A grammar and dictionary of the Malay language ... - Wallace Online

A grammar and dictionary of the Malay language ... - Wallace Online

A grammar and dictionary of the Malay language ... - Wallace Online

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BAX—BAR [17] BAR—BAEBangkulon(jAV). 'Westerii region ; countryto <strong>the</strong> west ; from kulon, " <strong>the</strong> west."Bangkuwang. Name <strong>of</strong> a plant, Pachyrrhizmanf/ulalus.Banglor (jav). Nor<strong>the</strong>rn region, countryto <strong>the</strong> north ; from lor, "<strong>the</strong> nox-th."Bango (j). Name <strong>of</strong> a species <strong>of</strong> stork,Ciconia capellata ; Tern.Bangsa (s). Race, family, tribe, caste.Bangsal (j). A shed ; an outhouse ; astorehouse ; a workshop ; a porcha covered pas.sage.Bangsat (j). Rogue, knave, vagabond ;a term <strong>of</strong> abuse.Bangsawan (bangsa). Well-born, noble.Bangsi (s). A musical pipe, a flute.Bangun (j). To arise, to get up ; toawake, to arise from sleep ; image,likeness, shape, form ; a fine for murder.Bangunan. Rise, act <strong>of</strong> rising ; erection ;edifice, building.Bangun-bangunan. A watch-tower.Bangunna. Upshot, final event.Bangunkan. To cause to arise, to raise ;to erect, to construct ; to rouse, toawake from rest ; to design, to plan,to model.Bangwetan (jav). Eastern region, countryto <strong>the</strong> east; from wetan, <strong>the</strong> "east."Baiiak (j). The goose, Amer.Baiiak. Many ; much ; number, multitude;quantity; very, in a greatdegree.Baiiak-kali. Often, many times.Baiiaki. To make many ; to multiply,to increase.Baiiak-banaki. To overpower by numbers; to execute by power <strong>of</strong> numbersto outnumber.Baiiol (jav). X jester, a droll, a buffoon.Bafiul. Name <strong>of</strong> a bird.Baiiumas (jav). Name <strong>of</strong> a central province<strong>of</strong> Java; literally, "<strong>the</strong> goldenwater."Bariuwangi (jav).Name <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> district<strong>of</strong> Blambangan, <strong>the</strong> most easterly province<strong>of</strong> Java; literally, "<strong>the</strong> sweetscentedwater."Baiiuwati (s). Name <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> queen <strong>of</strong>Suyudana, in <strong>the</strong> Mahabarat.Bapa (j). Fa<strong>the</strong>r ; in Javanese, also," gold."Bapak (j). Fa<strong>the</strong>r ; v. Bapa.Bara. A live coal.Barah. A boil, an imposthume.Baram. Name <strong>of</strong> a salient headl<strong>and</strong> on<strong>the</strong> north-western coast <strong>of</strong> Borneo.Barang (j). A thing ; effects, goods ; any,every ; some ; ever, soever ; about,<strong>the</strong>reabouts, nearly; may, expressingdesire ; ordinary, <strong>of</strong> common rank.Barang-barang. Goods, effects, chattels ;common, ordinary.Barang-apa. Something ; any thing.Barang-barapa. Some, more or less,more or fewer.Barang-kali (j <strong>and</strong> s). Sometimes, now<strong>and</strong> <strong>the</strong>n ;perhaps, may be.Barang-kamana. Wherever, whi<strong>the</strong>rsoever; whi<strong>the</strong>r.Barang-keraiia. May, expressing desire.Barang-mpafia (j <strong>and</strong> s). lu any sortsoever, any how.Barang-sabagaiiia. Any sort, any kindwhatever.Barang-sadapat. Whatever by possibility.sadikit. However little, ever solittle.Barang-sakutika (j <strong>and</strong> s). In about amoment.Barang-sakuwasa. According to ability.Barang-saorang. Any body, any person.Barang-saparkara (j <strong>and</strong> s). Anywise.Barang-siapa. Whoever, whosoever.Barang-suwatu. Any one.Barat. The west.Barat-daya. The south-west; perhaps,literally, " <strong>the</strong> wily west."Barat-laut. The north-west; literally,"<strong>the</strong> ocean west."Barat-samata-utara. West - north - westliterally, "<strong>the</strong> west, one eye or pointnorth."Barat-samata-s^latan. West-south-westliterally, " <strong>the</strong> west, one point south."Barat-tapat. Due west ; literally, " directwest."Baratmajwa (s).Name <strong>of</strong> a country mentionedin Javanese romance, supposedto be in Hindustan.Bargawastra (s). The weapon <strong>of</strong> Bimain <strong>the</strong> Mahabarat.Bari-bari. A dragon-fly.Barida (s).Age, old age.Baring. To recline, to lie down ; to rest,to repose.Baringkan. To put to rest, to put torepose.Baris (j). A line, a streak ; a row, arank, a file ; troops ; <strong>the</strong> vowel marka<strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> alphabet.Barisan. A parade, a place where troopsare exercised; <strong>the</strong> exercise <strong>of</strong> troops,drill.Barot. To gird, to bind round.Baru-gunung (j. waru-gunung). Name <strong>of</strong>a tree, Paritium. simile.Baru-l<strong>and</strong>ak (j). Name <strong>of</strong> a tree, Alelmoschusmutabilis.Baru-laut (j). Name <strong>of</strong> a tree, <strong>the</strong> bark<strong>of</strong> which yields a material for cordage,Paritium tiliaceum.Baru-baru. Name <strong>of</strong> a bird.Baruna (s). Varuna, <strong>the</strong> Hindu regent

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