A grammar and dictionary of the Malay language ... - Wallace Online

A grammar and dictionary of the Malay language ... - Wallace Online A grammar and dictionary of the Malay language ... - Wallace Online

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Father. Bapa, bapak, pa, pak, i-auia,ramak.Fatlier (reverentially). Ayah, ayauda.Father (royal). Raiuaji.Father (grand). Neuek, datuk.Father (step). Bapa-tiri.Father-in-law. Maratuwa, martuwa, mdutuwa.Fathom (a). D'apa.Fathom, to soiind. Duga, barduga, mauduga,juja, Mrjuja.Fatigue, weai'iness. Kalalahan.Fatigued, weary. Lalah, panat, chape.Fatima, tlie daughter of Mahomed andwife of Ali. Fa^amah.Fatness. Kagamukau, katambuuan.Fatten (to). Tambunkan.Fatuity. Kagilaan, edanan.Fatuous. Gila, edan.Faucett, broach. Charat.Fault, offence. Salah, kasalahan, f/alat.Fault, defect. Chala, chachad.Fault (to find). Pungvit-salah, mfinchala.Faulty, gviilty of a fault. Salah, bdrsalah.Faulty, erroneous. Salah.Faulty, defective. Chala, barchala, chachad,barchachad.Favour, kindness, regard. Kasih, kasihan,tilik.[70] FEA—FENmanjamah, rasa, marasa, rasiii.Feel, to try, to sound. Chuba, m3,nchuba.Feel, to ijerceive mentally. Rasa, marasa.Feelers, antennje of insects. Sungut.Favour, support, countenance. Muka. Feeling, touch. Panjabatan, rasa, rasiian.Favour, grace. Kurniya, k^ruiya, anugi'ah,Feeling, perception. Pangrasa, pangi-a-nugrah.siian.Favoui', to regard with kindness. Kasih, Feign, to make a show of. Achu, mangachu.inangasih, barkasih, tilik, mauilik, tilikkan.Feign, to pretend. Pora-pora, pura-pura.Favour, to countenance. Uutungkan, Feign, to dissemble. Tipu, mauipu.b^runtungkan.Feign a pretext or excuse (to). Dalih,Favour, to bestow favours. Anugralii, mandalih.nugi-ahi, anugrahkan, nugrahkan, karniyakan,Feint, false appearance. Pura-piu-a.kurnij'akau.Fell, felt ; skin, hide. Balulang, blulaug.Favourable, kind. Kasih, barkasihan, Fell, fierce, cruel. Galak, buwas, garang.tilik, bartilik.Fell, to hew down trees. Tabaug, maua,-Favourable, propitious. Bayik.bang.Favoured. Tai'kasih.Fellow, companion. TAman, kawan, tau-Favourite. Kakasih, wall.Feai', dread. Takut, dahas'at, hibat.Fear, apprehension, solicitude. Takutan,katakutan, pauakutan.Fear, to be afraid. Takut, bartakut,manakut.Fear, to be afraid of. Takut, manakut.Fear, to fright. Takuti, mauakuti, takutkan,manakutkan.Fear, for fear, lest. Takut.Fearful, timorous. Takut, kanji, salampang.Fearful, afraid. Takut, bartakut.Fearful, awful. Takut, ngaii, ugri, hibat.FearleHS, intrepid. Bahara.Feast, ontertaiiinient. Sajian, parjamiian,kand'uri, jagajaga, nayub.Feast, to make a festivity. Jaga, b^i-jagajaga.Feast, to be entertained as a guest. Jamu,barjamu, maujamu.Feast, to entertain a guest. Manjamukau,p&rjamukau.Feast (to prei:)are a). Saji, sajikan.Feat, act, deed. Pambuwatan, parbuwatan.Feather, plume. Bulu.Feathered. Barbulu.Featm-es, cast of the face. Paras, ayarmuka.Feces, dregs. Ta'i, pakat.Feculent.P^ikat, barpakat.Fecund, prolific. Beyak.Fee, reward, recompense. Suwab, suwap,upah.Feeble, weak, infirm. Lamah, lapuh,lateh, lunggar, chabar, lantu, llaif.Feed, to take food. Makan, santap.Feed, to supply with food. Bri makan.Feed another from the hand (to). Suwapi,maiiuwapi, suwapkan.Feed, food. Makauan, santapan.Feel, to touch. Raba, niaraba, jabat,manjabat, jawat, mAnjawat, jamah,lan, bandu, andai, kapit.Fellow, associate, partner. Sakutu, waraug.Fellow, equal, peer. Satara, tandingan,bandingan, sama, pad-an.Fellow, a match. Timbangan, kiimbar,sak

FEN -FIE [71] FIE—FILFence ofF, to ward. Tangkiskan, manangkiskan.Fierce. G^lak, garang, buwaa.Fife (a). Bangsi.Fenced, hedged. Bai-pagflr, tarpagAr. Fifer, fife-player. Kalau.Fenced oiF. Tangkis, Mrtangki.s.Fifteen. Limablas.Feud, to ward. Sanga, maiianga, tangkiskan,Fifteenth. Kalimablas.manangkiskan.Fifth. Kalima, sakalima.Fennel. Adas.Fiftieth. Kalimapuluh.Feni. Paku.Fifty. Limapuluh.Ferocious. Galak, buwas, garang.Fig, the common esculent. Anjir.Ferry, to pass over water in a vessel. Fig, a class of Indian fig-trees. Ara.Tambang, manambang.Fig-tree (the Indian). Bringin.Ferry, to carry over water in a vessel. Fight, to combat. Bilrkalai, prang, barprang,Tambangi, tambangkan.mamrang, mamarang, sabung,Ferry, place ferried at. Pangkalau.maiiabung, adu, maugadu.Ferry-boat. Tambangan.Fight (to cause to). Mamarangkan, sabungkto,Ferryman. Panambang, sipanambang.maiiabungkan, adukan, mang-Fertile, fruitful of young. Beyak.adukan.Fertile, fi-uitfiil as soil. Gamuk.Fight (to cause the lower animals to fight ).Fervent, vehement. Panas, angat.Palaga, mamlaga.Festal. Raya.Fight, battle, combat. Prang, prangan,Festival, religious anniversary. Ari-basar, papi-angan, sabungan, aduan.ari-raya.Festivity, a feast. Jaga-jaga, paranggapanggapan.Fight (mock).Fighting-cock.Prang-watang.Ayam-sabung.Figment. Boung, lawah.Fetch, to go and bring. Pargi-bawa. Figure, form. Chitra, rupa.Fetch, to reach. Sampai.Figure, appearance. Rupa, warna.Fetid, stinking. Busuk.Figure, image. Barahla, patung.Fetid, rank, rancid. Aiiir, aring, bangar. Figure, representation in painting. Pat'a,Fetor, stench. Bau-busuk, bau-auir. gambar, tulisan.Fetter, to shackle. Rantaikau, rantekan, Figure (arithmetical). Angka.miirantaLkfin, marantek^n.Figure, to shape, to form. Chitrakan,Fetters, shackles. Balanggu, sangkala, manchitrakan.Figure, to adorn with figures. Tubs,rantai, rante.Feud, quarrel. Tukaran, pdrbantahan.Fever. D-amam.Fever (remittent or jungle). D'amamkapielu.Fever (intermittent), ague. D'amamkatiga,d'amam-salilng, d-amam-kora.Few, not many or not much. Sadikit.manulis.Filagree.Karangan.Filch, to steal. Churi, manchuri.File, thread. Banang.File, line, series. Baujar, bai-is.File, line of soldiers. Bans, barisan.File, the tool. Kikir.Fewel, firewood. Kayu-api, kayu-bakar. File, to string. Chuchuk, manchuchuk,Fiat, order, decree. Titai, sabda, prentah.utas, mangutas.File, to smooth with a file. Kikir, mangi-Fib, lie. Bijung, bolak.kir.Fib, to lie. Bilrboung.File the teeth (to). Dabung.Fibre (a). Urat.Fill, to make full. Panuhi, panuhkan,Fiction, falsehood. Boung.mamanuhi, mamauuhkan, isi, mangi.si,Fiddle, violin. Harbab, rabab, biyola. isikan, mangisikan.Fiddle-stick. Gisik, gisil.Fill, to load. Saratkan, maiiaratkan, muwati,Fidelity, honesty, loyalty. Tulus, satya,muwatkan.satyawan, kasatyawan.Fill, to content. Puwaskan.Fidgetty. Lisah.Fill, to satiate. Kanangkan, mangaiiangkan.Fie ! Chih, cheh.Field, open plain. Pad'ang, midan.Filled, rejalete. Panuh, isi.Field, gi-oimd enclosed. Patak, patakan. Filled, loaded. Sarat, muwat.Field, cultivated ground. Bandang. Filled, content. Puwas.Field (diy arable). Uma, tugar, tagal. Filled, satiated. Kaiiang.Field (watered arable). Sawah.Fillet, band for the head. Jamang, bulang.Field of battle. Galanggang, pad'angprang.Field of exercise, parade-gi'ound. Pambarisau.Fillip (a).Fillip (to).Jintik, pat-ek.Barjintik, pat'ek, mamdt'ek.Fiend, demon. Antu, buta.Film on the eye.Filter, to strain.Balalak, bulur.Tapis, manapis.

FEN -FIE [71] FIE—FILFence <strong>of</strong>F, to ward. Tangkiskan, manangkiskan.Fierce. G^lak, garang, buwaa.Fife (a). Bangsi.Fenced, hedged. Bai-pagflr, tarpagAr. Fifer, fife-player. Kalau.Fenced oiF. Tangkis, Mrtangki.s.Fifteen. Limablas.Feud, to ward. Sanga, maiianga, tangkiskan,Fifteenth. Kalimablas.manangkiskan.Fifth. Kalima, sakalima.Fennel. Adas.Fiftieth. Kalimapuluh.Feni. Paku.Fifty. Limapuluh.Ferocious. Galak, buwas, garang.Fig, <strong>the</strong> common esculent. Anjir.Ferry, to pass over water in a vessel. Fig, a class <strong>of</strong> Indian fig-trees. Ara.Tambang, manambang.Fig-tree (<strong>the</strong> Indian). Bringin.Ferry, to carry over water in a vessel. Fight, to combat. Bilrkalai, prang, barprang,Tambangi, tambangkan.mamrang, mamarang, sabung,Ferry, place ferried at. Pangkalau.maiiabung, adu, maugadu.Ferry-boat. Tambangan.Fight (to cause to). Mamarangkan, sabungkto,Ferryman. Panambang, sipanambang.maiiabungkan, adukan, mang-Fertile, fruitful <strong>of</strong> young. Beyak.adukan.Fertile, fi-uitfiil as soil. Gamuk.Fight (to cause <strong>the</strong> lower animals to fight ).Fervent, vehement. Panas, angat.Palaga, mamlaga.Festal. Raya.Fight, battle, combat. Prang, prangan,Festival, religious anniversary. Ari-basar, papi-angan, sabungan, aduan.ari-raya.Festivity, a feast. Jaga-jaga, paranggapanggapan.Fight (mock).Fighting-cock.Prang-watang.Ayam-sabung.Figment. Boung, lawah.Fetch, to go <strong>and</strong> bring. Pargi-bawa. Figure, form. Chitra, rupa.Fetch, to reach. Sampai.Figure, appearance. Rupa, warna.Fetid, stinking. Busuk.Figure, image. Barahla, patung.Fetid, rank, rancid. Aiiir, aring, bangar. Figure, representation in painting. Pat'a,Fetor, stench. Bau-busuk, bau-auir. gambar, tulisan.Fetter, to shackle. Rantaikau, rantekan, Figure (arithmetical). Angka.miirantaLkfin, marantek^n.Figure, to shape, to form. Chitrakan,Fetters, shackles. Balanggu, sangkala, manchitrakan.Figure, to adorn with figures. Tubs,rantai, rante.Feud, quarrel. Tukaran, pdrbantahan.Fever. D-amam.Fever (remittent or jungle). D'amamkapielu.Fever (intermittent), ague. D'amamkatiga,d'amam-salilng, d-amam-kora.Few, not many or not much. Sadikit.manulis.Filagree.Karangan.Filch, to steal. Churi, manchuri.File, thread. Banang.File, line, series. Baujar, bai-is.File, line <strong>of</strong> soldiers. Bans, barisan.File, <strong>the</strong> tool. Kikir.Fewel, firewood. Kayu-api, kayu-bakar. File, to string. Chuchuk, manchuchuk,Fiat, order, decree. Titai, sabda, prentah.utas, mangutas.File, to smooth with a file. Kikir, mangi-Fib, lie. Bijung, bolak.kir.Fib, to lie. Bilrboung.File <strong>the</strong> teeth (to). Dabung.Fibre (a). Urat.Fill, to make full. Panuhi, panuhkan,Fiction, falsehood. Boung.mamanuhi, mamauuhkan, isi, mangi.si,Fiddle, violin. Harbab, rabab, biyola. isikan, mangisikan.Fiddle-stick. Gisik, gisil.Fill, to load. Saratkan, maiiaratkan, muwati,Fidelity, honesty, loyalty. Tulus, satya,muwatkan.satyawan, kasatyawan.Fill, to content. Puwaskan.Fidgetty. Lisah.Fill, to satiate. Kanangkan, mangaiiangkan.Fie ! Chih, cheh.Field, open plain. Pad'ang, midan.Filled, rejalete. Panuh, isi.Field, gi-oimd enclosed. Patak, patakan. Filled, loaded. Sarat, muwat.Field, cultivated ground. B<strong>and</strong>ang. Filled, content. Puwas.Field (diy arable). Uma, tugar, tagal. Filled, satiated. Kaiiang.Field (watered arable). Sawah.Fillet, b<strong>and</strong> for <strong>the</strong> head. Jamang, bulang.Field <strong>of</strong> battle. Galanggang, pad'angprang.Field <strong>of</strong> exercise, parade-gi'ound. Pambarisau.Fillip (a).Fillip (to).Jintik, pat-ek.Barjintik, pat'ek, mamdt'ek.Fiend, demon. Antu, buta.Film on <strong>the</strong> eye.Filter, to strain.Balalak, bulur.Tapis, manapis.

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