.paluk, pamluk.Horse-gear. Aba-aba-kuda.Hug, gripe in wrestling. D'akap.Horsekeepex". Gaiual, gabala-kuda. Hug, to embrace by pressing in the arms.Horse-race. Luml la-kuda.I)'ak&p,mand'akap, kakap, paluk, mdmluk.Hose, stockings. Sarung-kaki.Ho.spitality. Parjamiiau.Hug, to gripe in wrestling. D'akap, niandakap.Host (a). Pilrjamu.

HUL—HUR [91 ]HUR—IGNHulk, hull of a ship. Awak-prau, awakawak.Hull, husk. Kulit.Hull, to husk. Buwang-kulit.Hum, the noise of bees. Sdriug.Hum, buzz. Dangung.Hum, to make the noise of bees. Saring,mauariug.Hum, to buz. Dangung, bardangimg.Humane, kind, benevolent. Barkasihan,murah, murah-ati, darmawan.Humanity, human natm-e. Kamauusan.Humanity, benevolence. Kamurahan,murah-ati, dai-ma.Humankind. Manusya, manusiya.Humble, low, not high. Randah.Humble, not proud. Randah.Humble, to bring dow"n from a height.Raudahkan, marandahkan.Humble, to make submissive. Randahkau,marandahkan.gong.Husband (a). Laki, suwami, swami.Husband, to supply with a husband. Malakikan,barsuwamikan.Husbanded, having a husband, man'ied.Barlaki.Husbandman. Juru-sawah, panabur.Humble, to make to bow down with humility.Husbandry, tillage. Tanaman.Tundukkan, manundukan. Hush. Diyam.Humble oneself (to). Randahkan-d'iri, Husk. Kidit.marandahkan-diri.Humble oneself by bowing with humility.Husk of the coconut.Husk of maize, calyx.Sabut.Kalbusung.Tundukkan-diri, manundukkan-diri. Husk of rice, chaff. Ampa, sakam.Humid, wet, moist. Basah, ombal. Hut (a). Taratak, tatarub.Humidity. Basahan.Hutch, cheat, cofiFer. Pat'i, kot'ak.Humility. Karandahan.Hyacinth, the jacinth gem. Padam,Humming, the noise of bees. Sariug. padma.Hummock. Pongsu.Hypocrisy, dissimulation. Samu, ri'a.Humour, temper of mind. Ati, pri, Hypocrite. Manafai".prangai, pakai-ti, pi-akriti, budi.Hump, boss on the shoulders of the ox.Klasa.Humped, gibbous. Bangkak.1, the personal pronomi. Aku, ku, daku,Hundred. Ratus.kita, kami, amba, beta, patek, saya,Hundred (one). Sai-atus.ulun, senda, den, guwa, kula, kawula,Hundred thousand. Kati.manira.Hundred-fold. Saratus-kali.Ayar-baku.Ice.Hundredth. Kasaratus.Idea, notion. Sangka, kera, rasa, rasaan,Himdreds (Tjy). Bai-atus.paugrasa.Hung, suspended. Targantuug.Identical, same. Satara, sarupa, pad"a,Hunger. Lapar, kalapai-an.sama.Hunger (craving). Bulur.Identify. Tantukan, manantukdn.Hunger (to). Lapar, barlapar.Idiot, fool, natui-al. Orang-gila, orangedan.Himgiy. Lapai'.Hunks, a miser. Orang-kikir, kumad. Idiotic, foolish. Gila, edan.Hunt, to chase wild animals. Bui-u, Idiotic, stupid, doltish. Bod'o, babal.mambmni.Idiotism, mental imbecility. Kagdaan,Hunt, to pursue. Ambat, mangambat,kajar, mangajar, buru, mamburu, usii",mangusir, golong, kolong.Hunter, one that follows the chase.Pambui-u, purburu.Hunter that fascinates wild animals.Pawaug.Himting, the chase. Parburuau.Hurdle, wattle. Sasak.Hurly-burly, timiult. Aru-ara, aru-biru.Huiricane. Ribut, iufan.Huniedly. Gopoh-gopoh.Hurry, precipitation. Gopoh.Hurry, to hasten. Lakaskan, mdlakaskan,sigrakan, maiiigrakan.HiuTy (to be in a). Bargopoh-gopoh.Hurt, to harm. Rugikiln, mai-ugikan,bitnchanakan, lingkab, ma,Hngkab.Hurt, to wound, to pain. Sakitkan, mAiiakitkan.Hurt, to injure, to damage. Rusakkan,mai'usakkan.Hurt, harm, mischief Rugi, karugian,banchana, mallai-at.Hurtle, to jostle, to push against. Tadung,mdnadung, singgong, maning-edanan.Idiotism, folly.Idle, lazy.Bod'o, babalau, kababalan.Sagan, malas.Idle, vain, useless. Siya-siya.Idle, inactive. Chulas.Idleness, laziness. Sagfin, malas.Idly, vainly. Siya-siya.Idol, image. Barala, brala, patung, r&cha.If Jika, kalau, kalu, jikalau, lamun.Ifjnis fatuus. Kumamaug, tanggulung.Ignite, to kindle. Chuchuh, pasang, md-

HUL—HUR [91 ]HUR—IGNHulk, hull <strong>of</strong> a ship. Awak-prau, awakawak.Hull, husk. Kulit.Hull, to husk. Buwang-kulit.Hum, <strong>the</strong> noise <strong>of</strong> bees. Sdriug.Hum, buzz. Dangung.Hum, to make <strong>the</strong> noise <strong>of</strong> bees. Saring,mauariug.Hum, to buz. Dangung, bardangimg.Humane, kind, benevolent. Barkasihan,murah, murah-ati, darmawan.Humanity, human natm-e. Kamauusan.Humanity, benevolence. Kamurahan,murah-ati, dai-ma.Humankind. Manusya, manusiya.Humble, low, not high. R<strong>and</strong>ah.Humble, not proud. R<strong>and</strong>ah.Humble, to bring dow"n from a height.Raudahkan, mar<strong>and</strong>ahkan.Humble, to make submissive. R<strong>and</strong>ahkau,mar<strong>and</strong>ahkan.gong.Husb<strong>and</strong> (a). Laki, suwami, swami.Husb<strong>and</strong>, to supply with a husb<strong>and</strong>. Malakikan,barsuwamikan.Husb<strong>and</strong>ed, having a husb<strong>and</strong>, man'ied.Barlaki.Husb<strong>and</strong>man. Juru-sawah, panabur.Humble, to make to bow down with humility.Husb<strong>and</strong>ry, tillage. Tanaman.Tundukkan, manundukan. Hush. Diyam.Humble oneself (to). R<strong>and</strong>ahkan-d'iri, Husk. Kidit.mar<strong>and</strong>ahkan-diri.Humble oneself by bowing with humility.Husk <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> coconut.Husk <strong>of</strong> maize, calyx.Sabut.Kalbusung.Tundukkan-diri, manundukkan-diri. Husk <strong>of</strong> rice, chaff. Ampa, sakam.Humid, wet, moist. Basah, ombal. Hut (a). Taratak, tatarub.Humidity. Basahan.Hutch, cheat, c<strong>of</strong>iFer. Pat'i, kot'ak.Humility. Kar<strong>and</strong>ahan.Hyacinth, <strong>the</strong> jacinth gem. Padam,Humming, <strong>the</strong> noise <strong>of</strong> bees. Sariug. padma.Hummock. Pongsu.Hypocrisy, dissimulation. Samu, ri'a.Humour, temper <strong>of</strong> mind. Ati, pri, Hypocrite. Manafai".prangai, pakai-ti, pi-akriti, budi.Hump, boss on <strong>the</strong> shoulders <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> ox.Klasa.Humped, gibbous. Bangkak.1, <strong>the</strong> personal pronomi. Aku, ku, daku,Hundred. Ratus.kita, kami, amba, beta, patek, saya,Hundred (one). Sai-atus.ulun, senda, den, guwa, kula, kawula,Hundred thous<strong>and</strong>. Kati.manira.Hundred-fold. Saratus-kali.Ayar-baku.Ice.Hundredth. Kasaratus.Idea, notion. Sangka, kera, rasa, rasaan,Himdreds (Tjy). Bai-atus.paugrasa.Hung, suspended. Targantuug.Identical, same. Satara, sarupa, pad"a,Hunger. Lapar, kalapai-an.sama.Hunger (craving). Bulur.Identify. Tantukan, manantukdn.Hunger (to). Lapar, barlapar.Idiot, fool, natui-al. Orang-gila, orangedan.Himgiy. Lapai'.Hunks, a miser. Orang-kikir, kumad. Idiotic, foolish. Gila, edan.Hunt, to chase wild animals. Bui-u, Idiotic, stupid, doltish. Bod'o, babal.mambmni.Idiotism, mental imbecility. Kagdaan,Hunt, to pursue. Ambat, mangambat,kajar, mangajar, buru, mamburu, usii",mangusir, golong, kolong.Hunter, one that follows <strong>the</strong> chase.Pambui-u, purburu.Hunter that fascinates wild animals.Pawaug.Himting, <strong>the</strong> chase. Parburuau.Hurdle, wattle. Sasak.Hurly-burly, timiult. Aru-ara, aru-biru.Huiricane. Ribut, iufan.Huniedly. Gopoh-gopoh.Hurry, precipitation. Gopoh.Hurry, to hasten. Lakaskan, mdlakaskan,sigrakan, maiiigrakan.HiuTy (to be in a). Bargopoh-gopoh.Hurt, to harm. Rugikiln, mai-ugikan,bitnchanakan, lingkab, ma,Hngkab.Hurt, to wound, to pain. Sakitkan, mAiiakitkan.Hurt, to injure, to damage. Rusakkan,mai'usakkan.Hurt, harm, mischief Rugi, karugian,banchana, mallai-at.Hurtle, to jostle, to push against. Tadung,mdnadung, singgong, maning-edanan.Idiotism, folly.Idle, lazy.Bod'o, babalau, kababalan.Sagan, malas.Idle, vain, useless. Siya-siya.Idle, inactive. Chulas.Idleness, laziness. Sagfin, malas.Idly, vainly. Siya-siya.Idol, image. Barala, brala, patung, r&cha.If Jika, kalau, kalu, jikalau, lamun.Ifjnis fatuus. Kumamaug, tanggulung.Ignite, to kindle. Chuchuh, pasang, md-

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