A grammar and dictionary of the Malay language ... - Wallace Online

A grammar and dictionary of the Malay language ... - Wallace Online A grammar and dictionary of the Malay language ... - Wallace Online

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BAR—BAT [18] BAT—BAWof the sea; called also by the Javanese Batubahara. Name of a Malay state on" the king of fishes."the eastern side of Sumatra.Barung (j. barring). Together, in concert,Batuk. To cough ; cough.at the same time.Batung-batung. Name of a testaceous fish.Barung (j. warung). A booth, a stall, an Batur (jav). A slave; a servant, an attendantopen shop ; a market place; a name ofthe district of Wirasari, in Java. ; a subject.Batur (j. babatur, " ground, floor"). TheBarus (j). Name of a place on the westernside of Sumatra, which gives a dis-Bat-ang (j). A dead body, a carcass.corridor of a house, a gallery.tinctive epithet to the Malayan camphormonBat-ara (s. an avatar, or descent). A com-term for the pi-incipal HinduBasa (s). Language, speech. In Javanese gods; a good king ; v. Ywaug.it means also manner of speaking, andpoliteness, courtesy; v. Bahasa.Basah. Wet, moist, humid.Basahan. Wet, moisture, humidity.Basahkan. To wet, to moisten.Basai. Sallow, sickly pale.Basi. Musty, mouldy, stale.Basuh. To wash, to rinse.Basuhan. Washing, rinsing, cleansing.Basuhan-mandi. Bathing dress.Bata (j). A brick.Batak. The Batak nation of Sumatra.Bataug (j). Explanation, exposition.Batang. The trunk or stem of a treetrunk, main body of any thiug.Batangan. A boom across a river.Batang-id'ung. The bridge of the nose.Batang-lehei". The neck ;literally, " theti'uuk or stem of the throat."Batawi. The city of Batavia, in Java.Batawiya. Batavia; v. Batawi.Batas (j. watas, " a boundai-y "). A causeway,a raised path across a marsh orswamp ; the dikes of an irrigated arableBat-uk (j). The forehead.field.Batil. A bowl, a basin.Bat-uk-kapala (j and s). The head, theBatin. Title of the chiefs of the people entire head; literally, "the foreheadcalled Bajau, or " men of the sea." and the head."*Batin (jav). A secret; a secret thought. Ba^Tl (a). False ; vain, trifling, ineffectual,Batoh (jav). a gambler.futile.Batu (j. watu). A stone ; a rock ; a word Ba^Tlkan. To make vain, to render ineftbctual.used in counting certain objects.Batu-asahan. A whetstone, a hone ; literally,BaJTn (a). Hidden, occult, secret." sharpening stone."Bau (j. ambu). Smell, scent, odour.Batu-brani. The loadstone, the magnet Bau-bauan. Odours, perfumes.literally, " bold stone."Bawa (j. gawa). To bear, to carry, toBatu-duga. The plummet; the soundingconvey ; to bring, to fetch.lead.Bawa-d'iri. To take oneself off; to es-Batu-jUmala. A term of endearment; cape, to save oneself.literally, "jewel of the head."Bawa-Iari. To run away.Batu-karang (j). A coral rock.Batu-kapala. The head ; literally, " stoneor gem of the head," a term of respectand endearment.Batu-kisar. A millstone ; literally, " turningor revolving stone."Batu-lada. Gravel ; literally, " pepperstones."Batu-mata. The crystalline lens of theeye.Biitu-uji.The touchstone.Bat'ara-durga. The goddess Durga, spouseand energy of Siwa.Bat'ara-gangga (s). The deity of theGanges.Bat-ara-guru (s). Name of the chief godof the islandei's during the existenceof Hinduism;literally, " the spiritualteacher god ; " probably Vishnu.Bat-ara-kala (s). The goddess Kala, ortime ; v. Durga.Bat'ara-tri (s). Name of a Hindu deity,according to the Malays and Javanese,but most probably the Hindu triad,Brama, Siwa, and Vishnu.Batara-yama (s). Yama, the Hindu godof death.Bat-i (j). Profit, gain.Bat'ik (J. to paint, to delineate). Nameof the party-coloured cotton fabrics ofJava, the process of executing whichis by a kind of painting.Batil (jAv). Name of a river of Javarunning through the province of Pranaraga.Bawa-mari. To bring.Bawa-pargi. To take away.Bawah (j. subordinate, dependent). Below,beneath ; under ; down.Bawah-angin. East; leeward; literally," below the wind."Bawal. A generic name for a family offishes, called by Europeans the pomfret.Bawal-chArmin. Name of a fish ; literally,the " mirror pomfret."

BAW—BAT [19] BAY—BAdBawal-itam. The black pomfret.Bawal-kadiwas. Name of a pomfret.Bawal-putih. The white pomfret, themost delicate of all Indian fishes.Bawaii. A playfellow, a playmate.Bawang (j). A common name for plantsof the onion family, Allium.Bawang-china. The common onion ; literally,"the Chinese onion," Alliumcepa.Bawang-kuchi. Name of a variety ofonion ; literally, " the onion of Cochin."Bawang-merah. The common onion ; v.Bawang-china.Bawang-putih. Garlick ; literally, " thewhite onion," Allium sativum.Bawang-timur. Tlie shallot, Allium ascalonicum; literally, " the onion ofTimur," or " of the East."Bawar. Name of a fish.Bawasir (a) Piles, hemorrhoids.Bawat (jAv). Name of a small umbrella,one of the badges of the bopati, orhighest rank of Javanese nobiUty.Bawat. To depend, to incline, to hangdown.Bawatan. The ropes called braces in aship's rigging.Bawur (j). Mixed, mingled, blended.Bawurkan. To mix, to mingle, to blend.Baya (s). Danger, peril, hazard; v. Bahaya.Baya (j. kaya). Like, equalBaya-baya. Similar, veiy like.Bayan. A parrot, Psittacus asbeckii.Bayan. Relation, narrative.Bayankan. To relate, to naiTate.Bayang (j. wayang). A shade, a shadowa phantom, an apparition.Bayaug. Name of a fish.Bayang. Name of a place on the westerncoast of Samati"a.Bayar (j. to answer, to reply). To pay,to defray ; to disburse.Bayaran. Payment, disbui"sement.Bayat. To sow rice in a nursery fortransplanting.Bayam. A common name for the genusAmaranth.Bayam-batul. The " true amaranth," orculinary amaranth, Amaranthus oh-Bayik. Good ;proper, fit, convenientlucky, fortunate, auspicious as to timewell, suitably ; whether ; oi*.Bayik-bayik. Very well; exactly, justly.Bayiki. To mend, to i-epair ; to better,to improve.Bayiklah. It is well ; it were well.Bayik-paras. Handsome, beautiful, wellfeatured; beauty.Bayik-suwara. Sweet-voiced, melodious.Bayu (s). The wind ;gust, blast of wind.Bayuh (j. wayuh). Polygamy, pluralityof ^vives.Bayuk. The beard.Bayung. To howl.Bayuputra (s). A name of Bima, in theMahabarat.Babaka. To copulate as quadrupeds ortread as birds.Babal. Ignorant, untaught; inexp3rienced,raw; simple, silly; doltish,stupid, stolid.Babalan. Ignorance ; folly, foolishness.Babaran. Difficulty, trouble.Babaran. Name of a fish.Babari. Name of a grub infesting fruit.Babaru. Name of a fish.Babatur (jav). Groimd, floor ; foundation.Babad (j). To wrap round, to gird ; asash, a girdle, a waistband ; v. Babat.Baban. Bundle, pack ; load.Babangkas. To sneeze.Babarapa (apa). Much ; many ; some,several ; as many as, as much as.Babat, v. Babad.BabereL Name of a species of goatsucker,Caprimulgus.Babiri (s). A sheep ; v. Biri.Babungan (j. wuwung). The ridge of ahouse-roof; the roof itself; v. Bumbung,Bubungan.Bdchak. Stagnant rain water, a pool ofstagnant rain water.Bachan. The island called in our mapsBatchian, near Gillolo, in the Moluccasea.Bachana. A cistern.Bachara (s). Consultation, deliberation,discussion, conference ; to consult, todeliberate, to discuss, to confer; counsel,advice ; opinion, judgment, notionraceus.Bayam-duri. The "thorny amaranth,"talk, discourse, conversation ; to talk,to discourse, to converse ; speech, languageA maranthiis spinosus.; to say, to speak ; cause, suit.Bayam-merah. The "red amaranth," Bacharakan. To advise, to counsel.A maranthus tricolor.Baydm-mouat. The " monkey amaranth,"Badai.Badai.To level plouglied land.To hit, to strike ; to snap.A maranthus prostratus.Badan, badan (a). The body, person;Bayam-sayur. The culinary amaranth ;the trunk.literally, "the pot-herb amaranth." Badawi (a). A Beduin ; a robber, a freebooter; rude, boorish.Bayan. A waiting-maid, a handmaid.Bayi (jav). A child, an infant.Badat (a). Heresy, schism ; innovation.

BAW—BAT [19] BAY—BAdBawal-itam. The black pomfret.Bawal-kadiwas. Name <strong>of</strong> a pomfret.Bawal-putih. The white pomfret, <strong>the</strong>most delicate <strong>of</strong> all Indian fishes.Bawaii. A playfellow, a playmate.Bawang (j). A common name for plants<strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> onion family, Allium.Bawang-china. The common onion ; literally,"<strong>the</strong> Chinese onion," Alliumcepa.Bawang-kuchi. Name <strong>of</strong> a variety <strong>of</strong>onion ; literally, " <strong>the</strong> onion <strong>of</strong> Cochin."Bawang-merah. The common onion ; v.Bawang-china.Bawang-putih. Garlick ; literally, " <strong>the</strong>white onion," Allium sativum.Bawang-timur. Tlie shallot, Allium ascalonicum; literally, " <strong>the</strong> onion <strong>of</strong>Timur," or " <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> East."Bawar. Name <strong>of</strong> a fish.Bawasir (a) Piles, hemorrhoids.Bawat (jAv). Name <strong>of</strong> a small umbrella,one <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> badges <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> bopati, orhighest rank <strong>of</strong> Javanese nobiUty.Bawat. To depend, to incline, to hangdown.Bawatan. The ropes called braces in aship's rigging.Bawur (j). Mixed, mingled, blended.Bawurkan. To mix, to mingle, to blend.Baya (s). Danger, peril, hazard; v. Bahaya.Baya (j. kaya). Like, equalBaya-baya. Similar, veiy like.Bayan. A parrot, Psittacus asbeckii.Bayan. Relation, narrative.Bayankan. To relate, to naiTate.Bayang (j. wayang). A shade, a shadowa phantom, an apparition.Bayaug. Name <strong>of</strong> a fish.Bayang. Name <strong>of</strong> a place on <strong>the</strong> westerncoast <strong>of</strong> Samati"a.Bayar (j. to answer, to reply). To pay,to defray ; to disburse.Bayaran. Payment, disbui"sement.Bayat. To sow rice in a nursery fortransplanting.Bayam. A common name for <strong>the</strong> genusAmaranth.Bayam-batul. The " true amaranth," orculinary amaranth, Amaranthus oh-Bayik. Good ;proper, fit, convenientlucky, fortunate, auspicious as to timewell, suitably ; whe<strong>the</strong>r ; oi*.Bayik-bayik. Very well; exactly, justly.Bayiki. To mend, to i-epair ; to better,to improve.Bayiklah. It is well ; it were well.Bayik-paras. H<strong>and</strong>some, beautiful, wellfeatured; beauty.Bayik-suwara. Sweet-voiced, melodious.Bayu (s). The wind ;gust, blast <strong>of</strong> wind.Bayuh (j. wayuh). Polygamy, plurality<strong>of</strong> ^vives.Bayuk. The beard.Bayung. To howl.Bayuputra (s). A name <strong>of</strong> Bima, in <strong>the</strong>Mahabarat.Babaka. To copulate as quadrupeds ortread as birds.Babal. Ignorant, untaught; inexp3rienced,raw; simple, silly; doltish,stupid, stolid.Babalan. Ignorance ; folly, foolishness.Babaran. Difficulty, trouble.Babaran. Name <strong>of</strong> a fish.Babari. Name <strong>of</strong> a grub infesting fruit.Babaru. Name <strong>of</strong> a fish.Babatur (jav). Groimd, floor ; foundation.Babad (j). To wrap round, to gird ; asash, a girdle, a waistb<strong>and</strong> ; v. Babat.Baban. Bundle, pack ; load.Babangkas. To sneeze.Babarapa (apa). Much ; many ; some,several ; as many as, as much as.Babat, v. Babad.BabereL Name <strong>of</strong> a species <strong>of</strong> goatsucker,Caprimulgus.Babiri (s). A sheep ; v. Biri.Babungan (j. wuwung). The ridge <strong>of</strong> ahouse-ro<strong>of</strong>; <strong>the</strong> ro<strong>of</strong> itself; v. Bumbung,Bubungan.Bdchak. Stagnant rain water, a pool <strong>of</strong>stagnant rain water.Bachan. The isl<strong>and</strong> called in our mapsBatchian, near Gillolo, in <strong>the</strong> Moluccasea.Bachana. A cistern.Bachara (s). Consultation, deliberation,discussion, conference ; to consult, todeliberate, to discuss, to confer; counsel,advice ; opinion, judgment, notionraceus.Bayam-duri. The "thorny amaranth,"talk, discourse, conversation ; to talk,to discourse, to converse ; speech, <strong>language</strong>A maranthiis spinosus.; to say, to speak ; cause, suit.Bayam-merah. The "red amaranth," Bacharakan. To advise, to counsel.A maranthus tricolor.Baydm-mouat. The " monkey amaranth,"Badai.Badai.To level plouglied l<strong>and</strong>.To hit, to strike ; to snap.A maranthus prostratus.Badan, badan (a). The body, person;Bayam-sayur. The culinary amaranth ;<strong>the</strong> trunk.literally, "<strong>the</strong> pot-herb amaranth." Badawi (a). A Beduin ; a robber, a freebooter; rude, boorish.Bayan. A waiting-maid, a h<strong>and</strong>maid.Bayi (jav). A child, an infant.Badat (a). Heresy, schism ; innovation.

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