A grammar and dictionary of the Malay language ... - Wallace Online

A grammar and dictionary of the Malay language ... - Wallace Online A grammar and dictionary of the Malay language ... - Wallace Online

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DRA—DRA [56] DRE—DRIDread, fear, terror. Takut, katakutan,dahasat, hibat.Dreadful, terrible. Ngari, ngri, hibanu.Dream (a). Mimpi.Dream (to). Mimpi, b^rmimpi.Dreary, dismal, gloomy. Muram, suram.Dreary, sorrowful. Ngdrana, gond'ah, dukachita.Dredge, dragnet. Pukat.Dreg, sediment, lees. Pakat, tai.Drench, to soak, to steep. Chalub, chillup,manchalup.Drench, draught, swill. Tagor, taguk.Dress, to clothe. Pakai, pake, mamakai,pakaikan, barpakaikan.Dress, to adorn, to deck. Ij'asi, maugiyasi,iyasikan, mangiyasikan.Drag, to pull along the gi'ound. Erod,erot, m&iigerod, seretl, seret, luanered.Drag anchor (to). Larut, malarut.Drag, to draw a fishing uet. Saring,manariug.Dragnet. Pukat.Dragoman. Juru-bahasa, turjaman.Di-agon, fabulous winged serpent of theHindus. Naga.Dragon (Hindu constellation of). Rahu.Dragon's-blood. Jdrnang.Dragon's-blood i-atan. Rotan-jarnang.Drain (a). Alor, parit, salurau, suluran,sdrokan, serokan, salokan, tataug.Di-ake. Itik-jantan.Dram, drachma. Darham.Drama. Wayaug, riuggit.Draught, quantity of liquor drank atonce. Tagor, taguk.Draught, act of drawing. Panarek, pang-Dress, to rectify, to adjust. Bayiki,mambayiki.Dress, to trim by paring. Raw^t.Dress, clothes, garment. Pakaian, pakian.ela.Draught, liquor drank for pleasure. Minuman.Dress (change of). Pilrsalin.Dress of ceremony. Parsalin, parsalinan.Draught, sketch, delineation. Bakal, rauchauasaUni,Dress of ceremony (to invest with). Par-parsalinkan.Draught, picture drawn. Pat 'a, gambar, Dressing, attire. Pakaian, pakian.tulisan.Dressing, ornament. Pariyasan.Draught, to sketch. Ranchanakan. Dribble, to fall in drops. Mauitik, chichir,Draught, to draw, to paint. Tulis, manulis,manchichir.gambar.Drift, scoi^e.Buiai.Draught-board. Apit-apitan, papan-chuke. Drift, to float at random. Aunt, nifliigaiiut,Draughts (the game of). Chuke, juke.keli, milngeli.Draughtsman. Tukang-gambar.Drift, a float. Ampang.Draw, to pull. Tarek, manarek, ela, Drift, to drag anchor. Larut.mdngela.Drifted, adrift. Tonda, taranut.Draw, to drag. Ered, eret, maugered, Drill, to pierce with a drill. Gerek,sered, seret.manggerek.Draw, to inhale. Tarek, manarek.Drill (a). Panggerek.Draw, to pull from the scabbard. Tarek, Drill, military exercise. Baris, barisati,manarek, unus, mangunus.pambarisan.Draw, to pull out. Unus, mangunus. Drill, to discipline troops. Baris, mambaris.Draw, to protract, as in making wire.Unus, mangunus.Drink (to). Minum.Draw, to extract. Kaluwarkfin, mangluwarkan.Drink, liquor. Minuman.Drink, strong liquors. Miniunan.Draw, to unclose latei-ally as a curtain. Drinker. Paminum.Sangkab, sangkap, mduangkap, singkab,Bingkap, maiiingkap.Drip, to fiill in drops.manchichir.Manitik, chichir,Draw, to pluck out. Chabut, maiichabut, Drive, to urge on. Alau, m.lngalau, alaumanabut.kan, mangalaukftn.Draw, to haul a net. Saring, msiuaring. Drive, to chace. Buru, mambuni, anil)at„Draw, to delineate. Ranchanakan, tulis, mangambat, usir, mangusir.m.lnulis, gambar, manggambar.Drive, to urge to speed. Pachu, mamachu.Draw near, to approach. Mangampir,dmpiri, mftiig/impiri.Drive, to guide a horse or carriage.Draw water (to). Timba, manimba, Mangdbftla, mdngapala, mdngiilau,chibu, mdnchibu.raangalaukfin.Draw-bridge. Jungkritan.Drive, to ram. Lantak, malantak.Drawers, trowsers. Ch.llana, sixluwar. Drive as a nail or peg. Pantek, mamantek.Drawing, act of drawing, draught. Panarek.Drawing, delineation. Pafa, gambar, tulisan.Drive into the ground.Drive back, to repel.Tatak, nidnatak.Tolak, manolak.Drive off, to fence off.Tangkisk.ln.

DRI—DRY [57] DRY—DUNDrivel, slaver. Liyor, ayar-liyor.Driver (a). Pangalaii.Di-iver, charioteer. Gabala, gambala,gubala, kabala.Drizzle, small rain. Aj-ar-buboh, grimis.Drizzle, continuous small rain. Raiiai.Droll, a buffoon. Bad'ud, baiiol.Droll, to jest. Barchura, barsanda, barjanaka.Drollery. Chura, janaka, sanda.Drone, to hum. Ddngung, bardflngiing,Dry, to exsiccate.Kringkan, mangaringkfin.Dry, to exsiccate by the heat of the sun.Jamur, manjamur.Dry, to exsiccate by artificial heat.Layor,m.ilayor.Dry up, to dry spontaneously. 8idai,m^iiidai.Dry meat, to cure it by smoking. Salai,miliialai.Dry up, to wither. Burns, mamburus.Dry field, land not irrigated. Tugar,uma, tagal.Diy land, not water. D'arat, d-aratan.saring, maiiaring.Droop, to pine, to languish. Ngangut.Droop, to fade as a plant. Layu, nirmala.Drop, fluid globule. Titik.Dry nurse.Dry weather.Inang-p^ngasuh.Kamarau.Drop, to fall in drops. Manitik, chichir, Dubious, ambiguous. Rajan.mdnchichir.Dubious, doubtful. Mamang.Drop, to fall from a higher place. Jatuh,manjatuh, tiba, mfiniba.Ducatoon, Dutch coin of 5s. 6(1. nearly.Katun.Drop, to sink. Timpa, manimpa. Duck (domestic). Itik, bebek.Drop, to fall untimely. Gugur, manggugur.Duck, Javanese teal. Mliwis.Duck, to dive. Salam, manalam.Drop, to cause to fall untimely. Gngurkto,Duckling. Anak-itik, anak-bebek.mangugurkan.Ductile, flexible. Lamah, Mmbut.Drop, to shed. Luroh.Due, owed. Utang, tdnitang, banitang.Drop, to let fall. Labuh, malabuh, barlabuh,Due, exact. Batul, banAr, tapat, ram-labuhk.ln.bang.Drop, to let go. Luchut, maluchut, Due, proper, fit. Patut.lapas, malapas, lapaskan, malapaskan. Due, custom, tribute. C^hukai, chuke,Dropping, shedding. Barlurohan.beya.Dropsy of the abdomen. Busung-ayfLr. Due, right. Ha.1:Dross, refuse. Ampas, kumbi, tai. Duenna. Inang-jiangasuh.Drought, dry weather. Kamarau. Dug. Susuh.Drought, want of moistm'e. Kakringan. Dugong, the lamantin. Duyung.Drought, thiret. Aus, daaga.Dulcet, sweet to the taste. Manis, .^ad-flp.Drove, a number of cattle. Kawan. Dulcet, melodious. Mardu.Drown, to be drowned. Tang^lam, karam,Dull, doltish. Bod'o, babal, donga.mangai-am.Dull, not quick. Banak, tagar.Drown (to). Tangtllamkan, kardmkan, Dull, awkward. Kaku.mS.ngaramkan.Dull, heavy, sluggish. Langai, rajuk.Drowsy, sleepy. Arip.Dull, sad. Langung.Drowsy (to be). Mangarip.Dull, not bright, obscure. Murdm, surjlm.Drub, to thi'ash, to bang. Balun, mftmbalun,Dull, blunt. Tampul.godam, manggodam.Dull of hearing. Bangal.Drug, medicine. Ubat, jampi.Dulness, stupidity. Babalan, kababalan.Drum (a). Gaud'ang, kand'an, gandarang,Duly, fitly. Patut, dangan-patutna.rftdap, rabaua, t'ambur.Drum for beating the watches. Bad'ug,Dumb, without power of speaking. Bisu,kaiu.tabuh, tatag, nagara, nakara.Dumb, silent. Diyslm.Drum (royal). Nobat.Dumbness, incapacity of speaking. Bisu,Drum, to beat a drum. Palu, mamalu, bisuan, kalu.tampar, manampar. (These verbs must Dun colour in a horse. Janjang.be followed by the name of the particularDun, dark, gloomy. Mur^m, suram.instrument struck.)Dun, to claim a debt importiinatoly.Drum barrel. Baluh.Tagih, managih.Drunk, inebriated. Mabuk, mandam, Dunce, dolt. Bod'o, donga.Dung, animal excrement. Tai.xiali.Drunkard. Pamabukan.Dung, manure. Baja, talapong.Drj', arid, not wet. Kring.Dung, to evacuate the bowels. Behrak.Dry, not succulent. Mangkas,/tajat, ial'a.Dry, thirsty. Aus, daaga.Dung, to manure. Mambaja.Dry, hard, severe. Kras, prangprus. Dungeon. Panjara, kunjara, konjara.

DRA—DRA [56] DRE—DRIDread, fear, terror. Takut, katakutan,dahasat, hibat.Dreadful, terrible. Ngari, ngri, hibanu.Dream (a). Mimpi.Dream (to). Mimpi, b^rmimpi.Dreary, dismal, gloomy. Muram, suram.Dreary, sorrowful. Ngdrana, gond'ah, dukachita.Dredge, dragnet. Pukat.Dreg, sediment, lees. Pakat, tai.Drench, to soak, to steep. Chalub, chillup,manchalup.Drench, draught, swill. Tagor, taguk.Dress, to clo<strong>the</strong>. Pakai, pake, mamakai,pakaikan, barpakaikan.Dress, to adorn, to deck. Ij'asi, maugiyasi,iyasikan, mangiyasikan.Drag, to pull along <strong>the</strong> gi'ound. Erod,erot, m&iigerod, seretl, seret, luanered.Drag anchor (to). Larut, malarut.Drag, to draw a fishing uet. Saring,manariug.Dragnet. Pukat.Dragoman. Juru-bahasa, turjaman.Di-agon, fabulous winged serpent <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong>Hindus. Naga.Dragon (Hindu constellation <strong>of</strong>). Rahu.Dragon's-blood. Jdrnang.Dragon's-blood i-atan. Rotan-jarnang.Drain (a). Alor, parit, salurau, suluran,sdrokan, serokan, salokan, tataug.Di-ake. Itik-jantan.Dram, drachma. Darham.Drama. Wayaug, riuggit.Draught, quantity <strong>of</strong> liquor drank atonce. Tagor, taguk.Draught, act <strong>of</strong> drawing. Panarek, pang-Dress, to rectify, to adjust. Bayiki,mambayiki.Dress, to trim by paring. Raw^t.Dress, clo<strong>the</strong>s, garment. Pakaian, pakian.ela.Draught, liquor drank for pleasure. Minuman.Dress (change <strong>of</strong>). Pilrsalin.Dress <strong>of</strong> ceremony. Parsalin, parsalinan.Draught, sketch, delineation. Bakal, rauchauasaUni,Dress <strong>of</strong> ceremony (to invest with). Par-parsalinkan.Draught, picture drawn. Pat 'a, gambar, Dressing, attire. Pakaian, pakian.tulisan.Dressing, ornament. Pariyasan.Draught, to sketch. Ranchanakan. Dribble, to fall in drops. Mauitik, chichir,Draught, to draw, to paint. Tulis, manulis,manchichir.gambar.Drift, scoi^e.Buiai.Draught-board. Apit-apitan, papan-chuke. Drift, to float at r<strong>and</strong>om. Aunt, nifliigaiiut,Draughts (<strong>the</strong> game <strong>of</strong>). Chuke, juke.keli, milngeli.Draughtsman. Tukang-gambar.Drift, a float. Ampang.Draw, to pull. Tarek, manarek, ela, Drift, to drag anchor. Larut.mdngela.Drifted, adrift. Tonda, taranut.Draw, to drag. Ered, eret, maugered, Drill, to pierce with a drill. Gerek,sered, seret.manggerek.Draw, to inhale. Tarek, manarek.Drill (a). Panggerek.Draw, to pull from <strong>the</strong> scabbard. Tarek, Drill, military exercise. Baris, barisati,manarek, unus, mangunus.pambarisan.Draw, to pull out. Unus, mangunus. Drill, to discipline troops. Baris, mambaris.Draw, to protract, as in making wire.Unus, mangunus.Drink (to). Minum.Draw, to extract. Kaluwarkfin, mangluwarkan.Drink, liquor. Minuman.Drink, strong liquors. Miniunan.Draw, to unclose latei-ally as a curtain. Drinker. Paminum.Sangkab, sangkap, mduangkap, singkab,Bingkap, maiiingkap.Drip, to fiill in drops.manchichir.Manitik, chichir,Draw, to pluck out. Chabut, maiichabut, Drive, to urge on. Alau, m.lngalau, alaumanabut.kan, mangalaukftn.Draw, to haul a net. Saring, msiuaring. Drive, to chace. Buru, mambuni, anil)at„Draw, to delineate. Ranchanakan, tulis, mangambat, usir, mangusir.m.lnulis, gambar, manggambar.Drive, to urge to speed. Pachu, mamachu.Draw near, to approach. Mangampir,dmpiri, mftiig/impiri.Drive, to guide a horse or carriage.Draw water (to). Timba, manimba, Mangdbftla, mdngapala, mdngiilau,chibu, mdnchibu.raangalaukfin.Draw-bridge. Jungkritan.Drive, to ram. Lantak, malantak.Drawers, trowsers. Ch.llana, sixluwar. Drive as a nail or peg. Pantek, mamantek.Drawing, act <strong>of</strong> drawing, draught. Panarek.Drawing, delineation. Pafa, gambar, tulisan.Drive into <strong>the</strong> ground.Drive back, to repel.Tatak, nidnatak.Tolak, manolak.Drive <strong>of</strong>f, to fence <strong>of</strong>f.Tangkisk.ln.

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